Use vim-go ver 1.20+, with the following configuration:
let g:go_def_mode='gopls' let g:go_info_mode='gopls'
Use LanguageClient-neovim, with the following configuration:
" Launch gopls when Go files are in use let g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = { \ 'go': ['gopls'] \ } " Run gofmt on save autocmd BufWritePre *.go :call LanguageClient#textDocument_formatting_sync()
Use ale:
let g:ale_linters = { \ 'go': ['gopls'], \}
see this issue
Use prabirshrestha/vim-lsp, with the following configuration:
augroup LspGo au! autocmd User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({ \ 'name': 'go-lang', \ 'cmd': {server_info->['gopls']}, \ 'whitelist': ['go'], \ }) autocmd FileType go setlocal omnifunc=lsp#complete "autocmd FileType go nmap <buffer> gd <plug>(lsp-definition) "autocmd FileType go nmap <buffer> ,n <plug>(lsp-next-error) "autocmd FileType go nmap <buffer> ,p <plug>(lsp-previous-error) augroup END
Use natebosch/vim-lsc, with the following configuration:
let g:lsc_server_commands = { \ "go": { \ "command": "gopls serve", \ "log_level": -1, \ "suppress_stderr": v:true, \ }, \}
The log_level
and suppress_stderr
parts are needed to prevent breakage from logging. See issues #180 and #213.
Use coc.nvim, with the following coc-settings.json
"languageserver": { "golang": { "command": "gopls", "rootPatterns": ["go.mod", ".vim/", ".git/", ".hg/"], "filetypes": ["go"], "initializationOptions": { "usePlaceholders": true } } }
Other settings can be added in initializationOptions
The editor.action.organizeImport
code action will auto-format code and add missing imports. To run this automatically on save, add the following line to your init.vim
autocmd BufWritePre *.go :call CocAction('runCommand', 'editor.action.organizeImport')
In vim classic only, use the experimental govim
, simply follow the install steps.
To use the new (still experimental) native LSP client in Neovim, make sure you install the prerelease v0.5.0 version of Neovim (aka “nightly”), the nvim-lspconfig
configuration helper plugin, and check the gopls
configuration section there.
You can use Neovim's native plugin system. On a Unix system, you can do that by cloning the nvim-lspconfig
repository into the correct directory:
dir="${HOME}/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/nvim-lspconfig/opt/nvim-lspconfig/" mkdir -p "$dir" cd "$dir" git clone '' .
You can add custom configuration using Lua. Here is an example of enabling the unusedparams
check as well as staticcheck
lua <<EOF lspconfig = require "lspconfig" lspconfig.gopls.setup { cmd = {"gopls", "serve"}, settings = { gopls = { analyses = { unusedparams = true, }, staticcheck = true, }, }, } EOF
To get your imports ordered on save, like goimports
does, you can define a helper function in Lua:
lua <<EOF -- … function goimports(timeoutms) local context = { source = { organizeImports = true } } vim.validate { context = { context, "t", true } } local params = vim.lsp.util.make_range_params() params.context = context -- See the implementation of the textDocument/codeAction callback -- (lua/vim/lsp/handler.lua) for how to do this properly. local result = vim.lsp.buf_request_sync(0, "textDocument/codeAction", params, timeout_ms) if not result or next(result) == nil then return end local actions = result[1].result if not actions then return end local action = actions[1] -- textDocument/codeAction can return either Command[] or CodeAction[]. If it -- is a CodeAction, it can have either an edit, a command or both. Edits -- should be executed first. if action.edit or type(action.command) == "table" then if action.edit then vim.lsp.util.apply_workspace_edit(action.edit) end if type(action.command) == "table" then vim.lsp.buf.execute_command(action.command) end else vim.lsp.buf.execute_command(action) end end EOF autocmd BufWritePre *.go lua goimports(1000)
(Taken from the discussion on Neovim issue tracker.)
To make your Ctrl+x,Ctrl+o work, add this to your init.vim
autocmd FileType go setlocal omnifunc=v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc