internal/language/compact: removes, renames, and exports

The compact package exists to expose compact tag IDs
within x/text, without exporting it outside the repo.

Adjust naming, remove unneeded code, exported some
previously internal code.

Change-Id: I716375dc775c038315d17822c442338c86a2f82d
Run-TryBot: Marcel van Lohuizen <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: Ross Light <>
diff --git a/internal/language/compact/compact.go b/internal/language/compact/compact.go
index 0106331..7994984 100644
--- a/internal/language/compact/compact.go
+++ b/internal/language/compact/compact.go
@@ -2,7 +2,16 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package language // import ""
+// Package compact defines a compact representation of language tags.
+// Common language tags (at least all for which locale information is defined
+// in CLDR) are assigned a unique index. Each Tag is associated with such an
+// ID for selecting language-related resources (such as translations) as well
+// as one for selecting regional defaults (currency, number formatting, etc.)
+// It may want to export this functionality at some point, but at this point
+// this is only available for use within x/text.
+package compact // import ""
 import (
@@ -11,9 +20,10 @@
-type compactID uint16
+// ID is an integer identifying a single tag.
+type ID uint16
-func getCoreIndex(t language.Tag) (id compactID, ok bool) {
+func getCoreIndex(t language.Tag) (id ID, ok bool) {
 	cci, ok := language.GetCompactCore(t)
 	if !ok {
 		return 0, false
@@ -24,14 +34,15 @@
 	if i == len(coreTags) || coreTags[i] != cci {
 		return 0, false
-	return compactID(i), true
+	return ID(i), true
-func (c compactID) tag() language.Tag {
-	if int(c) >= len(coreTags) {
-		return specialTags[int(c)-len(coreTags)]
+// Tag converts id to an internal language Tag.
+func (id ID) Tag() language.Tag {
+	if int(id) >= len(coreTags) {
+		return specialTags[int(id)-len(coreTags)]
-	return coreTags[c].Tag()
+	return coreTags[id].Tag()
 var specialTags []language.Tag
diff --git a/internal/language/compact/coverage.go b/internal/language/compact/coverage.go
deleted file mode 100644
index fdb6156..0000000
--- a/internal/language/compact/coverage.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package language
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"sort"
-	""
-// The Coverage interface is used to define the level of coverage of an
-// internationalization service. Note that not all types are supported by all
-// services. As lists may be generated on the fly, it is recommended that users
-// of a Coverage cache the results.
-type Coverage interface {
-	// Tags returns the list of supported tags.
-	Tags() []Tag
-	// BaseLanguages returns the list of supported base languages.
-	BaseLanguages() []Base
-	// Scripts returns the list of supported scripts.
-	Scripts() []Script
-	// Regions returns the list of supported regions.
-	Regions() []Region
-var (
-	// Supported defines a Coverage that lists all supported subtags. Tags
-	// always returns nil.
-	Supported Coverage = allSubtags{}
-// TODO:
-// - Support Variants, numbering systems.
-// - CLDR coverage levels.
-// - Set of common tags defined in this package.
-type allSubtags struct{}
-// Regions returns the list of supported regions. As all regions are in a
-// consecutive range, it simply returns a slice of numbers in increasing order.
-// The "undefined" region is not returned.
-func (s allSubtags) Regions() []Region {
-	reg := make([]Region, language.NumRegions)
-	for i := range reg {
-		reg[i] = Region{language.Region(i + 1)}
-	}
-	return reg
-// Scripts returns the list of supported scripts. As all scripts are in a
-// consecutive range, it simply returns a slice of numbers in increasing order.
-// The "undefined" script is not returned.
-func (s allSubtags) Scripts() []Script {
-	scr := make([]Script, language.NumScripts)
-	for i := range scr {
-		scr[i] = Script{language.Script(i + 1)}
-	}
-	return scr
-// BaseLanguages returns the list of all supported base languages. It generates
-// the list by traversing the internal structures.
-func (s allSubtags) BaseLanguages() []Base {
-	bs := language.BaseLanguages()
-	base := make([]Base, len(bs))
-	for i, b := range bs {
-		base[i] = Base{b}
-	}
-	return base
-// Tags always returns nil.
-func (s allSubtags) Tags() []Tag {
-	return nil
-// coverage is used used by NewCoverage which is used as a convenient way for
-// creating Coverage implementations for partially defined data. Very often a
-// package will only need to define a subset of slices. coverage provides a
-// convenient way to do this. Moreover, packages using NewCoverage, instead of
-// their own implementation, will not break if later new slice types are added.
-type coverage struct {
-	tags    func() []Tag
-	bases   func() []Base
-	scripts func() []Script
-	regions func() []Region
-func (s *coverage) Tags() []Tag {
-	if s.tags == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	return s.tags()
-// bases implements sort.Interface and is used to sort base languages.
-type bases []Base
-func (b bases) Len() int {
-	return len(b)
-func (b bases) Swap(i, j int) {
-	b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i]
-func (b bases) Less(i, j int) bool {
-	return b[i].langID < b[j].langID
-// BaseLanguages returns the result from calling s.bases if it is specified or
-// otherwise derives the set of supported base languages from tags.
-func (s *coverage) BaseLanguages() []Base {
-	if s.bases == nil {
-		tags := s.Tags()
-		if len(tags) == 0 {
-			return nil
-		}
-		a := make([]Base, len(tags))
-		for i, t := range tags {
-			a[i] = Base{language.Language(t.lang())}
-		}
-		sort.Sort(bases(a))
-		k := 0
-		for i := 1; i < len(a); i++ {
-			if a[k] != a[i] {
-				k++
-				a[k] = a[i]
-			}
-		}
-		return a[:k+1]
-	}
-	return s.bases()
-func (s *coverage) Scripts() []Script {
-	if s.scripts == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	return s.scripts()
-func (s *coverage) Regions() []Region {
-	if s.regions == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	return s.regions()
-// NewCoverage returns a Coverage for the given lists. It is typically used by
-// packages providing internationalization services to define their level of
-// coverage. A list may be of type []T or func() []T, where T is either Tag,
-// Base, Script or Region. The returned Coverage derives the value for Bases
-// from Tags if no func or slice for []Base is specified. For other unspecified
-// types the returned Coverage will return nil for the respective methods.
-func NewCoverage(list ...interface{}) Coverage {
-	s := &coverage{}
-	for _, x := range list {
-		switch v := x.(type) {
-		case func() []Base:
-			s.bases = v
-		case func() []Script:
-			s.scripts = v
-		case func() []Region:
-			s.regions = v
-		case func() []Tag:
-			s.tags = v
-		case []Base:
-			s.bases = func() []Base { return v }
-		case []Script:
-			s.scripts = func() []Script { return v }
-		case []Region:
-			s.regions = func() []Region { return v }
-		case []Tag:
-			s.tags = func() []Tag { return v }
-		default:
-			panic(fmt.Sprintf("language: unsupported set type %T", v))
-		}
-	}
-	return s
diff --git a/internal/language/compact/coverage_test.go b/internal/language/compact/coverage_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index bbc092c..0000000
--- a/internal/language/compact/coverage_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package language
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"reflect"
-	"testing"
-	""
-func TestSupported(t *testing.T) {
-	// To prove the results are correct for a type, we test that the number of
-	// results is identical to the number of results on record, that all results
-	// are distinct and that all results are valid.
-	tests := map[string]int{
-		"BaseLanguages": language.NumLanguages,
-		"Scripts":       language.NumScripts,
-		"Regions":       language.NumRegions,
-		"Tags":          0,
-	}
-	sup := reflect.ValueOf(Supported)
-	for name, num := range tests {
-		v := sup.MethodByName(name).Call(nil)[0]
-		if n := v.Len(); n != num {
-			t.Errorf("len(%s()) was %d; want %d", name, n, num)
-		}
-		dup := make(map[string]bool)
-		for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
-			x := v.Index(i).Interface()
-			// An invalid value will either cause a crash or result in a
-			// duplicate when passed to Sprint.
-			s := fmt.Sprint(x)
-			if dup[s] {
-				t.Errorf("%s: duplicate entry %q", name, s)
-			}
-			dup[s] = true
-		}
-		if len(dup) != v.Len() {
-			t.Errorf("%s: # unique entries was %d; want %d", name, len(dup), v.Len())
-		}
-	}
-func TestNewCoverage(t *testing.T) {
-	bases := []Base{Base{0}, Base{3}, Base{7}}
-	scripts := []Script{Script{11}, Script{17}, Script{23}}
-	regions := []Region{Region{101}, Region{103}, Region{107}}
-	tags := []Tag{Make("pt"), Make("en"), Make("en-GB"), Make("en-US"), Make("pt-PT")}
-	fbases := func() []Base { return bases }
-	fscripts := func() []Script { return scripts }
-	fregions := func() []Region { return regions }
-	ftags := func() []Tag { return tags }
-	tests := []struct {
-		desc    string
-		list    []interface{}
-		bases   []Base
-		scripts []Script
-		regions []Region
-		tags    []Tag
-	}{
-		{
-			desc: "empty",
-		},
-		{
-			desc:  "bases",
-			list:  []interface{}{bases},
-			bases: bases,
-		},
-		{
-			desc:    "scripts",
-			list:    []interface{}{scripts},
-			scripts: scripts,
-		},
-		{
-			desc:    "regions",
-			list:    []interface{}{regions},
-			regions: regions,
-		},
-		{
-			desc:  "bases derives from tags",
-			list:  []interface{}{tags},
-			bases: []Base{Base{_en}, Base{_pt}},
-			tags:  tags,
-		},
-		{
-			desc:  "tags and bases",
-			list:  []interface{}{tags, bases},
-			bases: bases,
-			tags:  tags,
-		},
-		{
-			desc:    "fully specified",
-			list:    []interface{}{tags, bases, scripts, regions},
-			bases:   bases,
-			scripts: scripts,
-			regions: regions,
-			tags:    tags,
-		},
-		{
-			desc:  "bases func",
-			list:  []interface{}{fbases},
-			bases: bases,
-		},
-		{
-			desc:    "scripts func",
-			list:    []interface{}{fscripts},
-			scripts: scripts,
-		},
-		{
-			desc:    "regions func",
-			list:    []interface{}{fregions},
-			regions: regions,
-		},
-		{
-			desc:  "tags func",
-			list:  []interface{}{ftags},
-			bases: []Base{Base{_en}, Base{_pt}},
-			tags:  tags,
-		},
-		{
-			desc:  "tags and bases",
-			list:  []interface{}{ftags, fbases},
-			bases: bases,
-			tags:  tags,
-		},
-		{
-			desc:    "fully specified",
-			list:    []interface{}{ftags, fbases, fscripts, fregions},
-			bases:   bases,
-			scripts: scripts,
-			regions: regions,
-			tags:    tags,
-		},
-	}
-	for i, tt := range tests {
-		l := NewCoverage(tt.list...)
-		if a := l.BaseLanguages(); !reflect.DeepEqual(a, tt.bases) {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s: BaseLanguages was %v; want %v", i, tt.desc, a, tt.bases)
-		}
-		if a := l.Scripts(); !reflect.DeepEqual(a, tt.scripts) {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s: Scripts was %v; want %v", i, tt.desc, a, tt.scripts)
-		}
-		if a := l.Regions(); !reflect.DeepEqual(a, tt.regions) {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s: Regions was %v; want %v", i, tt.desc, a, tt.regions)
-		}
-		if a := l.Tags(); !reflect.DeepEqual(a, tt.tags) {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s: Tags was %v; want %v", i, tt.desc, a, tt.tags)
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/internal/language/compact/examples_test.go b/internal/language/compact/examples_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 68caa3f..0000000
--- a/internal/language/compact/examples_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package language_test
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"net/http"
-	""
-func ExampleCanonType() {
-	p := func(id string) {
-		fmt.Printf("Default(%s) -> %s\n", id, language.Make(id))
-		fmt.Printf("BCP47(%s) -> %s\n", id, language.BCP47.Make(id))
-		fmt.Printf("Macro(%s) -> %s\n", id, language.Macro.Make(id))
-		fmt.Printf("All(%s) -> %s\n", id, language.All.Make(id))
-	}
-	p("en-Latn")
-	p("sh")
-	p("zh-cmn")
-	p("bjd")
-	p("iw-Latn-fonipa-u-cu-usd")
-	// Output:
-	// Default(en-Latn) -> en-Latn
-	// BCP47(en-Latn) -> en
-	// Macro(en-Latn) -> en-Latn
-	// All(en-Latn) -> en
-	// Default(sh) -> sr-Latn
-	// BCP47(sh) -> sh
-	// Macro(sh) -> sh
-	// All(sh) -> sr-Latn
-	// Default(zh-cmn) -> cmn
-	// BCP47(zh-cmn) -> cmn
-	// Macro(zh-cmn) -> zh
-	// All(zh-cmn) -> zh
-	// Default(bjd) -> drl
-	// BCP47(bjd) -> drl
-	// Macro(bjd) -> bjd
-	// All(bjd) -> drl
-	// Default(iw-Latn-fonipa-u-cu-usd) -> he-Latn-fonipa-u-cu-usd
-	// BCP47(iw-Latn-fonipa-u-cu-usd) -> he-Latn-fonipa-u-cu-usd
-	// Macro(iw-Latn-fonipa-u-cu-usd) -> iw-Latn-fonipa-u-cu-usd
-	// All(iw-Latn-fonipa-u-cu-usd) -> he-Latn-fonipa-u-cu-usd
-func ExampleTag_Base() {
-	fmt.Println(language.Make("und").Base())
-	fmt.Println(language.Make("und-US").Base())
-	fmt.Println(language.Make("und-NL").Base())
-	fmt.Println(language.Make("und-419").Base()) // Latin America
-	fmt.Println(language.Make("und-ZZ").Base())
-	// Output:
-	// en Low
-	// en High
-	// nl High
-	// es Low
-	// en Low
-func ExampleTag_Script() {
-	en := language.Make("en")
-	sr := language.Make("sr")
-	sr_Latn := language.Make("sr_Latn")
-	fmt.Println(en.Script())
-	fmt.Println(sr.Script())
-	// Was a script explicitly specified?
-	_, c := sr.Script()
-	fmt.Println(c == language.Exact)
-	_, c = sr_Latn.Script()
-	fmt.Println(c == language.Exact)
-	// Output:
-	// Latn High
-	// Cyrl Low
-	// false
-	// true
-func ExampleTag_Region() {
-	ru := language.Make("ru")
-	en := language.Make("en")
-	fmt.Println(ru.Region())
-	fmt.Println(en.Region())
-	// Output:
-	// RU Low
-	// US Low
-func ExampleRegion_TLD() {
-	us := language.MustParseRegion("US")
-	gb := language.MustParseRegion("GB")
-	uk := language.MustParseRegion("UK")
-	bu := language.MustParseRegion("BU")
-	fmt.Println(us.TLD())
-	fmt.Println(gb.TLD())
-	fmt.Println(uk.TLD())
-	fmt.Println(bu.TLD())
-	fmt.Println(us.Canonicalize().TLD())
-	fmt.Println(gb.Canonicalize().TLD())
-	fmt.Println(uk.Canonicalize().TLD())
-	fmt.Println(bu.Canonicalize().TLD())
-	// Output:
-	// US <nil>
-	// UK <nil>
-	// UK <nil>
-	// ZZ language: region is not a valid ccTLD
-	// US <nil>
-	// UK <nil>
-	// UK <nil>
-	// MM <nil>
-func ExampleCompose() {
-	nl, _ := language.ParseBase("nl")
-	us, _ := language.ParseRegion("US")
-	de := language.Make("de-1901-u-co-phonebk")
-	jp := language.Make("ja-JP")
-	fi := language.Make("fi-x-ing")
-	u, _ := language.ParseExtension("u-nu-arabic")
-	x, _ := language.ParseExtension("x-piglatin")
-	// Combine a base language and region.
-	fmt.Println(language.Compose(nl, us))
-	// Combine a base language and extension.
-	fmt.Println(language.Compose(nl, x))
-	// Replace the region.
-	fmt.Println(language.Compose(jp, us))
-	// Combine several tags.
-	fmt.Println(language.Compose(us, nl, u))
-	// Replace the base language of a tag.
-	fmt.Println(language.Compose(de, nl))
-	fmt.Println(language.Compose(de, nl, u))
-	// Remove the base language.
-	fmt.Println(language.Compose(de, language.Base{}))
-	// Remove all variants.
-	fmt.Println(language.Compose(de, []language.Variant{}))
-	// Remove all extensions.
-	fmt.Println(language.Compose(de, []language.Extension{}))
-	fmt.Println(language.Compose(fi, []language.Extension{}))
-	// Remove all variants and extensions.
-	fmt.Println(language.Compose(de.Raw()))
-	// An error is gobbled or returned if non-nil.
-	fmt.Println(language.Compose(language.ParseRegion("ZA")))
-	fmt.Println(language.Compose(language.ParseRegion("HH")))
-	// Compose uses the same Default canonicalization as Make.
-	fmt.Println(language.Compose(language.Raw.Parse("en-Latn-UK")))
-	// Call compose on a different CanonType for different results.
-	fmt.Println(language.All.Compose(language.Raw.Parse("en-Latn-UK")))
-	// Output:
-	// nl-US <nil>
-	// nl-x-piglatin <nil>
-	// ja-US <nil>
-	// nl-US-u-nu-arabic <nil>
-	// nl-1901-u-co-phonebk <nil>
-	// nl-1901-u-co-phonebk-nu-arabic <nil>
-	// und-1901-u-co-phonebk <nil>
-	// de-u-co-phonebk <nil>
-	// de-1901 <nil>
-	// fi <nil>
-	// de <nil>
-	// und-ZA <nil>
-	// und language: subtag "HH" is well-formed but unknown
-	// en-Latn-GB <nil>
-	// en-GB <nil>
-func ExampleParse_errors() {
-	for _, s := range []string{"Foo", "Bar", "Foobar"} {
-		_, err := language.Parse(s)
-		if err != nil {
-			if inv, ok := err.(language.ValueError); ok {
-				fmt.Println(inv.Subtag())
-			} else {
-				fmt.Println(s)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	for _, s := range []string{"en", "aa-Uuuu", "AC", "ac-u"} {
-		_, err := language.Parse(s)
-		switch e := err.(type) {
-		case language.ValueError:
-			fmt.Printf("%s: culprit %q\n", s, e.Subtag())
-		case nil:
-			// No error.
-		default:
-			// A syntax error.
-			fmt.Printf("%s: ill-formed\n", s)
-		}
-	}
-	// Output:
-	// foo
-	// Foobar
-	// aa-Uuuu: culprit "Uuuu"
-	// AC: culprit "ac"
-	// ac-u: ill-formed
-func ExampleParent() {
-	p := func(tag string) {
-		fmt.Printf("parent(%v): %v\n", tag, language.Make(tag).Parent())
-	}
-	p("zh-CN")
-	// Australian English inherits from World English.
-	p("en-AU")
-	// If the tag has a different maximized script from its parent, a tag with
-	// this maximized script is inserted. This allows different language tags
-	// which have the same base language and script in common to inherit from
-	// a common set of settings.
-	p("zh-HK")
-	// If the maximized script of the parent is not identical, CLDR will skip
-	// inheriting from it, as it means there will not be many entries in common
-	// and inheriting from it is nonsensical.
-	p("zh-Hant")
-	// The parent of a tag with variants and extensions is the tag with all
-	// variants and extensions removed.
-	p("de-1994-u-co-phonebk")
-	// Remove default script.
-	p("de-Latn-LU")
-	// Output:
-	// parent(zh-CN): zh
-	// parent(en-AU): en-001
-	// parent(zh-HK): zh-Hant
-	// parent(zh-Hant): und
-	// parent(de-1994-u-co-phonebk): de
-	// parent(de-Latn-LU): de
-// ExampleMatcher_bestMatch gives some examples of getting the best match of
-// a set of tags to any of the tags of given set.
-func ExampleMatcher() {
-	// This is the set of tags from which we want to pick the best match. These
-	// can be, for example, the supported languages for some package.
-	tags := []language.Tag{
-		language.English,
-		language.BritishEnglish,
-		language.French,
-		language.Afrikaans,
-		language.BrazilianPortuguese,
-		language.EuropeanPortuguese,
-		language.Croatian,
-		language.SimplifiedChinese,
-		language.Raw.Make("iw-IL"),
-		language.Raw.Make("iw"),
-		language.Raw.Make("he"),
-	}
-	m := language.NewMatcher(tags)
-	// A simple match.
-	fmt.Println(m.Match(language.Make("fr")))
-	// Australian English is closer to British than American English.
-	fmt.Println(m.Match(language.Make("en-AU")))
-	// Default to the first tag passed to the Matcher if there is no match.
-	fmt.Println(m.Match(language.Make("ar")))
-	// Get the default tag.
-	fmt.Println(m.Match())
-	fmt.Println("----")
-	// Someone specifying sr-Latn is probably fine with getting Croatian.
-	fmt.Println(m.Match(language.Make("sr-Latn")))
-	// We match SimplifiedChinese, but with Low confidence.
-	fmt.Println(m.Match(language.TraditionalChinese))
-	// Serbian in Latin script is a closer match to Croatian than Traditional
-	// Chinese to Simplified Chinese.
-	fmt.Println(m.Match(language.TraditionalChinese, language.Make("sr-Latn")))
-	fmt.Println("----")
-	// In case a multiple variants of a language are available, the most spoken
-	// variant is typically returned.
-	fmt.Println(m.Match(language.Portuguese))
-	// Pick the first value passed to Match in case of a tie.
-	fmt.Println(m.Match(language.Dutch, language.Make("fr-BE"), language.Make("af-NA")))
-	fmt.Println(m.Match(language.Dutch, language.Make("af-NA"), language.Make("fr-BE")))
-	fmt.Println("----")
-	// If a Matcher is initialized with a language and it's deprecated version,
-	// it will distinguish between them.
-	fmt.Println(m.Match(language.Raw.Make("iw")))
-	// However, for non-exact matches, it will treat deprecated versions as
-	// equivalent and consider other factors first.
-	fmt.Println(m.Match(language.Raw.Make("he-IL")))
-	fmt.Println("----")
-	// User settings passed to the Unicode extension are ignored for matching
-	// and preserved in the returned tag.
-	fmt.Println(m.Match(language.Make("de-u-co-phonebk"), language.Make("fr-u-cu-frf")))
-	// Even if the matching language is different.
-	fmt.Println(m.Match(language.Make("de-u-co-phonebk"), language.Make("br-u-cu-frf")))
-	// If there is no matching language, the options of the first preferred tag are used.
-	fmt.Println(m.Match(language.Make("de-u-co-phonebk")))
-	// Output:
-	// fr 2 Exact
-	// en-GB 1 High
-	// en 0 No
-	// en 0 No
-	// ----
-	// hr 6 High
-	// zh-Hans 7 Low
-	// hr 6 High
-	// ----
-	// pt-BR 4 High
-	// fr 2 High
-	// af 3 High
-	// ----
-	// iw 9 Exact
-	// he 10 Exact
-	// ----
-	// fr-u-cu-frf 2 Exact
-	// fr-u-cu-frf 2 High
-	// en-u-co-phonebk 0 No
-	// TODO: "he" should be "he-u-rg-IL High"
-func ExampleMatchStrings() {
-	// languages supported by this service:
-	matcher := language.NewMatcher([]language.Tag{
-		language.English, language.Dutch, language.German,
-	})
-	http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-		lang, _ := r.Cookie("lang")
-		tag, _ := language.MatchStrings(matcher, lang.String(), r.Header.Get("Accept-Language"))
-		fmt.Println("User language:", tag)
-	})
-func ExampleComprehends() {
-	// Various levels of comprehensibility.
-	fmt.Println(language.Comprehends(language.English, language.English))
-	fmt.Println(language.Comprehends(language.AmericanEnglish, language.BritishEnglish))
-	// An explicit Und results in no match.
-	fmt.Println(language.Comprehends(language.English, language.Und))
-	fmt.Println("----")
-	// There is usually no mutual comprehensibility between different scripts.
-	fmt.Println(language.Comprehends(language.Make("en-Dsrt"), language.English))
-	// One exception is for Traditional versus Simplified Chinese, albeit with
-	// a low confidence.
-	fmt.Println(language.Comprehends(language.TraditionalChinese, language.SimplifiedChinese))
-	fmt.Println("----")
-	// A Swiss German speaker will often understand High German.
-	fmt.Println(language.Comprehends(language.Make("gsw"), language.Make("de")))
-	// The converse is not generally the case.
-	fmt.Println(language.Comprehends(language.Make("de"), language.Make("gsw")))
-	// Output:
-	// Exact
-	// High
-	// No
-	// ----
-	// No
-	// Low
-	// ----
-	// High
-	// No
-func ExampleTag_values() {
-	us := language.MustParseRegion("US")
-	en := language.MustParseBase("en")
-	lang, _, region := language.AmericanEnglish.Raw()
-	fmt.Println(lang == en, region == us)
-	lang, _, region = language.BritishEnglish.Raw()
-	fmt.Println(lang == en, region == us)
-	// Tags can be compared for exact equivalence using '=='.
-	en_us, _ := language.Compose(en, us)
-	fmt.Println(en_us == language.AmericanEnglish)
-	// Output:
-	// true true
-	// true false
-	// true
diff --git a/internal/language/compact/gen.go b/internal/language/compact/gen.go
index 5190040..0c36a05 100644
--- a/internal/language/compact/gen.go
+++ b/internal/language/compact/gen.go
@@ -12,14 +12,9 @@
 import (
-	"io"
-	"sort"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	""
@@ -36,37 +31,22 @@
 	w := gen.NewCodeWriter()
-	defer w.WriteGoFile("tables.go", "language")
+	defer w.WriteGoFile("tables.go", "compact")
 	fmt.Fprintln(w, `import ""`)
 	b := newBuilder(w)
-	b.writeConstants()
-	b.writeMatchData()
 type builder struct {
 	w    *gen.CodeWriter
-	hw   io.Writer // MultiWriter for w and w.Hash
 	data *cldr.CLDR
 	supp *cldr.SupplementalData
-func (b *builder) langIndex(s string) uint16 {
-	return uint16(language.MustParseBase(s))
-func (b *builder) regionIndex(s string) int {
-	return int(language.MustParseRegion(s))
-func (b *builder) scriptIndex(s string) int {
-	return int(language.MustParseScript(s))
 func newBuilder(w *gen.CodeWriter) *builder {
 	r := gen.OpenCLDRCoreZip()
 	defer r.Close()
@@ -77,233 +57,8 @@
 	b := builder{
 		w:    w,
-		hw:   io.MultiWriter(w, w.Hash),
 		data: data,
 		supp: data.Supplemental(),
 	return &b
-// writeConsts computes f(v) for all v in values and writes the results
-// as constants named _v to a single constant block.
-func (b *builder) writeConsts(f func(string) int, values ...string) {
-	fmt.Fprintln(b.w, "const (")
-	for _, v := range values {
-		fmt.Fprintf(b.w, "\t_%s = %v\n", v, f(v))
-	}
-	fmt.Fprintln(b.w, ")")
-// TODO: region inclusion data will probably not be use used in future matchers.
-var langConsts = []string{
-	"de", "en", "fr", "it", "mo", "no", "nb", "pt", "sh", "mul", "und",
-var scriptConsts = []string{
-	"Latn", "Hani", "Hans", "Hant", "Qaaa", "Qaai", "Qabx", "Zinh", "Zyyy",
-	"Zzzz",
-var regionConsts = []string{
-	"001", "419", "BR", "CA", "ES", "GB", "MD", "PT", "UK", "US",
-	"ZZ", "XA", "XC", "XK", // Unofficial tag for Kosovo.
-// writeLanguage generates all tables needed for language canonicalization.
-func (b *builder) writeConstants() {
-	b.writeConsts(func(s string) int { return int(b.langIndex(s)) }, langConsts...)
-	b.writeConsts(b.regionIndex, regionConsts...)
-	b.writeConsts(b.scriptIndex, scriptConsts...)
-type mutualIntelligibility struct {
-	want, have uint16
-	distance   uint8
-	oneway     bool
-type scriptIntelligibility struct {
-	wantLang, haveLang     uint16
-	wantScript, haveScript uint8
-	distance               uint8
-	// Always oneway
-type regionIntelligibility struct {
-	lang     uint16 // compact language id
-	script   uint8  // 0 means any
-	group    uint8  // 0 means any; if bit 7 is set it means inverse
-	distance uint8
-	// Always twoway.
-// writeMatchData writes tables with languages and scripts for which there is
-// mutual intelligibility. The data is based on CLDR's languageMatching data.
-// Note that we use a different algorithm than the one defined by CLDR and that
-// we slightly modify the data. For example, we convert scores to confidence levels.
-// We also drop all region-related data as we use a different algorithm to
-// determine region equivalence.
-func (b *builder) writeMatchData() {
-	lm := b.supp.LanguageMatching.LanguageMatches
-	cldr.MakeSlice(&lm).SelectAnyOf("type", "written_new")
-	regionHierarchy := map[string][]string{}
-	for _, g := range b.supp.TerritoryContainment.Group {
-		regions := strings.Split(g.Contains, " ")
-		regionHierarchy[g.Type] = append(regionHierarchy[g.Type], regions...)
-	}
-	regionToGroups := make([]uint8, language.NumRegions)
-	idToIndex := map[string]uint8{}
-	for i, mv := range lm[0].MatchVariable {
-		if i > 6 {
-			log.Fatalf("Too many groups: %d", i)
-		}
-		idToIndex[mv.Id] = uint8(i + 1)
-		// TODO: also handle '-'
-		for _, r := range strings.Split(mv.Value, "+") {
-			todo := []string{r}
-			for k := 0; k < len(todo); k++ {
-				r := todo[k]
-				regionToGroups[b.regionIndex(r)] |= 1 << uint8(i)
-				todo = append(todo, regionHierarchy[r]...)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	b.w.WriteVar("regionToGroups", regionToGroups)
-	// maps language id to in- and out-of-group region.
-	paradigmLocales := [][3]uint16{}
-	locales := strings.Split(lm[0].ParadigmLocales[0].Locales, " ")
-	for i := 0; i < len(locales); i += 2 {
-		x := [3]uint16{}
-		for j := 0; j < 2; j++ {
-			pc := strings.SplitN(locales[i+j], "-", 2)
-			x[0] = b.langIndex(pc[0])
-			if len(pc) == 2 {
-				x[1+j] = uint16(b.regionIndex(pc[1]))
-			}
-		}
-		paradigmLocales = append(paradigmLocales, x)
-	}
-	b.w.WriteVar("paradigmLocales", paradigmLocales)
-	b.w.WriteType(mutualIntelligibility{})
-	b.w.WriteType(scriptIntelligibility{})
-	b.w.WriteType(regionIntelligibility{})
-	matchLang := []mutualIntelligibility{}
-	matchScript := []scriptIntelligibility{}
-	matchRegion := []regionIntelligibility{}
-	// Convert the languageMatch entries in lists keyed by desired language.
-	for _, m := range lm[0].LanguageMatch {
-		// Different versions of CLDR use different separators.
-		desired := strings.Replace(m.Desired, "-", "_", -1)
-		supported := strings.Replace(m.Supported, "-", "_", -1)
-		d := strings.Split(desired, "_")
-		s := strings.Split(supported, "_")
-		if len(d) != len(s) {
-			log.Fatalf("not supported: desired=%q; supported=%q", desired, supported)
-			continue
-		}
-		distance, _ := strconv.ParseInt(m.Distance, 10, 8)
-		switch len(d) {
-		case 2:
-			if desired == supported && desired == "*_*" {
-				continue
-			}
-			// language-script pair.
-			matchScript = append(matchScript, scriptIntelligibility{
-				wantLang:   uint16(b.langIndex(d[0])),
-				haveLang:   uint16(b.langIndex(s[0])),
-				wantScript: uint8(b.scriptIndex(d[1])),
-				haveScript: uint8(b.scriptIndex(s[1])),
-				distance:   uint8(distance),
-			})
-			if m.Oneway != "true" {
-				matchScript = append(matchScript, scriptIntelligibility{
-					wantLang:   uint16(b.langIndex(s[0])),
-					haveLang:   uint16(b.langIndex(d[0])),
-					wantScript: uint8(b.scriptIndex(s[1])),
-					haveScript: uint8(b.scriptIndex(d[1])),
-					distance:   uint8(distance),
-				})
-			}
-		case 1:
-			if desired == supported && desired == "*" {
-				continue
-			}
-			if distance == 1 {
-				// nb == no is already handled by macro mapping. Check there
-				// really is only this case.
-				if d[0] != "no" || s[0] != "nb" {
-					log.Fatalf("unhandled equivalence %s == %s", s[0], d[0])
-				}
-				continue
-			}
-			// TODO: consider dropping oneway field and just doubling the entry.
-			matchLang = append(matchLang, mutualIntelligibility{
-				want:     uint16(b.langIndex(d[0])),
-				have:     uint16(b.langIndex(s[0])),
-				distance: uint8(distance),
-				oneway:   m.Oneway == "true",
-			})
-		case 3:
-			if desired == supported && desired == "*_*_*" {
-				continue
-			}
-			if desired != supported {
-				// This is now supported by CLDR, but only one case, which
-				// should already be covered by paradigm locales. For instance,
-				// test case "und, en, en-GU, en-IN, en-GB ; en-ZA ; en-GB" in
-				// testdata/CLDRLocaleMatcherTest.txt tests this.
-				if supported != "en_*_GB" {
-					log.Fatalf("not supported: desired=%q; supported=%q", desired, supported)
-				}
-				continue
-			}
-			ri := regionIntelligibility{
-				lang:     b.langIndex(d[0]),
-				distance: uint8(distance),
-			}
-			if d[1] != "*" {
-				ri.script = uint8(b.scriptIndex(d[1]))
-			}
-			switch {
-			case d[2] == "*":
- = 0x80 // not contained in anything
-			case strings.HasPrefix(d[2], "$!"):
- = 0x80
-				d[2] = "$" + d[2][len("$!"):]
-				fallthrough
-			case strings.HasPrefix(d[2], "$"):
- |= idToIndex[d[2]]
-			}
-			matchRegion = append(matchRegion, ri)
-		default:
-			log.Fatalf("not supported: desired=%q; supported=%q", desired, supported)
-		}
-	}
-	sort.SliceStable(matchLang, func(i, j int) bool {
-		return matchLang[i].distance < matchLang[j].distance
-	})
-	b.w.WriteComment(`
-		matchLang holds pairs of langIDs of base languages that are typically
-		mutually intelligible. Each pair is associated with a confidence and
-		whether the intelligibility goes one or both ways.`)
-	b.w.WriteVar("matchLang", matchLang)
-	b.w.WriteComment(`
-		matchScript holds pairs of scriptIDs where readers of one script
-		can typically also read the other. Each is associated with a confidence.`)
-	sort.SliceStable(matchScript, func(i, j int) bool {
-		return matchScript[i].distance < matchScript[j].distance
-	})
-	b.w.WriteVar("matchScript", matchScript)
-	sort.SliceStable(matchRegion, func(i, j int) bool {
-		return matchRegion[i].distance < matchRegion[j].distance
-	})
-	b.w.WriteVar("matchRegion", matchRegion)
diff --git a/internal/language/compact/gen_index.go b/internal/language/compact/gen_index.go
index 2a84a91..475ca39 100644
--- a/internal/language/compact/gen_index.go
+++ b/internal/language/compact/gen_index.go
@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@
 	fmt.Fprintln(w, "const (")
 	for i, t := range coreTags {
-		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s compactID = %d\n", ident(t.Tag().String()), i)
+		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s ID = %d\n", ident(t.Tag().String()), i)
 	for i, t := range special {
-		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s compactID = %d\n", ident(t), i+len(coreTags))
+		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s ID = %d\n", ident(t), i+len(coreTags))
 	fmt.Fprintln(w, ")")
diff --git a/internal/language/compact/go1_1.go b/internal/language/compact/go1_1.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 380f4c0..0000000
--- a/internal/language/compact/go1_1.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// +build !go1.2
-package language
-import "sort"
-func sortStable(s sort.Interface) {
-	ss := stableSort{
-		s:   s,
-		pos: make([]int, s.Len()),
-	}
-	for i := range ss.pos {
-		ss.pos[i] = i
-	}
-	sort.Sort(&ss)
-type stableSort struct {
-	s   sort.Interface
-	pos []int
-func (s *stableSort) Len() int {
-	return len(s.pos)
-func (s *stableSort) Less(i, j int) bool {
-	return s.s.Less(i, j) || !s.s.Less(j, i) && s.pos[i] < s.pos[j]
-func (s *stableSort) Swap(i, j int) {
-	s.s.Swap(i, j)
-	s.pos[i], s.pos[j] = s.pos[j], s.pos[i]
diff --git a/internal/language/compact/go1_2.go b/internal/language/compact/go1_2.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 38268c5..0000000
--- a/internal/language/compact/go1_2.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// +build go1.2
-package language
-import "sort"
-var sortStable = sort.Stable
diff --git a/internal/language/compact/httpexample_test.go b/internal/language/compact/httpexample_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 03c0ab9..0000000
--- a/internal/language/compact/httpexample_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package language_test
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"net/http"
-	"strings"
-	""
-// matcher is a language.Matcher configured for all supported languages.
-var matcher = language.NewMatcher([]language.Tag{
-	language.BritishEnglish,
-	language.Norwegian,
-	language.German,
-// handler is a http.HandlerFunc.
-func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-	t, q, err := language.ParseAcceptLanguage(r.Header.Get("Accept-Language"))
-	// We ignore the error: the default language will be selected for t == nil.
-	tag, _, _ := matcher.Match(t...)
-	fmt.Printf("%17v (t: %6v; q: %3v; err: %v)\n", tag, t, q, err)
-func ExampleParseAcceptLanguage() {
-	for _, al := range []string{
-		"nn;q=0.3, en-us;q=0.8, en,",
-		"gsw, en;q=0.7, en-US;q=0.8",
-		"gsw, nl, da",
-		"invalid",
-	} {
-		// Create dummy request with Accept-Language set and pass it to handler.
-		r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "", strings.NewReader("Hello"))
-		r.Header.Set("Accept-Language", al)
-		handler(nil, r)
-	}
-	// Output:
-	//             en-GB (t: [    en  en-US     nn]; q: [  1 0.8 0.3]; err: <nil>)
-	// en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz (t: [   gsw  en-US     en]; q: [  1 0.8 0.7]; err: <nil>)
-	//                de (t: [   gsw     nl     da]; q: [  1   1   1]; err: <nil>)
-	//             en-GB (t: []; q: []; err: language: tag is not well-formed)
diff --git a/internal/language/compact/language.go b/internal/language/compact/language.go
index c4855b5..415b55e 100644
--- a/internal/language/compact/language.go
+++ b/internal/language/compact/language.go
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 //go:generate go run gen.go gen_index.go -output tables.go
-package language
+package compact
 // TODO: Remove above NOTE after:
 // - verifying that tables are dropped correctly (most notably matcher tables).
@@ -19,33 +19,36 @@
 // specific language or locale. All language tag values are guaranteed to be
 // well-formed.
 type Tag struct {
-	language compactID
-	locale   compactID
+	language ID
+	locale   ID
 	full     fullTag // always a language.Tag for now.
+const _und = 0
 type fullTag interface {
 	IsRoot() bool
 	Parent() language.Tag
-func makeTag(t language.Tag) (tag Tag) {
+// Make a compact Tag from a fully specified internal language Tag.
+func Make(t language.Tag) (tag Tag) {
 	if region := t.TypeForKey("rg"); len(region) == 6 && region[2:] == "zzzz" {
 		if r, err := language.ParseRegion(region[:2]); err == nil {
 			tFull := t
 			t, _ = t.SetTypeForKey("rg", "")
 			// TODO: should we not consider "va" for the language tag?
 			var exact1, exact2 bool
-			tag.language, exact1 = compactIndex(t)
+			tag.language, exact1 = FromTag(t)
 			t.RegionID = r
-			tag.locale, exact2 = compactIndex(t)
+			tag.locale, exact2 = FromTag(t)
 			if !exact1 || !exact2 {
 				tag.full = tFull
 			return tag
-	lang, ok := compactIndex(t)
+	lang, ok := FromTag(t)
 	tag.language = lang
 	tag.locale = lang
 	if !ok {
@@ -54,53 +57,38 @@
 	return tag
-func (t *Tag) tag() language.Tag {
+// Tag returns an internal language Tag version of this tag.
+func (t Tag) Tag() language.Tag {
 	if t.full != nil {
 		return t.full.(language.Tag)
-	tag := t.language.tag()
+	tag := t.language.Tag()
 	if t.language != t.locale {
-		loc := t.locale.tag()
+		loc := t.locale.Tag()
 		tag, _ = tag.SetTypeForKey("rg", strings.ToLower(loc.RegionID.String())+"zzzz")
 	return tag
-func (t *Tag) mayHaveVariants() bool {
+// IsCompact reports whether this tag is fully defined in terms of ID.
+func (t *Tag) IsCompact() bool {
+	return t.full == nil
+// MayHaveVariants reports whether a tag may have variants. If it returns false
+// it is guaranteed the tag does not have variants.
+func (t Tag) MayHaveVariants() bool {
 	return t.full != nil || int(t.language) >= len(coreTags)
-func (t *Tag) mayHaveExtensions() bool {
+// MayHaveExtensions reports whether a tag may have extensions. If it returns
+// false it is guaranteed the tag does not have them.
+func (t Tag) MayHaveExtensions() bool {
 	return t.full != nil ||
 		int(t.language) >= len(coreTags) ||
 		t.language != t.locale
-// TODO: improve performance.
-func (t *Tag) lang() language.Language { return t.tag().LangID }
-func (t *Tag) region() language.Region { return t.tag().RegionID }
-func (t *Tag) script() language.Script { return t.tag().ScriptID }
-// Make is a convenience wrapper for Parse that omits the error.
-// In case of an error, a sensible default is returned.
-func Make(s string) Tag {
-	return Default.Make(s)
-// Make is a convenience wrapper for c.Parse that omits the error.
-// In case of an error, a sensible default is returned.
-func (c CanonType) Make(s string) Tag {
-	t, _ := c.Parse(s)
-	return t
-// Raw returns the raw base language, script and region, without making an
-// attempt to infer their values.
-func (t Tag) Raw() (b Base, s Script, r Region) {
-	tt := t.tag()
-	return Base{tt.LangID}, Script{tt.ScriptID}, Region{tt.RegionID}
 // IsRoot returns true if t is equal to language "und".
 func (t Tag) IsRoot() bool {
 	if t.full != nil {
@@ -109,281 +97,12 @@
 	return t.language == _und
-// CanonType can be used to enable or disable various types of canonicalization.
-type CanonType int
-const (
-	// Replace deprecated base languages with their preferred replacements.
-	DeprecatedBase CanonType = 1 << iota
-	// Replace deprecated scripts with their preferred replacements.
-	DeprecatedScript
-	// Replace deprecated regions with their preferred replacements.
-	DeprecatedRegion
-	// Remove redundant scripts.
-	SuppressScript
-	// Normalize legacy encodings. This includes legacy languages defined in
-	// CLDR as well as bibliographic codes defined in ISO-639.
-	Legacy
-	// Map the dominant language of a macro language group to the macro language
-	// subtag. For example cmn -> zh.
-	Macro
-	// The CLDR flag should be used if full compatibility with CLDR is required.
-	// There are a few cases where language.Tag may differ from CLDR. To follow all
-	// of CLDR's suggestions, use All|CLDR.
-	// Raw can be used to Compose or Parse without Canonicalization.
-	Raw CanonType = 0
-	// Replace all deprecated tags with their preferred replacements.
-	Deprecated = DeprecatedBase | DeprecatedScript | DeprecatedRegion
-	// All canonicalizations recommended by BCP 47.
-	BCP47 = Deprecated | SuppressScript
-	// All canonicalizations.
-	All = BCP47 | Legacy | Macro
-	// Default is the canonicalization used by Parse, Make and Compose. To
-	// preserve as much information as possible, canonicalizations that remove
-	// potentially valuable information are not included. The Matcher is
-	// designed to recognize similar tags that would be the same if
-	// they were canonicalized using All.
-	Default = Deprecated | Legacy
-	canonLang = DeprecatedBase | Legacy | Macro
-	// TODO: LikelyScript, LikelyRegion: suppress similar to ICU.
-// canonicalize returns the canonicalized equivalent of the tag and
-// whether there was any change.
-func canonicalize(c CanonType, t language.Tag) (language.Tag, bool) {
-	if c == Raw {
-		return t, false
-	}
-	changed := false
-	if c&SuppressScript != 0 {
-		if t.LangID.SuppressScript() == t.ScriptID {
-			t.ScriptID = 0
-			changed = true
-		}
-	}
-	if c&canonLang != 0 {
-		for {
-			if l, aliasType := t.LangID.Canonicalize(); l != t.LangID {
-				switch aliasType {
-				case language.Legacy:
-					if c&Legacy != 0 {
-						if t.LangID == _sh && t.ScriptID == 0 {
-							t.ScriptID = _Latn
-						}
-						t.LangID = l
-						changed = true
-					}
-				case language.Macro:
-					if c&Macro != 0 {
-						// We deviate here from CLDR. The mapping "nb" -> "no"
-						// qualifies as a typical Macro language mapping.  However,
-						// for legacy reasons, CLDR maps "no", the macro language
-						// code for Norwegian, to the dominant variant "nb". This
-						// change is currently under consideration for CLDR as well.
-						// See and also
-						// for some of the
-						// practical implications. TODO: this check could be removed
-						// if CLDR adopts this change.
-						if c&CLDR == 0 || t.LangID != _nb {
-							changed = true
-							t.LangID = l
-						}
-					}
-				case language.Deprecated:
-					if c&DeprecatedBase != 0 {
-						if t.LangID == _mo && t.RegionID == 0 {
-							t.RegionID = _MD
-						}
-						t.LangID = l
-						changed = true
-						// Other canonicalization types may still apply.
-						continue
-					}
-				}
-			} else if c&Legacy != 0 && t.LangID == _no && c&CLDR != 0 {
-				t.LangID = _nb
-				changed = true
-			}
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	if c&DeprecatedScript != 0 {
-		if t.ScriptID == _Qaai {
-			changed = true
-			t.ScriptID = _Zinh
-		}
-	}
-	if c&DeprecatedRegion != 0 {
-		if r := t.RegionID.Canonicalize(); r != t.RegionID {
-			changed = true
-			t.RegionID = r
-		}
-	}
-	return t, changed
-// Canonicalize returns the canonicalized equivalent of the tag.
-func (c CanonType) Canonicalize(t Tag) (Tag, error) {
-	// First try fast path.
-	if t.full == nil {
-		if _, changed := canonicalize(c, t.language.tag()); !changed {
-			return t, nil
-		}
-	}
-	// It is unlikely that one will canonicalize a tag after matching. So do
-	// a slow but simple approach here.
-	if tag, changed := canonicalize(c, t.tag()); changed {
-		tag.RemakeString()
-		return makeTag(tag), nil
-	}
-	return t, nil
-// Confidence indicates the level of certainty for a given return value.
-// For example, Serbian may be written in Cyrillic or Latin script.
-// The confidence level indicates whether a value was explicitly specified,
-// whether it is typically the only possible value, or whether there is
-// an ambiguity.
-type Confidence int
-const (
-	No    Confidence = iota // full confidence that there was no match
-	Low                     // most likely value picked out of a set of alternatives
-	High                    // value is generally assumed to be the correct match
-	Exact                   // exact match or explicitly specified value
-var confName = []string{"No", "Low", "High", "Exact"}
-func (c Confidence) String() string {
-	return confName[c]
-// String returns the canonical string representation of the language tag.
-func (t Tag) String() string {
-	return t.tag().String()
-// MarshalText implements encoding.TextMarshaler.
-func (t Tag) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) {
-	return t.tag().MarshalText()
-// UnmarshalText implements encoding.TextUnmarshaler.
-func (t *Tag) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
-	var tag language.Tag
-	err := tag.UnmarshalText(text)
-	*t = makeTag(tag)
-	return err
-// Base returns the base language of the language tag. If the base language is
-// unspecified, an attempt will be made to infer it from the context.
-// It uses a variant of CLDR's Add Likely Subtags algorithm. This is subject to change.
-func (t Tag) Base() (Base, Confidence) {
-	if b := t.lang(); b != 0 {
-		return Base{b}, Exact
-	}
-	tt := t.tag()
-	c := High
-	if tt.ScriptID == 0 && !tt.RegionID.IsCountry() {
-		c = Low
-	}
-	if tag, err := tt.Maximize(); err == nil && tag.LangID != 0 {
-		return Base{tag.LangID}, c
-	}
-	return Base{0}, No
-// Script infers the script for the language tag. If it was not explicitly given, it will infer
-// a most likely candidate.
-// If more than one script is commonly used for a language, the most likely one
-// is returned with a low confidence indication. For example, it returns (Cyrl, Low)
-// for Serbian.
-// If a script cannot be inferred (Zzzz, No) is returned. We do not use Zyyy (undetermined)
-// as one would suspect from the IANA registry for BCP 47. In a Unicode context Zyyy marks
-// common characters (like 1, 2, 3, '.', etc.) and is therefore more like multiple scripts.
-// See for more details. Zzzz is also used for
-// unknown value in CLDR.  (Zzzz, Exact) is returned if Zzzz was explicitly specified.
-// Note that an inferred script is never guaranteed to be the correct one. Latin is
-// almost exclusively used for Afrikaans, but Arabic has been used for some texts
-// in the past.  Also, the script that is commonly used may change over time.
-// It uses a variant of CLDR's Add Likely Subtags algorithm. This is subject to change.
-func (t Tag) Script() (Script, Confidence) {
-	if scr := t.script(); scr != 0 {
-		return Script{scr}, Exact
-	}
-	tt := t.tag()
-	sc, c := language.Script(_Zzzz), No
-	if scr := tt.LangID.SuppressScript(); scr != 0 {
-		// Note: it is not always the case that a language with a suppress
-		// script value is only written in one script (e.g. kk, ms, pa).
-		if tt.RegionID == 0 {
-			return Script{scr}, High
-		}
-		sc, c = scr, High
-	}
-	if tag, err := tt.Maximize(); err == nil {
-		if tag.ScriptID != sc {
-			sc, c = tag.ScriptID, Low
-		}
-	} else {
-		tt, _ = canonicalize(Deprecated|Macro, tt)
-		if tag, err := tt.Maximize(); err == nil && tag.ScriptID != sc {
-			sc, c = tag.ScriptID, Low
-		}
-	}
-	return Script{sc}, c
-// Region returns the region for the language tag. If it was not explicitly given, it will
-// infer a most likely candidate from the context.
-// It uses a variant of CLDR's Add Likely Subtags algorithm. This is subject to change.
-func (t Tag) Region() (Region, Confidence) {
-	if r := t.region(); r != 0 {
-		return Region{r}, Exact
-	}
-	tt := t.tag()
-	if tt, err := tt.Maximize(); err == nil {
-		return Region{tt.RegionID}, Low // TODO: differentiate between high and low.
-	}
-	tt, _ = canonicalize(Deprecated|Macro, tt)
-	if tag, err := tt.Maximize(); err == nil {
-		return Region{tag.RegionID}, Low
-	}
-	return Region{_ZZ}, No // TODO: return world instead of undetermined?
-// Variants returns the variants specified explicitly for this language tag.
-// or nil if no variant was specified.
-func (t Tag) Variants() []Variant {
-	if !t.mayHaveVariants() {
-		return nil
-	}
-	v := []Variant{}
-	x, str := "", t.tag().Variants()
-	for str != "" {
-		x, str = nextToken(str)
-		v = append(v, Variant{x})
-	}
-	return v
 // Parent returns the CLDR parent of t. In CLDR, missing fields in data for a
 // specific language are substituted with fields from the parent language.
 // The parent for a language may change for newer versions of CLDR.
 func (t Tag) Parent() Tag {
 	if t.full != nil {
-		return makeTag(t.full.Parent())
+		return Make(t.full.Parent())
 	if t.language != t.locale {
 		// Simulate stripping -u-rg-xxxxxx
@@ -393,7 +112,7 @@
 	// removed. Probably by internalizing the table and declaring this fast
 	// enough.
 	// lang := compactID(internal.Parent(uint16(t.language)))
-	lang, _ := compactIndex(t.language.tag().Parent())
+	lang, _ := FromTag(t.language.Tag().Parent())
 	return Tag{language: lang, locale: lang}
@@ -407,144 +126,78 @@
 	return s[1:p], s[p:]
-// Extension is a single BCP 47 extension.
-type Extension struct {
-	s string
-// String returns the string representation of the extension, including the
-// type tag.
-func (e Extension) String() string {
-	return e.s
-// ParseExtension parses s as an extension and returns it on success.
-func ParseExtension(s string) (e Extension, err error) {
-	ext, err := language.ParseExtension(s)
-	return Extension{ext}, err
-// Type returns the one-byte extension type of e. It returns 0 for the zero
-// exception.
-func (e Extension) Type() byte {
-	if e.s == "" {
-		return 0
-	}
-	return e.s[0]
-// Tokens returns the list of tokens of e.
-func (e Extension) Tokens() []string {
-	return strings.Split(e.s, "-")
-// Extension returns the extension of type x for tag t. It will return
-// false for ok if t does not have the requested extension. The returned
-// extension will be invalid in this case.
-func (t Tag) Extension(x byte) (ext Extension, ok bool) {
-	if !t.mayHaveExtensions() {
-		return Extension{}, false
-	}
-	e, ok := t.tag().Extension(x)
-	return Extension{e}, ok
-// Extensions returns all extensions of t.
-func (t Tag) Extensions() []Extension {
-	if !t.mayHaveExtensions() {
-		return nil
-	}
-	e := []Extension{}
-	for _, ext := range t.tag().Extensions() {
-		e = append(e, Extension{ext})
-	}
-	return e
-// TypeForKey returns the type associated with the given key, where key and type
-// are of the allowed values defined for the Unicode locale extension ('u') in
-// TypeForKey will traverse the inheritance chain to get the correct value.
-func (t Tag) TypeForKey(key string) string {
-	if !t.mayHaveExtensions() {
-		if key != "rg" && key != "va" {
-			return ""
-		}
-	}
-	return t.tag().TypeForKey(key)
-// SetTypeForKey returns a new Tag with the key set to type, where key and type
-// are of the allowed values defined for the Unicode locale extension ('u') in
-// An empty value removes an existing pair with the same key.
-func (t Tag) SetTypeForKey(key, value string) (Tag, error) {
-	tt, err := t.tag().SetTypeForKey(key, value)
-	return makeTag(tt), err
-// CompactIndex returns an index, where 0 <= index < NumCompactTags, for tags
+// LanguageID returns an index, where 0 <= index < NumCompactTags, for tags
 // for which data exists in the text repository.The index will change over time
 // and should not be stored in persistent storage. If t does not match a compact
 // index, exact will be false and the compact index will be returned for the
 // first match after repeatedly taking the Parent of t.
-func CompactIndex(t Tag) (index int, exact bool) {
-	return int(t.language), t.full == nil
+func LanguageID(t Tag) (id ID, exact bool) {
+	return t.language, t.full == nil
 // TODO: make these functions and methods public once we settle on the API and
-// regionalCompactIndex returns the CompactIndex for the regional variant of this
-// tag. This index is used to indicate region-specific overrides, such as
-// default currency, default calendar and week data, default time cycle, and
-// default measurement system and unit preferences.
+// RegionalID returns the ID for the regional variant of this tag. This index is
+// used to indicate region-specific overrides, such as default currency, default
+// calendar and week data, default time cycle, and default measurement system
+// and unit preferences.
 // For instance, the tag en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz specifies British English with US
 // settings for currency, number formatting, etc. The CompactIndex for this tag
-// will be that for en-GB, while the regionalCompactIndex will be the one
-// corresponding to en-US.
-func regionalCompactIndex(t Tag) (index int, exact bool) {
-	return int(t.locale), t.full == nil
+// will be that for en-GB, while the RegionalID will be the one corresponding to
+// en-US.
+func RegionalID(t Tag) (id ID, exact bool) {
+	return t.locale, t.full == nil
-// languageTag returns t stripped of regional variant indicators.
+// LanguageTag returns t stripped of regional variant indicators.
 // At the moment this means it is stripped of a regional and variant subtag "rg"
 // and "va" in the "u" extension.
-func (t Tag) languageTag() Tag {
+func (t Tag) LanguageTag() Tag {
 	if t.full == nil {
 		return Tag{language: t.language, locale: t.language}
-	tt := t.tag()
+	tt := t.Tag()
 	tt.SetTypeForKey("rg", "")
 	tt.SetTypeForKey("va", "")
-	return makeTag(tt)
+	return Make(tt)
-// regionalTag returns the regional variant of the tag.
+// RegionalTag returns the regional variant of the tag.
 // At the moment this means that the region is set from the regional subtag
 // "rg" in the "u" extension.
-func (t Tag) regionalTag() Tag {
+func (t Tag) RegionalTag() Tag {
 	rt := Tag{language: t.locale, locale: t.locale}
 	if t.full == nil {
 		return rt
-	t, _ = Raw.Compose(rt, t.Variants(), t.Extensions())
-	t, _ = t.SetTypeForKey("rg", "")
+	b := language.Builder{}
+	tag := t.Tag()
+	// tag, _ = tag.SetTypeForKey("rg", "")
+	b.SetTag(t.locale.Tag())
+	if v := tag.Variants(); v != "" {
+		for _, v := range strings.Split(v, "-") {
+			b.AddVariant(v)
+		}
+	}
+	for _, e := range tag.Extensions() {
+		b.AddExt(e)
+	}
 	return t
-func compactIndex(t language.Tag) (index compactID, exact bool) {
+// FromTag reports closest matching ID for an internal language Tag.
+func FromTag(t language.Tag) (id ID, exact bool) {
 	// TODO: perhaps give more frequent tags a lower index.
 	// TODO: we could make the indexes stable. This will excluded some
 	//       possibilities for optimization, so don't do this quite yet.
 	exact = true
 	b, s, r := t.Raw()
-	switch {
-	case t.HasString():
+	if t.HasString() {
 		if t.IsPrivateUse() {
 			// We have no entries for user-defined tags.
 			return 0, false
@@ -577,7 +230,7 @@
 			// We have some variants.
 			for i, s := range specialTags {
 				if s == t {
-					return compactID(i + len(coreTags)), exact
+					return ID(i + len(coreTags)), exact
 			exact = false
@@ -606,157 +259,3 @@
 var root = language.Tag{}
-// Base is an ISO 639 language code, used for encoding the base language
-// of a language tag.
-type Base struct {
-	langID language.Language
-// ParseBase parses a 2- or 3-letter ISO 639 code.
-// It returns a ValueError if s is a well-formed but unknown language identifier
-// or another error if another error occurred.
-func ParseBase(s string) (Base, error) {
-	l, err := language.ParseBase(s)
-	return Base{l}, err
-// String returns the BCP 47 representation of the base language.
-func (b Base) String() string {
-	return b.langID.String()
-// ISO3 returns the ISO 639-3 language code.
-func (b Base) ISO3() string {
-	return b.langID.ISO3()
-// IsPrivateUse reports whether this language code is reserved for private use.
-func (b Base) IsPrivateUse() bool {
-	return b.langID.IsPrivateUse()
-// Script is a 4-letter ISO 15924 code for representing scripts.
-// It is idiomatically represented in title case.
-type Script struct {
-	scriptID language.Script
-// ParseScript parses a 4-letter ISO 15924 code.
-// It returns a ValueError if s is a well-formed but unknown script identifier
-// or another error if another error occurred.
-func ParseScript(s string) (Script, error) {
-	sc, err := language.ParseScript(s)
-	return Script{sc}, err
-// String returns the script code in title case.
-// It returns "Zzzz" for an unspecified script.
-func (s Script) String() string {
-	return s.scriptID.String()
-// IsPrivateUse reports whether this script code is reserved for private use.
-func (s Script) IsPrivateUse() bool {
-	return s.scriptID.IsPrivateUse()
-// Region is an ISO 3166-1 or UN M.49 code for representing countries and regions.
-type Region struct {
-	regionID language.Region
-// EncodeM49 returns the Region for the given UN M.49 code.
-// It returns an error if r is not a valid code.
-func EncodeM49(r int) (Region, error) {
-	rid, err := language.EncodeM49(r)
-	return Region{rid}, err
-// ParseRegion parses a 2- or 3-letter ISO 3166-1 or a UN M.49 code.
-// It returns a ValueError if s is a well-formed but unknown region identifier
-// or another error if another error occurred.
-func ParseRegion(s string) (Region, error) {
-	r, err := language.ParseRegion(s)
-	return Region{r}, err
-// String returns the BCP 47 representation for the region.
-// It returns "ZZ" for an unspecified region.
-func (r Region) String() string {
-	return r.regionID.String()
-// ISO3 returns the 3-letter ISO code of r.
-// Note that not all regions have a 3-letter ISO code.
-// In such cases this method returns "ZZZ".
-func (r Region) ISO3() string {
-	return r.regionID.String()
-// M49 returns the UN M.49 encoding of r, or 0 if this encoding
-// is not defined for r.
-func (r Region) M49() int {
-	return r.regionID.M49()
-// IsPrivateUse reports whether r has the ISO 3166 User-assigned status. This
-// may include private-use tags that are assigned by CLDR and used in this
-// implementation. So IsPrivateUse and IsCountry can be simultaneously true.
-func (r Region) IsPrivateUse() bool {
-	return r.regionID.IsPrivateUse()
-// IsCountry returns whether this region is a country or autonomous area. This
-// includes non-standard definitions from CLDR.
-func (r Region) IsCountry() bool {
-	return r.regionID.IsCountry()
-// IsGroup returns whether this region defines a collection of regions. This
-// includes non-standard definitions from CLDR.
-func (r Region) IsGroup() bool {
-	return r.regionID.IsGroup()
-// Contains returns whether Region c is contained by Region r. It returns true
-// if c == r.
-func (r Region) Contains(c Region) bool {
-	return r.regionID.Contains(c.regionID)
-// TLD returns the country code top-level domain (ccTLD). UK is returned for GB.
-// In all other cases it returns either the region itself or an error.
-// This method may return an error for a region for which there exists a
-// canonical form with a ccTLD. To get that ccTLD canonicalize r first. The
-// region will already be canonicalized it was obtained from a Tag that was
-// obtained using any of the default methods.
-func (r Region) TLD() (Region, error) {
-	tld, err := r.regionID.TLD()
-	return Region{tld}, err
-// Canonicalize returns the region or a possible replacement if the region is
-// deprecated. It will not return a replacement for deprecated regions that
-// are split into multiple regions.
-func (r Region) Canonicalize() Region {
-	return Region{r.regionID.Canonicalize()}
-// Variant represents a registered variant of a language as defined by BCP 47.
-type Variant struct {
-	variant string
-// ParseVariant parses and returns a Variant. An error is returned if s is not
-// a valid variant.
-func ParseVariant(s string) (Variant, error) {
-	v, err := language.ParseVariant(s)
-	return Variant{v.String()}, err
-// String returns the string representation of the variant.
-func (v Variant) String() string {
-	return v.variant
diff --git a/internal/language/compact/language_test.go b/internal/language/compact/language_test.go
index 20bc48c..4b1eea1 100644
--- a/internal/language/compact/language_test.go
+++ b/internal/language/compact/language_test.go
@@ -2,13 +2,23 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package language
+package compact
 import (
+	""
+func mustParse(s string) Tag {
+	t, err := language.Parse(s)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return Make(t)
 func TestTagSize(t *testing.T) {
 	id := Tag{}
 	typ := reflect.TypeOf(id)
@@ -17,50 +27,20 @@
-func TestIsRoot(t *testing.T) {
-	loc := Tag{}
-	if !loc.IsRoot() {
-		t.Errorf("unspecified should be root.")
-	}
-	for i, tt := range parseTests() {
-		loc, _ := Parse(
-		undef := tt.lang == "und" && tt.script == "" && tt.region == "" && tt.ext == ""
-		if loc.IsRoot() != undef {
-			t.Errorf("%d: was %v; want %v", i, loc.IsRoot(), undef)
-		}
-	}
 func TestEquality(t *testing.T) {
 	for i, tt := range parseTests() {
 		s :=
-		tag := Make(s)
-		t1 := Make(tag.String())
+		tag := mk(s)
+		t1 := mustParse(tag.Tag().String())
 		if tag != t1 {
 			t.Errorf("%d:%s: equality test 1 failed\n got: %#v\nwant: %#v)", i, s, t1, tag)
-		t2, _ := Compose(tag)
-		if tag != t2 {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s: equality test 2 failed\n got: %#v\nwant: %#v", i, s, t2, tag)
-		}
-	}
-func TestString(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []string{
-		"no-u-rg-dkzzzz",
-	}
-	for i, s := range tests {
-		tag := Make(s)
-		if tag.String() != s {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s: got %s: want %s (%#v)", i, s, tag.String(), s, tag)
-		}
 type compactTest struct {
 	tag   string
-	index compactID
+	index ID
 	ok    bool
@@ -89,7 +69,7 @@
 	{"sh", shIndex, true}, // From plural rules.
-func TestCompactIndex(t *testing.T) {
+func TestLanguageID(t *testing.T) {
 	tests := append(compactTests, []compactTest{
 		{"en-GB", enGBIndex, true},
 		{"en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz", enGBIndex, true},
@@ -101,14 +81,14 @@
 		{"en-GB-u-co-phonebk-rg-usz", enGBIndex, false},
 	for _, tt := range tests {
-		x, ok := CompactIndex(Raw.MustParse(tt.tag))
-		if compactID(x) != tt.index || ok != tt.ok {
+		x, ok := LanguageID(mustParse(tt.tag))
+		if ID(x) != tt.index || ok != tt.ok {
 			t.Errorf("%s: got %d, %v; want %d %v", tt.tag, x, ok, tt.index, tt.ok)
-func TestRegionalCompactIndex(t *testing.T) {
+func TestRegionalID(t *testing.T) {
 	tests := append(compactTests, []compactTest{
 		{"en-GB", enGBIndex, true},
 		{"en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz", enUSIndex, true},
@@ -122,516 +102,13 @@
 		{"en-GB-u-co-phonebk-rg-usz", enGBIndex, false},
 	for _, tt := range tests {
-		x, ok := regionalCompactIndex(Raw.MustParse(tt.tag))
-		if compactID(x) != tt.index || ok != tt.ok {
+		x, ok := RegionalID(mustParse(tt.tag))
+		if ID(x) != tt.index || ok != tt.ok {
 			t.Errorf("%s: got %d, %v; want %d %v", tt.tag, x, ok, tt.index, tt.ok)
-func TestMarshal(t *testing.T) {
-	testCases := []string{
-		// TODO: these values will change with each CLDR update. This issue
-		// will be solved if we decide to fix the indexes.
-		"und",
-		"ca-ES-valencia",
-		"ca-ES-valencia-u-va-posix",
-		"ca-ES-valencia-u-co-phonebk",
-		"ca-ES-valencia-u-co-phonebk-va-posix",
-		"x-klingon",
-		"en-US",
-		"en-US-u-va-posix",
-		"en",
-		"en-u-co-phonebk",
-		"en-001",
-		"sh",
-		"en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz",
-		"en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz-va-posix",
-		"en-GB-u-co-phonebk-rg-uszzzz",
-		// Invalid tags should also roundtrip.
-		"en-GB-u-co-phonebk-rg-uszz",
-	}
-	for _, tc := range testCases {
-		var tag Tag
-		err := tag.UnmarshalText([]byte(tc))
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Errorf("UnmarshalText(%q): unexpected error: %v", tc, err)
-		}
-		b, err := tag.MarshalText()
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Errorf("MarshalText(%q): unexpected error: %v", tc, err)
-		}
-		if got := string(b); got != tc {
-			t.Errorf("%s: got %q; want %q", tc, got, tc)
-		}
-	}
-func TestBase(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct {
-		loc, lang string
-		conf      Confidence
-	}{
-		{"und", "en", Low},
-		{"x-abc", "und", No},
-		{"en", "en", Exact},
-		{"und-Cyrl", "ru", High},
-		// If a region is not included, the official language should be English.
-		{"und-US", "en", High},
-		// TODO: not-explicitly listed scripts should probably be und, No
-		// Modify addTags to return info on how the match was derived.
-		// {"und-Aghb", "und", No},
-	}
-	for i, tt := range tests {
-		loc, _ := Parse(tt.loc)
-		lang, conf := loc.Base()
-		if lang.String() != tt.lang {
-			t.Errorf("%d: language was %s; want %s", i, lang, tt.lang)
-		}
-		if conf != tt.conf {
-			t.Errorf("%d: confidence was %d; want %d", i, conf, tt.conf)
-		}
-	}
-func TestParseBase(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct {
-		in  string
-		out string
-		ok  bool
-	}{
-		{"en", "en", true},
-		{"EN", "en", true},
-		{"nld", "nl", true},
-		{"dut", "dut", true},  // bibliographic
-		{"aaj", "und", false}, // unknown
-		{"qaa", "qaa", true},
-		{"a", "und", false},
-		{"", "und", false},
-		{"aaaa", "und", false},
-	}
-	for i, tt := range tests {
-		x, err := ParseBase(
-		if x.String() != tt.out || err == nil != tt.ok {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s: was %s, %v; want %s, %v", i,, x, err == nil, tt.out, tt.ok)
-		}
-		if y, _, _ := Raw.Make(tt.out).Raw(); x != y {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s: tag was %s; want %s", i,, x, y)
-		}
-	}
-func TestScript(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct {
-		loc, scr string
-		conf     Confidence
-	}{
-		{"und", "Latn", Low},
-		{"en-Latn", "Latn", Exact},
-		{"en", "Latn", High},
-		{"sr", "Cyrl", Low},
-		{"kk", "Cyrl", High},
-		{"kk-CN", "Arab", Low},
-		{"cmn", "Hans", Low},
-		{"ru", "Cyrl", High},
-		{"ru-RU", "Cyrl", High},
-		{"yue", "Hant", Low},
-		{"x-abc", "Zzzz", Low},
-		{"und-zyyy", "Zyyy", Exact},
-	}
-	for i, tt := range tests {
-		loc, _ := Parse(tt.loc)
-		sc, conf := loc.Script()
-		if sc.String() != tt.scr {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s: script was %s; want %s", i, tt.loc, sc, tt.scr)
-		}
-		if conf != tt.conf {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s: confidence was %d; want %d", i, tt.loc, conf, tt.conf)
-		}
-	}
-func TestParseScript(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct {
-		in  string
-		out string
-		ok  bool
-	}{
-		{"Latn", "Latn", true},
-		{"zzzz", "Zzzz", true},
-		{"zyyy", "Zyyy", true},
-		{"Latm", "Zzzz", false},
-		{"Zzz", "Zzzz", false},
-		{"", "Zzzz", false},
-		{"Zzzxx", "Zzzz", false},
-	}
-	for i, tt := range tests {
-		x, err := ParseScript(
-		if x.String() != tt.out || err == nil != tt.ok {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s: was %s, %v; want %s, %v", i,, x, err == nil, tt.out, tt.ok)
-		}
-		if err == nil {
-			if _, y, _ := Raw.Make("und-" + tt.out).Raw(); x != y {
-				t.Errorf("%d:%s: tag was %s; want %s", i,, x, y)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-func TestRegion(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct {
-		loc, reg string
-		conf     Confidence
-	}{
-		{"und", "US", Low},
-		{"en", "US", Low},
-		{"zh-Hant", "TW", Low},
-		{"en-US", "US", Exact},
-		{"cmn", "CN", Low},
-		{"ru", "RU", Low},
-		{"yue", "HK", Low},
-		{"x-abc", "ZZ", Low},
-	}
-	for i, tt := range tests {
-		loc, _ := Raw.Parse(tt.loc)
-		reg, conf := loc.Region()
-		if reg.String() != tt.reg {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s: region was %s; want %s", i, tt.loc, reg, tt.reg)
-		}
-		if conf != tt.conf {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s: confidence was %d; want %d", i, tt.loc, conf, tt.conf)
-		}
-	}
-func TestEncodeM49(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct {
-		m49  int
-		code string
-		ok   bool
-	}{
-		{1, "001", true},
-		{840, "US", true},
-		{899, "ZZ", false},
-	}
-	for i, tt := range tests {
-		if r, err := EncodeM49(tt.m49); r.String() != tt.code || err == nil != tt.ok {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%d: was %s, %v; want %s, %v", i, tt.m49, r, err == nil, tt.code, tt.ok)
-		}
-	}
-	for i := 1; i <= 1000; i++ {
-		if r, err := EncodeM49(i); err == nil && r.M49() == 0 {
-			t.Errorf("%d has no error, but maps to undefined region", i)
-		}
-	}
-func TestParseRegion(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct {
-		in  string
-		out string
-		ok  bool
-	}{
-		{"001", "001", true},
-		{"840", "US", true},
-		{"899", "ZZ", false},
-		{"USA", "US", true},
-		{"US", "US", true},
-		{"BC", "ZZ", false},
-		{"C", "ZZ", false},
-		{"CCCC", "ZZ", false},
-		{"01", "ZZ", false},
-	}
-	for i, tt := range tests {
-		r, err := ParseRegion(
-		if r.String() != tt.out || err == nil != tt.ok {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s: was %s, %v; want %s, %v", i,, r, err == nil, tt.out, tt.ok)
-		}
-		if err == nil {
-			if _, _, y := Raw.Make("und-" + tt.out).Raw(); r != y {
-				t.Errorf("%d:%s: tag was %s; want %s", i,, r, y)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-func TestIsCountry(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct {
-		reg     string
-		country bool
-	}{
-		{"US", true},
-		{"001", false},
-		{"958", false},
-		{"419", false},
-		{"203", true},
-		{"020", true},
-		{"900", false},
-		{"999", false},
-		{"QO", false},
-		{"EU", false},
-		{"AA", false},
-		{"XK", true},
-	}
-	for i, tt := range tests {
-		r, _ := ParseRegion(tt.reg)
-		if r.IsCountry() != {
-			t.Errorf("%d: IsCountry(%s) was %v; want %v", i, tt.reg, r.IsCountry(),
-		}
-	}
-func TestIsGroup(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct {
-		reg   string
-		group bool
-	}{
-		{"US", false},
-		{"001", true},
-		{"958", false},
-		{"419", true},
-		{"203", false},
-		{"020", false},
-		{"900", false},
-		{"999", false},
-		{"QO", true},
-		{"EU", true},
-		{"AA", false},
-		{"XK", false},
-	}
-	for i, tt := range tests {
-		r, _ := ParseRegion(tt.reg)
-		if r.IsGroup() != {
-			t.Errorf("%d: IsGroup(%s) was %v; want %v", i, tt.reg, r.IsGroup(),
-		}
-	}
-func TestContains(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct {
-		enclosing, contained string
-		contains             bool
-	}{
-		// A region contains itself.
-		{"US", "US", true},
-		{"001", "001", true},
-		// Direct containment.
-		{"001", "002", true},
-		{"039", "XK", true},
-		{"150", "XK", true},
-		{"EU", "AT", true},
-		{"QO", "AQ", true},
-		// Indirect containemnt.
-		{"001", "US", true},
-		{"001", "419", true},
-		{"001", "013", true},
-		// No containment.
-		{"US", "001", false},
-		{"155", "EU", false},
-	}
-	for i, tt := range tests {
-		r := MustParseRegion(tt.enclosing)
-		con := MustParseRegion(tt.contained)
-		if got := r.Contains(con); got != tt.contains {
-			t.Errorf("%d: %s.Contains(%s) was %v; want %v", i, tt.enclosing, tt.contained, got, tt.contains)
-		}
-	}
-func TestRegionCanonicalize(t *testing.T) {
-	for i, tt := range []struct{ in, out string }{
-		{"UK", "GB"},
-		{"TP", "TL"},
-		{"QU", "EU"},
-		{"SU", "SU"},
-		{"VD", "VN"},
-		{"DD", "DE"},
-	} {
-		r := MustParseRegion(
-		want := MustParseRegion(tt.out)
-		if got := r.Canonicalize(); got != want {
-			t.Errorf("%d: got %v; want %v", i, got, want)
-		}
-	}
-func TestRegionTLD(t *testing.T) {
-	for _, tt := range []struct {
-		in, out string
-		ok      bool
-	}{
-		{"EH", "EH", true},
-		{"FR", "FR", true},
-		{"TL", "TL", true},
-		// In ccTLD before in ISO.
-		{"GG", "GG", true},
-		// Non-standard assignment of ccTLD to ISO code.
-		{"GB", "UK", true},
-		// Exceptionally reserved in ISO and valid ccTLD.
-		{"UK", "UK", true},
-		{"AC", "AC", true},
-		{"EU", "EU", true},
-		{"SU", "SU", true},
-		// Exceptionally reserved in ISO and invalid ccTLD.
-		{"CP", "ZZ", false},
-		{"DG", "ZZ", false},
-		{"EA", "ZZ", false},
-		{"FX", "ZZ", false},
-		{"IC", "ZZ", false},
-		{"TA", "ZZ", false},
-		// Transitionally reserved in ISO (e.g. deprecated) but valid ccTLD as
-		// it is still being phased out.
-		{"AN", "AN", true},
-		{"TP", "TP", true},
-		// Transitionally reserved in ISO (e.g. deprecated) and invalid ccTLD.
-		// Defined in package language as it has a mapping in CLDR.
-		{"BU", "ZZ", false},
-		{"CS", "ZZ", false},
-		{"NT", "ZZ", false},
-		{"YU", "ZZ", false},
-		{"ZR", "ZZ", false},
-		// Not defined in package: SF.
-		// Indeterminately reserved in ISO.
-		// Defined in package language as it has a legacy mapping in CLDR.
-		{"DY", "ZZ", false},
-		{"RH", "ZZ", false},
-		{"VD", "ZZ", false},
-		// Not defined in package: EW, FL, JA, LF, PI, RA, RB, RC, RI, RL, RM,
-		// RN, RP, WG, WL, WV, and YV.
-		// Not assigned in ISO, but legacy definitions in CLDR.
-		{"DD", "ZZ", false},
-		{"YD", "ZZ", false},
-		// Normal mappings but somewhat special status in ccTLD.
-		{"BL", "BL", true},
-		{"MF", "MF", true},
-		{"BV", "BV", true},
-		{"SJ", "SJ", true},
-		// Have values when normalized, but not as is.
-		{"QU", "ZZ", false},
-		// ISO Private Use.
-		{"AA", "ZZ", false},
-		{"QM", "ZZ", false},
-		{"QO", "ZZ", false},
-		{"XA", "ZZ", false},
-		{"XK", "ZZ", false}, // Sometimes used for Kosovo, but invalid ccTLD.
-	} {
-		if == "" {
-			continue
-		}
-		r := MustParseRegion(
-		var want Region
-		if tt.out != "ZZ" {
-			want = MustParseRegion(tt.out)
-		}
-		tld, err := r.TLD()
-		if got := err == nil; got != tt.ok {
-			t.Errorf("error(%v): got %v; want %v", r, got, tt.ok)
-		}
-		if tld != want {
-			t.Errorf("TLD(%v): got %v; want %v", r, tld, want)
-		}
-	}
-func TestCanonicalize(t *testing.T) {
-	// TODO: do a full test using CLDR data in a separate regression test.
-	tests := []struct {
-		in, out string
-		option  CanonType
-	}{
-		{"en-Latn", "en", SuppressScript},
-		{"sr-Cyrl", "sr-Cyrl", SuppressScript},
-		{"sh", "sr-Latn", Legacy},
-		{"sh-HR", "sr-Latn-HR", Legacy},
-		{"sh-Cyrl-HR", "sr-Cyrl-HR", Legacy},
-		{"tl", "fil", Legacy},
-		{"no", "no", Legacy},
-		{"no", "nb", Legacy | CLDR},
-		{"cmn", "cmn", Legacy},
-		{"cmn", "zh", Macro},
-		{"cmn-u-co-stroke", "zh-u-co-stroke", Macro},
-		{"yue", "yue", Macro},
-		{"nb", "no", Macro},
-		{"nb", "nb", Macro | CLDR},
-		{"no", "no", Macro},
-		{"no", "no", Macro | CLDR},
-		{"iw", "he", DeprecatedBase},
-		{"iw", "he", Deprecated | CLDR},
-		{"mo", "ro-MD", Deprecated}, // Adopted by CLDR as of version 25.
-		{"alb", "sq", Legacy},       // bibliographic
-		{"dut", "nl", Legacy},       // bibliographic
-		// As of CLDR 25, mo is no longer considered a legacy mapping.
-		{"mo", "mo", Legacy | CLDR},
-		{"und-AN", "und-AN", Deprecated},
-		{"und-YD", "und-YE", DeprecatedRegion},
-		{"und-YD", "und-YD", DeprecatedBase},
-		{"und-Qaai", "und-Zinh", DeprecatedScript},
-		{"und-Qaai", "und-Qaai", DeprecatedBase},
-		{"drh", "mn", All}, // drh -> khk -> mn
-		{"en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz", "en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz", Raw},
-		{"en-GB-u-rg-USZZZZ", "en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz", Raw},
-		// TODO: use different exact values for language and regional tag?
-		{"en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz-va-posix", "en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz-va-posix", Raw},
-		{"en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz-co-phonebk", "en-GB-u-co-phonebk-rg-uszzzz", Raw},
-		// Invalid region specifications are left as is.
-		{"en-GB-u-rg-usz", "en-GB-u-rg-usz", Raw},
-		{"en-GB-u-rg-usz-va-posix", "en-GB-u-rg-usz-va-posix", Raw},
-		{"en-GB-u-rg-usz-co-phonebk", "en-GB-u-co-phonebk-rg-usz", Raw},
-	}
-	for i, tt := range tests {
-		in, _ := Raw.Parse(
-		in, _ = tt.option.Canonicalize(in)
-		if in.String() != tt.out {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s: was %s; want %s", i,, in.String(), tt.out)
-		}
-	}
-	// Test idempotence.
-	for _, base := range Supported.BaseLanguages() {
-		tag, _ := Raw.Compose(base)
-		got, _ := All.Canonicalize(tag)
-		want, _ := All.Canonicalize(got)
-		if got != want {
-			t.Errorf("idem(%s): got %s; want %s", tag, got, want)
-		}
-	}
-func TestTypeForKey(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct{ key, in, out string }{
-		{"co", "en", ""},
-		{"co", "en-u-abc", ""},
-		{"co", "en-u-co-phonebk", "phonebk"},
-		{"co", "en-u-co-phonebk-cu-aud", "phonebk"},
-		{"co", "x-foo-u-co-phonebk", ""},
-		{"va", "en-US-u-va-posix", "posix"},
-		{"rg", "en-u-rg-gbzzzz", "gbzzzz"},
-		{"nu", "en-u-co-phonebk-nu-arabic", "arabic"},
-		{"kc", "cmn-u-co-stroke", ""},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		if v := Make(; v != tt.out {
-			t.Errorf("%q[%q]: was %q; want %q",, tt.key, v, tt.out)
-		}
-	}
 func TestParent(t *testing.T) {
 	tests := []struct{ in, out string }{
 		// Strip variants and extensions first
@@ -735,110 +212,9 @@
 		{"nl-US-u-rg-gbzzzz", "nl-US"}, // t.full != nil
 	for _, tt := range tests {
-		tag := Raw.MustParse(
-		if p := Raw.MustParse(tt.out); p != tag.Parent() {
+		tag := mustParse(
+		if p := mustParse(tt.out); p != tag.Parent() {
 			t.Errorf("%s: was %v; want %v",, tag.Parent(), p)
-var (
-	// Tags without error that don't need to be changed.
-	benchBasic = []string{
-		"en",
-		"en-Latn",
-		"en-GB",
-		"za",
-		"zh-Hant",
-		"zh",
-		"zh-HK",
-		"ar-MK",
-		"en-CA",
-		"fr-CA",
-		"fr-CH",
-		"fr",
-		"lv",
-		"he-IT",
-		"tlh",
-		"ja",
-		"ja-Jpan",
-		"ja-Jpan-JP",
-		"de-1996",
-		"de-CH",
-		"sr",
-		"sr-Latn",
-	}
-	// Tags with extensions, not changes required.
-	benchExt = []string{
-		"x-a-b-c-d",
-		"x-aa-bbbb-cccccccc-d",
-		"en-x_cc-b-bbb-a-aaa",
-		"en-c_cc-b-bbb-a-aaa-x-x",
-		"en-u-co-phonebk",
-		"en-Cyrl-u-co-phonebk",
-		"en-US-u-co-phonebk-cu-xau",
-		"en-nedix-u-co-phonebk",
-		"en-t-t0-abcd",
-		"en-t-nl-latn",
-		"en-t-t0-abcd-x-a",
-	}
-	// Change, but not memory allocation required.
-	benchSimpleChange = []string{
-		"EN",
-		"i-klingon",
-		"en-latn",
-		"zh-cmn-Hans-CN",
-		"iw-NL",
-	}
-	// Change and memory allocation required.
-	benchChangeAlloc = []string{
-		"en-c_cc-b-bbb-a-aaa",
-		"en-u-cu-xua-co-phonebk",
-		"en-u-cu-xua-co-phonebk-a-cd",
-		"en-u-def-abc-cu-xua-co-phonebk",
-		"en-t-en-Cyrl-NL-1994",
-		"en-t-en-Cyrl-NL-1994-t0-abc-def",
-	}
-	// Tags that result in errors.
-	benchErr = []string{
-		// IllFormed
-		"x_A.-B-C_D",
-		"en-u-cu-co-phonebk",
-		"en-u-cu-xau-co",
-		"en-t-nl-abcd",
-		// Invalid
-		"xx",
-		"nl-Uuuu",
-		"nl-QB",
-	}
-	benchChange = append(benchSimpleChange, benchChangeAlloc...)
-	benchAll    = append(append(append(benchBasic, benchExt...), benchChange...), benchErr...)
-func doParse(b *testing.B, tag []string) {
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		// Use the modulo instead of looping over all tags so that we get a somewhat
-		// meaningful ns/op.
-		Parse(tag[i%len(tag)])
-	}
-func BenchmarkParse(b *testing.B) {
-	doParse(b, benchAll)
-func BenchmarkParseBasic(b *testing.B) {
-	doParse(b, benchBasic)
-func BenchmarkParseError(b *testing.B) {
-	doParse(b, benchErr)
-func BenchmarkParseSimpleChange(b *testing.B) {
-	doParse(b, benchSimpleChange)
-func BenchmarkParseChangeAlloc(b *testing.B) {
-	doParse(b, benchChangeAlloc)
diff --git a/internal/language/compact/parse.go b/internal/language/compact/parse.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d50c8aa..0000000
--- a/internal/language/compact/parse.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package language
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	""
-// ValueError is returned by any of the parsing functions when the
-// input is well-formed but the respective subtag is not recognized
-// as a valid value.
-type ValueError interface {
-	error
-	// Subtag returns the subtag for which the error occurred.
-	Subtag() string
-// Parse parses the given BCP 47 string and returns a valid Tag. If parsing
-// failed it returns an error and any part of the tag that could be parsed.
-// If parsing succeeded but an unknown value was found, it returns
-// ValueError. The Tag returned in this case is just stripped of the unknown
-// value. All other values are preserved. It accepts tags in the BCP 47 format
-// and extensions to this standard defined in
-// The resulting tag is canonicalized using the default canonicalization type.
-func Parse(s string) (t Tag, err error) {
-	return Default.Parse(s)
-// Parse parses the given BCP 47 string and returns a valid Tag. If parsing
-// failed it returns an error and any part of the tag that could be parsed.
-// If parsing succeeded but an unknown value was found, it returns
-// ValueError. The Tag returned in this case is just stripped of the unknown
-// value. All other values are preserved. It accepts tags in the BCP 47 format
-// and extensions to this standard defined in
-// The resulting tag is canonicalized using the the canonicalization type c.
-func (c CanonType) Parse(s string) (t Tag, err error) {
-	tt, err := language.Parse(s)
-	if err != nil {
-		return makeTag(tt), err
-	}
-	tt, changed := canonicalize(c, tt)
-	if changed {
-		tt.RemakeString()
-	}
-	return makeTag(tt), err
-// Compose creates a Tag from individual parts, which may be of type Tag, Base,
-// Script, Region, Variant, []Variant, Extension, []Extension or error. If a
-// Base, Script or Region or slice of type Variant or Extension is passed more
-// than once, the latter will overwrite the former. Variants and Extensions are
-// accumulated, but if two extensions of the same type are passed, the latter
-// will replace the former. For -u extensions, though, the key-type pairs are
-// added, where later values overwrite older ones. A Tag overwrites all former
-// values and typically only makes sense as the first argument. The resulting
-// tag is returned after canonicalizing using the Default CanonType. If one or
-// more errors are encountered, one of the errors is returned.
-func Compose(part ...interface{}) (t Tag, err error) {
-	return Default.Compose(part...)
-// Compose creates a Tag from individual parts, which may be of type Tag, Base,
-// Script, Region, Variant, []Variant, Extension, []Extension or error. If a
-// Base, Script or Region or slice of type Variant or Extension is passed more
-// than once, the latter will overwrite the former. Variants and Extensions are
-// accumulated, but if two extensions of the same type are passed, the latter
-// will replace the former. For -u extensions, though, the key-type pairs are
-// added, where later values overwrite older ones. A Tag overwrites all former
-// values and typically only makes sense as the first argument. The resulting
-// tag is returned after canonicalizing using CanonType c. If one or more errors
-// are encountered, one of the errors is returned.
-func (c CanonType) Compose(part ...interface{}) (t Tag, err error) {
-	var b language.Builder
-	if err = update(&b, part...); err != nil {
-		return und, err
-	}
-	b.Tag, _ = canonicalize(c, b.Tag)
-	return makeTag(b.Make()), err
-var errInvalidArgument = errors.New("invalid Extension or Variant")
-func update(b *language.Builder, part ...interface{}) (err error) {
-	for _, x := range part {
-		switch v := x.(type) {
-		case Tag:
-			b.SetTag(v.tag())
-		case Base:
-			b.Tag.LangID = v.langID
-		case Script:
-			b.Tag.ScriptID = v.scriptID
-		case Region:
-			b.Tag.RegionID = v.regionID
-		case Variant:
-			if v.variant == "" {
-				err = errInvalidArgument
-				break
-			}
-			b.AddVariant(v.variant)
-		case Extension:
-			if v.s == "" {
-				err = errInvalidArgument
-				break
-			}
-			b.SetExt(v.s)
-		case []Variant:
-			b.ClearVariants()
-			for _, v := range v {
-				b.AddVariant(v.variant)
-			}
-		case []Extension:
-			b.ClearExtensions()
-			for _, e := range v {
-				b.SetExt(e.s)
-			}
-		// TODO: support parsing of raw strings based on morphology or just extensions?
-		case error:
-			if v != nil {
-				err = v
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return
-var errInvalidWeight = errors.New("ParseAcceptLanguage: invalid weight")
-// ParseAcceptLanguage parses the contents of an Accept-Language header as
-// defined in and returns a list of Tags and
-// a list of corresponding quality weights. It is more permissive than RFC 2616
-// and may return non-nil slices even if the input is not valid.
-// The Tags will be sorted by highest weight first and then by first occurrence.
-// Tags with a weight of zero will be dropped. An error will be returned if the
-// input could not be parsed.
-func ParseAcceptLanguage(s string) (tag []Tag, q []float32, err error) {
-	var entry string
-	for s != "" {
-		if entry, s = split(s, ','); entry == "" {
-			continue
-		}
-		entry, weight := split(entry, ';')
-		// Scan the language.
-		t, err := Parse(entry)
-		if err != nil {
-			id, ok := acceptFallback[entry]
-			if !ok {
-				return nil, nil, err
-			}
-			t = makeTag(language.Tag{LangID: id})
-		}
-		// Scan the optional weight.
-		w := 1.0
-		if weight != "" {
-			weight = consume(weight, 'q')
-			weight = consume(weight, '=')
-			// consume returns the empty string when a token could not be
-			// consumed, resulting in an error for ParseFloat.
-			if w, err = strconv.ParseFloat(weight, 32); err != nil {
-				return nil, nil, errInvalidWeight
-			}
-			// Drop tags with a quality weight of 0.
-			if w <= 0 {
-				continue
-			}
-		}
-		tag = append(tag, t)
-		q = append(q, float32(w))
-	}
-	sortStable(&tagSort{tag, q})
-	return tag, q, nil
-// consume removes a leading token c from s and returns the result or the empty
-// string if there is no such token.
-func consume(s string, c byte) string {
-	if s == "" || s[0] != c {
-		return ""
-	}
-	return strings.TrimSpace(s[1:])
-func split(s string, c byte) (head, tail string) {
-	if i := strings.IndexByte(s, c); i >= 0 {
-		return strings.TrimSpace(s[:i]), strings.TrimSpace(s[i+1:])
-	}
-	return strings.TrimSpace(s), ""
-// Add hack mapping to deal with a small number of cases that that occur
-// in Accept-Language (with reasonable frequency).
-var acceptFallback = map[string]language.Language{
-	"english": _en,
-	"deutsch": _de,
-	"italian": _it,
-	"french":  _fr,
-	"*":       _mul, // defined in the spec to match all languages.
-type tagSort struct {
-	tag []Tag
-	q   []float32
-func (s *tagSort) Len() int {
-	return len(s.q)
-func (s *tagSort) Less(i, j int) bool {
-	return s.q[i] > s.q[j]
-func (s *tagSort) Swap(i, j int) {
-	s.tag[i], s.tag[j] = s.tag[j], s.tag[i]
-	s.q[i], s.q[j] = s.q[j], s.q[i]
diff --git a/internal/language/compact/parse_test.go b/internal/language/compact/parse_test.go
index 2ff28bf..abe3a58 100644
--- a/internal/language/compact/parse_test.go
+++ b/internal/language/compact/parse_test.go
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package language
+package compact
 import (
@@ -11,13 +11,6 @@
-// equalTags compares language, script and region subtags only.
-func (t Tag) equalTags(a Tag) bool {
-	return t.lang() == a.lang() &&
-		t.script() == a.script() &&
-		t.region() == a.region()
 var errSyntax = language.ErrSyntax
 type parseTest struct {
@@ -175,216 +168,29 @@
 		if skip {
-		if l, _ := language.ParseBase(tt.lang); l != tag.lang() {
-			t.Errorf("%d: lang was %q; want %q", i, tag.lang(), l)
+		if l, _ := language.ParseBase(tt.lang); l != tag.Tag().LangID {
+			t.Errorf("%d: lang was %q; want %q", i, tag.Tag().LangID, l)
-		if sc, _ := language.ParseScript(tt.script); sc != tag.script() {
-			t.Errorf("%d: script was %q; want %q", i, tag.script(), sc)
+		if sc, _ := language.ParseScript(tt.script); sc != tag.Tag().ScriptID {
+			t.Errorf("%d: script was %q; want %q", i, tag.Tag().ScriptID, sc)
-		if r, _ := language.ParseRegion(tt.region); r != tag.region() {
-			t.Errorf("%d: region was %q; want %q", i, tag.region(), r)
+		if r, _ := language.ParseRegion(tt.region); r != tag.Tag().RegionID {
+			t.Errorf("%d: region was %q; want %q", i, tag.Tag().RegionID, r)
-		v := tag.tag().Variants()
+		v := tag.Tag().Variants()
 		if v != "" {
 			v = v[1:]
 		if v != tt.variants {
 			t.Errorf("%d: variants was %q; want %q", i, v, tt.variants)
-		if e := strings.Join(tag.tag().Extensions(), "-"); e != tt.ext {
+		if e := strings.Join(tag.Tag().Extensions(), "-"); e != tt.ext {
 			t.Errorf("%d: extensions were %q; want %q", i, e, tt.ext)
-func TestParse(t *testing.T) {
-	partChecks(t, func(tt *parseTest) (id Tag, skip bool) {
-		id, _ = Raw.Parse(
-		return id, false
-	})
-func TestErrors(t *testing.T) {
-	mkInvalid := func(s string) error {
-		return language.NewValueError([]byte(s))
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		in  string
-		out error
-	}{
-		// invalid subtags.
-		{"ac", mkInvalid("ac")},
-		{"AC", mkInvalid("ac")},
-		{"aa-Uuuu", mkInvalid("Uuuu")},
-		{"aa-AB", mkInvalid("AB")},
-		// ill-formed wins over invalid.
-		{"ac-u", errSyntax},
-		{"ac-u-ca", errSyntax},
-		{"ac-u-ca-co-pinyin", errSyntax},
-		{"noob", errSyntax},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		_, err := Parse(
-		if err != tt.out {
-			t.Errorf("%s: was %q; want %q",, err, tt.out)
-		}
-	}
-func TestCompose1(t *testing.T) {
-	partChecks(t, func(tt *parseTest) (id Tag, skip bool) {
-		l, _ := ParseBase(tt.lang)
-		s, _ := ParseScript(tt.script)
-		r, _ := ParseRegion(tt.region)
-		v := []Variant{}
-		for _, x := range strings.Split(tt.variants, "-") {
-			p, _ := ParseVariant(x)
-			v = append(v, p)
-		}
-		e := []Extension{}
-		for _, x := range tt.extList {
-			p, _ := ParseExtension(x)
-			e = append(e, p)
-		}
-		id, _ = Raw.Compose(l, s, r, v, e)
-		return id, false
-	})
-func TestCompose2(t *testing.T) {
-	partChecks(t, func(tt *parseTest) (id Tag, skip bool) {
-		l, _ := ParseBase(tt.lang)
-		s, _ := ParseScript(tt.script)
-		r, _ := ParseRegion(tt.region)
-		p := []interface{}{l, s, r, s, r, l}
-		for _, x := range strings.Split(tt.variants, "-") {
-			if x != "" {
-				v, _ := ParseVariant(x)
-				p = append(p, v)
-			}
-		}
-		for _, x := range tt.extList {
-			e, _ := ParseExtension(x)
-			p = append(p, e)
-		}
-		id, _ = Raw.Compose(p...)
-		return id, false
-	})
-func TestCompose3(t *testing.T) {
-	partChecks(t, func(tt *parseTest) (id Tag, skip bool) {
-		id, _ = Raw.Parse(
-		id, _ = Raw.Compose(id)
-		return id, false
-	})
 func mk(s string) Tag {
-	return Raw.Make(s)
-func TestParseAcceptLanguage(t *testing.T) {
-	type res struct {
-		t Tag
-		q float32
-	}
-	en := []res{{mk("en"), 1.0}}
-	tests := []struct {
-		out []res
-		in  string
-		ok  bool
-	}{
-		{en, "en", true},
-		{en, "   en", true},
-		{en, "en   ", true},
-		{en, "  en  ", true},
-		{en, "en,", true},
-		{en, ",en", true},
-		{en, ",,,en,,,", true},
-		{en, ",en;q=1", true},
-		// We allow an empty input, contrary to spec.
-		{nil, "", true},
-		{[]res{{mk("aa"), 1}}, "aa;", true}, // allow unspecified weight
-		// errors
-		{nil, ";", false},
-		{nil, "$", false},
-		{nil, "e;", false},
-		{nil, "x;", false},
-		{nil, "x", false},
-		{nil, "ac", false}, // non-existing language
-		{nil, "aa;q", false},
-		{nil, "aa;q=", false},
-		{nil, "aa;q=.", false},
-		// odd fallbacks
-		{
-			[]res{{mk("en"), 0.1}},
-			" english ;q=.1",
-			true,
-		},
-		{
-			[]res{{mk("it"), 1.0}, {mk("de"), 1.0}, {mk("fr"), 1.0}},
-			" italian, deutsch, french",
-			true,
-		},
-		// lists
-		{
-			[]res{{mk("en"), 0.1}},
-			"en;q=.1",
-			true,
-		},
-		{
-			[]res{{mk("mul"), 1.0}},
-			"*",
-			true,
-		},
-		{
-			[]res{{mk("en"), 1.0}, {mk("de"), 1.0}},
-			"en,de",
-			true,
-		},
-		{
-			[]res{{mk("en"), 1.0}, {mk("de"), .5}},
-			"en,de;q=0.5",
-			true,
-		},
-		{
-			[]res{{mk("de"), 0.8}, {mk("en"), 0.5}},
-			"  en ;   q    =   0.5    ,  , de;q=0.8",
-			true,
-		},
-		{
-			[]res{{mk("en"), 1.0}, {mk("de"), 1.0}, {mk("fr"), 1.0}, {mk("tlh"), 1.0}},
-			"en,de,fr,i-klingon",
-			true,
-		},
-		// sorting
-		{
-			[]res{{mk("tlh"), 0.4}, {mk("de"), 0.2}, {mk("fr"), 0.2}, {mk("en"), 0.1}},
-			"en;q=0.1,de;q=0.2,fr;q=0.2,i-klingon;q=0.4",
-			true,
-		},
-		// dropping
-		{
-			[]res{{mk("fr"), 0.2}, {mk("en"), 0.1}},
-			"en;q=0.1,de;q=0,fr;q=0.2,i-klingon;q=0.0",
-			true,
-		},
-	}
-	for i, tt := range tests {
-		tags, qs, e := ParseAcceptLanguage(
-		if e == nil != tt.ok {
-			t.Errorf("%d:%s:err: was %v; want %v", i,, e == nil, tt.ok)
-		}
-		for j, tag := range tags {
-			if out := tt.out[j]; !tag.equalTags(out.t) || qs[j] != out.q {
-				t.Errorf("%d:%s: was %s, %1f; want %s, %1f", i,, tag, qs[j], out.t, out.q)
-				break
-			}
-		}
-	}
+	tag, _ := language.Parse(s)
+	return Make(tag)
diff --git a/internal/language/compact/tables.go b/internal/language/compact/tables.go
index 1825af6..554ca35 100644
--- a/internal/language/compact/tables.go
+++ b/internal/language/compact/tables.go
@@ -1,833 +1,791 @@
 // Code generated by running "go generate" in DO NOT EDIT.
-package language
+package compact
 import ""
 // CLDRVersion is the CLDR version from which the tables in this package are derived.
 const CLDRVersion = "32"
-const (
-	_de  = 269
-	_en  = 313
-	_fr  = 350
-	_it  = 505
-	_mo  = 784
-	_no  = 879
-	_nb  = 839
-	_pt  = 960
-	_sh  = 1031
-	_mul = 806
-	_und = 0
-const (
-	_001 = 1
-	_419 = 31
-	_BR  = 65
-	_CA  = 73
-	_ES  = 110
-	_GB  = 123
-	_MD  = 188
-	_PT  = 238
-	_UK  = 306
-	_US  = 309
-	_ZZ  = 357
-	_XA  = 323
-	_XC  = 325
-	_XK  = 333
-const (
-	_Latn = 87
-	_Hani = 54
-	_Hans = 56
-	_Hant = 57
-	_Qaaa = 139
-	_Qaai = 147
-	_Qabx = 188
-	_Zinh = 236
-	_Zyyy = 241
-	_Zzzz = 242
 // NumCompactTags is the number of common tags. The maximum tag is
 // NumCompactTags-1.
 const NumCompactTags = 775
 const (
-	undIndex          compactID = 0
-	afIndex           compactID = 1
-	afNAIndex         compactID = 2
-	afZAIndex         compactID = 3
-	agqIndex          compactID = 4
-	agqCMIndex        compactID = 5
-	akIndex           compactID = 6
-	akGHIndex         compactID = 7
-	amIndex           compactID = 8
-	amETIndex         compactID = 9
-	arIndex           compactID = 10
-	ar001Index        compactID = 11
-	arAEIndex         compactID = 12
-	arBHIndex         compactID = 13
-	arDJIndex         compactID = 14
-	arDZIndex         compactID = 15
-	arEGIndex         compactID = 16
-	arEHIndex         compactID = 17
-	arERIndex         compactID = 18
-	arILIndex         compactID = 19
-	arIQIndex         compactID = 20
-	arJOIndex         compactID = 21
-	arKMIndex         compactID = 22
-	arKWIndex         compactID = 23
-	arLBIndex         compactID = 24
-	arLYIndex         compactID = 25
-	arMAIndex         compactID = 26
-	arMRIndex         compactID = 27
-	arOMIndex         compactID = 28
-	arPSIndex         compactID = 29
-	arQAIndex         compactID = 30
-	arSAIndex         compactID = 31
-	arSDIndex         compactID = 32
-	arSOIndex         compactID = 33
-	arSSIndex         compactID = 34
-	arSYIndex         compactID = 35
-	arTDIndex         compactID = 36
-	arTNIndex         compactID = 37
-	arYEIndex         compactID = 38
-	arsIndex          compactID = 39
-	asIndex           compactID = 40
-	asINIndex         compactID = 41
-	asaIndex          compactID = 42
-	asaTZIndex        compactID = 43
-	astIndex          compactID = 44
-	astESIndex        compactID = 45
-	azIndex           compactID = 46
-	azCyrlIndex       compactID = 47
-	azCyrlAZIndex     compactID = 48
-	azLatnIndex       compactID = 49
-	azLatnAZIndex     compactID = 50
-	basIndex          compactID = 51
-	basCMIndex        compactID = 52
-	beIndex           compactID = 53
-	beBYIndex         compactID = 54
-	bemIndex          compactID = 55
-	bemZMIndex        compactID = 56
-	bezIndex          compactID = 57
-	bezTZIndex        compactID = 58
-	bgIndex           compactID = 59
-	bgBGIndex         compactID = 60
-	bhIndex           compactID = 61
-	bmIndex           compactID = 62
-	bmMLIndex         compactID = 63
-	bnIndex           compactID = 64
-	bnBDIndex         compactID = 65
-	bnINIndex         compactID = 66
-	boIndex           compactID = 67
-	boCNIndex         compactID = 68
-	boINIndex         compactID = 69
-	brIndex           compactID = 70
-	brFRIndex         compactID = 71
-	brxIndex          compactID = 72
-	brxINIndex        compactID = 73
-	bsIndex           compactID = 74
-	bsCyrlIndex       compactID = 75
-	bsCyrlBAIndex     compactID = 76
-	bsLatnIndex       compactID = 77
-	bsLatnBAIndex     compactID = 78
-	caIndex           compactID = 79
-	caADIndex         compactID = 80
-	caESIndex         compactID = 81
-	caFRIndex         compactID = 82
-	caITIndex         compactID = 83
-	ccpIndex          compactID = 84
-	ccpBDIndex        compactID = 85
-	ccpINIndex        compactID = 86
-	ceIndex           compactID = 87
-	ceRUIndex         compactID = 88
-	cggIndex          compactID = 89
-	cggUGIndex        compactID = 90
-	chrIndex          compactID = 91
-	chrUSIndex        compactID = 92
-	ckbIndex          compactID = 93
-	ckbIQIndex        compactID = 94
-	ckbIRIndex        compactID = 95
-	csIndex           compactID = 96
-	csCZIndex         compactID = 97
-	cuIndex           compactID = 98
-	cuRUIndex         compactID = 99
-	cyIndex           compactID = 100
-	cyGBIndex         compactID = 101
-	daIndex           compactID = 102
-	daDKIndex         compactID = 103
-	daGLIndex         compactID = 104
-	davIndex          compactID = 105
-	davKEIndex        compactID = 106
-	deIndex           compactID = 107
-	deATIndex         compactID = 108
-	deBEIndex         compactID = 109
-	deCHIndex         compactID = 110
-	deDEIndex         compactID = 111
-	deITIndex         compactID = 112
-	deLIIndex         compactID = 113
-	deLUIndex         compactID = 114
-	djeIndex          compactID = 115
-	djeNEIndex        compactID = 116
-	dsbIndex          compactID = 117
-	dsbDEIndex        compactID = 118
-	duaIndex          compactID = 119
-	duaCMIndex        compactID = 120
-	dvIndex           compactID = 121
-	dyoIndex          compactID = 122
-	dyoSNIndex        compactID = 123
-	dzIndex           compactID = 124
-	dzBTIndex         compactID = 125
-	ebuIndex          compactID = 126
-	ebuKEIndex        compactID = 127
-	eeIndex           compactID = 128
-	eeGHIndex         compactID = 129
-	eeTGIndex         compactID = 130
-	elIndex           compactID = 131
-	elCYIndex         compactID = 132
-	elGRIndex         compactID = 133
-	enIndex           compactID = 134
-	en001Index        compactID = 135
-	en150Index        compactID = 136
-	enAGIndex         compactID = 137
-	enAIIndex         compactID = 138
-	enASIndex         compactID = 139
-	enATIndex         compactID = 140
-	enAUIndex         compactID = 141
-	enBBIndex         compactID = 142
-	enBEIndex         compactID = 143
-	enBIIndex         compactID = 144
-	enBMIndex         compactID = 145
-	enBSIndex         compactID = 146
-	enBWIndex         compactID = 147
-	enBZIndex         compactID = 148
-	enCAIndex         compactID = 149
-	enCCIndex         compactID = 150
-	enCHIndex         compactID = 151
-	enCKIndex         compactID = 152
-	enCMIndex         compactID = 153
-	enCXIndex         compactID = 154
-	enCYIndex         compactID = 155
-	enDEIndex         compactID = 156
-	enDGIndex         compactID = 157
-	enDKIndex         compactID = 158
-	enDMIndex         compactID = 159
-	enERIndex         compactID = 160
-	enFIIndex         compactID = 161
-	enFJIndex         compactID = 162
-	enFKIndex         compactID = 163
-	enFMIndex         compactID = 164
-	enGBIndex         compactID = 165
-	enGDIndex         compactID = 166
-	enGGIndex         compactID = 167
-	enGHIndex         compactID = 168
-	enGIIndex         compactID = 169
-	enGMIndex         compactID = 170
-	enGUIndex         compactID = 171
-	enGYIndex         compactID = 172
-	enHKIndex         compactID = 173
-	enIEIndex         compactID = 174
-	enILIndex         compactID = 175
-	enIMIndex         compactID = 176
-	enINIndex         compactID = 177
-	enIOIndex         compactID = 178
-	enJEIndex         compactID = 179
-	enJMIndex         compactID = 180
-	enKEIndex         compactID = 181
-	enKIIndex         compactID = 182
-	enKNIndex         compactID = 183
-	enKYIndex         compactID = 184
-	enLCIndex         compactID = 185
-	enLRIndex         compactID = 186
-	enLSIndex         compactID = 187
-	enMGIndex         compactID = 188
-	enMHIndex         compactID = 189
-	enMOIndex         compactID = 190
-	enMPIndex         compactID = 191
-	enMSIndex         compactID = 192
-	enMTIndex         compactID = 193
-	enMUIndex         compactID = 194
-	enMWIndex         compactID = 195
-	enMYIndex         compactID = 196
-	enNAIndex         compactID = 197
-	enNFIndex         compactID = 198
-	enNGIndex         compactID = 199
-	enNLIndex         compactID = 200
-	enNRIndex         compactID = 201
-	enNUIndex         compactID = 202
-	enNZIndex         compactID = 203
-	enPGIndex         compactID = 204
-	enPHIndex         compactID = 205
-	enPKIndex         compactID = 206
-	enPNIndex         compactID = 207
-	enPRIndex         compactID = 208
-	enPWIndex         compactID = 209
-	enRWIndex         compactID = 210
-	enSBIndex         compactID = 211
-	enSCIndex         compactID = 212
-	enSDIndex         compactID = 213
-	enSEIndex         compactID = 214
-	enSGIndex         compactID = 215
-	enSHIndex         compactID = 216
-	enSIIndex         compactID = 217
-	enSLIndex         compactID = 218
-	enSSIndex         compactID = 219
-	enSXIndex         compactID = 220
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+	thTHIndex         ID = 692
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+	uzLatnUZIndex     ID = 726
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+	vaiVaiiLRIndex    ID = 731
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+	viVNIndex         ID = 734
+	voIndex           ID = 735
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+	yueHantIndex      ID = 757
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+	zhHansMOIndex     ID = 765
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+	zhHantIndex       ID = 767
+	zhHantHKIndex     ID = 768
+	zhHantMOIndex     ID = 769
+	zhHantTWIndex     ID = 770
+	zuIndex           ID = 771
+	zuZAIndex         ID = 772
+	caESvalenciaIndex ID = 773
+	enUSuvaposixIndex ID = 774
 var coreTags = []language.CompactCoreInfo{ // 773 elements
@@ -1054,252 +1012,4 @@
 const specialTagsStr string = "ca-ES-valencia en-US-u-va-posix"
-var regionToGroups = []uint8{ // 357 elements
-	// Entry 0 - 3F
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04,
-	// Entry 40 - 7F
-	0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x08,
-	0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00,
-	// Entry 80 - BF
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x02, 0x00, 0x04,
-	0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x08, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00,
-	// Entry C0 - FF
-	0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01,
-	0x04, 0x08, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	// Entry 100 - 13F
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, 0x04, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00,
-	// Entry 140 - 17F
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-} // Size: 381 bytes
-var paradigmLocales = [][3]uint16{ // 3 elements
-	0: [3]uint16{0x139, 0x0, 0x7b},
-	1: [3]uint16{0x13e, 0x0, 0x1f},
-	2: [3]uint16{0x3c0, 0x41, 0xee},
-} // Size: 42 bytes
-type mutualIntelligibility struct {
-	want     uint16
-	have     uint16
-	distance uint8
-	oneway   bool
-type scriptIntelligibility struct {
-	wantLang   uint16
-	haveLang   uint16
-	wantScript uint8
-	haveScript uint8
-	distance   uint8
-type regionIntelligibility struct {
-	lang     uint16
-	script   uint8
-	group    uint8
-	distance uint8
-// matchLang holds pairs of langIDs of base languages that are typically
-// mutually intelligible. Each pair is associated with a confidence and
-// whether the intelligibility goes one or both ways.
-var matchLang = []mutualIntelligibility{ // 113 elements
-	0:   {want: 0x1d1, have: 0xb7, distance: 0x4, oneway: false},
-	1:   {want: 0x407, have: 0xb7, distance: 0x4, oneway: false},
-	2:   {want: 0x407, have: 0x1d1, distance: 0x4, oneway: false},
-	3:   {want: 0x407, have: 0x432, distance: 0x4, oneway: false},
-	4:   {want: 0x43a, have: 0x1, distance: 0x4, oneway: false},
-	5:   {want: 0x1a3, have: 0x10d, distance: 0x4, oneway: true},
-	6:   {want: 0x295, have: 0x10d, distance: 0x4, oneway: true},
-	7:   {want: 0x101, have: 0x36f, distance: 0x8, oneway: false},
-	8:   {want: 0x101, have: 0x347, distance: 0x8, oneway: false},
-	9:   {want: 0x5, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	10:  {want: 0xd, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	11:  {want: 0x16, have: 0x367, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	12:  {want: 0x21, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	13:  {want: 0x56, have: 0x13e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	14:  {want: 0x58, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	15:  {want: 0x71, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	16:  {want: 0x75, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	17:  {want: 0x82, have: 0x1be, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	18:  {want: 0xa5, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	19:  {want: 0xb2, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	20:  {want: 0xdd, have: 0x153, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	21:  {want: 0xe5, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	22:  {want: 0xe9, have: 0x3a, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	23:  {want: 0xf0, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	24:  {want: 0xf9, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	25:  {want: 0x100, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	26:  {want: 0x130, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	27:  {want: 0x13c, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	28:  {want: 0x140, have: 0x151, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	29:  {want: 0x145, have: 0x13e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	30:  {want: 0x158, have: 0x101, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	31:  {want: 0x16d, have: 0x367, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	32:  {want: 0x16e, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	33:  {want: 0x16f, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	34:  {want: 0x17e, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	35:  {want: 0x190, have: 0x13e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	36:  {want: 0x194, have: 0x13e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	37:  {want: 0x1a4, have: 0x1be, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	38:  {want: 0x1b4, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	39:  {want: 0x1b8, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	40:  {want: 0x1d4, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	41:  {want: 0x1d7, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	42:  {want: 0x1d9, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	43:  {want: 0x1e7, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	44:  {want: 0x1f8, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	45:  {want: 0x20e, have: 0x1e1, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	46:  {want: 0x210, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	47:  {want: 0x22d, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	48:  {want: 0x242, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	49:  {want: 0x24a, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	50:  {want: 0x251, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	51:  {want: 0x265, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	52:  {want: 0x274, have: 0x48a, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	53:  {want: 0x28a, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	54:  {want: 0x28e, have: 0x1f9, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	55:  {want: 0x2a3, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	56:  {want: 0x2b5, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	57:  {want: 0x2b8, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	58:  {want: 0x2be, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	59:  {want: 0x2c3, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	60:  {want: 0x2ed, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	61:  {want: 0x2f1, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	62:  {want: 0x2fa, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	63:  {want: 0x2ff, have: 0x7e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	64:  {want: 0x304, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	65:  {want: 0x30b, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	66:  {want: 0x31b, have: 0x1be, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	67:  {want: 0x31f, have: 0x1e1, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	68:  {want: 0x320, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	69:  {want: 0x331, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	70:  {want: 0x351, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	71:  {want: 0x36a, have: 0x347, distance: 0xa, oneway: false},
-	72:  {want: 0x36a, have: 0x36f, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	73:  {want: 0x37a, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	74:  {want: 0x387, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	75:  {want: 0x389, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	76:  {want: 0x38b, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	77:  {want: 0x390, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	78:  {want: 0x395, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	79:  {want: 0x39d, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	80:  {want: 0x3a5, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	81:  {want: 0x3be, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	82:  {want: 0x3c4, have: 0x13e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	83:  {want: 0x3d4, have: 0x10d, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	84:  {want: 0x3d9, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	85:  {want: 0x3e5, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	86:  {want: 0x3e9, have: 0x1be, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	87:  {want: 0x3fa, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	88:  {want: 0x40c, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	89:  {want: 0x423, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	90:  {want: 0x429, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	91:  {want: 0x431, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	92:  {want: 0x43b, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	93:  {want: 0x43e, have: 0x1e1, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	94:  {want: 0x445, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	95:  {want: 0x450, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	96:  {want: 0x461, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	97:  {want: 0x467, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	98:  {want: 0x46f, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	99:  {want: 0x476, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	100: {want: 0x3883, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	101: {want: 0x480, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	102: {want: 0x482, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	103: {want: 0x494, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	104: {want: 0x49d, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	105: {want: 0x4ac, have: 0x529, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	106: {want: 0x4b4, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	107: {want: 0x4bc, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	108: {want: 0x4e5, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	109: {want: 0x4f2, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	110: {want: 0x512, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	111: {want: 0x518, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-	112: {want: 0x52f, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
-} // Size: 702 bytes
-// matchScript holds pairs of scriptIDs where readers of one script
-// can typically also read the other. Each is associated with a confidence.
-var matchScript = []scriptIntelligibility{ // 26 elements
-	0:  {wantLang: 0x432, haveLang: 0x432, wantScript: 0x57, haveScript: 0x1f, distance: 0x5},
-	1:  {wantLang: 0x432, haveLang: 0x432, wantScript: 0x1f, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0x5},
-	2:  {wantLang: 0x58, haveLang: 0x3e2, wantScript: 0x57, haveScript: 0x1f, distance: 0xa},
-	3:  {wantLang: 0xa5, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0xe, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	4:  {wantLang: 0x1d7, haveLang: 0x3e2, wantScript: 0x8, haveScript: 0x1f, distance: 0xa},
-	5:  {wantLang: 0x210, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x2b, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	6:  {wantLang: 0x24a, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x4b, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	7:  {wantLang: 0x251, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x4f, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	8:  {wantLang: 0x2b8, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x54, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	9:  {wantLang: 0x304, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x6b, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	10: {wantLang: 0x331, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x72, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	11: {wantLang: 0x351, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x21, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	12: {wantLang: 0x395, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x7d, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	13: {wantLang: 0x39d, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x33, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	14: {wantLang: 0x3be, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x5, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	15: {wantLang: 0x3fa, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x5, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	16: {wantLang: 0x40c, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0xca, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	17: {wantLang: 0x450, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0xd7, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	18: {wantLang: 0x461, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0xda, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	19: {wantLang: 0x46f, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x29, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	20: {wantLang: 0x476, haveLang: 0x3e2, wantScript: 0x57, haveScript: 0x1f, distance: 0xa},
-	21: {wantLang: 0x4b4, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x5, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	22: {wantLang: 0x4bc, haveLang: 0x3e2, wantScript: 0x57, haveScript: 0x1f, distance: 0xa},
-	23: {wantLang: 0x512, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x3b, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
-	24: {wantLang: 0x529, haveLang: 0x529, wantScript: 0x38, haveScript: 0x39, distance: 0xf},
-	25: {wantLang: 0x529, haveLang: 0x529, wantScript: 0x39, haveScript: 0x38, distance: 0x13},
-} // Size: 232 bytes
-var matchRegion = []regionIntelligibility{ // 15 elements
-	0:  {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x0, group: 0x4, distance: 0x4},
-	1:  {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x0, group: 0x84, distance: 0x4},
-	2:  {lang: 0x139, script: 0x0, group: 0x1, distance: 0x4},
-	3:  {lang: 0x139, script: 0x0, group: 0x81, distance: 0x4},
-	4:  {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x0, group: 0x3, distance: 0x4},
-	5:  {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x0, group: 0x83, distance: 0x4},
-	6:  {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x0, group: 0x3, distance: 0x4},
-	7:  {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x0, group: 0x83, distance: 0x4},
-	8:  {lang: 0x529, script: 0x39, group: 0x2, distance: 0x4},
-	9:  {lang: 0x529, script: 0x39, group: 0x82, distance: 0x4},
-	10: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x0, group: 0x80, distance: 0x5},
-	11: {lang: 0x139, script: 0x0, group: 0x80, distance: 0x5},
-	12: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x0, group: 0x80, distance: 0x5},
-	13: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x0, group: 0x80, distance: 0x5},
-	14: {lang: 0x529, script: 0x39, group: 0x80, distance: 0x5},
-} // Size: 114 bytes
-// Total table size 4618 bytes (4KiB); checksum: D161A896
+// Total table size 3147 bytes (3KiB); checksum: F4E57D15
diff --git a/internal/language/compact/tags.go b/internal/language/compact/tags.go
index acc482a..ca135d2 100644
--- a/internal/language/compact/tags.go
+++ b/internal/language/compact/tags.go
@@ -2,59 +2,7 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package language
-// TODO: Various sets of commonly use tags and regions.
-// MustParse is like Parse, but panics if the given BCP 47 tag cannot be parsed.
-// It simplifies safe initialization of Tag values.
-func MustParse(s string) Tag {
-	t, err := Parse(s)
-	if err != nil {
-		panic(err)
-	}
-	return t
-// MustParse is like Parse, but panics if the given BCP 47 tag cannot be parsed.
-// It simplifies safe initialization of Tag values.
-func (c CanonType) MustParse(s string) Tag {
-	t, err := c.Parse(s)
-	if err != nil {
-		panic(err)
-	}
-	return t
-// MustParseBase is like ParseBase, but panics if the given base cannot be parsed.
-// It simplifies safe initialization of Base values.
-func MustParseBase(s string) Base {
-	b, err := ParseBase(s)
-	if err != nil {
-		panic(err)
-	}
-	return b
-// MustParseScript is like ParseScript, but panics if the given script cannot be
-// parsed. It simplifies safe initialization of Script values.
-func MustParseScript(s string) Script {
-	scr, err := ParseScript(s)
-	if err != nil {
-		panic(err)
-	}
-	return scr
-// MustParseRegion is like ParseRegion, but panics if the given region cannot be
-// parsed. It simplifies safe initialization of Region values.
-func MustParseRegion(s string) Region {
-	r, err := ParseRegion(s)
-	if err != nil {
-		panic(err)
-	}
-	return r
+package compact
 var (
 	und = Tag{}