blob: 9ea3e67827867373f4c9019feac0592e9f812059 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import "strings"
func cmdSync(args []string) {
expectZeroArgs(args, "sync")
// Get current branch and commit ID for fixup after pull.
b := CurrentBranch()
var id string
if work := b.Pending(); len(work) > 0 {
id = work[0].ChangeID
// If this is a Gerrit repo, disable the status advice that
// tells users to run 'git push' and so on, like the marked (<<<) lines:
// % git status
// On branch master
// Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 3 commits. <<<
// (use "git push" to publish your local commits) <<<
// ...
// (This advice is inappropriate when using Gerrit.)
if len(b.Pending()) > 0 && haveGerrit() {
// Only disable if statusHints is unset in the local config.
// This allows users who really want them to put them back
// in the .git/config for the Gerrit-cloned repo.
_, err := cmdOutputErr("git", "config", "--local", "advice.statusHints")
if err != nil {
run("git", "config", "--local", "advice.statusHints", "false")
// Don't sync with staged or unstaged changes.
// rebase is going to complain if we don't, and we can give a nicer error.
// Pull remote changes into local branch.
// We do this in one command so that people following along with 'git sync -v'
// see fewer commands to understand.
// We want to pull in the remote changes from the upstream branch
// and rebase the current pending commit (if any) on top of them.
// If there is no pending commit, the pull will do a fast-forward merge.
if *verbose > 1 {
run("git", "pull", "-q", "-r", "-v", "origin", strings.TrimPrefix(b.OriginBranch(), "origin/"))
} else {
run("git", "pull", "-q", "-r", "origin", strings.TrimPrefix(b.OriginBranch(), "origin/"))
b = CurrentBranch() // discard any cached information
if len(b.Pending()) == 1 && b.Submitted(id) {
// If the change commit has been submitted,
// roll back change leaving any changes unstaged.
// Pull should have done this for us, but check just in case.
run("git", "reset", b.Branchpoint())
func checkStaged(cmd string) {
if HasStagedChanges() {
dief("cannot %s: staged changes exist\n"+
"\trun 'git status' to see changes\n"+
"\trun 'git-codereview change' to commit staged changes", cmd)
func checkUnstaged(cmd string) {
if HasUnstagedChanges() {
dief("cannot %s: unstaged changes exist\n"+
"\trun 'git status' to see changes\n"+
"\trun 'git stash' to save unstaged changes\n"+
"\trun 'git add' and 'git-codereview change' to commit staged changes", cmd)