blob: f84c1871d7d31173450adb2c651362089a3c847b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package composite
// unkeyedLiteral is a white list of types in the standard packages
// that are used with unkeyed literals we deem to be acceptable.
var unkeyedLiteral = map[string]bool{
// These image and image/color struct types are frozen. We will never add fields to them.
"image/color.Alpha16": true,
"image/color.Alpha": true,
"image/color.CMYK": true,
"image/color.Gray16": true,
"image/color.Gray": true,
"image/color.NRGBA64": true,
"image/color.NRGBA": true,
"image/color.NYCbCrA": true,
"image/color.RGBA64": true,
"image/color.RGBA": true,
"image/color.YCbCr": true,
"image.Point": true,
"image.Rectangle": true,
"image.Uniform": true,
"unicode.Range16": true,
"unicode.Range32": true,
// These four structs are used in generated test main files,
// but the generator can be trusted.
"testing.InternalBenchmark": true,
"testing.InternalExample": true,
"testing.InternalTest": true,
"testing.InternalFuzzTarget": true,