The primary functionality of the Golang Build package is the Go build system. It includes a number of what Sublime Text refers to as “variants.” It also includes a couple of regular Sublime Text commands for common, related tasks.
To use the Go build system, open the Tools > Build System menu and select Go.
The variants included with the build system include:
go build
go run
with the current filepathgo test
go install
go build
with GOOS
setgo clean
Once the Go build system is selected, the command palette can be used to run any of the variants.
On Sublime Text 3, the command palette entries will be:
Build with: Go
Build with: Go - Run
Build with: Go - Test
Build with: Go - Install
Build with: Go - Cross-Compile (Interactive)
Build with: Go - Clean
On Sublime Text 2, the command palette entries will be:
Build: Build
Build: Run
Build: Test
Build: Install
Build: Cross-Compile (Interactive)
Build: Clean
If a build is running and needs to be stopped, the command palette will contain an extra entry Go: Cancel Build
If the output panel for a build is closed, it can be re-opened by using the command palette to run Go: Reopen Build Output
. Once a new build is started, the old build output is erased.
In addition to the build system variants, two other command palette commands are available:
Go: Get
, which executes go get
after prompting for a URLGo: Open Terminal
, which opens a terminal and sets relevant Go environment variablesTo control the environment variables used with the build system, please read the configuration documentation.
For information on the available commands, their arguments, example key bindings and command palette entries, please read the commands documentation.