blob: e369f4600ab63ba7ab95d21fd8e0dbcb593a67de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package diff
import (
// maxDiffs is a limit on how deeply the lcs algorithm should search
// the value is just a guess
const maxDiffs = 30
// Strings computes the differences between two strings.
// (Both it and the diff in the myers package have type ComputeEdits, which
// is why the arguments are strings, not []bytes.)
// TODO(adonovan): opt: consider switching everything to []bytes, if
// that's the more common type in practice. Or provide both flavors?
func Strings(uri span.URI, before, after string) []TextEdit {
if before == after {
// very frequently true
return nil
// the diffs returned by the lcs package use indexes into whatever slice
// was passed in. TextEdits need a span.Span which is computed with
// byte offsets, so rune or line offsets need to be converted.
// TODO(adonovan): opt: eliminate all the unnecessary allocations.
if needrunes(before) || needrunes(after) {
diffs, _ := lcs.Compute([]rune(before), []rune(after), maxDiffs/2)
diffs = runeOffsets(diffs, []rune(before))
return convertDiffs(uri, diffs, []byte(before))
} else {
diffs, _ := lcs.Compute([]byte(before), []byte(after), maxDiffs/2)
return convertDiffs(uri, diffs, []byte(before))
// Lines computes the differences between two list of lines.
// TODO(adonovan): unused except by its test. Do we actually need it?
func Lines(uri span.URI, before, after []string) []TextEdit {
diffs, _ := lcs.Compute(before, after, maxDiffs/2)
diffs = lineOffsets(diffs, before)
return convertDiffs(uri, diffs, []byte(strJoin(before)))
// the code is not coping with possible missing \ns at the ends
// convert diffs with byte offsets into diffs with line and column
func convertDiffs(uri span.URI, diffs []lcs.Diff, src []byte) []TextEdit {
ans := make([]TextEdit, len(diffs))
// Reuse the machinery of go/token to convert (content, offset) to (line, column).
tf := token.NewFileSet().AddFile("", -1, len(src))
offsetToPoint := func(offset int) span.Point {
// Re-use span.ToPosition's EOF workaround.
// It is infallible if the diffs are consistent with src.
line, col, err := span.ToPosition(tf, offset)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("invalid offset: %v", err)
return span.NewPoint(line, col, offset)
for i, d := range diffs {
start := offsetToPoint(d.Start)
end := start
if d.End != d.Start {
end = offsetToPoint(d.End)
ans[i] = TextEdit{span.New(uri, start, end), d.Text}
return ans
// convert diffs with rune offsets into diffs with byte offsets
func runeOffsets(diffs []lcs.Diff, src []rune) []lcs.Diff {
var idx int
var tmp strings.Builder // string because []byte([]rune) is illegal
for i, d := range diffs {
v := tmp.Len()
d.Start = v
idx = d.End
d.End = tmp.Len()
diffs[i] = d
return diffs
// convert diffs with line offsets into diffs with byte offsets
func lineOffsets(diffs []lcs.Diff, src []string) []lcs.Diff {
var idx int
var tmp strings.Builder // bytes/
for i, d := range diffs {
v := tmp.Len()
d.Start = v
idx = d.End
d.End = tmp.Len()
diffs[i] = d
return diffs
// join lines. (strings.Join doesn't add a trailing separator)
func strJoin(elems []string) string {
if len(elems) == 0 {
return ""
n := 0
for i := 0; i < len(elems); i++ {
n += len(elems[i])
var b strings.Builder
for _, s := range elems {
return b.String()
// need runes is true if the string needs to be converted to []rune
// for random access
func needrunes(s string) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] >= utf8.RuneSelf {
return true
return false