is installed. As explained at the [node site]( Node) you may need npm install @types/node
for the node runtime typesnpm install typescript
and node
are in your execution path.git clone
To generated the protocol types (x/tools/internal/lsp/protocol/tsprotocol.go) tsc go.ts && node go.js [-d dir] [-o out.go]
and for simple checking
gofmt -w out.go && golint out.go && go build out.go
-d dir
names the directory into which the vscode-languageserver-node
repository was cloned. It defaults to $(HOME)
-o out.go
says where the generated go code goes. It defaults to /tmp/tsprotocol.go
To generate the client and server boilerplate (tsclient.go and tsserver.go) tsc requests.ts && node requests.js [-d dir] && gofmt -w tsclient.go tsserver.go
-d dir is the same as above. The output files are written into the current directory.
uses the Typescript compiler's API, which is [introduced]( API) in their wiki.