blob: d3b37b0599715d3ae3c8aae3ebce530301e03044 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func TestChange(t *testing.T) {
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
t.Logf("main -> main")
testMain(t, "change", "main")
testRan(t, "git checkout -q main")
branchpoint := strings.TrimSpace(trun(t, gt.client, "git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"))
testCommitMsg = "foo: my commit msg"
t.Logf("main -> work")
testMain(t, "change", "work")
testRan(t, "git checkout -q -b work HEAD",
"git branch -q --set-upstream-to origin/main")
t.Logf("work -> main")
testMain(t, "change", "main")
testRan(t, "git checkout -q main")
t.Logf("main -> work with staged changes")
write(t, gt.client+"/file", "new content", 0644)
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "add", "file")
testMain(t, "change", "work")
testRan(t, "git checkout -q work",
"git commit -q --allow-empty -m foo: my commit msg")
t.Logf("work -> work2")
testMain(t, "change", "work2")
testRan(t, "git checkout -q -b work2 "+branchpoint,
"git branch -q --set-upstream-to origin/main")
t.Logf("work2 -> dev.branch")
testMain(t, "change", "dev.branch")
testRan(t, "git checkout -q -t -b dev.branch origin/dev.branch")
testMain(t, "pending", "-c")
testPrintedStdout(t, "tracking dev.branch")
testMain(t, "change", "main")
testMain(t, "change", "work2")
t.Logf("server work × 2")
testMain(t, "sync")
t.Logf("-> work with server ahead")
testMain(t, "change", "work")
testPrintedStderr(t, "warning: 2 commits behind origin/main; run 'git codereview sync' to update")
func TestChangeHEAD(t *testing.T) {
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
testMainDied(t, "change", "HeAd")
testPrintedStderr(t, "invalid branch name \"HeAd\": ref name HEAD is reserved for git")
func TestMessageRE(t *testing.T) {
for _, c := range []struct {
in string
want bool
{"blah", false},
{"[release-branch.go1.4] blah", false},
{"[release-branch.go1.4] math: fix cosine", true},
{"math: fix cosine", true},
{"math/rand: make randomer", true},
{"math/rand, crypto/rand: fix random sources", true},
{"cmd/internal/ update from external repo", true},
} {
got := messageRE.MatchString(
if got != c.want {
t.Errorf("MatchString(%q) = %v, want %v",, got, c.want)
func TestChangeAmendCommit(t *testing.T) {
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
testCommitMsg = "foo: amended commit message"
write(t, gt.client+"/file", "new content in work to be amend", 0644)
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "add", "file")
testMain(t, "change")
func TestChangeFailAmendWithMultiplePending(t *testing.T) {
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
testCommitMsg = "foo: amended commit message"
write(t, gt.client+"/file", "new content in work to be amend", 0644)
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "add", "file")
testMainDied(t, "change")
testPrintedStderr(t, "multiple changes pending")
func TestChangeCL(t *testing.T) {
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
srv := newGerritServer(t)
defer srv.done()
// Ensure that 'change' with a CL accepts we have gerrit. Test address is injected by newGerritServer.
write(t, gt.server+"/codereview.cfg", "gerrit: on", 0644)
trun(t, gt.server, "git", "add", "codereview.cfg")
trun(t, gt.server, "git", "commit", "-m", "codereview.cfg on main")
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "pull")
defer srv.done()
hash1 := trim(trun(t, gt.server, "git", "rev-parse", "dev.branch"))
hash2 := trim(trun(t, gt.server, "git", "rev-parse", "release.branch"))
trun(t, gt.server, "git", "update-ref", "refs/changes/00/100/1", hash1)
trun(t, gt.server, "git", "update-ref", "refs/changes/00/100/2", hash2)
trun(t, gt.server, "git", "update-ref", "refs/changes/00/100/3", hash1)
srv.setReply("/a/changes/100", gerritReply{f: func() gerritReply {
changeJSON := `{
"current_revision": "HASH",
"revisions": {
"HASH": {
"_number": 3
changeJSON = strings.Replace(changeJSON, "HASH", hash1, -1)
return gerritReply{body: ")]}'\n" + changeJSON}
checkChangeCL := func(arg, ref, hash string) {
testMain(t, "change", "main")
testMain(t, "change", arg)
fmt.Sprintf("git fetch -q origin %s", ref),
"git checkout -q FETCH_HEAD")
if hash != trim(trun(t, gt.client, "git", "rev-parse", "HEAD")) {
t.Fatalf("hash do not match for CL %s", arg)
checkChangeCL("100/1", "refs/changes/00/100/1", hash1)
checkChangeCL("100/2", "refs/changes/00/100/2", hash2)
checkChangeCL("100", "refs/changes/00/100/3", hash1)
func TestChangeWithMessage(t *testing.T) {
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
testMain(t, "change", "new_branch")
testMain(t, "change", "-m", "foo: some commit message")
testRan(t, "git commit -q --allow-empty -m foo: some commit message")