blob: eda6964013431ea79ee4f4961e89fc714e9ace3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package xrefs defines the serializable index of cross-package
// references that is computed during type checking.
// See ../references.go for the 'references' query.
package xrefs
import (
// Index constructs a serializable index of outbound cross-references
// for the specified type-checked package.
func Index(files []*source.ParsedGoFile, pkg *types.Package, info *types.Info) []byte {
// pkgObjects maps each referenced package Q to a mapping:
// from each referenced symbol in Q to the ordered list
// of references to that symbol from this package.
// A nil types.Object indicates a reference
// to the package as a whole: an import.
pkgObjects := make(map[*types.Package]map[types.Object]*gobObject)
// getObjects returns the object-to-references mapping for a package.
getObjects := func(pkg *types.Package) map[types.Object]*gobObject {
objects, ok := pkgObjects[pkg]
if !ok {
objects = make(map[types.Object]*gobObject)
pkgObjects[pkg] = objects
return objects
objectpathFor := typesinternal.NewObjectpathFunc()
for fileIndex, pgf := range files {
nodeRange := func(n ast.Node) protocol.Range {
rng, err := pgf.PosRange(n.Pos(), n.End())
if err != nil {
panic(err) // can't fail
return rng
ast.Inspect(pgf.File, func(n ast.Node) bool {
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
// Report a reference for each identifier that
// uses a symbol exported from another package.
// (The built-in error.Error method has no package.)
if n.IsExported() {
if obj, ok := info.Uses[n]; ok &&
obj.Pkg() != nil &&
obj.Pkg() != pkg {
objects := getObjects(obj.Pkg())
gobObj, ok := objects[obj]
if !ok {
path, err := objectpathFor(obj)
if err != nil {
// Capitalized but not exported
// (e.g. local const/var/type).
return true
gobObj = &gobObject{Path: path}
objects[obj] = gobObj
gobObj.Refs = append(gobObj.Refs, gobRef{
FileIndex: fileIndex,
Range: nodeRange(n),
case *ast.ImportSpec:
// Report a reference from each import path
// string to the imported package.
var obj types.Object
if n.Name != nil {
obj = info.Defs[n.Name]
} else {
obj = info.Implicits[n]
if obj == nil {
return true // missing import
objects := getObjects(obj.(*types.PkgName).Imported())
gobObj, ok := objects[nil]
if !ok {
gobObj = &gobObject{Path: ""}
objects[nil] = gobObj
gobObj.Refs = append(gobObj.Refs, gobRef{
FileIndex: fileIndex,
Range: nodeRange(n.Path),
return true
// Flatten the maps into slices, and sort for determinism.
var packages []*gobPackage
for p := range pkgObjects {
objects := pkgObjects[p]
gp := &gobPackage{
PkgPath: source.PackagePath(p.Path()),
Objects: make([]*gobObject, 0, len(objects)),
for _, gobObj := range objects {
gp.Objects = append(gp.Objects, gobObj)
sort.Slice(gp.Objects, func(i, j int) bool {
return gp.Objects[i].Path < gp.Objects[j].Path
packages = append(packages, gp)
sort.Slice(packages, func(i, j int) bool {
return packages[i].PkgPath < packages[j].PkgPath
return mustEncode(packages)
// Lookup searches a serialized index produced by an indexPackage
// operation on m, and returns the locations of all references from m
// to any object in the target set. Each object is denoted by a pair
// of (package path, object path).
func Lookup(m *source.Metadata, data []byte, targets map[source.PackagePath]map[objectpath.Path]struct{}) (locs []protocol.Location) {
// TODO(adonovan): opt: evaluate whether it would be faster to decode
// in two passes, first with struct { PkgPath string; Objects BLOB }
// to find the relevant record without decoding the Objects slice,
// then decode just the desired BLOB into a slice. BLOB would be a
// type whose Unmarshal method just retains (a copy of) the bytes.
var packages []gobPackage
mustDecode(data, &packages)
for _, gp := range packages {
if objectSet, ok := targets[gp.PkgPath]; ok {
for _, gobObj := range gp.Objects {
if _, ok := objectSet[gobObj.Path]; ok {
for _, ref := range gobObj.Refs {
uri := m.CompiledGoFiles[ref.FileIndex]
locs = append(locs, protocol.Location{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri),
Range: ref.Range,
return locs
// -- serialized representation --
// The cross-reference index records the location of all references
// from one package to symbols defined in other packages
// (dependencies). It does not record within-package references.
// The index for package P consists of a list of gopPackage records,
// each enumerating references to symbols defined a single dependency, Q.
// TODO(adonovan): opt: choose a more compact encoding. Gzip reduces
// the gob output to about one third its size, so clearly there's room
// to improve. The gobRef.Range field is the obvious place to begin.
// Even a zero-length slice gob-encodes to ~285 bytes.
// A gobPackage records the set of outgoing references from the index
// package to symbols defined in a dependency package.
type gobPackage struct {
PkgPath source.PackagePath // defining package (Q)
Objects []*gobObject // set of Q objects referenced by P
// A gobObject records all references to a particular symbol.
type gobObject struct {
Path objectpath.Path // symbol name within package; "" => import of package itself
Refs []gobRef // locations of references within P, in lexical order
type gobRef struct {
FileIndex int // index of enclosing file within P's CompiledGoFiles
Range protocol.Range // source range of reference
// -- duplicated from ../../cache/analysis.go --
func mustEncode(x interface{}) []byte {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := gob.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(x); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("internal error encoding %T: %v", x, err)
return buf.Bytes()
func mustDecode(data []byte, ptr interface{}) {
if err := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data)).Decode(ptr); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("internal error decoding %T: %v", ptr, err)