blob: 7dfc31a37d7c02f5ed3b0042bc89f2ce6e8578f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Indexed package export.
// The indexed export data format is an evolution of the previous
// binary export data format. Its chief contribution is introducing an
// index table, which allows efficient random access of individual
// declarations and inline function bodies. In turn, this allows
// avoiding unnecessary work for compilation units that import large
// packages.
// The top-level data format is structured as:
// Header struct {
// Tag byte // 'i'
// Version uvarint
// StringSize uvarint
// DataSize uvarint
// }
// Strings [StringSize]byte
// Data [DataSize]byte
// MainIndex []struct{
// PkgPath stringOff
// PkgName stringOff
// PkgHeight uvarint
// Decls []struct{
// Name stringOff
// Offset declOff
// }
// }
// Fingerprint [8]byte
// uvarint means a uint64 written out using uvarint encoding.
// []T means a uvarint followed by that many T objects. In other
// words:
// Len uvarint
// Elems [Len]T
// stringOff means a uvarint that indicates an offset within the
// Strings section. At that offset is another uvarint, followed by
// that many bytes, which form the string value.
// declOff means a uvarint that indicates an offset within the Data
// section where the associated declaration can be found.
// There are five kinds of declarations, distinguished by their first
// byte:
// type Var struct {
// Tag byte // 'V'
// Pos Pos
// Type typeOff
// }
// type Func struct {
// Tag byte // 'F' or 'G'
// Pos Pos
// TypeParams []typeOff // only present if Tag == 'G'
// Signature Signature
// }
// type Const struct {
// Tag byte // 'C'
// Pos Pos
// Value Value
// }
// type Type struct {
// Tag byte // 'T' or 'U'
// Pos Pos
// TypeParams []typeOff // only present if Tag == 'U'
// Underlying typeOff
// Methods []struct{ // omitted if Underlying is an interface type
// Pos Pos
// Name stringOff
// Recv Param
// Signature Signature
// }
// }
// type Alias struct {
// Tag byte // 'A' or 'B'
// Pos Pos
// TypeParams []typeOff // only present if Tag == 'B'
// Type typeOff
// }
// // "Automatic" declaration of each typeparam
// type TypeParam struct {
// Tag byte // 'P'
// Pos Pos
// Implicit bool
// Constraint typeOff
// }
// typeOff means a uvarint that either indicates a predeclared type,
// or an offset into the Data section. If the uvarint is less than
// predeclReserved, then it indicates the index into the predeclared
// types list (see predeclared in bexport.go for order). Otherwise,
// subtracting predeclReserved yields the offset of a type descriptor.
// Value means a type, kind, and type-specific value. See
// (*exportWriter).value for details.
// There are twelve kinds of type descriptors, distinguished by an itag:
// type DefinedType struct {
// Tag itag // definedType
// Name stringOff
// PkgPath stringOff
// }
// type PointerType struct {
// Tag itag // pointerType
// Elem typeOff
// }
// type SliceType struct {
// Tag itag // sliceType
// Elem typeOff
// }
// type ArrayType struct {
// Tag itag // arrayType
// Len uint64
// Elem typeOff
// }
// type ChanType struct {
// Tag itag // chanType
// Dir uint64 // 1 RecvOnly; 2 SendOnly; 3 SendRecv
// Elem typeOff
// }
// type MapType struct {
// Tag itag // mapType
// Key typeOff
// Elem typeOff
// }
// type FuncType struct {
// Tag itag // signatureType
// PkgPath stringOff
// Signature Signature
// }
// type StructType struct {
// Tag itag // structType
// PkgPath stringOff
// Fields []struct {
// Pos Pos
// Name stringOff
// Type typeOff
// Embedded bool
// Note stringOff
// }
// }
// type InterfaceType struct {
// Tag itag // interfaceType
// PkgPath stringOff
// Embeddeds []struct {
// Pos Pos
// Type typeOff
// }
// Methods []struct {
// Pos Pos
// Name stringOff
// Signature Signature
// }
// }
// // Reference to a type param declaration
// type TypeParamType struct {
// Tag itag // typeParamType
// Name stringOff
// PkgPath stringOff
// }
// // Instantiation of a generic type (like List[T2] or List[int])
// type InstanceType struct {
// Tag itag // instanceType
// Pos pos
// TypeArgs []typeOff
// BaseType typeOff
// }
// type UnionType struct {
// Tag itag // interfaceType
// Terms []struct {
// tilde bool
// Type typeOff
// }
// }
// type Signature struct {
// Params []Param
// Results []Param
// Variadic bool // omitted if Results is empty
// }
// type Param struct {
// Pos Pos
// Name stringOff
// Type typOff
// }
// Pos encodes a file:line:column triple, incorporating a simple delta
// encoding scheme within a data object. See exportWriter.pos for
// details.
package gcimporter
import (
// IExportShallow encodes "shallow" export data for the specified package.
// For types, we use "shallow" export data. Historically, the Go
// compiler always produced a summary of the types for a given package
// that included types from other packages that it indirectly
// referenced: "deep" export data. This had the advantage that the
// compiler (and analogous tools such as gopls) need only load one
// file per direct import. However, it meant that the files tended to
// get larger based on the level of the package in the import
// graph. For example, higher-level packages in the kubernetes module
// have over 1MB of "deep" export data, even when they have almost no
// content of their own, merely because they mention a major type that
// references many others. In pathological cases the export data was
// 300x larger than the source for a package due to this quadratic
// growth.
// "Shallow" export data means that the serialized types describe only
// a single package. If those types mention types from other packages,
// the type checker may need to request additional packages beyond
// just the direct imports. Type information for the entire transitive
// closure of imports is provided (lazily) by the DAG.
// No promises are made about the encoding other than that it can be decoded by
// the same version of IIExportShallow. If you plan to save export data in the
// file system, be sure to include a cryptographic digest of the executable in
// the key to avoid version skew.
// If the provided reportf func is non-nil, it will be used for reporting bugs
// encountered during export.
// TODO(rfindley): remove reportf when we are confident enough in the new
// objectpath encoding.
func IExportShallow(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *types.Package, reportf ReportFunc) ([]byte, error) {
// In principle this operation can only fail if out.Write fails,
// but that's impossible for bytes.Buffer---and as a matter of
// fact iexportCommon doesn't even check for I/O errors.
// TODO(adonovan): handle I/O errors properly.
// TODO(adonovan): use byte slices throughout, avoiding copying.
const bundle, shallow = false, true
var out bytes.Buffer
err := iexportCommon(&out, fset, bundle, shallow, iexportVersion, []*types.Package{pkg})
return out.Bytes(), err
// IImportShallow decodes "shallow" types.Package data encoded by
// [IExportShallow] in the same executable. This function cannot import data
// from cmd/compile or gcexportdata.Write.
// The importer calls getPackages to obtain package symbols for all
// packages mentioned in the export data, including the one being
// decoded.
// If the provided reportf func is non-nil, it will be used for reporting bugs
// encountered during import.
// TODO(rfindley): remove reportf when we are confident enough in the new
// objectpath encoding.
func IImportShallow(fset *token.FileSet, getPackages GetPackagesFunc, data []byte, path string, reportf ReportFunc) (*types.Package, error) {
const bundle = false
const shallow = true
pkgs, err := iimportCommon(fset, getPackages, data, bundle, path, shallow, reportf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return pkgs[0], nil
// ReportFunc is the type of a function used to report formatted bugs.
type ReportFunc = func(string, ...interface{})
// Current bundled export format version. Increase with each format change.
// 0: initial implementation
const bundleVersion = 0
// IExportData writes indexed export data for pkg to out.
// If no file set is provided, position info will be missing.
// The package path of the top-level package will not be recorded,
// so that calls to IImportData can override with a provided package path.
func IExportData(out io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, pkg *types.Package) error {
const bundle, shallow = false, false
return iexportCommon(out, fset, bundle, shallow, iexportVersion, []*types.Package{pkg})
// IExportBundle writes an indexed export bundle for pkgs to out.
func IExportBundle(out io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, pkgs []*types.Package) error {
const bundle, shallow = true, false
return iexportCommon(out, fset, bundle, shallow, iexportVersion, pkgs)
func iexportCommon(out io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, bundle, shallow bool, version int, pkgs []*types.Package) (err error) {
if !debug {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
if ierr, ok := e.(internalError); ok {
err = ierr
// Not an internal error; panic again.
p := iexporter{
fset: fset,
version: version,
shallow: shallow,
allPkgs: map[*types.Package]bool{},
stringIndex: map[string]uint64{},
declIndex: map[types.Object]uint64{},
tparamNames: map[types.Object]string{},
typIndex: map[types.Type]uint64{},
if !bundle {
p.localpkg = pkgs[0]
for i, pt := range predeclared() {
p.typIndex[pt] = uint64(i)
if len(p.typIndex) > predeclReserved {
panic(internalErrorf("too many predeclared types: %d > %d", len(p.typIndex), predeclReserved))
// Initialize work queue with exported declarations.
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
scope := pkg.Scope()
for _, name := range scope.Names() {
if token.IsExported(name) {
if bundle {
// Ensure pkg and its imports are included in the index.
p.allPkgs[pkg] = true
for _, imp := range pkg.Imports() {
p.allPkgs[imp] = true
// Loop until no more work.
for !p.declTodo.empty() {
// Produce index of offset of each file record in files.
var files intWriter
var fileOffset []uint64 // fileOffset[i] is offset in files of file encoded as i
if p.shallow {
fileOffset = make([]uint64, len(p.fileInfos))
for i, info := range p.fileInfos {
fileOffset[i] = uint64(files.Len())
p.encodeFile(&files, info.file, info.needed)
// Append indices to data0 section.
dataLen := uint64(p.data0.Len())
w := p.newWriter()
if bundle {
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
imps := pkg.Imports()
for _, imp := range imps {
// Assemble header.
var hdr intWriter
if bundle {
if p.shallow {
for _, offset := range fileOffset {
// Flush output.
io.Copy(out, &hdr)
io.Copy(out, &p.strings)
if p.shallow {
io.Copy(out, &files)
io.Copy(out, &p.data0)
return nil
// encodeFile writes to w a representation of the file sufficient to
// faithfully restore position information about all needed offsets.
// Mutates the needed array.
func (p *iexporter) encodeFile(w *intWriter, file *token.File, needed []uint64) {
_ = needed[0] // precondition: needed is non-empty
size := uint64(file.Size())
// Sort the set of needed offsets. Duplicates are harmless.
sort.Slice(needed, func(i, j int) bool { return needed[i] < needed[j] })
lines := file.Lines() // byte offset of each line start
// Rather than record the entire array of line start offsets,
// we save only a sparse list of (index, offset) pairs for
// the start of each line that contains a needed position.
var sparse [][2]int // (index, offset) pairs
for i, lineStart := range lines {
lineEnd := size
if i < len(lines)-1 {
lineEnd = uint64(lines[i+1])
// Does this line contains a needed offset?
if needed[0] < lineEnd {
sparse = append(sparse, [2]int{i, lineStart})
for needed[0] < lineEnd {
needed = needed[1:]
if len(needed) == 0 {
break outer
// Delta-encode the columns.
var prev [2]int
for _, pair := range sparse {
w.uint64(uint64(pair[0] - prev[0]))
w.uint64(uint64(pair[1] - prev[1]))
prev = pair
// writeIndex writes out an object index. mainIndex indicates whether
// we're writing out the main index, which is also read by
// non-compiler tools and includes a complete package description
// (i.e., name and height).
func (w *exportWriter) writeIndex(index map[types.Object]uint64) {
type pkgObj struct {
obj types.Object
name string // qualified name; differs from obj.Name for type params
// Build a map from packages to objects from that package.
pkgObjs := map[*types.Package][]pkgObj{}
// For the main index, make sure to include every package that
// we reference, even if we're not exporting (or reexporting)
// any symbols from it.
if w.p.localpkg != nil {
pkgObjs[w.p.localpkg] = nil
for pkg := range w.p.allPkgs {
pkgObjs[pkg] = nil
for obj := range index {
name := w.p.exportName(obj)
pkgObjs[obj.Pkg()] = append(pkgObjs[obj.Pkg()], pkgObj{obj, name})
var pkgs []*types.Package
for pkg, objs := range pkgObjs {
pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg)
sort.Slice(objs, func(i, j int) bool {
return objs[i].name < objs[j].name
sort.Slice(pkgs, func(i, j int) bool {
return w.exportPath(pkgs[i]) < w.exportPath(pkgs[j])
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
w.uint64(uint64(0)) // package height is not needed for go/types
objs := pkgObjs[pkg]
for _, obj := range objs {
// exportName returns the 'exported' name of an object. It differs from
// obj.Name() only for type parameters (see tparamExportName for details).
func (p *iexporter) exportName(obj types.Object) (res string) {
if name := p.tparamNames[obj]; name != "" {
return name
return obj.Name()
type iexporter struct {
fset *token.FileSet
out *bytes.Buffer
version int
shallow bool // don't put types from other packages in the index
objEncoder *objectpath.Encoder // encodes objects from other packages in shallow mode; lazily allocated
localpkg *types.Package // (nil in bundle mode)
// allPkgs tracks all packages that have been referenced by
// the export data, so we can ensure to include them in the
// main index.
allPkgs map[*types.Package]bool
declTodo objQueue
strings intWriter
stringIndex map[string]uint64
// In shallow mode, object positions are encoded as (file, offset).
// Each file is recorded as a line-number table.
// Only the lines of needed positions are saved faithfully.
fileInfo map[*token.File]uint64 // value is index in fileInfos
fileInfos []*filePositions
data0 intWriter
declIndex map[types.Object]uint64
tparamNames map[types.Object]string // typeparam->exported name
typIndex map[types.Type]uint64
indent int // for tracing support
type filePositions struct {
file *token.File
needed []uint64 // unordered list of needed file offsets
func (p *iexporter) trace(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if !trace {
// Call sites should also be guarded, but having this check here allows
// easily enabling/disabling debug trace statements.
fmt.Printf(strings.Repeat("..", p.indent)+format+"\n", args...)
// objectpathEncoder returns the lazily allocated objectpath.Encoder to use
// when encoding objects in other packages during shallow export.
// Using a shared Encoder amortizes some of cost of objectpath search.
func (p *iexporter) objectpathEncoder() *objectpath.Encoder {
if p.objEncoder == nil {
p.objEncoder = new(objectpath.Encoder)
return p.objEncoder
// stringOff returns the offset of s within the string section.
// If not already present, it's added to the end.
func (p *iexporter) stringOff(s string) uint64 {
off, ok := p.stringIndex[s]
if !ok {
off = uint64(p.strings.Len())
p.stringIndex[s] = off
return off
// fileIndexAndOffset returns the index of the token.File and the byte offset of pos within it.
func (p *iexporter) fileIndexAndOffset(file *token.File, pos token.Pos) (uint64, uint64) {
index, ok := p.fileInfo[file]
if !ok {
index = uint64(len(p.fileInfo))
p.fileInfos = append(p.fileInfos, &filePositions{file: file})
if p.fileInfo == nil {
p.fileInfo = make(map[*token.File]uint64)
p.fileInfo[file] = index
// Record each needed offset.
info := p.fileInfos[index]
offset := uint64(file.Offset(pos))
info.needed = append(info.needed, offset)
return index, offset
// pushDecl adds n to the declaration work queue, if not already present.
func (p *iexporter) pushDecl(obj types.Object) {
// Package unsafe is known to the compiler and predeclared.
// Caller should not ask us to do export it.
if obj.Pkg() == types.Unsafe {
panic("cannot export package unsafe")
// Shallow export data: don't index decls from other packages.
if p.shallow && obj.Pkg() != p.localpkg {
if _, ok := p.declIndex[obj]; ok {
p.declIndex[obj] = ^uint64(0) // mark obj present in work queue
// exportWriter handles writing out individual data section chunks.
type exportWriter struct {
p *iexporter
data intWriter
prevFile string
prevLine int64
prevColumn int64
func (w *exportWriter) exportPath(pkg *types.Package) string {
if pkg == w.p.localpkg {
return ""
return pkg.Path()
func (p *iexporter) doDecl(obj types.Object) {
if trace {
p.trace("exporting decl %v (%T)", obj, obj)
defer func() {
p.trace("=> %s", obj)
w := p.newWriter()
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *types.Var:
w.typ(obj.Type(), obj.Pkg())
case *types.Func:
sig, _ := obj.Type().(*types.Signature)
if sig.Recv() != nil {
// We shouldn't see methods in the package scope,
// but the type checker may repair "func () F() {}"
// to "func (Invalid) F()" and then treat it like "func F()",
// so allow that. See golang/go#57729.
if sig.Recv().Type() != types.Typ[types.Invalid] {
panic(internalErrorf("unexpected method: %v", sig))
// Function.
if sig.TypeParams().Len() == 0 {
} else {
// The tparam list of the function type is the declaration of the type
// params. So, write out the type params right now. Then those type params
// will be referenced via their type offset (via typOff) in all other
// places in the signature and function where they are used.
// While importing the type parameters, tparamList computes and records
// their export name, so that it can be later used when writing the index.
if tparams := sig.TypeParams(); tparams.Len() > 0 {
w.tparamList(obj.Name(), tparams, obj.Pkg())
case *types.Const:
w.value(obj.Type(), obj.Val())
case *types.TypeName:
t := obj.Type()
if tparam, ok := types.Unalias(t).(*types.TypeParam); ok {
constraint := tparam.Constraint()
if p.version >= iexportVersionGo1_18 {
implicit := false
if iface, _ := types.Unalias(constraint).(*types.Interface); iface != nil {
implicit = iface.IsImplicit()
w.typ(constraint, obj.Pkg())
if obj.IsAlias() {
alias, materialized := t.(*types.Alias) // may fail when aliases are not enabled
var tparams *types.TypeParamList
if materialized {
tparams = aliases.TypeParams(alias)
if tparams.Len() == 0 {
} else {
if tparams.Len() > 0 {
w.tparamList(obj.Name(), tparams, obj.Pkg())
if materialized {
// Preserve materialized aliases,
// even of non-exported types.
t = aliases.Rhs(alias)
w.typ(t, obj.Pkg())
// Defined type.
named, ok := t.(*types.Named)
if !ok {
panic(internalErrorf("%s is not a defined type", t))
if named.TypeParams().Len() == 0 {
} else {
if named.TypeParams().Len() > 0 {
// While importing the type parameters, tparamList computes and records
// their export name, so that it can be later used when writing the index.
w.tparamList(obj.Name(), named.TypeParams(), obj.Pkg())
underlying := named.Underlying()
w.typ(underlying, obj.Pkg())
if types.IsInterface(t) {
n := named.NumMethods()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
m := named.Method(i)
sig, _ := m.Type().(*types.Signature)
// Receiver type parameters are type arguments of the receiver type, so
// their name must be qualified before exporting recv.
if rparams := sig.RecvTypeParams(); rparams.Len() > 0 {
prefix := obj.Name() + "." + m.Name()
for i := 0; i < rparams.Len(); i++ {
rparam := rparams.At(i)
name := tparamExportName(prefix, rparam)
w.p.tparamNames[rparam.Obj()] = name
panic(internalErrorf("unexpected object: %v", obj))
p.declIndex[obj] = w.flush()
func (w *exportWriter) tag(tag byte) {
func (w *exportWriter) pos(pos token.Pos) {
if w.p.shallow {
} else if w.p.version >= iexportVersionPosCol {
} else {
// posV2 encoding (used only in shallow mode) records positions as
// (file, offset), where file is the index in the token.File table
// (which records the file name and newline offsets) and offset is a
// byte offset. It effectively ignores //line directives.
func (w *exportWriter) posV2(pos token.Pos) {
if pos == token.NoPos {
file := w.p.fset.File(pos) // fset must be non-nil
index, offset := w.p.fileIndexAndOffset(file, pos)
w.uint64(1 + index)
func (w *exportWriter) posV1(pos token.Pos) {
if w.p.fset == nil {
p := w.p.fset.Position(pos)
file := p.Filename
line := int64(p.Line)
column := int64(p.Column)
deltaColumn := (column - w.prevColumn) << 1
deltaLine := (line - w.prevLine) << 1
if file != w.prevFile {
deltaLine |= 1
if deltaLine != 0 {
deltaColumn |= 1
if deltaColumn&1 != 0 {
if deltaLine&1 != 0 {
w.prevFile = file
w.prevLine = line
w.prevColumn = column
func (w *exportWriter) posV0(pos token.Pos) {
if w.p.fset == nil {
p := w.p.fset.Position(pos)
file := p.Filename
line := int64(p.Line)
// When file is the same as the last position (common case),
// we can save a few bytes by delta encoding just the line
// number.
// Note: Because data objects may be read out of order (or not
// at all), we can only apply delta encoding within a single
// object. This is handled implicitly by tracking prevFile and
// prevLine as fields of exportWriter.
if file == w.prevFile {
delta := line - w.prevLine
if delta == deltaNewFile {
} else {
w.int64(line) // line >= 0
w.prevFile = file
w.prevLine = line
func (w *exportWriter) pkg(pkg *types.Package) {
// Ensure any referenced packages are declared in the main index.
w.p.allPkgs[pkg] = true
func (w *exportWriter) qualifiedType(obj *types.TypeName) {
name := w.p.exportName(obj)
// Ensure any referenced declarations are written out too.
// TODO(rfindley): what does 'pkg' even mean here? It would be better to pass
// it in explicitly into signatures and structs that may use it for
// constructing fields.
func (w *exportWriter) typ(t types.Type, pkg *types.Package) {, pkg))
func (p *iexporter) newWriter() *exportWriter {
return &exportWriter{p: p}
func (w *exportWriter) flush() uint64 {
off := uint64(w.p.data0.Len())
io.Copy(&w.p.data0, &
return off
func (p *iexporter) typOff(t types.Type, pkg *types.Package) uint64 {
off, ok := p.typIndex[t]
if !ok {
w := p.newWriter()
w.doTyp(t, pkg)
off = predeclReserved + w.flush()
p.typIndex[t] = off
return off
func (w *exportWriter) startType(k itag) {
func (w *exportWriter) doTyp(t types.Type, pkg *types.Package) {
if trace {
w.p.trace("exporting type %s (%T)", t, t)
defer func() {
w.p.trace("=> %s", t)
switch t := t.(type) {
case *types.Alias:
if targs := aliases.TypeArgs(t); targs.Len() > 0 {
w.typeList(targs, pkg)
w.typ(aliases.Origin(t), pkg)
case *types.Named:
if targs := t.TypeArgs(); targs.Len() > 0 {
// TODO(rfindley): investigate if this position is correct, and if it
// matters.
w.typeList(targs, pkg)
w.typ(t.Origin(), pkg)
case *types.TypeParam:
case *types.Pointer:
w.typ(t.Elem(), pkg)
case *types.Slice:
w.typ(t.Elem(), pkg)
case *types.Array:
w.typ(t.Elem(), pkg)
case *types.Chan:
// 1 RecvOnly; 2 SendOnly; 3 SendRecv
var dir uint64
switch t.Dir() {
case types.RecvOnly:
dir = 1
case types.SendOnly:
dir = 2
case types.SendRecv:
dir = 3
w.typ(t.Elem(), pkg)
case *types.Map:
w.typ(t.Key(), pkg)
w.typ(t.Elem(), pkg)
case *types.Signature:
case *types.Struct:
n := t.NumFields()
// Even for struct{} we must emit some qualifying package, because that's
// what the compiler does, and thus that's what the importer expects.
fieldPkg := pkg
if n > 0 {
fieldPkg = t.Field(0).Pkg()
if fieldPkg == nil {
// TODO(rfindley): improve this very hacky logic.
// The importer expects a package to be set for all struct types, even
// those with no fields. A better encoding might be to set NumFields
// before pkg. setPkg panics with a nil package, which may be possible
// to reach with invalid packages (and perhaps valid packages, too?), so
// (arbitrarily) set the localpkg if available.
// Alternatively, we may be able to simply guarantee that pkg != nil, by
// reconsidering the encoding of constant values.
if w.p.shallow {
fieldPkg = w.p.localpkg
} else {
panic(internalErrorf("no package to set for empty struct"))
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
f := t.Field(i)
if w.p.shallow {
w.string(f.Name()) // unexported fields implicitly qualified by prior setPkg
w.typ(f.Type(), fieldPkg)
w.string(t.Tag(i)) // note (or tag)
case *types.Interface:
n := t.NumEmbeddeds()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
ft := t.EmbeddedType(i)
tPkg := pkg
if named, _ := types.Unalias(ft).(*types.Named); named != nil {
} else {
w.typ(ft, tPkg)
// See comment for struct fields. In shallow mode we change the encoding
// for interface methods that are promoted from other packages.
n = t.NumExplicitMethods()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
m := t.ExplicitMethod(i)
if w.p.shallow {
sig, _ := m.Type().(*types.Signature)
case *types.Union:
nt := t.Len()
for i := 0; i < nt; i++ {
term := t.Term(i)
w.typ(term.Type(), pkg)
panic(internalErrorf("unexpected type: %v, %v", t, reflect.TypeOf(t)))
// objectPath writes the package and objectPath to use to look up obj in a
// different package, when encoding in "shallow" mode.
// When doing a shallow import, the importer creates only the local package,
// and requests package symbols for dependencies from the client.
// However, certain types defined in the local package may hold objects defined
// (perhaps deeply) within another package.
// For example, consider the following:
// package a
// func F() chan * map[string] struct { X int }
// package b
// import "a"
// var B = a.F()
// In this example, the type of b.B holds fields defined in package a.
// In order to have the correct canonical objects for the field defined in the
// type of B, they are encoded as objectPaths and later looked up in the
// importer. The same problem applies to interface methods.
func (w *exportWriter) objectPath(obj types.Object) {
if obj.Pkg() == nil || obj.Pkg() == w.p.localpkg {
// obj.Pkg() may be nil for the builtin error.Error.
// In this case, or if obj is declared in the local package, no need to
// encode.
objectPath, err := w.p.objectpathEncoder().For(obj)
if err != nil {
// Fall back to the empty string, which will cause the importer to create a
// new object, which matches earlier behavior. Creating a new object is
// sufficient for many purposes (such as type checking), but causes certain
// references algorithms to fail (golang/go#60819). However, we didn't
// notice this problem during months of gopls@v0.12.0 testing.
// TODO(golang/go#61674): this workaround is insufficient, as in the case
// where the field forwarded from an instantiated type that may not appear
// in the export data of the original package:
// // package a
// type A[P any] struct{ F P }
// // package b
// type B a.A[int]
// We need to update references algorithms not to depend on this
// de-duplication, at which point we may want to simply remove the
// workaround here.
func (w *exportWriter) signature(sig *types.Signature) {
if sig.Params().Len() > 0 {
func (w *exportWriter) typeList(ts *types.TypeList, pkg *types.Package) {
for i := 0; i < ts.Len(); i++ {
w.typ(ts.At(i), pkg)
func (w *exportWriter) tparamList(prefix string, list *types.TypeParamList, pkg *types.Package) {
ll := uint64(list.Len())
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
tparam := list.At(i)
// Set the type parameter exportName before exporting its type.
exportName := tparamExportName(prefix, tparam)
w.p.tparamNames[tparam.Obj()] = exportName
w.typ(list.At(i), pkg)
const blankMarker = "$"
// tparamExportName returns the 'exported' name of a type parameter, which
// differs from its actual object name: it is prefixed with a qualifier, and
// blank type parameter names are disambiguated by their index in the type
// parameter list.
func tparamExportName(prefix string, tparam *types.TypeParam) string {
assert(prefix != "")
name := tparam.Obj().Name()
if name == "_" {
name = blankMarker + strconv.Itoa(tparam.Index())
return prefix + "." + name
// tparamName returns the real name of a type parameter, after stripping its
// qualifying prefix and reverting blank-name encoding. See tparamExportName
// for details.
func tparamName(exportName string) string {
// Remove the "path" from the type param name that makes it unique.
ix := strings.LastIndex(exportName, ".")
if ix < 0 {
errorf("malformed type parameter export name %s: missing prefix", exportName)
name := exportName[ix+1:]
if strings.HasPrefix(name, blankMarker) {
return "_"
return name
func (w *exportWriter) paramList(tup *types.Tuple) {
n := tup.Len()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
func (w *exportWriter) param(obj types.Object) {
w.typ(obj.Type(), obj.Pkg())
func (w *exportWriter) value(typ types.Type, v constant.Value) {
w.typ(typ, nil)
if w.p.version >= iexportVersionGo1_18 {
if v.Kind() == constant.Unknown {
// golang/go#60605: treat unknown constant values as if they have invalid type
// This loses some fidelity over the package type-checked from source, but that
// is acceptable.
// TODO(rfindley): we should switch on the recorded constant kind rather
// than the constant type
switch b := typ.Underlying().(*types.Basic); b.Info() & types.IsConstType {
case types.IsBoolean:
case types.IsInteger:
var i big.Int
if i64, exact := constant.Int64Val(v); exact {
} else if ui64, exact := constant.Uint64Val(v); exact {
} else {
i.SetString(v.ExactString(), 10)
w.mpint(&i, typ)
case types.IsFloat:
f := constantToFloat(v)
w.mpfloat(f, typ)
case types.IsComplex:
w.mpfloat(constantToFloat(constant.Real(v)), typ)
w.mpfloat(constantToFloat(constant.Imag(v)), typ)
case types.IsString:
if b.Kind() == types.Invalid {
// package contains type errors
panic(internalErrorf("unexpected type %v (%v)", typ, typ.Underlying()))
// constantToFloat converts a constant.Value with kind constant.Float to a
// big.Float.
func constantToFloat(x constant.Value) *big.Float {
x = constant.ToFloat(x)
// Use the same floating-point precision (512) as cmd/compile
// (see Mpprec in cmd/compile/internal/gc/mpfloat.go).
const mpprec = 512
var f big.Float
if v, exact := constant.Float64Val(x); exact {
// float64
} else if num, denom := constant.Num(x), constant.Denom(x); num.Kind() == constant.Int {
// TODO(gri): add big.Rat accessor to constant.Value.
n := valueToRat(num)
d := valueToRat(denom)
f.SetRat(n.Quo(n, d))
} else {
// Value too large to represent as a fraction => inaccessible.
// TODO(gri): add big.Float accessor to constant.Value.
_, ok := f.SetString(x.ExactString())
return &f
func valueToRat(x constant.Value) *big.Rat {
// Convert little-endian to big-endian.
// I can't believe this is necessary.
bytes := constant.Bytes(x)
for i := 0; i < len(bytes)/2; i++ {
bytes[i], bytes[len(bytes)-1-i] = bytes[len(bytes)-1-i], bytes[i]
return new(big.Rat).SetInt(new(big.Int).SetBytes(bytes))
// mpint exports a multi-precision integer.
// For unsigned types, small values are written out as a single
// byte. Larger values are written out as a length-prefixed big-endian
// byte string, where the length prefix is encoded as its complement.
// For example, bytes 0, 1, and 2 directly represent the integer
// values 0, 1, and 2; while bytes 255, 254, and 253 indicate a 1-,
// 2-, and 3-byte big-endian string follow.
// Encoding for signed types use the same general approach as for
// unsigned types, except small values use zig-zag encoding and the
// bottom bit of length prefix byte for large values is reserved as a
// sign bit.
// The exact boundary between small and large encodings varies
// according to the maximum number of bytes needed to encode a value
// of type typ. As a special case, 8-bit types are always encoded as a
// single byte.
// TODO(mdempsky): Is this level of complexity really worthwhile?
func (w *exportWriter) mpint(x *big.Int, typ types.Type) {
basic, ok := typ.Underlying().(*types.Basic)
if !ok {
panic(internalErrorf("unexpected type %v (%T)", typ.Underlying(), typ.Underlying()))
signed, maxBytes := intSize(basic)
negative := x.Sign() < 0
if !signed && negative {
panic(internalErrorf("negative unsigned integer; type %v, value %v", typ, x))
b := x.Bytes()
if len(b) > 0 && b[0] == 0 {
panic(internalErrorf("leading zeros"))
if uint(len(b)) > maxBytes {
panic(internalErrorf("bad mpint length: %d > %d (type %v, value %v)", len(b), maxBytes, typ, x))
maxSmall := 256 - maxBytes
if signed {
maxSmall = 256 - 2*maxBytes
if maxBytes == 1 {
maxSmall = 256
// Check if x can use small value encoding.
if len(b) <= 1 {
var ux uint
if len(b) == 1 {
ux = uint(b[0])
if signed {
ux <<= 1
if negative {
if ux < maxSmall {
n := 256 - uint(len(b))
if signed {
n = 256 - 2*uint(len(b))
if negative {
n |= 1
if n < maxSmall || n >= 256 {
panic(internalErrorf("encoding mistake: %d, %v, %v => %d", len(b), signed, negative, n))
// mpfloat exports a multi-precision floating point number.
// The number's value is decomposed into mantissa × 2**exponent, where
// mantissa is an integer. The value is written out as mantissa (as a
// multi-precision integer) and then the exponent, except exponent is
// omitted if mantissa is zero.
func (w *exportWriter) mpfloat(f *big.Float, typ types.Type) {
if f.IsInf() {
panic("infinite constant")
// Break into f = mant × 2**exp, with 0.5 <= mant < 1.
var mant big.Float
exp := int64(f.MantExp(&mant))
// Scale so that mant is an integer.
prec := mant.MinPrec()
mant.SetMantExp(&mant, int(prec))
exp -= int64(prec)
manti, acc := mant.Int(nil)
if acc != big.Exact {
panic(internalErrorf("mantissa scaling failed for %f (%s)", f, acc))
w.mpint(manti, typ)
if manti.Sign() != 0 {
func (w *exportWriter) bool(b bool) bool {
var x uint64
if b {
x = 1
return b
func (w *exportWriter) int64(x int64) { }
func (w *exportWriter) uint64(x uint64) { }
func (w *exportWriter) string(s string) { w.uint64(w.p.stringOff(s)) }
func (w *exportWriter) localIdent(obj types.Object) {
// Anonymous parameters.
if obj == nil {
name := obj.Name()
if name == "_" {
type intWriter struct {
func (w *intWriter) int64(x int64) {
var buf [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte
n := binary.PutVarint(buf[:], x)
func (w *intWriter) uint64(x uint64) {
var buf [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte
n := binary.PutUvarint(buf[:], x)
func assert(cond bool) {
if !cond {
panic("internal error: assertion failed")
// The below is copied from go/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/syntax.go.
// objQueue is a FIFO queue of types.Object. The zero value of objQueue is
// a ready-to-use empty queue.
type objQueue struct {
ring []types.Object
head, tail int
// empty returns true if q contains no Nodes.
func (q *objQueue) empty() bool {
return q.head == q.tail
// pushTail appends n to the tail of the queue.
func (q *objQueue) pushTail(obj types.Object) {
if len(q.ring) == 0 {
q.ring = make([]types.Object, 16)
} else if q.head+len(q.ring) == q.tail {
// Grow the ring.
nring := make([]types.Object, len(q.ring)*2)
// Copy the old elements.
part := q.ring[q.head%len(q.ring):]
if q.tail-q.head <= len(part) {
part = part[:q.tail-q.head]
copy(nring, part)
} else {
pos := copy(nring, part)
copy(nring[pos:], q.ring[:q.tail%len(q.ring)])
q.ring, q.head, q.tail = nring, 0, q.tail-q.head
q.ring[q.tail%len(q.ring)] = obj
// popHead pops a node from the head of the queue. It panics if q is empty.
func (q *objQueue) popHead() types.Object {
if q.empty() {
panic("dequeue empty")
obj := q.ring[q.head%len(q.ring)]
return obj
// internalError represents an error generated inside this package.
type internalError string
func (e internalError) Error() string { return "gcimporter: " + string(e) }
// TODO(adonovan): make this call panic, so that it's symmetric with errorf.
// Otherwise it's easy to forget to do anything with the error.
// TODO(adonovan): also, consider switching the names "errorf" and
// "internalErrorf" as the former is used for bugs, whose cause is
// internal inconsistency, whereas the latter is used for ordinary
// situations like bad input, whose cause is external.
func internalErrorf(format string, args ...interface{}) error {
return internalError(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))