blob: 163a2db0a7152529f8dc14ac61d04eb2121121a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package modfile implements a parser and formatter for go.mod files.
// The go.mod syntax is described in
// The Parse and ParseLax functions both parse a go.mod file and return an
// abstract syntax tree. ParseLax ignores unknown statements and may be used to
// parse go.mod files that may have been developed with newer versions of Go.
// The File struct returned by Parse and ParseLax represent an abstract
// go.mod file. File has several methods like AddNewRequire and DropReplace
// that can be used to programmatically edit a file.
// The Format function formats a File back to a byte slice which can be
// written to a file.
package modfile
import (
// A WorkFile is the parsed, interpreted form of a file.
type WorkFile struct {
Go *modfile.Go
Directory []*Directory
Replace []*modfile.Replace
Syntax *modfile.FileSyntax
// A Directory is a single directory statement.
type Directory struct {
DiskPath string // TODO(matloob): Replace uses module.Version for new. Do that here?
ModulePath string // Module path in the comment.
Syntax *modfile.Line
// Parse parses and returns a file.
// file is the name of the file, used in positions and errors.
// data is the content of the file.
// fix is an optional function that canonicalizes module versions.
// If fix is nil, all module versions must be canonical (module.CanonicalVersion
// must return the same string).
func ParseWork(file string, data []byte, fix modfile.VersionFixer) (*WorkFile, error) {
return parseToWorkFile(file, data, fix, true)
var GoVersionRE = lazyregexp.New(`^([1-9][0-9]*)\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$`)
func parseToWorkFile(file string, data []byte, fix modfile.VersionFixer, strict bool) (parsed *WorkFile, err error) {
fs, err := parse(file, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f := &WorkFile{
Syntax: fs,
var errs modfile.ErrorList
for _, x := range fs.Stmt {
switch x := x.(type) {
case *modfile.Line:
f.add(&errs, nil, x, x.Token[0], x.Token[1:], fix, strict)
case *modfile.LineBlock:
if len(x.Token) > 1 {
if strict {
errs = append(errs, modfile.Error{
Filename: file,
Pos: x.Start,
Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown block type: %s", strings.Join(x.Token, " ")),
switch x.Token[0] {
if strict {
errs = append(errs, modfile.Error{
Filename: file,
Pos: x.Start,
Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown block type: %s", strings.Join(x.Token, " ")),
case "module", "directory", "replace":
for _, l := range x.Line {
f.add(&errs, x, l, x.Token[0], l.Token, fix, strict)
if len(errs) > 0 {
return nil, errs
return f, nil
func (f *WorkFile) add(errs *modfile.ErrorList, block *modfile.LineBlock, line *modfile.Line, verb string, args []string, fix modfile.VersionFixer, strict bool) {
// If strict is false, this module is a dependency.
// We ignore all unknown directives as well as main-module-only
// directives like replace and exclude. It will work better for
// forward compatibility if we can depend on modules that have unknown
// statements (presumed relevant only when acting as the main module)
// and simply ignore those statements.
if !strict {
switch verb {
case "go", "module", "retract", "require":
// want these even for dependency go.mods
wrapModPathError := func(modPath string, err error) {
*errs = append(*errs, modfile.Error{
Filename: f.Syntax.Name,
Pos: line.Start,
ModPath: modPath,
Verb: verb,
Err: err,
wrapError := func(err error) {
*errs = append(*errs, modfile.Error{
Filename: f.Syntax.Name,
Pos: line.Start,
Err: err,
errorf := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
wrapError(fmt.Errorf(format, args...))
switch verb {
errorf("unknown directive: %s", verb)
case "go":
if f.Go != nil {
errorf("repeated go statement")
if len(args) != 1 {
errorf("go directive expects exactly one argument")
} else if !GoVersionRE.MatchString(args[0]) {
errorf("invalid go version '%s': must match format 1.23", args[0])
f.Go = &modfile.Go{Syntax: line}
f.Go.Version = args[0]
case "directory":
if len(args) != 1 {
errorf("usage: %s ../local/directory", verb) // TODO(matloob) better example; most directories will be subdirectories of dir
s, err := parseString(&args[0])
if err != nil {
errorf("invalid quoted string: %v", err)
f.Directory = append(f.Directory, &Directory{
DiskPath: s,
Syntax: line,
case "replace":
arrow := 2
if len(args) >= 2 && args[1] == "=>" {
arrow = 1
if len(args) < arrow+2 || len(args) > arrow+3 || args[arrow] != "=>" {
errorf("usage: %s module/path [v1.2.3] => other/module v1.4\n\t or %s module/path [v1.2.3] => ../local/directory", verb, verb)
s, err := parseString(&args[0])
if err != nil {
errorf("invalid quoted string: %v", err)
pathMajor, err := modulePathMajor(s)
if err != nil {
wrapModPathError(s, err)
var v string
if arrow == 2 {
v, err = parseVersion(verb, s, &args[1], fix)
if err != nil {
if err := module.CheckPathMajor(v, pathMajor); err != nil {
wrapModPathError(s, err)
ns, err := parseString(&args[arrow+1])
if err != nil {
errorf("invalid quoted string: %v", err)
nv := ""
if len(args) == arrow+2 {
if !IsDirectoryPath(ns) {
errorf("replacement module without version must be directory path (rooted or starting with ./ or ../)")
if filepath.Separator == '/' && strings.Contains(ns, `\`) {
errorf("replacement directory appears to be Windows path (on a non-windows system)")
if len(args) == arrow+3 {
nv, err = parseVersion(verb, ns, &args[arrow+2], fix)
if err != nil {
if IsDirectoryPath(ns) {
errorf("replacement module directory path %q cannot have version", ns)
f.Replace = append(f.Replace, &modfile.Replace{
Old: module.Version{Path: s, Version: v},
New: module.Version{Path: ns, Version: nv},
Syntax: line,
// IsDirectoryPath reports whether the given path should be interpreted
// as a directory path. Just like on the go command line, relative paths
// and rooted paths are directory paths; the rest are module paths.
func IsDirectoryPath(ns string) bool {
// Because go.mod files can move from one system to another,
// we check all known path syntaxes, both Unix and Windows.
return strings.HasPrefix(ns, "./") || strings.HasPrefix(ns, "../") || strings.HasPrefix(ns, "/") ||
strings.HasPrefix(ns, `.\`) || strings.HasPrefix(ns, `..\`) || strings.HasPrefix(ns, `\`) ||
len(ns) >= 2 && ('A' <= ns[0] && ns[0] <= 'Z' || 'a' <= ns[0] && ns[0] <= 'z') && ns[1] == ':'
// MustQuote reports whether s must be quoted in order to appear as
// a single token in a go.mod line.
func MustQuote(s string) bool {
for _, r := range s {
switch r {
case ' ', '"', '\'', '`':
return true
case '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', ',':
if len(s) > 1 {
return true
if !unicode.IsPrint(r) {
return true
return s == "" || strings.Contains(s, "//") || strings.Contains(s, "/*")
// AutoQuote returns s or, if quoting is required for s to appear in a go.mod,
// the quotation of s.
func AutoQuote(s string) string {
if MustQuote(s) {
return strconv.Quote(s)
return s
func parseString(s *string) (string, error) {
t := *s
if strings.HasPrefix(t, `"`) {
var err error
if t, err = strconv.Unquote(t); err != nil {
return "", err
} else if strings.ContainsAny(t, "\"'`") {
// Other quotes are reserved both for possible future expansion
// and to avoid confusion. For example if someone types 'x'
// we want that to be a syntax error and not a literal x in literal quotation marks.
return "", fmt.Errorf("unquoted string cannot contain quote")
*s = AutoQuote(t)
return t, nil
func parseVersion(verb string, path string, s *string, fix modfile.VersionFixer) (string, error) {
t, err := parseString(s)
if err != nil {
return "", &modfile.Error{
Verb: verb,
ModPath: path,
Err: &module.InvalidVersionError{
Version: *s,
Err: err,
if fix != nil {
fixed, err := fix(path, t)
if err != nil {
if err, ok := err.(*module.ModuleError); ok {
return "", &modfile.Error{
Verb: verb,
ModPath: path,
Err: err.Err,
return "", err
t = fixed
} else {
cv := module.CanonicalVersion(t)
if cv == "" {
return "", &modfile.Error{
Verb: verb,
ModPath: path,
Err: &module.InvalidVersionError{
Version: t,
Err: errors.New("must be of the form v1.2.3"),
t = cv
*s = t
return *s, nil
func modulePathMajor(path string) (string, error) {
_, major, ok := module.SplitPathVersion(path)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid module path")
return major, nil