Golang Build Commands

This page lists the commands provided by this package and the arguments they accept.



The golang_build command executes various go commands and accepts the following args:

  • task: A string of the build task to perform. Accepts the following values:
    • "build": executes go build -v
    • "test": executes go test -v
    • "install": executes go install -v
    • "clean": executes go clean -v
    • "cross_compile": executes go build -v with GOOS and GOARCH set
  • flags: A list of strings to pass to the go executable as flags. The list of valid flags can be determined by executing go help {task} in the terminal.


The golang_build_get command executes go get -v and accepts the following args:

  • url: A string of the URL to get, instead of prompting the user for it.
  • flags: A list of strings to pass to the go executable as flags. The list of valid flags can be determined by executing go help get in the terminal.


The golang_build_terminal command opens a terminal to the directory containing the currently open file. The command does not accept any args.

Key Binding Example

The following JSON structure can be added to the file opened by the Preferences > Key Bindings – User menu entry.

        "keys": ["super+ctrl+g", "super+ctrl+t"],
        "command": "golang_build",
        "args": {
            "task": "test",
            "flags": ["-x"]

Command Palette Example

The following JSON structure can be added to Packages/User/Default.sublime-commands. The Packages/ folder can be located by the Preferences > Browse Packages... menu entry.

        "caption": "Go: Test (Print Commands)",
        "command": "golang_build",
        "args": {
            "task": "test",
            "flags": ["-x"]