is an API for package developers to obtain configuration information about a user's Go environment. It is distributed as a Package Control dependency, and thus automatically installed when a package requiring it is installed by an end-user.
is the primary function that will be used in packages. It accepts five parameters. The first two are positional:
The three remaining parameters are keyword arguments:
object, if availablesublime.Window
object, if availableThe function returns a two-element tuple containing the path to the requested executable and a dict
to pass via the env=
arg of subprocess.Popen()
The sublime.View
and/or sublime.Window
objects are used to obtain project-specific settings. These objects are available via attributes of the sublime_plugin.WindowCommand
and sublime_plugin.TextCommand
The golangconfig
package interacts with Sublime Text's settings API, which means that all calls must occur within the UI thread for compatiblity with Sublime Text 2.
The function setting_value()
is intended for use when fetching environment variables for non-subprocess usage, or for getting settings that are not environment variables. Obtaining the value of an individual environment variable may be useful when printing debug information, or using the value in an interactive manner with the user.
The function accepts three parameters. The first is position:
The two other parameters are keyword arguments:
object, if availablesublime.Window
object, if availableThe function returns a two-element tuple containing the value of the setting requested, and a unicode string describing the source of the setting.
If no value was found for the setting, the tuple (None, None)
will be returned.
If a value is found for the setting, the second element of the tuple will contain one of the following unicode strings:
This value is intended for display to the user for help in debugging.
If the executable can not be found, a golangconfig.ExecutableError()
will be raised. It has two attributes: .name
which is the name of the executable that could not be found, and .dirs
which is a list of the dirs searched by first looking at the PATH
from the Sublime Text settings, and then looking at the shell PATH
If one of the required environment variables is not set, an golangconfig.EnvVarError()
will be raised. It has one attribute: .missing
which is a list of all required environment variables that could not be found in the Sublime Text settings, or the shell environment.
When developing a package to utilize golangconfig
, Package Control needs to be told to ensure that golangconfig
is installed. To accomplish this, a file named dependencies.json
needs to be placed in the root of the package. The file should contain the following specification:
{ "*": { "*": [ "shellenv", "golangconfig" ] } }
This specification indicates that for all operating systems (the outer *
) and all versions of Sublime Text (the nested *
), the dependencies named shellenv
and golangconfig
are required.
The following snippet of Python show basic usage of golangconfig
from within command classes derived from sublime_plugin.WindowCommand
and sublime_plugin.TextCommand
# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import sublime import sublime_plugin import golangconfig class MyWindowCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self): try: go_executable_path, env_dict = golangconfig.subprocess_info( 'go', ['GOPATH'], [ 'GOROOT', 'GOROOT_FINAL', 'GOBIN', 'GOOS', 'GOARCH', 'GORACE', 'GOARM', 'GO386', 'GOHOSTOS', 'GOHOSTARCH', ], window=self.window ) # Launch thread to execute subprocess.Popen() ... except (golangconfig.ExecutableError) as e: error_message = ''' My Package The %s executable could not be found. Please ensure it is installed and available via your PATH. Would you like to view documentation for setting the PATH? ''' prompt = error_message % e.name if sublime.ok_cancel_dialog(prompt, 'Open Documentation'): self.window.run_command( 'open_url', {'url': 'http://example.com/documentation'} ) except (golangconfig.EnvVarError) as e: error_message = ''' My Package The setting%s %s could not be found in your Sublime Text settings or your shell environment. Would you like to view the configuration documentation? ''' plural = 's' if len(e.missing) > 1 else '' setting_names = ', '.join(e.missing) prompt = error_message % (plural, setting_names) if sublime.ok_cancel_dialog(prompt, 'Open Documentation'): self.window.run_command( 'open_url', {'url': 'http://example.com/documentation'} ) class MyTextCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self): # This example omits exception handling for brevity gofmt_executable_path, env = golangconfig.subprocess_info( 'gofmt', ['GOPATH'], # GOOS, GOARCH, GO386 and GOARM are omitted from optional_vars in # this example with the intent they would be provided through user # interaction. [ 'GOROOT', 'GOROOT_FINAL', 'GOBIN', 'GORACE', 'GOHOSTOS', 'GOHOSTARCH', ], view=self.view ) goos_setting = golangconfig.setting_value('GOOS', view=self.view) goarch_setting = golangconfig.setting_value('GOARCH', view=self.view) # Use the sublime API to show the user OS and ARCH options, with their # values from the settings selected by default
Since the golangconfig
functions must be called in the UI thread, commands will normally look up any necessary information before firing off a thread to perform a task in the background.
The public API consists of the following functions:
functiondef subprocess_info(executable_name, required_vars, optional_vars=None, view=None, window=None): """ :param executable_name: A unicode string of the executable to locate, e.g. "go" or "gofmt" :param required_vars: A list of unicode strings of the environment variables that are required, e.g. "GOPATH". Obtains values from setting_value(). :param optional_vars: A list of unicode strings of the environment variables that are optional, but should be pulled from setting_value() if available - e.g. "GOOS", "GOARCH". Obtains values from setting_value(). :param view: A sublime.View object to use in finding project-specific settings. This should be passed whenever available. :param window: A sublime.Window object to use in finding project-specific settings. This will only work for Sublime Text 3, and should only be passed if no sublime.View object is available to pass via the view parameter. :raises: RuntimeError When the function is called from any thread but the UI thread TypeError When any of the parameters are of the wrong type golangconfig.ExecutableError When the executable requested could not be located. The .name attribute contains the name of the executable that could not be located. The .dirs attribute contains a list of unicode strings of the directories searched. golangconfig.EnvVarError When one or more required_vars are not available. The .missing attribute will be a list of the names of missing environment variables. :return: A two-element tuple. - [0] A unicode string (byte string for ST2) of the path to the executable - [1] A dict to pass to the env parameter of subprocess.Popen() """Gathers and formats information necessary to use subprocess.Popen() to run one of the go executables, with details pulled from setting_value() and executable_path().
Ensures that the executable path and env dictionary are properly encoded for Sublime Text 2, where byte strings are necessary.
functiondef setting_value(setting_name, view=None, window=None): """ :param setting_name: A unicode string of the setting to retrieve :param view: A sublime.View object to use in finding project-specific settings. This should be passed whenever available. :param window: A sublime.Window object to use in finding project-specific settings. This will only work for Sublime Text 3, and should only be passed if no sublime.View object is available to pass via the view parameter. :raises: RuntimeError When the function is called from any thread but the UI thread TypeError When any of the parameters are of the wrong type :return: A two-element tuple. If no setting was found, the return value will be: - [0] None - [1] None If a setting was found, the return value will be: - [0] The setting value - [1] The source of the setting, a unicode string: - "project file (os-specific)" - "golang.sublime-settings (os-specific)" - "project file" - "golang.sublime-settings" - A unicode string of the path to the user's login shell The second element of the tuple is intended to be used in the display of debugging information to end users. """Returns the user's setting for a specific variable, such as GOPATH or GOROOT. Supports global and per-platform settings. Finds settings by looking in:
- If a project is open, the project settings
- The global golang.sublime-settings file
- The user's environment variables, as defined by their login shell
If the setting is a known name, e.g. GOPATH or GOROOT, the value will be checked to ensure the path exists.
functiondef executable_path(executable_name, view=None, window=None): """ :param name: The name of the binary to find - a unicode string of "go", "gofmt" or "godoc" :param view: A sublime.View object to use in finding project-specific settings. This should be passed whenever available. :param window: A sublime.Window object to use in finding project-specific settings. This will only work for Sublime Text 3, and should only be passed if no sublime.View object is available to pass via the view parameter. :raises: RuntimeError When the function is called from any thread but the UI thread TypeError When any of the parameters are of the wrong type :return: A 2-element tuple. If the executable was not found, the return value will be: - [0] None - [1] None If the exeutable was found, the return value will be: - [0] A unicode string of the full path to the executable - [1] A unicode string of the source of the PATH value - "project file (os-specific)" - "golang.sublime-settings (os-specific)" - "project file" - "golang.sublime-settings" - A unicode string of the path to the user's login shell The second element of the tuple is intended to be used in the display of debugging information to end users. """Uses the user's Sublime Text settings and then PATH environment variable as set by their login shell to find a go executable
functiondef debug_enabled(): """ :raises: RuntimeError When the function is called from any thread but the UI thread :return: A boolean - if debug is enabled """Checks to see if the “debug” setting is true