blob: 7e37229b1fd3b71cc70238c7dffb57515033262c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package lsprpc implements a jsonrpc2.StreamServer that may be used to
// serve the LSP on a jsonrpc2 channel.
package lsprpc
import (
// Unique identifiers for client/server.
var serverIndex int64
// The StreamServer type is a jsonrpc2.StreamServer that handles incoming
// streams as a new LSP session, using a shared cache.
type StreamServer struct {
cache *cache.Cache
// daemon controls whether or not to log new connections.
daemon bool
// serverForTest may be set to a test fake for testing.
serverForTest protocol.Server
// NewStreamServer creates a StreamServer using the shared cache. If
// withTelemetry is true, each session is instrumented with telemetry that
// records RPC statistics.
func NewStreamServer(cache *cache.Cache, daemon bool) *StreamServer {
return &StreamServer{cache: cache, daemon: daemon}
func (s *StreamServer) Binder() *ServerBinder {
newServer := func(ctx context.Context, client protocol.ClientCloser) protocol.Server {
session := s.cache.NewSession(ctx)
server := s.serverForTest
if server == nil {
server = lsp.NewServer(session, client)
if instance := debug.GetInstance(ctx); instance != nil {
instance.AddService(server, session)
return server
return NewServerBinder(newServer)
// ServeStream implements the jsonrpc2.StreamServer interface, by handling
// incoming streams using a new lsp server.
func (s *StreamServer) ServeStream(ctx context.Context, conn jsonrpc2.Conn) error {
client := protocol.ClientDispatcher(conn)
session := s.cache.NewSession(ctx)
server := s.serverForTest
if server == nil {
server = lsp.NewServer(session, client)
if instance := debug.GetInstance(ctx); instance != nil {
instance.AddService(server, session)
// Clients may or may not send a shutdown message. Make sure the server is
// shut down.
// TODO(rFindley): this shutdown should perhaps be on a disconnected context.
defer func() {
if err := server.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "error shutting down", err)
executable, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error getting gopls path: %v", err)
executable = ""
ctx = protocol.WithClient(ctx, client)
handshaker(session, executable, s.daemon,
if s.daemon {
log.Printf("Session %s: connected", session.ID())
defer log.Printf("Session %s: exited", session.ID())
return conn.Err()
// A Forwarder is a jsonrpc2.StreamServer that handles an LSP stream by
// forwarding it to a remote. This is used when the gopls process started by
// the editor is in the `-remote` mode, which means it finds and connects to a
// separate gopls daemon. In these cases, we still want the forwarder gopls to
// be instrumented with telemetry, and want to be able to in some cases hijack
// the jsonrpc2 connection with the daemon.
type Forwarder struct {
dialer *AutoDialer
mu sync.Mutex
// Hold on to the server connection so that we can redo the handshake if any
// information changes.
serverConn jsonrpc2.Conn
serverID string
// NewForwarder creates a new Forwarder, ready to forward connections to the
// remote server specified by rawAddr. If provided and rawAddr indicates an
// 'automatic' address (starting with 'auto;'), argFunc may be used to start a
// remote server for the auto-discovered address.
func NewForwarder(rawAddr string, argFunc func(network, address string) []string) (*Forwarder, error) {
dialer, err := NewAutoDialer(rawAddr, argFunc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fwd := &Forwarder{
dialer: dialer,
return fwd, nil
// QueryServerState queries the server state of the current server.
func QueryServerState(ctx context.Context, addr string) (*ServerState, error) {
serverConn, err := dialRemote(ctx, addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var state ServerState
if err := protocol.Call(ctx, serverConn, sessionsMethod, nil, &state); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("querying server state: %w", err)
return &state, nil
// dialRemote is used for making calls into the gopls daemon. addr should be a
// URL, possibly on the synthetic 'auto' network (e.g. tcp://..., unix://...,
// or auto://...).
func dialRemote(ctx context.Context, addr string) (jsonrpc2.Conn, error) {
network, address := ParseAddr(addr)
if network == AutoNetwork {
gp, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting gopls path: %w", err)
network, address = autoNetworkAddress(gp, address)
netConn, err := net.DialTimeout(network, address, 5*time.Second)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dialing remote: %w", err)
serverConn := jsonrpc2.NewConn(jsonrpc2.NewHeaderStream(netConn))
serverConn.Go(ctx, jsonrpc2.MethodNotFound)
return serverConn, nil
func ExecuteCommand(ctx context.Context, addr string, id string, request, result interface{}) error {
serverConn, err := dialRemote(ctx, addr)
if err != nil {
return err
args, err := command.MarshalArgs(request)
if err != nil {
return err
params := protocol.ExecuteCommandParams{
Command: id,
Arguments: args,
return protocol.Call(ctx, serverConn, "workspace/executeCommand", params, result)
// ServeStream dials the forwarder remote and binds the remote to serve the LSP
// on the incoming stream.
func (f *Forwarder) ServeStream(ctx context.Context, clientConn jsonrpc2.Conn) error {
client := protocol.ClientDispatcher(clientConn)
netConn, err := f.dialer.dialNet(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("forwarder: connecting to remote: %w", err)
serverConn := jsonrpc2.NewConn(jsonrpc2.NewHeaderStream(netConn))
server := protocol.ServerDispatcher(serverConn)
// Forward between connections.
// Don't run the clientConn yet, so that we can complete the handshake before
// processing any client messages.
// Do a handshake with the server instance to exchange debug information.
index := atomic.AddInt64(&serverIndex, 1)
f.serverConn = serverConn
f.serverID = strconv.FormatInt(index, 10)
select {
case <-serverConn.Done():
case <-clientConn.Done():
err = nil
if serverConn.Err() != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("remote disconnected: %v", serverConn.Err())
} else if clientConn.Err() != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("client disconnected: %v", clientConn.Err())
event.Log(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("forwarder: exited with error: %v", err))
return err
// TODO(rfindley): remove this handshaking in favor of middleware.
func (f *Forwarder) handshake(ctx context.Context) {
// This call to os.Execuable is redundant, and will be eliminated by the
// transition to the V2 API.
goplsPath, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "getting executable for handshake", err)
goplsPath = ""
var (
hreq = handshakeRequest{
ServerID: f.serverID,
GoplsPath: goplsPath,
hresp handshakeResponse
if di := debug.GetInstance(ctx); di != nil {
hreq.Logfile = di.Logfile
hreq.DebugAddr = di.ListenedDebugAddress()
if err := protocol.Call(ctx, f.serverConn, handshakeMethod, hreq, &hresp); err != nil {
// TODO(rfindley): at some point in the future we should return an error
// here. Handshakes have become functional in nature.
event.Error(ctx, "forwarder: gopls handshake failed", err)
if hresp.GoplsPath != goplsPath {
event.Error(ctx, "", fmt.Errorf("forwarder: gopls path mismatch: forwarder is %q, remote is %q", goplsPath, hresp.GoplsPath))
event.Log(ctx, "New server",
func ConnectToRemote(ctx context.Context, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
dialer, err := NewAutoDialer(addr, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dialer.dialNet(ctx)
// handler intercepts messages to the daemon to enrich them with local
// information.
func (f *Forwarder) handler(handler jsonrpc2.Handler) jsonrpc2.Handler {
return func(ctx context.Context, reply jsonrpc2.Replier, r jsonrpc2.Request) error {
// Intercept certain messages to add special handling.
switch r.Method() {
case "initialize":
if newr, err := addGoEnvToInitializeRequest(ctx, r); err == nil {
r = newr
} else {
log.Printf("unable to add local env to initialize request: %v", err)
case "workspace/executeCommand":
var params protocol.ExecuteCommandParams
if err := json.Unmarshal(r.Params(), &params); err == nil {
if params.Command == command.StartDebugging.ID() {
var args command.DebuggingArgs
if err := command.UnmarshalArgs(params.Arguments, &args); err == nil {
reply = f.replyWithDebugAddress(ctx, reply, args)
} else {
event.Error(ctx, "unmarshaling debugging args", err)
} else {
event.Error(ctx, "intercepting executeCommand request", err)
// The gopls workspace environment defaults to the process environment in
// which gopls daemon was started. To avoid discrepancies in Go environment
// between the editor and daemon, inject any unset variables in `go env`
// into the options sent by initialize.
// See also
return handler(ctx, reply, r)
// addGoEnvToInitializeRequest builds a new initialize request in which we set
// any environment variables output by `go env` and not already present in the
// request.
// It returns an error if r is not an initialize request, or is otherwise
// malformed.
func addGoEnvToInitializeRequest(ctx context.Context, r jsonrpc2.Request) (jsonrpc2.Request, error) {
var params protocol.ParamInitialize
if err := json.Unmarshal(r.Params(), &params); err != nil {
return nil, err
var opts map[string]interface{}
switch v := params.InitializationOptions.(type) {
case nil:
opts = make(map[string]interface{})
case map[string]interface{}:
opts = v
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected type for InitializationOptions: %T", v)
envOpt, ok := opts["env"]
if !ok {
envOpt = make(map[string]interface{})
env, ok := envOpt.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`env option is %T, expected a map`, envOpt)
goenv, err := getGoEnv(ctx, env)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// We don't want to propagate GOWORK unless explicitly set since that could mess with
// path inference during cmd/go invocations, see golang/go#51825.
_, goworkSet := os.LookupEnv("GOWORK")
for govar, value := range goenv {
if govar == "GOWORK" && !goworkSet {
env[govar] = value
opts["env"] = env
params.InitializationOptions = opts
call, ok := r.(*jsonrpc2.Call)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%T is not a *jsonrpc2.Call", r)
return jsonrpc2.NewCall(call.ID(), "initialize", params)
func (f *Forwarder) replyWithDebugAddress(outerCtx context.Context, r jsonrpc2.Replier, args command.DebuggingArgs) jsonrpc2.Replier {
di := debug.GetInstance(outerCtx)
if di == nil {
event.Log(outerCtx, "no debug instance to start")
return r
return func(ctx context.Context, result interface{}, outerErr error) error {
if outerErr != nil {
return r(ctx, result, outerErr)
// Enrich the result with our own debugging information. Since we're an
// intermediary, the jsonrpc2 package has deserialized the result into
// maps, by default. Re-do the unmarshalling.
raw, err := json.Marshal(result)
if err != nil {
event.Error(outerCtx, "marshaling intermediate command result", err)
return r(ctx, result, err)
var modified command.DebuggingResult
if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &modified); err != nil {
event.Error(outerCtx, "unmarshaling intermediate command result", err)
return r(ctx, result, err)
addr := args.Addr
if addr == "" {
addr = "localhost:0"
addr, err = di.Serve(outerCtx, addr)
if err != nil {
event.Error(outerCtx, "starting debug server", err)
return r(ctx, result, outerErr)
urls := []string{"http://" + addr}
modified.URLs = append(urls, modified.URLs...)
go f.handshake(ctx)
return r(ctx, modified, nil)
// A handshakeRequest identifies a client to the LSP server.
type handshakeRequest struct {
// ServerID is the ID of the server on the client. This should usually be 0.
ServerID string `json:"serverID"`
// Logfile is the location of the clients log file.
Logfile string `json:"logfile"`
// DebugAddr is the client debug address.
DebugAddr string `json:"debugAddr"`
// GoplsPath is the path to the Gopls binary running the current client
// process.
GoplsPath string `json:"goplsPath"`
// A handshakeResponse is returned by the LSP server to tell the LSP client
// information about its session.
type handshakeResponse struct {
// SessionID is the server session associated with the client.
SessionID string `json:"sessionID"`
// Logfile is the location of the server logs.
Logfile string `json:"logfile"`
// DebugAddr is the server debug address.
DebugAddr string `json:"debugAddr"`
// GoplsPath is the path to the Gopls binary running the current server
// process.
GoplsPath string `json:"goplsPath"`
// ClientSession identifies a current client LSP session on the server. Note
// that it looks similar to handshakeResposne, but in fact 'Logfile' and
// 'DebugAddr' now refer to the client.
type ClientSession struct {
SessionID string `json:"sessionID"`
Logfile string `json:"logfile"`
DebugAddr string `json:"debugAddr"`
// ServerState holds information about the gopls daemon process, including its
// debug information and debug information of all of its current connected
// clients.
type ServerState struct {
Logfile string `json:"logfile"`
DebugAddr string `json:"debugAddr"`
GoplsPath string `json:"goplsPath"`
CurrentClientID string `json:"currentClientID"`
Clients []ClientSession `json:"clients"`
const (
handshakeMethod = "gopls/handshake"
sessionsMethod = "gopls/sessions"
func handshaker(session *cache.Session, goplsPath string, logHandshakes bool, handler jsonrpc2.Handler) jsonrpc2.Handler {
return func(ctx context.Context, reply jsonrpc2.Replier, r jsonrpc2.Request) error {
switch r.Method() {
case handshakeMethod:
// We log.Printf in this handler, rather than event.Log when we want logs
// to go to the daemon log rather than being reflected back to the
// client.
var req handshakeRequest
if err := json.Unmarshal(r.Params(), &req); err != nil {
if logHandshakes {
log.Printf("Error processing handshake for session %s: %v", session.ID(), err)
sendError(ctx, reply, err)
return nil
if logHandshakes {
log.Printf("Session %s: got handshake. Logfile: %q, Debug addr: %q", session.ID(), req.Logfile, req.DebugAddr)
event.Log(ctx, "Handshake session update",
resp := handshakeResponse{
SessionID: session.ID(),
GoplsPath: goplsPath,
if di := debug.GetInstance(ctx); di != nil {
resp.Logfile = di.Logfile
resp.DebugAddr = di.ListenedDebugAddress()
return reply(ctx, resp, nil)
case sessionsMethod:
resp := ServerState{
GoplsPath: goplsPath,
CurrentClientID: session.ID(),
if di := debug.GetInstance(ctx); di != nil {
resp.Logfile = di.Logfile
resp.DebugAddr = di.ListenedDebugAddress()
for _, c := range di.State.Clients() {
resp.Clients = append(resp.Clients, ClientSession{
SessionID: c.Session.ID(),
Logfile: c.Logfile,
DebugAddr: c.DebugAddress,
return reply(ctx, resp, nil)
return handler(ctx, reply, r)
func sendError(ctx context.Context, reply jsonrpc2.Replier, err error) {
err = fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", err, jsonrpc2.ErrParse)
if err := reply(ctx, nil, err); err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "", err)
// ParseAddr parses the address of a gopls remote.
// TODO(rFindley): further document this syntax, and allow URI-style remote
// addresses such as "auto://...".
func ParseAddr(listen string) (network string, address string) {
// Allow passing just -remote=auto, as a shorthand for using automatic remote
// resolution.
if listen == AutoNetwork {
return AutoNetwork, ""
if parts := strings.SplitN(listen, ";", 2); len(parts) == 2 {
return parts[0], parts[1]
return "tcp", listen