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# *Golang Build* Design
The Golang Build Sublime Text package is structured as follows:
- The primary user interaction happens through the Sublime Text build system,
which parses the "Go.sublime-build" file
- The primary build task is "go build", but variants exists for "go test",
"go install", "go clean" and cross-compile, which is "go build" with GOOS
and GOARCH set. All of these tasks are executing by the Sublime Text command
named "golang_build".
- Additional Sublime Text commands are implemented that implement the following
- "golang_build_get" provides an interface to "go get"
- "golang_terminal" opens a terminal to the Go workspace with all
appropriate environment variables set
- "golang_build_cancel" allows users to kill an in-process build
- "golang_build_reopen" allows users to reopen the build output panel
Each of these commands is exposed to the command palette via the file
- Configuration uses the Package Control dependency golangconfig, which allows
users to set settings globally in Sublime Text, for each OS globally,
per-project, or for each OS in a project
- Settings exist that allow users to customize command line flags on a
As is dictated by the Sublime Text API, the following list shows a mapping of
command to Python class name:
- `golang_build`: `GolangBuildCommand()`
- `golang_build_get`: `GolangBuildGetCommand()`
- `golang_build_cancel`: `GolangBuildCancelCommand()`
- `golang_build_reopen`: `GolangBuildReopenCommand()`
- `golang_build_terminal`: `GolangBuildTerminalCommand()`
For `golang_build` and `golang_build_get`, the commands display output to the
user via an output panel. Normally with Sublime Text when a reference to the
`sublime.View` object for an output panel is requested, any existing content is
erased. To prevent a jarring experience for users when a build is interrupted,
a reference to each window's Golang Build output panel is held in memory and
re-used when a user interrupts a running build with a new invocation.
The `GolangProcess()` class reprents an invocation of the `go` executable, and
provides a queue of output information. This output queue is processed by a
`GolangProcessPrinter()` object which adds environment information before the
output starts, and summary information once completed. There is one
`GolangPanel()` object per Sublime Text window, and it contains a lock to ensure
that only one `GolangProcessPrinter()` may be displaying output at a time to
prevent interleaved output.