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# Golang Build
*Golang Build* is a Sublime Text package for compiling Go projects. It provides
integration between Sublime Text and the command line `go` tool.
The package consists of the following features:
- A Sublime Text build system for executing:
- `go build`
- `go run`
- `go install`
- `go test`
- `go clean`
- Cross-compilation using `go build` with `GOOS` and `GOARCH`
- Sublime Text command palette commands to:
- Execute `go get`
- Open a terminal into a Go workspace
## Installation
The *Golang Build* package is installed by using
[Package Control](
- If Package Control is not installed, follow the [Installation Instructions](
- Open the Sublime Text command palette and run the `Package Control: Install
Package` command
- Type `Golang Build` and select the package to perform the installation
## Documentation
### End User
- [Usage](docs/
- [Configuration](docs/
- [Commands](docs/
- [Changelog](
- [License](LICENSE)
- [Patents](PATENTS)
### Contributor
- [Contributing](
- [Design](docs/
- [Development](docs/
- [Contributors](CONTRIBUTORS)
- [Authors](AUTHORS)