tree: 281ea5d462598299104be3ecad09af09fac33072 [path history] [tgz]
  1. cloudbuild.harness.yaml
  2. cloudbuild.yaml
  3. Dockerfile

govim integration tests

Files in this directory configure Cloud Build to run govim integration tests against a gopls binary built from source.

Running on GCP

To run these integration tests in Cloud Build (assuming the gcloud command is configured for a valid GCP project):

  • cd to the root directory of the tools project.
  • (at least once per GCP project) Build the test harness:
$ gcloud builds submit --config=gopls/integration/govim/cloudbuild.harness.yaml
  • Run the integration tests:
$ gcloud builds submit --config=gopls/integration/govim/cloudbuild.yaml

Running locally

Run gopls/integration/govim/ This may take a while the first time it is run, as it will require building the test harness. Currently this script assumes that docker may be executed without sudo.