blob: bc3ba6d628df3a718dddaf2d14e2cada26d739d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by running "go generate" in DO NOT EDIT.
package language
import ""
// CLDRVersion is the CLDR version from which the tables in this package are derived.
const CLDRVersion = "32"
const (
_af = 22
_am = 39
_ar = 58
_az = 88
_bg = 126
_bn = 165
_ca = 215
_cs = 250
_da = 257
_de = 269
_el = 310
_en = 313
_es = 318
_et = 320
_fa = 328
_fi = 337
_fil = 339
_fr = 350
_gu = 420
_he = 444
_hi = 446
_hr = 465
_hu = 469
_hy = 471
_id = 481
_is = 504
_it = 505
_ja = 512
_ka = 528
_kk = 578
_km = 586
_kn = 593
_ko = 596
_ky = 650
_lo = 696
_lt = 704
_lv = 711
_mk = 767
_ml = 772
_mn = 779
_mo = 784
_mr = 795
_ms = 799
_mul = 806
_my = 817
_nb = 839
_ne = 849
_nl = 871
_no = 879
_pa = 925
_pl = 947
_pt = 960
_ro = 988
_ru = 994
_sh = 1031
_si = 1036
_sk = 1042
_sl = 1046
_sq = 1073
_sr = 1074
_sv = 1092
_sw = 1093
_ta = 1104
_te = 1121
_th = 1131
_tl = 1146
_tn = 1152
_tr = 1162
_uk = 1198
_ur = 1204
_uz = 1212
_vi = 1219
_zh = 1321
_zu = 1327
_jbo = 515
_ami = 1650
_bnn = 2357
_hak = 438
_tlh = 14467
_lb = 661
_nv = 899
_pwn = 12055
_tao = 14188
_tay = 14198
_tsu = 14662
_nn = 874
_sfb = 13629
_vgt = 15701
_sgg = 13660
_cmn = 3007
_nan = 835
_hsn = 467
const (
_001 = 1
_419 = 31
_BR = 65
_CA = 73
_ES = 110
_GB = 123
_MD = 188
_PT = 238
_UK = 306
_US = 309
_ZZ = 357
_XA = 323
_XC = 325
_XK = 333
const (
_Latn = 87
_Hani = 54
_Hans = 56
_Hant = 57
_Qaaa = 139
_Qaai = 147
_Qabx = 188
_Zinh = 236
_Zyyy = 241
_Zzzz = 242
// NumCompactTags is the number of common tags. The maximum tag is
// NumCompactTags-1.
const NumCompactTags = 775
const (
xund compactID = 0
xaf compactID = 1
xafNA compactID = 2
xafZA compactID = 3
xagq compactID = 4
xagqCM compactID = 5
xak compactID = 6
xakGH compactID = 7
xam compactID = 8
xamET compactID = 9
xar compactID = 10
xar001 compactID = 11
xarAE compactID = 12
xarBH compactID = 13
xarDJ compactID = 14
xarDZ compactID = 15
xarEG compactID = 16
xarEH compactID = 17
xarER compactID = 18
xarIL compactID = 19
xarIQ compactID = 20
xarJO compactID = 21
xarKM compactID = 22
xarKW compactID = 23
xarLB compactID = 24
xarLY compactID = 25
xarMA compactID = 26
xarMR compactID = 27
xarOM compactID = 28
xarPS compactID = 29
xarQA compactID = 30
xarSA compactID = 31
xarSD compactID = 32
xarSO compactID = 33
xarSS compactID = 34
xarSY compactID = 35
xarTD compactID = 36
xarTN compactID = 37
xarYE compactID = 38
xars compactID = 39
xas compactID = 40
xasIN compactID = 41
xasa compactID = 42
xasaTZ compactID = 43
xast compactID = 44
xastES compactID = 45
xaz compactID = 46
xazCyrl compactID = 47
xazCyrlAZ compactID = 48
xazLatn compactID = 49
xazLatnAZ compactID = 50
xbas compactID = 51
xbasCM compactID = 52
xbe compactID = 53
xbeBY compactID = 54
xbem compactID = 55
xbemZM compactID = 56
xbez compactID = 57
xbezTZ compactID = 58
xbg compactID = 59
xbgBG compactID = 60
xbh compactID = 61
xbm compactID = 62
xbmML compactID = 63
xbn compactID = 64
xbnBD compactID = 65
xbnIN compactID = 66
xbo compactID = 67
xboCN compactID = 68
xboIN compactID = 69
xbr compactID = 70
xbrFR compactID = 71
xbrx compactID = 72
xbrxIN compactID = 73
xbs compactID = 74
xbsCyrl compactID = 75
xbsCyrlBA compactID = 76
xbsLatn compactID = 77
xbsLatnBA compactID = 78
xca compactID = 79
xcaAD compactID = 80
xcaES compactID = 81
xcaFR compactID = 82
xcaIT compactID = 83
xccp compactID = 84
xccpBD compactID = 85
xccpIN compactID = 86
xce compactID = 87
xceRU compactID = 88
xcgg compactID = 89
xcggUG compactID = 90
xchr compactID = 91
xchrUS compactID = 92
xckb compactID = 93
xckbIQ compactID = 94
xckbIR compactID = 95
xcs compactID = 96
xcsCZ compactID = 97
xcu compactID = 98
xcuRU compactID = 99
xcy compactID = 100
xcyGB compactID = 101
xda compactID = 102
xdaDK compactID = 103
xdaGL compactID = 104
xdav compactID = 105
xdavKE compactID = 106
xde compactID = 107
xdeAT compactID = 108
xdeBE compactID = 109
xdeCH compactID = 110
xdeDE compactID = 111
xdeIT compactID = 112
xdeLI compactID = 113
xdeLU compactID = 114
xdje compactID = 115
xdjeNE compactID = 116
xdsb compactID = 117
xdsbDE compactID = 118
xdua compactID = 119
xduaCM compactID = 120
xdv compactID = 121
xdyo compactID = 122
xdyoSN compactID = 123
xdz compactID = 124
xdzBT compactID = 125
xebu compactID = 126
xebuKE compactID = 127
xee compactID = 128
xeeGH compactID = 129
xeeTG compactID = 130
xel compactID = 131
xelCY compactID = 132
xelGR compactID = 133
xen compactID = 134
xen001 compactID = 135
xen150 compactID = 136
xenAG compactID = 137
xenAI compactID = 138
xenAS compactID = 139
xenAT compactID = 140
xenAU compactID = 141
xenBB compactID = 142
xenBE compactID = 143
xenBI compactID = 144
xenBM compactID = 145
xenBS compactID = 146
xenBW compactID = 147
xenBZ compactID = 148
xenCA compactID = 149
xenCC compactID = 150
xenCH compactID = 151
xenCK compactID = 152
xenCM compactID = 153
xenCX compactID = 154
xenCY compactID = 155
xenDE compactID = 156
xenDG compactID = 157
xenDK compactID = 158
xenDM compactID = 159
xenER compactID = 160
xenFI compactID = 161
xenFJ compactID = 162
xenFK compactID = 163
xenFM compactID = 164
xenGB compactID = 165
xenGD compactID = 166
xenGG compactID = 167
xenGH compactID = 168
xenGI compactID = 169
xenGM compactID = 170
xenGU compactID = 171
xenGY compactID = 172
xenHK compactID = 173
xenIE compactID = 174
xenIL compactID = 175
xenIM compactID = 176
xenIN compactID = 177
xenIO compactID = 178
xenJE compactID = 179
xenJM compactID = 180
xenKE compactID = 181
xenKI compactID = 182
xenKN compactID = 183
xenKY compactID = 184
xenLC compactID = 185
xenLR compactID = 186
xenLS compactID = 187
xenMG compactID = 188
xenMH compactID = 189
xenMO compactID = 190
xenMP compactID = 191
xenMS compactID = 192
xenMT compactID = 193
xenMU compactID = 194
xenMW compactID = 195
xenMY compactID = 196
xenNA compactID = 197
xenNF compactID = 198
xenNG compactID = 199
xenNL compactID = 200
xenNR compactID = 201
xenNU compactID = 202
xenNZ compactID = 203
xenPG compactID = 204
xenPH compactID = 205
xenPK compactID = 206
xenPN compactID = 207
xenPR compactID = 208
xenPW compactID = 209
xenRW compactID = 210
xenSB compactID = 211
xenSC compactID = 212
xenSD compactID = 213
xenSE compactID = 214
xenSG compactID = 215
xenSH compactID = 216
xenSI compactID = 217
xenSL compactID = 218
xenSS compactID = 219
xenSX compactID = 220
xenSZ compactID = 221
xenTC compactID = 222
xenTK compactID = 223
xenTO compactID = 224
xenTT compactID = 225
xenTV compactID = 226
xenTZ compactID = 227
xenUG compactID = 228
xenUM compactID = 229
xenUS compactID = 230
xenVC compactID = 231
xenVG compactID = 232
xenVI compactID = 233
xenVU compactID = 234
xenWS compactID = 235
xenZA compactID = 236
xenZM compactID = 237
xenZW compactID = 238
xeo compactID = 239
xeo001 compactID = 240
xes compactID = 241
xes419 compactID = 242
xesAR compactID = 243
xesBO compactID = 244
xesBR compactID = 245
xesBZ compactID = 246
xesCL compactID = 247
xesCO compactID = 248
xesCR compactID = 249
xesCU compactID = 250
xesDO compactID = 251
xesEA compactID = 252
xesEC compactID = 253
xesES compactID = 254
xesGQ compactID = 255
xesGT compactID = 256
xesHN compactID = 257
xesIC compactID = 258
xesMX compactID = 259
xesNI compactID = 260
xesPA compactID = 261
xesPE compactID = 262
xesPH compactID = 263
xesPR compactID = 264
xesPY compactID = 265
xesSV compactID = 266
xesUS compactID = 267
xesUY compactID = 268
xesVE compactID = 269
xet compactID = 270
xetEE compactID = 271
xeu compactID = 272
xeuES compactID = 273
xewo compactID = 274
xewoCM compactID = 275
xfa compactID = 276
xfaAF compactID = 277
xfaIR compactID = 278
xff compactID = 279
xffCM compactID = 280
xffGN compactID = 281
xffMR compactID = 282
xffSN compactID = 283
xfi compactID = 284
xfiFI compactID = 285
xfil compactID = 286
xfilPH compactID = 287
xfo compactID = 288
xfoDK compactID = 289
xfoFO compactID = 290
xfr compactID = 291
xfrBE compactID = 292
xfrBF compactID = 293
xfrBI compactID = 294
xfrBJ compactID = 295
xfrBL compactID = 296
xfrCA compactID = 297
xfrCD compactID = 298
xfrCF compactID = 299
xfrCG compactID = 300
xfrCH compactID = 301
xfrCI compactID = 302
xfrCM compactID = 303
xfrDJ compactID = 304
xfrDZ compactID = 305
xfrFR compactID = 306
xfrGA compactID = 307
xfrGF compactID = 308
xfrGN compactID = 309
xfrGP compactID = 310
xfrGQ compactID = 311
xfrHT compactID = 312
xfrKM compactID = 313
xfrLU compactID = 314
xfrMA compactID = 315
xfrMC compactID = 316
xfrMF compactID = 317
xfrMG compactID = 318
xfrML compactID = 319
xfrMQ compactID = 320
xfrMR compactID = 321
xfrMU compactID = 322
xfrNC compactID = 323
xfrNE compactID = 324
xfrPF compactID = 325
xfrPM compactID = 326
xfrRE compactID = 327
xfrRW compactID = 328
xfrSC compactID = 329
xfrSN compactID = 330
xfrSY compactID = 331
xfrTD compactID = 332
xfrTG compactID = 333
xfrTN compactID = 334
xfrVU compactID = 335
xfrWF compactID = 336
xfrYT compactID = 337
xfur compactID = 338
xfurIT compactID = 339
xfy compactID = 340
xfyNL compactID = 341
xga compactID = 342
xgaIE compactID = 343
xgd compactID = 344
xgdGB compactID = 345
xgl compactID = 346
xglES compactID = 347
xgsw compactID = 348
xgswCH compactID = 349
xgswFR compactID = 350
xgswLI compactID = 351
xgu compactID = 352
xguIN compactID = 353
xguw compactID = 354
xguz compactID = 355
xguzKE compactID = 356
xgv compactID = 357
xgvIM compactID = 358
xha compactID = 359
xhaGH compactID = 360
xhaNE compactID = 361
xhaNG compactID = 362
xhaw compactID = 363
xhawUS compactID = 364
xhe compactID = 365
xheIL compactID = 366
xhi compactID = 367
xhiIN compactID = 368
xhr compactID = 369
xhrBA compactID = 370
xhrHR compactID = 371
xhsb compactID = 372
xhsbDE compactID = 373
xhu compactID = 374
xhuHU compactID = 375
xhy compactID = 376
xhyAM compactID = 377
xid compactID = 378
xidID compactID = 379
xig compactID = 380
xigNG compactID = 381
xii compactID = 382
xiiCN compactID = 383
xin compactID = 384
xio compactID = 385
xis compactID = 386
xisIS compactID = 387
xit compactID = 388
xitCH compactID = 389
xitIT compactID = 390
xitSM compactID = 391
xitVA compactID = 392
xiu compactID = 393
xiw compactID = 394
xja compactID = 395
xjaJP compactID = 396
xjbo compactID = 397
xjgo compactID = 398
xjgoCM compactID = 399
xji compactID = 400
xjmc compactID = 401
xjmcTZ compactID = 402
xjv compactID = 403
xjw compactID = 404
xka compactID = 405
xkaGE compactID = 406
xkab compactID = 407
xkabDZ compactID = 408
xkaj compactID = 409
xkam compactID = 410
xkamKE compactID = 411
xkcg compactID = 412
xkde compactID = 413
xkdeTZ compactID = 414
xkea compactID = 415
xkeaCV compactID = 416
xkhq compactID = 417
xkhqML compactID = 418
xki compactID = 419
xkiKE compactID = 420
xkk compactID = 421
xkkKZ compactID = 422
xkkj compactID = 423
xkkjCM compactID = 424
xkl compactID = 425
xklGL compactID = 426
xkln compactID = 427
xklnKE compactID = 428
xkm compactID = 429
xkmKH compactID = 430
xkn compactID = 431
xknIN compactID = 432
xko compactID = 433
xkoKP compactID = 434
xkoKR compactID = 435
xkok compactID = 436
xkokIN compactID = 437
xks compactID = 438
xksIN compactID = 439
xksb compactID = 440
xksbTZ compactID = 441
xksf compactID = 442
xksfCM compactID = 443
xksh compactID = 444
xkshDE compactID = 445
xku compactID = 446
xkw compactID = 447
xkwGB compactID = 448
xky compactID = 449
xkyKG compactID = 450
xlag compactID = 451
xlagTZ compactID = 452
xlb compactID = 453
xlbLU compactID = 454
xlg compactID = 455
xlgUG compactID = 456
xlkt compactID = 457
xlktUS compactID = 458
xln compactID = 459
xlnAO compactID = 460
xlnCD compactID = 461
xlnCF compactID = 462
xlnCG compactID = 463
xlo compactID = 464
xloLA compactID = 465
xlrc compactID = 466
xlrcIQ compactID = 467
xlrcIR compactID = 468
xlt compactID = 469
xltLT compactID = 470
xlu compactID = 471
xluCD compactID = 472
xluo compactID = 473
xluoKE compactID = 474
xluy compactID = 475
xluyKE compactID = 476
xlv compactID = 477
xlvLV compactID = 478
xmas compactID = 479
xmasKE compactID = 480
xmasTZ compactID = 481
xmer compactID = 482
xmerKE compactID = 483
xmfe compactID = 484
xmfeMU compactID = 485
xmg compactID = 486
xmgMG compactID = 487
xmgh compactID = 488
xmghMZ compactID = 489
xmgo compactID = 490
xmgoCM compactID = 491
xmk compactID = 492
xmkMK compactID = 493
xml compactID = 494
xmlIN compactID = 495
xmn compactID = 496
xmnMN compactID = 497
xmo compactID = 498
xmr compactID = 499
xmrIN compactID = 500
xms compactID = 501
xmsBN compactID = 502
xmsMY compactID = 503
xmsSG compactID = 504
xmt compactID = 505
xmtMT compactID = 506
xmua compactID = 507
xmuaCM compactID = 508
xmy compactID = 509
xmyMM compactID = 510
xmzn compactID = 511
xmznIR compactID = 512
xnah compactID = 513
xnaq compactID = 514
xnaqNA compactID = 515
xnb compactID = 516
xnbNO compactID = 517
xnbSJ compactID = 518
xnd compactID = 519
xndZW compactID = 520
xnds compactID = 521
xndsDE compactID = 522
xndsNL compactID = 523
xne compactID = 524
xneIN compactID = 525
xneNP compactID = 526
xnl compactID = 527
xnlAW compactID = 528
xnlBE compactID = 529
xnlBQ compactID = 530
xnlCW compactID = 531
xnlNL compactID = 532
xnlSR compactID = 533
xnlSX compactID = 534
xnmg compactID = 535
xnmgCM compactID = 536
xnn compactID = 537
xnnNO compactID = 538
xnnh compactID = 539
xnnhCM compactID = 540
xno compactID = 541
xnqo compactID = 542
xnr compactID = 543
xnso compactID = 544
xnus compactID = 545
xnusSS compactID = 546
xny compactID = 547
xnyn compactID = 548
xnynUG compactID = 549
xom compactID = 550
xomET compactID = 551
xomKE compactID = 552
xor compactID = 553
xorIN compactID = 554
xos compactID = 555
xosGE compactID = 556
xosRU compactID = 557
xpa compactID = 558
xpaArab compactID = 559
xpaArabPK compactID = 560
xpaGuru compactID = 561
xpaGuruIN compactID = 562
xpap compactID = 563
xpl compactID = 564
xplPL compactID = 565
xprg compactID = 566
xprg001 compactID = 567
xps compactID = 568
xpsAF compactID = 569
xpt compactID = 570
xptAO compactID = 571
xptBR compactID = 572
xptCH compactID = 573
xptCV compactID = 574
xptGQ compactID = 575
xptGW compactID = 576
xptLU compactID = 577
xptMO compactID = 578
xptMZ compactID = 579
xptPT compactID = 580
xptST compactID = 581
xptTL compactID = 582
xqu compactID = 583
xquBO compactID = 584
xquEC compactID = 585
xquPE compactID = 586
xrm compactID = 587
xrmCH compactID = 588
xrn compactID = 589
xrnBI compactID = 590
xro compactID = 591
xroMD compactID = 592
xroRO compactID = 593
xrof compactID = 594
xrofTZ compactID = 595
xru compactID = 596
xruBY compactID = 597
xruKG compactID = 598
xruKZ compactID = 599
xruMD compactID = 600
xruRU compactID = 601
xruUA compactID = 602
xrw compactID = 603
xrwRW compactID = 604
xrwk compactID = 605
xrwkTZ compactID = 606
xsah compactID = 607
xsahRU compactID = 608
xsaq compactID = 609
xsaqKE compactID = 610
xsbp compactID = 611
xsbpTZ compactID = 612
xsd compactID = 613
xsdPK compactID = 614
xsdh compactID = 615
xse compactID = 616
xseFI compactID = 617
xseNO compactID = 618
xseSE compactID = 619
xseh compactID = 620
xsehMZ compactID = 621
xses compactID = 622
xsesML compactID = 623
xsg compactID = 624
xsgCF compactID = 625
xsh compactID = 626
xshi compactID = 627
xshiLatn compactID = 628
xshiLatnMA compactID = 629
xshiTfng compactID = 630
xshiTfngMA compactID = 631
xsi compactID = 632
xsiLK compactID = 633
xsk compactID = 634
xskSK compactID = 635
xsl compactID = 636
xslSI compactID = 637
xsma compactID = 638
xsmi compactID = 639
xsmj compactID = 640
xsmn compactID = 641
xsmnFI compactID = 642
xsms compactID = 643
xsn compactID = 644
xsnZW compactID = 645
xso compactID = 646
xsoDJ compactID = 647
xsoET compactID = 648
xsoKE compactID = 649
xsoSO compactID = 650
xsq compactID = 651
xsqAL compactID = 652
xsqMK compactID = 653
xsqXK compactID = 654
xsr compactID = 655
xsrCyrl compactID = 656
xsrCyrlBA compactID = 657
xsrCyrlME compactID = 658
xsrCyrlRS compactID = 659
xsrCyrlXK compactID = 660
xsrLatn compactID = 661
xsrLatnBA compactID = 662
xsrLatnME compactID = 663
xsrLatnRS compactID = 664
xsrLatnXK compactID = 665
xss compactID = 666
xssy compactID = 667
xst compactID = 668
xsv compactID = 669
xsvAX compactID = 670
xsvFI compactID = 671
xsvSE compactID = 672
xsw compactID = 673
xswCD compactID = 674
xswKE compactID = 675
xswTZ compactID = 676
xswUG compactID = 677
xsyr compactID = 678
xta compactID = 679
xtaIN compactID = 680
xtaLK compactID = 681
xtaMY compactID = 682
xtaSG compactID = 683
xte compactID = 684
xteIN compactID = 685
xteo compactID = 686
xteoKE compactID = 687
xteoUG compactID = 688
xtg compactID = 689
xtgTJ compactID = 690
xth compactID = 691
xthTH compactID = 692
xti compactID = 693
xtiER compactID = 694
xtiET compactID = 695
xtig compactID = 696
xtk compactID = 697
xtkTM compactID = 698
xtl compactID = 699
xtn compactID = 700
xto compactID = 701
xtoTO compactID = 702
xtr compactID = 703
xtrCY compactID = 704
xtrTR compactID = 705
xts compactID = 706
xtt compactID = 707
xttRU compactID = 708
xtwq compactID = 709
xtwqNE compactID = 710
xtzm compactID = 711
xtzmMA compactID = 712
xug compactID = 713
xugCN compactID = 714
xuk compactID = 715
xukUA compactID = 716
xur compactID = 717
xurIN compactID = 718
xurPK compactID = 719
xuz compactID = 720
xuzArab compactID = 721
xuzArabAF compactID = 722
xuzCyrl compactID = 723
xuzCyrlUZ compactID = 724
xuzLatn compactID = 725
xuzLatnUZ compactID = 726
xvai compactID = 727
xvaiLatn compactID = 728
xvaiLatnLR compactID = 729
xvaiVaii compactID = 730
xvaiVaiiLR compactID = 731
xve compactID = 732
xvi compactID = 733
xviVN compactID = 734
xvo compactID = 735
xvo001 compactID = 736
xvun compactID = 737
xvunTZ compactID = 738
xwa compactID = 739
xwae compactID = 740
xwaeCH compactID = 741
xwo compactID = 742
xwoSN compactID = 743
xxh compactID = 744
xxog compactID = 745
xxogUG compactID = 746
xyav compactID = 747
xyavCM compactID = 748
xyi compactID = 749
xyi001 compactID = 750
xyo compactID = 751
xyoBJ compactID = 752
xyoNG compactID = 753
xyue compactID = 754
xyueHans compactID = 755
xyueHansCN compactID = 756
xyueHant compactID = 757
xyueHantHK compactID = 758
xzgh compactID = 759
xzghMA compactID = 760
xzh compactID = 761
xzhHans compactID = 762
xzhHansCN compactID = 763
xzhHansHK compactID = 764
xzhHansMO compactID = 765
xzhHansSG compactID = 766
xzhHant compactID = 767
xzhHantHK compactID = 768
xzhHantMO compactID = 769
xzhHantTW compactID = 770
xzu compactID = 771
xzuZA compactID = 772
xcaESvalencia compactID = 773
xenUSuvaposix compactID = 774
var coreTags = []language.CompactCoreInfo{ // 773 elements
// Entry 0 - 1F
0x00000000, 0x01600000, 0x016000d2, 0x01600161,
0x01c00000, 0x01c00052, 0x02100000, 0x02100080,
0x02700000, 0x0270006f, 0x03a00000, 0x03a00001,
0x03a00023, 0x03a00039, 0x03a00062, 0x03a00067,
0x03a0006b, 0x03a0006c, 0x03a0006d, 0x03a00097,
0x03a0009b, 0x03a000a1, 0x03a000a8, 0x03a000ac,
0x03a000b0, 0x03a000b9, 0x03a000ba, 0x03a000c9,
0x03a000e1, 0x03a000ed, 0x03a000f3, 0x03a00108,
// Entry 20 - 3F
0x03a0010b, 0x03a00115, 0x03a00117, 0x03a0011c,
0x03a00120, 0x03a00128, 0x03a0015e, 0x04000000,
0x04300000, 0x04300099, 0x04400000, 0x0440012f,
0x04800000, 0x0480006e, 0x05800000, 0x0581f000,
0x0581f032, 0x05857000, 0x05857032, 0x05e00000,
0x05e00052, 0x07100000, 0x07100047, 0x07500000,
0x07500162, 0x07900000, 0x0790012f, 0x07e00000,
0x07e00038, 0x08200000, 0x0a000000, 0x0a0000c3,
// Entry 40 - 5F
0x0a500000, 0x0a500035, 0x0a500099, 0x0a900000,
0x0a900053, 0x0a900099, 0x0b200000, 0x0b200078,
0x0b500000, 0x0b500099, 0x0b700000, 0x0b71f000,
0x0b71f033, 0x0b757000, 0x0b757033, 0x0d700000,
0x0d700022, 0x0d70006e, 0x0d700078, 0x0d70009e,
0x0db00000, 0x0db00035, 0x0db00099, 0x0dc00000,
0x0dc00106, 0x0df00000, 0x0df00131, 0x0e500000,
0x0e500135, 0x0e900000, 0x0e90009b, 0x0e90009c,
// Entry 60 - 7F
0x0fa00000, 0x0fa0005e, 0x0fe00000, 0x0fe00106,
0x10000000, 0x1000007b, 0x10100000, 0x10100063,
0x10100082, 0x10800000, 0x108000a4, 0x10d00000,
0x10d0002e, 0x10d00036, 0x10d0004e, 0x10d00060,
0x10d0009e, 0x10d000b2, 0x10d000b7, 0x11700000,
0x117000d4, 0x11f00000, 0x11f00060, 0x12400000,
0x12400052, 0x12800000, 0x12b00000, 0x12b00114,
0x12d00000, 0x12d00043, 0x12f00000, 0x12f000a4,
// Entry 80 - 9F
0x13000000, 0x13000080, 0x13000122, 0x13600000,
0x1360005d, 0x13600087, 0x13900000, 0x13900001,
0x1390001a, 0x13900025, 0x13900026, 0x1390002d,
0x1390002e, 0x1390002f, 0x13900034, 0x13900036,
0x1390003a, 0x1390003d, 0x13900042, 0x13900046,
0x13900048, 0x13900049, 0x1390004a, 0x1390004e,
0x13900050, 0x13900052, 0x1390005c, 0x1390005d,
0x13900060, 0x13900061, 0x13900063, 0x13900064,
// Entry A0 - BF
0x1390006d, 0x13900072, 0x13900073, 0x13900074,
0x13900075, 0x1390007b, 0x1390007c, 0x1390007f,
0x13900080, 0x13900081, 0x13900083, 0x1390008a,
0x1390008c, 0x1390008d, 0x13900096, 0x13900097,
0x13900098, 0x13900099, 0x1390009a, 0x1390009f,
0x139000a0, 0x139000a4, 0x139000a7, 0x139000a9,
0x139000ad, 0x139000b1, 0x139000b4, 0x139000b5,
0x139000bf, 0x139000c0, 0x139000c6, 0x139000c7,
// Entry C0 - DF
0x139000ca, 0x139000cb, 0x139000cc, 0x139000ce,
0x139000d0, 0x139000d2, 0x139000d5, 0x139000d6,
0x139000d9, 0x139000dd, 0x139000df, 0x139000e0,
0x139000e6, 0x139000e7, 0x139000e8, 0x139000eb,
0x139000ec, 0x139000f0, 0x13900107, 0x13900109,
0x1390010a, 0x1390010b, 0x1390010c, 0x1390010d,
0x1390010e, 0x1390010f, 0x13900112, 0x13900117,
0x1390011b, 0x1390011d, 0x1390011f, 0x13900125,
// Entry E0 - FF
0x13900129, 0x1390012c, 0x1390012d, 0x1390012f,
0x13900131, 0x13900133, 0x13900135, 0x13900139,
0x1390013c, 0x1390013d, 0x1390013f, 0x13900142,
0x13900161, 0x13900162, 0x13900164, 0x13c00000,
0x13c00001, 0x13e00000, 0x13e0001f, 0x13e0002c,
0x13e0003f, 0x13e00041, 0x13e00048, 0x13e00051,
0x13e00054, 0x13e00056, 0x13e00059, 0x13e00065,
0x13e00068, 0x13e00069, 0x13e0006e, 0x13e00086,
// Entry 100 - 11F
0x13e00089, 0x13e0008f, 0x13e00094, 0x13e000cf,
0x13e000d8, 0x13e000e2, 0x13e000e4, 0x13e000e7,
0x13e000ec, 0x13e000f1, 0x13e0011a, 0x13e00135,
0x13e00136, 0x13e0013b, 0x14000000, 0x1400006a,
0x14500000, 0x1450006e, 0x14600000, 0x14600052,
0x14800000, 0x14800024, 0x1480009c, 0x14e00000,
0x14e00052, 0x14e00084, 0x14e000c9, 0x14e00114,
0x15100000, 0x15100072, 0x15300000, 0x153000e7,
// Entry 120 - 13F
0x15800000, 0x15800063, 0x15800076, 0x15e00000,
0x15e00036, 0x15e00037, 0x15e0003a, 0x15e0003b,
0x15e0003c, 0x15e00049, 0x15e0004b, 0x15e0004c,
0x15e0004d, 0x15e0004e, 0x15e0004f, 0x15e00052,
0x15e00062, 0x15e00067, 0x15e00078, 0x15e0007a,
0x15e0007e, 0x15e00084, 0x15e00085, 0x15e00086,
0x15e00091, 0x15e000a8, 0x15e000b7, 0x15e000ba,
0x15e000bb, 0x15e000be, 0x15e000bf, 0x15e000c3,
// Entry 140 - 15F
0x15e000c8, 0x15e000c9, 0x15e000cc, 0x15e000d3,
0x15e000d4, 0x15e000e5, 0x15e000ea, 0x15e00102,
0x15e00107, 0x15e0010a, 0x15e00114, 0x15e0011c,
0x15e00120, 0x15e00122, 0x15e00128, 0x15e0013f,
0x15e00140, 0x15e0015f, 0x16900000, 0x1690009e,
0x16d00000, 0x16d000d9, 0x16e00000, 0x16e00096,
0x17e00000, 0x17e0007b, 0x19000000, 0x1900006e,
0x1a300000, 0x1a30004e, 0x1a300078, 0x1a3000b2,
// Entry 160 - 17F
0x1a400000, 0x1a400099, 0x1a900000, 0x1ab00000,
0x1ab000a4, 0x1ac00000, 0x1ac00098, 0x1b400000,
0x1b400080, 0x1b4000d4, 0x1b4000d6, 0x1b800000,
0x1b800135, 0x1bc00000, 0x1bc00097, 0x1be00000,
0x1be00099, 0x1d100000, 0x1d100033, 0x1d100090,
0x1d200000, 0x1d200060, 0x1d500000, 0x1d500092,
0x1d700000, 0x1d700028, 0x1e100000, 0x1e100095,
0x1e700000, 0x1e7000d6, 0x1ea00000, 0x1ea00053,
// Entry 180 - 19F
0x1f300000, 0x1f500000, 0x1f800000, 0x1f80009d,
0x1f900000, 0x1f90004e, 0x1f90009e, 0x1f900113,
0x1f900138, 0x1fa00000, 0x1fb00000, 0x20000000,
0x200000a2, 0x20300000, 0x20700000, 0x20700052,
0x20800000, 0x20a00000, 0x20a0012f, 0x20e00000,
0x20f00000, 0x21000000, 0x2100007d, 0x21200000,
0x21200067, 0x21600000, 0x21700000, 0x217000a4,
0x21f00000, 0x22300000, 0x2230012f, 0x22700000,
// Entry 1A0 - 1BF
0x2270005a, 0x23400000, 0x234000c3, 0x23900000,
0x239000a4, 0x24200000, 0x242000ae, 0x24400000,
0x24400052, 0x24500000, 0x24500082, 0x24600000,
0x246000a4, 0x24a00000, 0x24a000a6, 0x25100000,
0x25100099, 0x25400000, 0x254000aa, 0x254000ab,
0x25600000, 0x25600099, 0x26a00000, 0x26a00099,
0x26b00000, 0x26b0012f, 0x26d00000, 0x26d00052,
0x26e00000, 0x26e00060, 0x27400000, 0x28100000,
// Entry 1C0 - 1DF
0x2810007b, 0x28a00000, 0x28a000a5, 0x29100000,
0x2910012f, 0x29500000, 0x295000b7, 0x2a300000,
0x2a300131, 0x2af00000, 0x2af00135, 0x2b500000,
0x2b50002a, 0x2b50004b, 0x2b50004c, 0x2b50004d,
0x2b800000, 0x2b8000af, 0x2bf00000, 0x2bf0009b,
0x2bf0009c, 0x2c000000, 0x2c0000b6, 0x2c200000,
0x2c20004b, 0x2c400000, 0x2c4000a4, 0x2c500000,
0x2c5000a4, 0x2c700000, 0x2c7000b8, 0x2d100000,
// Entry 1E0 - 1FF
0x2d1000a4, 0x2d10012f, 0x2e900000, 0x2e9000a4,
0x2ed00000, 0x2ed000cc, 0x2f100000, 0x2f1000bf,
0x2f200000, 0x2f2000d1, 0x2f400000, 0x2f400052,
0x2ff00000, 0x2ff000c2, 0x30400000, 0x30400099,
0x30b00000, 0x30b000c5, 0x31000000, 0x31b00000,
0x31b00099, 0x31f00000, 0x31f0003e, 0x31f000d0,
0x31f0010d, 0x32000000, 0x320000cb, 0x32500000,
0x32500052, 0x33100000, 0x331000c4, 0x33a00000,
// Entry 200 - 21F
0x33a0009c, 0x34100000, 0x34500000, 0x345000d2,
0x34700000, 0x347000da, 0x34700110, 0x34e00000,
0x34e00164, 0x35000000, 0x35000060, 0x350000d9,
0x35100000, 0x35100099, 0x351000db, 0x36700000,
0x36700030, 0x36700036, 0x36700040, 0x3670005b,
0x367000d9, 0x36700116, 0x3670011b, 0x36800000,
0x36800052, 0x36a00000, 0x36a000da, 0x36c00000,
0x36c00052, 0x36f00000, 0x37500000, 0x37600000,
// Entry 220 - 23F
0x37a00000, 0x38000000, 0x38000117, 0x38700000,
0x38900000, 0x38900131, 0x39000000, 0x3900006f,
0x390000a4, 0x39500000, 0x39500099, 0x39800000,
0x3980007d, 0x39800106, 0x39d00000, 0x39d05000,
0x39d050e8, 0x39d33000, 0x39d33099, 0x3a100000,
0x3b300000, 0x3b3000e9, 0x3bd00000, 0x3bd00001,
0x3be00000, 0x3be00024, 0x3c000000, 0x3c00002a,
0x3c000041, 0x3c00004e, 0x3c00005a, 0x3c000086,
// Entry 240 - 25F
0x3c00008b, 0x3c0000b7, 0x3c0000c6, 0x3c0000d1,
0x3c0000ee, 0x3c000118, 0x3c000126, 0x3c400000,
0x3c40003f, 0x3c400069, 0x3c4000e4, 0x3d400000,
0x3d40004e, 0x3d900000, 0x3d90003a, 0x3dc00000,
0x3dc000bc, 0x3dc00104, 0x3de00000, 0x3de0012f,
0x3e200000, 0x3e200047, 0x3e2000a5, 0x3e2000ae,
0x3e2000bc, 0x3e200106, 0x3e200130, 0x3e500000,
0x3e500107, 0x3e600000, 0x3e60012f, 0x3eb00000,
// Entry 260 - 27F
0x3eb00106, 0x3ec00000, 0x3ec000a4, 0x3f300000,
0x3f30012f, 0x3fa00000, 0x3fa000e8, 0x3fc00000,
0x3fd00000, 0x3fd00072, 0x3fd000da, 0x3fd0010c,
0x3ff00000, 0x3ff000d1, 0x40100000, 0x401000c3,
0x40200000, 0x4020004c, 0x40700000, 0x40800000,
0x40857000, 0x408570ba, 0x408dc000, 0x408dc0ba,
0x40c00000, 0x40c000b3, 0x41200000, 0x41200111,
0x41600000, 0x4160010f, 0x41c00000, 0x41d00000,
// Entry 280 - 29F
0x41e00000, 0x41f00000, 0x41f00072, 0x42200000,
0x42300000, 0x42300164, 0x42900000, 0x42900062,
0x4290006f, 0x429000a4, 0x42900115, 0x43100000,
0x43100027, 0x431000c2, 0x4310014d, 0x43200000,
0x4321f000, 0x4321f033, 0x4321f0bd, 0x4321f105,
0x4321f14d, 0x43257000, 0x43257033, 0x432570bd,
0x43257105, 0x4325714d, 0x43700000, 0x43a00000,
0x43b00000, 0x44400000, 0x44400031, 0x44400072,
// Entry 2A0 - 2BF
0x4440010c, 0x44500000, 0x4450004b, 0x445000a4,
0x4450012f, 0x44500131, 0x44e00000, 0x45000000,
0x45000099, 0x450000b3, 0x450000d0, 0x4500010d,
0x46100000, 0x46100099, 0x46400000, 0x464000a4,
0x46400131, 0x46700000, 0x46700124, 0x46b00000,
0x46b00123, 0x46f00000, 0x46f0006d, 0x46f0006f,
0x47100000, 0x47600000, 0x47600127, 0x47a00000,
0x48000000, 0x48200000, 0x48200129, 0x48a00000,
// Entry 2C0 - 2DF
0x48a0005d, 0x48a0012b, 0x48e00000, 0x49400000,
0x49400106, 0x4a400000, 0x4a4000d4, 0x4a900000,
0x4a9000ba, 0x4ac00000, 0x4ac00053, 0x4ae00000,
0x4ae00130, 0x4b400000, 0x4b400099, 0x4b4000e8,
0x4bc00000, 0x4bc05000, 0x4bc05024, 0x4bc1f000,
0x4bc1f137, 0x4bc57000, 0x4bc57137, 0x4be00000,
0x4be57000, 0x4be570b4, 0x4bee3000, 0x4bee30b4,
0x4c000000, 0x4c300000, 0x4c30013e, 0x4c900000,
// Entry 2E0 - 2FF
0x4c900001, 0x4cc00000, 0x4cc0012f, 0x4ce00000,
0x4cf00000, 0x4cf0004e, 0x4e500000, 0x4e500114,
0x4f200000, 0x4fb00000, 0x4fb00131, 0x50900000,
0x50900052, 0x51200000, 0x51200001, 0x51800000,
0x5180003b, 0x518000d6, 0x51f00000, 0x51f38000,
0x51f38053, 0x51f39000, 0x51f3908d, 0x52800000,
0x528000ba, 0x52900000, 0x52938000, 0x52938053,
0x5293808d, 0x529380c6, 0x5293810d, 0x52939000,
// Entry 300 - 31F
0x5293908d, 0x529390c6, 0x5293912e, 0x52f00000,
} // Size: 3116 bytes
const specialTagsStr string = "ca-ES-valencia en-US-u-va-posix"
var regionToGroups = []uint8{ // 357 elements
// Entry 0 - 3F
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00,
0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04,
// Entry 40 - 7F
0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00,
0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x08,
0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00,
// Entry 80 - BF
0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x02, 0x00, 0x04,
0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x08, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00,
// Entry C0 - FF
0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01,
0x04, 0x08, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
// Entry 100 - 13F
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, 0x04, 0x00,
0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00,
// Entry 140 - 17F
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
} // Size: 381 bytes
var paradigmLocales = [][3]uint16{ // 3 elements
0: [3]uint16{0x139, 0x0, 0x7b},
1: [3]uint16{0x13e, 0x0, 0x1f},
2: [3]uint16{0x3c0, 0x41, 0xee},
} // Size: 42 bytes
type mutualIntelligibility struct {
want uint16
have uint16
distance uint8
oneway bool
type scriptIntelligibility struct {
wantLang uint16
haveLang uint16
wantScript uint8
haveScript uint8
distance uint8
type regionIntelligibility struct {
lang uint16
script uint8
group uint8
distance uint8
// matchLang holds pairs of langIDs of base languages that are typically
// mutually intelligible. Each pair is associated with a confidence and
// whether the intelligibility goes one or both ways.
var matchLang = []mutualIntelligibility{ // 113 elements
0: {want: 0x1d1, have: 0xb7, distance: 0x4, oneway: false},
1: {want: 0x407, have: 0xb7, distance: 0x4, oneway: false},
2: {want: 0x407, have: 0x1d1, distance: 0x4, oneway: false},
3: {want: 0x407, have: 0x432, distance: 0x4, oneway: false},
4: {want: 0x43a, have: 0x1, distance: 0x4, oneway: false},
5: {want: 0x1a3, have: 0x10d, distance: 0x4, oneway: true},
6: {want: 0x295, have: 0x10d, distance: 0x4, oneway: true},
7: {want: 0x101, have: 0x36f, distance: 0x8, oneway: false},
8: {want: 0x101, have: 0x347, distance: 0x8, oneway: false},
9: {want: 0x5, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
10: {want: 0xd, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
11: {want: 0x16, have: 0x367, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
12: {want: 0x21, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
13: {want: 0x56, have: 0x13e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
14: {want: 0x58, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
15: {want: 0x71, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
16: {want: 0x75, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
17: {want: 0x82, have: 0x1be, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
18: {want: 0xa5, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
19: {want: 0xb2, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
20: {want: 0xdd, have: 0x153, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
21: {want: 0xe5, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
22: {want: 0xe9, have: 0x3a, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
23: {want: 0xf0, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
24: {want: 0xf9, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
25: {want: 0x100, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
26: {want: 0x130, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
27: {want: 0x13c, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
28: {want: 0x140, have: 0x151, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
29: {want: 0x145, have: 0x13e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
30: {want: 0x158, have: 0x101, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
31: {want: 0x16d, have: 0x367, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
32: {want: 0x16e, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
33: {want: 0x16f, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
34: {want: 0x17e, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
35: {want: 0x190, have: 0x13e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
36: {want: 0x194, have: 0x13e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
37: {want: 0x1a4, have: 0x1be, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
38: {want: 0x1b4, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
39: {want: 0x1b8, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
40: {want: 0x1d4, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
41: {want: 0x1d7, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
42: {want: 0x1d9, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
43: {want: 0x1e7, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
44: {want: 0x1f8, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
45: {want: 0x20e, have: 0x1e1, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
46: {want: 0x210, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
47: {want: 0x22d, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
48: {want: 0x242, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
49: {want: 0x24a, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
50: {want: 0x251, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
51: {want: 0x265, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
52: {want: 0x274, have: 0x48a, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
53: {want: 0x28a, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
54: {want: 0x28e, have: 0x1f9, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
55: {want: 0x2a3, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
56: {want: 0x2b5, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
57: {want: 0x2b8, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
58: {want: 0x2be, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
59: {want: 0x2c3, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
60: {want: 0x2ed, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
61: {want: 0x2f1, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
62: {want: 0x2fa, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
63: {want: 0x2ff, have: 0x7e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
64: {want: 0x304, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
65: {want: 0x30b, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
66: {want: 0x31b, have: 0x1be, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
67: {want: 0x31f, have: 0x1e1, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
68: {want: 0x320, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
69: {want: 0x331, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
70: {want: 0x351, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
71: {want: 0x36a, have: 0x347, distance: 0xa, oneway: false},
72: {want: 0x36a, have: 0x36f, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
73: {want: 0x37a, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
74: {want: 0x387, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
75: {want: 0x389, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
76: {want: 0x38b, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
77: {want: 0x390, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
78: {want: 0x395, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
79: {want: 0x39d, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
80: {want: 0x3a5, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
81: {want: 0x3be, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
82: {want: 0x3c4, have: 0x13e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
83: {want: 0x3d4, have: 0x10d, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
84: {want: 0x3d9, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
85: {want: 0x3e5, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
86: {want: 0x3e9, have: 0x1be, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
87: {want: 0x3fa, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
88: {want: 0x40c, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
89: {want: 0x423, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
90: {want: 0x429, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
91: {want: 0x431, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
92: {want: 0x43b, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
93: {want: 0x43e, have: 0x1e1, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
94: {want: 0x445, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
95: {want: 0x450, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
96: {want: 0x461, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
97: {want: 0x467, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
98: {want: 0x46f, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
99: {want: 0x476, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
100: {want: 0x3883, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
101: {want: 0x480, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
102: {want: 0x482, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
103: {want: 0x494, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
104: {want: 0x49d, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
105: {want: 0x4ac, have: 0x529, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
106: {want: 0x4b4, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
107: {want: 0x4bc, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
108: {want: 0x4e5, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
109: {want: 0x4f2, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
110: {want: 0x512, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
111: {want: 0x518, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
112: {want: 0x52f, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true},
} // Size: 702 bytes
// matchScript holds pairs of scriptIDs where readers of one script
// can typically also read the other. Each is associated with a confidence.
var matchScript = []scriptIntelligibility{ // 26 elements
0: {wantLang: 0x432, haveLang: 0x432, wantScript: 0x57, haveScript: 0x1f, distance: 0x5},
1: {wantLang: 0x432, haveLang: 0x432, wantScript: 0x1f, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0x5},
2: {wantLang: 0x58, haveLang: 0x3e2, wantScript: 0x57, haveScript: 0x1f, distance: 0xa},
3: {wantLang: 0xa5, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0xe, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
4: {wantLang: 0x1d7, haveLang: 0x3e2, wantScript: 0x8, haveScript: 0x1f, distance: 0xa},
5: {wantLang: 0x210, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x2b, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
6: {wantLang: 0x24a, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x4b, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
7: {wantLang: 0x251, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x4f, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
8: {wantLang: 0x2b8, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x54, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
9: {wantLang: 0x304, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x6b, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
10: {wantLang: 0x331, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x72, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
11: {wantLang: 0x351, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x21, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
12: {wantLang: 0x395, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x7d, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
13: {wantLang: 0x39d, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x33, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
14: {wantLang: 0x3be, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x5, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
15: {wantLang: 0x3fa, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x5, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
16: {wantLang: 0x40c, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0xca, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
17: {wantLang: 0x450, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0xd7, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
18: {wantLang: 0x461, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0xda, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
19: {wantLang: 0x46f, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x29, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
20: {wantLang: 0x476, haveLang: 0x3e2, wantScript: 0x57, haveScript: 0x1f, distance: 0xa},
21: {wantLang: 0x4b4, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x5, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
22: {wantLang: 0x4bc, haveLang: 0x3e2, wantScript: 0x57, haveScript: 0x1f, distance: 0xa},
23: {wantLang: 0x512, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x3b, haveScript: 0x57, distance: 0xa},
24: {wantLang: 0x529, haveLang: 0x529, wantScript: 0x38, haveScript: 0x39, distance: 0xf},
25: {wantLang: 0x529, haveLang: 0x529, wantScript: 0x39, haveScript: 0x38, distance: 0x13},
} // Size: 232 bytes
var matchRegion = []regionIntelligibility{ // 15 elements
0: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x0, group: 0x4, distance: 0x4},
1: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x0, group: 0x84, distance: 0x4},
2: {lang: 0x139, script: 0x0, group: 0x1, distance: 0x4},
3: {lang: 0x139, script: 0x0, group: 0x81, distance: 0x4},
4: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x0, group: 0x3, distance: 0x4},
5: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x0, group: 0x83, distance: 0x4},
6: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x0, group: 0x3, distance: 0x4},
7: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x0, group: 0x83, distance: 0x4},
8: {lang: 0x529, script: 0x39, group: 0x2, distance: 0x4},
9: {lang: 0x529, script: 0x39, group: 0x82, distance: 0x4},
10: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x0, group: 0x80, distance: 0x5},
11: {lang: 0x139, script: 0x0, group: 0x80, distance: 0x5},
12: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x0, group: 0x80, distance: 0x5},
13: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x0, group: 0x80, distance: 0x5},
14: {lang: 0x529, script: 0x39, group: 0x80, distance: 0x5},
} // Size: 114 bytes
// Total table size 4618 bytes (4KiB); checksum: D161A896