
This document describes the LSP-level commands supported by gopls. They cannot be invoked directly by users, and all the details are subject to change, so nobody should rely on this information.

Run go generate

Identifier: gopls.generate

generate runs go generate for a given directory.

Fill struct

Identifier: gopls.fill_struct

fill_struct is a gopls command to fill a struct with default values.

Regenerate cgo

Identifier: gopls.regenerate_cgo

regenerate_cgo regenerates cgo definitions.

Run test(s)

Identifier: gopls.test

test runs go test for a specific test function.

Run go mod tidy

Identifier: gopls.tidy

tidy runs go mod tidy for a module.

Update go.sum

Identifier: gopls.update_go_sum

update_go_sum updates the go.sum file for a module.

Undeclared name

Identifier: gopls.undeclared_name

undeclared_name adds a variable declaration for an undeclared name.

go get package

Identifier: gopls.go_get_package

go_get_package runs go get to fetch a package.

Add dependency

Identifier: gopls.add_dependency

add_dependency adds a dependency.

Upgrade dependency

Identifier: gopls.upgrade_dependency

upgrade_dependency upgrades a dependency.

Remove dependency

Identifier: gopls.remove_dependency

remove_dependency removes a dependency.

Run go mod vendor

Identifier: gopls.vendor

vendor runs go mod vendor for a module.

Extract to variable

Identifier: gopls.extract_variable

extract_variable extracts an expression to a variable.

Extract to function

Identifier: gopls.extract_function

extract_function extracts statements to a function.

Toggle gc_details

Identifier: gopls.gc_details

gc_details controls calculation of gc annotations.

Generate gopls.mod

Identifier: gopls.generate_gopls_mod

generate_gopls_mod (re)generates the gopls.mod file.