blob: a287c8c0d8ce80a7256795c52f181e85f8737298 [file] [log] [blame]
//go:build wasm
package main
import (
func init() {
println("init function called")
var ch = make(chan float64)
//go:wasmexport E
func E(a int64, b int32, c float64, d float32) { // various types of args, no result
println("=== E ===")
// goroutine
go func() { ch <- float64(a) + float64(b) + c + float64(d) + 100 }()
debug.PrintStack() // traceback
grow([100]int{10}) // stack growth
runtime.GC() // GC
println("=== E end ===")
//go:wasmexport F
func F() int64 { // no arg, has result
f := int64(<-ch * 100) // force a goroutine switch
println("F =", f)
return f
//go:wasmexport G
func G(x int32) {
println("G", x)
if x%2 == 0 {
G(x - 1) // simple recursion within this module
} else {
J(x - 1) // mutual recursion between host and this module
println("G", x, "end")
//go:wasmimport test I
func I() int64
//go:wasmimport test J
func J(int32)
func main() {
println("main: I =", I())
func grow(x [100]int) {
if x[0] == 0 {
println("=== grow ===")