godoc: re-add test for ignoring //line comments in source code

The original CL 84050044 added a test case, and it happened to be
in between various CLI test cases. CLI support was removed from
x/tools/cmd/godoc in CL 141397, as part of golang/go#25443.
Re-add a test case for this behavior to prevent regressions.

Updates golang/go#32092
Updates golang/go#25443
Updates golang/go#5247

Change-Id: I0cea74cfe40d120e398a9005676134c5bad6136c
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/tools/+/177737
Reviewed-by: Robert Griesemer <gri@golang.org>
2 files changed
tree: 6b2e0bd1a009f92c6f81d183e4636e4a45f10c45
  1. benchmark/
  2. blog/
  3. cmd/
  4. container/
  5. cover/
  6. go/
  7. godoc/
  8. imports/
  9. internal/
  10. playground/
  11. present/
  12. refactor/
  13. .gitattributes
  14. .gitignore
  16. codereview.cfg
  19. go.mod
  20. go.sum
  23. README.md

Go Tools

This subrepository holds the source for various packages and tools that support the Go programming language.

Some of the tools, godoc and vet for example, are included in binary Go distributions.

Others, including the Go guru and the test coverage tool, can be fetched with go get.

Packages include a type-checker for Go and an implementation of the Static Single Assignment form (SSA) representation for Go programs.


The easiest way to install is to run go get -u golang.org/x/tools/.... You can also manually git clone the repository to $GOPATH/src/golang.org/x/tools.

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This repository uses Gerrit for code changes. To learn how to submit changes to this repository, see https://golang.org/doc/contribute.html.

The main issue tracker for the tools repository is located at https://github.com/golang/go/issues. Prefix your issue with “x/tools/(your subdir):” in the subject line, so it is easy to find.