gopls troubleshooting documentation

If you see a gopls error or crash, or gopls just stops working, please follow the troubleshooting steps below.


  1. Make sure gopls is up to date
  2. Check the known issues
  3. Report the issue

File an issue

You can use:

  • your editor's bug submission integration (if available)
  • gopls bug on the command line
  • directly on the issue tracker

Along with an explanation of the issue, please share the information listed here:

  1. Your editor and any settings you have configured (for example, your VSCode settings.json file).
  2. A sample program that reproduces the issue, if possible.
  3. The output of gopls version on the command line.
  4. The output of gopls -rpc.trace -v check /path/to/file.go.
  5. gopls logs from when the issue occurred, as well as a timestamp for when the issue began to occur. See the instructions for information on how to capture gopls logs.

Much of this information is filled in for you if you use gopls to file the issue.

Capturing gopls logs

For VSCode users, the gopls log can be found by going to "View: Debug Console" -> "Output" -> "Tasks" -> "gopls". For other editors, you may have to directly pass a -logfile flag to gopls.

To increase the level of detail in your logs, start gopls with the -rpc.trace flag. To start a debug server that will allow you to see profiles and memory usage, start gopls with serve --debug=localhost:6060. See the editor configurations section below for information on how to pass these flags via your editor.

Restart your editor

Once you have filed an issue, you can then try to restart your gopls instance by restarting your editor. In many cases, this will correct the problem. In VSCode, the easiest way to restart the language server is by opening the command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) and selecting "Go: Restart Language Server". You can also reload the VSCode instance by selecting "Developer: Reload Window".