gopls: improve diagnostics for orphaned files
Fix some of the very misleading errors gopls produces when it can't find
packages for a file. Try to diagnose _why_ a file is orphaned by the
workspace, rather than just guess that it may be due to build
constraints. Only put diagnostics on files that we can prove are
excluded in some way.
To achieve this, we need to be able to differentiate
command-line-arguments packages that are standalone packages, so add a
corresponding field on source.Metadata.
Refactor/simplify some functions that operate on open files. In the
future, we really should track overlays separately in the snapshot, but
that is out-of-scope for now.
Also make a minor fix for TestImplementationsOfError: I use $HOME/src as
my development directory, so GOROOT/src is $HOME/src/go/src.
For golang/go#53880
Change-Id: I8e9fa7d4f2c03ce3daaab7c6d119b4276ec6da79
Run-TryBot: Robert Findley <>
Reviewed-by: Alan Donovan <>
gopls-CI: kokoro <>
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
diff --git a/gopls/internal/lsp/cache/snapshot.go b/gopls/internal/lsp/cache/snapshot.go
index 71f6563..2035364 100644
--- a/gopls/internal/lsp/cache/snapshot.go
+++ b/gopls/internal/lsp/cache/snapshot.go
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ "go/build/constraint"
@@ -901,15 +902,9 @@
defer func() {
s.activePackages.Set(id, active, nil) // store the result either way: remember that pkg is not open
- for _, cgf := range pkg.Metadata().GoFiles {
- if s.isOpenLocked(cgf) {
- return pkg
- }
- }
- for _, cgf := range pkg.Metadata().CompiledGoFiles {
- if s.isOpenLocked(cgf) {
- return pkg
- }
+ if containsOpenFileLocked(s, pkg.Metadata()) {
+ return pkg
return nil
@@ -1215,7 +1210,6 @@
// The given uri must be a file, not a directory.
func nearestModFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI, fs source.FileSource) (span.URI, error) {
- // TODO(rfindley)
dir := filepath.Dir(uri.Filename())
mod, err := findRootPattern(ctx, dir, "go.mod", fs)
if err != nil {
@@ -1261,11 +1255,11 @@
-// noValidMetadataForURILocked reports whether there is any valid metadata for
-// the given URI.
-func (s *snapshot) noValidMetadataForURILocked(uri span.URI) bool {
+// noRealPackagesForURILocked reports whether there are any
+// non-command-line-arguments packages containing the given URI.
+func (s *snapshot) noRealPackagesForURILocked(uri span.URI) bool {
for _, id := range s.meta.ids[uri] {
- if _, ok := s.meta.metadata[id]; ok {
+ if !source.IsCommandLineArguments(id) || s.meta.metadata[id].Standalone {
return false
@@ -1351,26 +1345,23 @@
func (s *snapshot) IsOpen(uri span.URI) bool {
- return s.isOpenLocked(uri)
-func (s *snapshot) openFiles() []source.FileHandle {
- defer
- var open []source.FileHandle
- s.files.Range(func(uri span.URI, fh source.FileHandle) {
- if isFileOpen(fh) {
- open = append(open, fh)
- }
- })
+ fh, _ := s.files.Get(uri)
+ _, open := fh.(*Overlay)
return open
-func (s *snapshot) isOpenLocked(uri span.URI) bool {
- fh, _ := s.files.Get(uri)
- return isFileOpen(fh)
+func (s *snapshot) openFiles() []*Overlay {
+ defer
+ var open []*Overlay
+ s.files.Range(func(uri span.URI, fh source.FileHandle) {
+ if o, ok := fh.(*Overlay); ok {
+ open = append(open, o)
+ }
+ })
+ return open
func isFileOpen(fh source.FileHandle) bool {
@@ -1590,15 +1581,39 @@
// An error is returned if the load is canceled.
func (s *snapshot) reloadOrphanedOpenFiles(ctx context.Context) error {
+ meta := s.meta
// When we load ./... or a package path directly, we may not get packages
// that exist only in overlays. As a workaround, we search all of the files
// available in the snapshot and reload their metadata individually using a
// file= query if the metadata is unavailable.
- files := s.orphanedOpenFiles()
+ open := s.openFiles()
+ var files []*Overlay
+ for _, o := range open {
+ uri := o.URI()
+ if s.IsBuiltin(uri) || s.view.FileKind(o) != source.Go {
+ continue
+ }
+ if len(meta.ids[uri]) == 0 {
+ files = append(files, o)
+ }
+ }
if len(files) == 0 {
return nil
+ // Filter to files that are not known to be unloadable.
+ loadable := files[:0]
+ for _, file := range files {
+ if _, unloadable := s.unloadableFiles[file.URI()]; !unloadable {
+ loadable = append(loadable, file)
+ }
+ }
+ files = loadable
var uris []span.URI
for _, file := range files {
uris = append(uris, file.URI())
@@ -1654,7 +1669,7 @@
// TODO(rfindley): instead of locking here, we should have load return the
// metadata graph that resulted from loading.
uri := file.URI()
- if s.noValidMetadataForURILocked(uri) {
+ if len(s.meta.ids) == 0 {
s.unloadableFiles[uri] = struct{}{}
@@ -1662,34 +1677,133 @@
return nil
-func (s *snapshot) orphanedOpenFiles() []source.FileHandle {
+// OrphanedFileDiagnostics reports diagnostics describing why open files have
+// no packages or have only command-line-arguments packages.
+// If the resulting diagnostic is nil, the file is either not orphaned or we
+// can't produce a good diagnostic.
+// TODO(rfindley): reconcile the definition of "orphaned" here with
+// reloadOrphanedFiles. The latter does not include files with
+// command-line-arguments packages.
+func (s *snapshot) OrphanedFileDiagnostics(ctx context.Context) map[span.URI]*source.Diagnostic {
- defer
+ meta := s.meta
- var files []source.FileHandle
- s.files.Range(func(uri span.URI, fh source.FileHandle) {
- // Only consider open files, which will be represented as overlays.
- if _, isOverlay := fh.(*Overlay); !isOverlay {
- return
+ var files []*Overlay
+ for _, o := range s.overlays() {
+ uri := o.URI()
+ if s.IsBuiltin(uri) || s.view.FileKind(o) != source.Go {
+ continue
- // Don't try to reload metadata for go.mod files.
- if s.view.FileKind(fh) != source.Go {
- return
+ for _, id := range meta.ids[o.URI()] {
+ if !source.IsCommandLineArguments(id) || meta.metadata[id].Standalone {
+ continue searchOverlays
+ }
- // If the URI doesn't belong to this view, then it's not in a workspace
- // package and should not be reloaded directly.
- if !source.InDir(s.view.folder.Filename(), uri.Filename()) {
- return
+ files = append(files, o)
+ }
+ if len(files) == 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ loadedModFiles := make(map[span.URI]struct{})
+ ignoredFiles := make(map[span.URI]bool)
+ for _, meta := range meta.metadata {
+ if meta.Module != nil && meta.Module.GoMod != "" {
+ gomod := span.URIFromPath(meta.Module.GoMod)
+ loadedModFiles[gomod] = struct{}{}
- // Don't reload metadata for files we've already deemed unloadable.
- if _, ok := s.unloadableFiles[uri]; ok {
- return
+ for _, ignored := range meta.IgnoredFiles {
+ ignoredFiles[ignored] = true
- if s.noValidMetadataForURILocked(uri) {
- files = append(files, fh)
+ }
+ diagnostics := make(map[span.URI]*source.Diagnostic)
+ for _, fh := range files {
+ // Only warn about orphaned files if the file is well-formed enough to
+ // actually be part of a package.
+ //
+ // Use ParseGo as for open files this is likely to be a cache hit (we'll have )
+ pgf, err := s.ParseGo(ctx, fh, source.ParseHeader)
+ if err != nil {
+ continue
- })
- return files
+ if !pgf.File.Name.Pos().IsValid() {
+ continue
+ }
+ rng, err := pgf.PosRange(pgf.File.Name.Pos(), pgf.File.Name.End())
+ if err != nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ // If we have a relevant go.mod file, check whether the file is orphaned
+ // due to its go.mod file being inactive. We could also offer a
+ // prescriptive diagnostic in the case that there is no go.mod file, but it
+ // is harder to be precise in that case, and less important.
+ var msg string
+ if goMod, err := nearestModFile(ctx, fh.URI(), s); err == nil && goMod != "" {
+ if _, ok := loadedModFiles[goMod]; !ok {
+ modDir := filepath.Dir(goMod.Filename())
+ if rel, err := filepath.Rel(s.view.folder.Filename(), modDir); err == nil {
+ modDir = rel
+ }
+ var fix string
+ if s.view.goversion >= 18 {
+ if s.view.gowork != "" {
+ fix = fmt.Sprintf("To fix this problem, you can add this module to your file (%s)", s.view.gowork)
+ } else {
+ fix = "To fix this problem, you can add a file that uses this directory."
+ }
+ } else {
+ fix = `To work with multiple modules simultaneously, please upgrade to Go 1.18 or
+later, reinstall gopls, and use a file.`
+ }
+ msg = fmt.Sprintf(`This file is in directory %q, which is not included in your workspace.
+See the documentation for more information on setting up your workspace:
+`, modDir, fix)
+ }
+ }
+ if msg == "" && ignoredFiles[fh.URI()] {
+ // TODO(rfindley): use the constraint package to check if the file
+ // _actually_ satisfies the current build context.
+ hasConstraint := false
+ walkConstraints(pgf.File, func(constraint.Expr) bool {
+ hasConstraint = true
+ return false
+ })
+ var fix string
+ if hasConstraint {
+ fix = `This file may be excluded due to its build tags; try adding "-tags=<build tag>" to your gopls "buildFlags" configuration
+See the documentation for more information on working with build tags:
+ } else if strings.Contains(filepath.Base(fh.URI().Filename()), "_") {
+ fix = `This file may be excluded due to its GOOS/GOARCH, or other build constraints.`
+ } else {
+ fix = `This file is ignored by your gopls build.` // we don't know why
+ }
+ msg = fmt.Sprintf("No packages found for open file %s.\n%s", fh.URI().Filename(), fix)
+ }
+ if msg != "" {
+ // Only report diagnostics if we detect an actual exclusion.
+ diagnostics[fh.URI()] = &source.Diagnostic{
+ URI: fh.URI(),
+ Range: rng,
+ Severity: protocol.SeverityWarning,
+ Source: source.ListError,
+ Message: msg,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return diagnostics
// TODO(golang/go#53756): this function needs to consider more than just the
@@ -2347,7 +2461,7 @@
return pgfs[0], nil
-func (s *snapshot) IsBuiltin(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI) bool {
+func (s *snapshot) IsBuiltin(uri span.URI) bool {
// We should always get the builtin URI in a canonical form, so use simple