internal/lsp/source: improve completion in switch cases

Now we downrank candidates that have already been used in other switch
cases. For example:

    switch time.Now().Weekday() {
    case time.Monday:
    case time.<> // downrank time.Monday

It wasn't quite as simple as tracking the seen types.Objects.
Consider this example:

    type foo struct {
      i int

    var a, b foo

    switch 123 {
    case a.i:
    case <>

At <> we don't want to downrank "b.i" even though "i" is represented
as the same types.Object for "a.i" and "b.i". To accommodate this, we
track having seen ["a", "i"] together. We will downrank "a.i", but not

I applied only a minor 0.9 downranking when the candidate has already
been used in another case clause. It is hard to know what the user is
planning. For instance, in the preceding example the user could intend
to write "a.i + 1", so we mustn't downrank "a.i" too much.

Change-Id: I62debc5be3d5d310deb69d11770cf5f8bd9add1d
Run-TryBot: Muir Manders <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: Rebecca Stambler <>
3 files changed
tree: dd77bb5f8df62cb0c29a8c4a10f84997a20dc2ac
  1. benchmark/
  2. blog/
  3. cmd/
  4. container/
  5. cover/
  6. go/
  7. godoc/
  8. gopls/
  9. imports/
  10. internal/
  11. playground/
  12. present/
  13. refactor/
  14. txtar/
  15. .gitattributes
  16. .gitignore
  17. .prettierrc
  19. codereview.cfg
  22. go.mod
  23. go.sum

Go Tools

This subrepository holds the source for various packages and tools that support the Go programming language.

Some of the tools, godoc and vet for example, are included in binary Go distributions.

Others, including the Go guru and the test coverage tool, can be fetched with go get.

Packages include a type-checker for Go and an implementation of the Static Single Assignment form (SSA) representation for Go programs.


The easiest way to install is to run go get -u You can also manually git clone the repository to $GOPATH/src/

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The version of prettier used is 1.18.2.

It is encouraged that all JS and CSS code be run through this before submitting a change. However, it is not a strict requirement enforced by CI.

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