blob: 00432d2ef885e31a29720027646b4f88af656ef5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by running "go generate" in DO NOT EDIT.
package plural
import ""
var countMap = map[string]plural.Form{
"other": plural.Other,
"zero": plural.Zero,
"one": plural.One,
"two": plural.Two,
"few": plural.Few,
"many": plural.Many,
type pluralCheck struct {
// category:
// 3..7: opID
// 0..2: category
cat byte
setID byte
// opID identifies the type of operand in the plural rule, being i, n or f.
// (v, w, and t are treated as filters in our implementation.)
type opID byte
const (
opMod opID = 0x1 // is '%' used?
opNotEqual opID = 0x2 // using "!=" to compare
opI opID = 0 << 2 // integers after taking the absolute value
opN opID = 1 << 2 // full number (must be integer)
opF opID = 2 << 2 // fraction
opV opID = 3 << 2 // number of visible digits
opW opID = 4 << 2 // number of visible digits without trailing zeros
opBretonM opID = 5 << 2 // hard-wired rule for Breton
opItalian800 opID = 6 << 2 // hard-wired rule for Italian
opAzerbaijan00s opID = 7 << 2 // hard-wired rule for Azerbaijan
const (
// Use this plural form to indicate the next rule needs to match as well.
// The last condition in the list will have the correct plural form.
andNext = 0x7
formMask = 0x7
opShift = 3
// numN indicates the maximum integer, or maximum mod value, for which we
// have inclusion masks.
numN = 100
// The common denominator of the modulo that is taken.
maxMod = 100