blob: bdd062026069f79db4bd6064f8ca034affdd35fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
const (
goodGo = "package good\n"
badGo = " package bad1 "
badGoFixed = "package bad1\n"
bad2Go = " package bad2 "
bad2GoFixed = "package bad2\n"
brokenGo = "package B R O K E N"
func TestGofmt(t *testing.T) {
// Test of basic operations.
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
if err := os.MkdirAll(gt.client+"/test/bench", 0755); err != nil {
if err := os.MkdirAll(gt.client+"/vendor", 0755); err != nil {
write(t, gt.client+"/bad.go", badGo)
write(t, gt.client+"/good.go", goodGo)
write(t, gt.client+"/vendor/bad.go", badGo)
write(t, gt.client+"/test/bad.go", badGo)
write(t, gt.client+"/test/good.go", goodGo)
write(t, gt.client+"/test/bench/bad.go", badGo)
write(t, gt.client+"/test/bench/good.go", goodGo)
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "add", ".") // make files tracked
testMain(t, "gofmt", "-l")
testPrintedStdout(t, "bad.go\n", "!good.go", fromSlash("!test/bad"), fromSlash("test/bench/bad.go"), fromSlash("!vendor/bad.go"))
testMain(t, "gofmt", "-l")
testPrintedStdout(t, "bad.go\n", "!good.go", fromSlash("!test/bad"), fromSlash("test/bench/bad.go"), fromSlash("!vendor/bad.go"))
testMain(t, "gofmt")
testMain(t, "gofmt", "-l")
write(t, gt.client+"/bad.go", badGo)
write(t, gt.client+"/broken.go", brokenGo)
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "add", ".")
testMainDied(t, "gofmt", "-l")
testPrintedStdout(t, "bad.go")
testPrintedStderr(t, "gofmt reported errors", "broken.go")
func TestGofmtSubdir(t *testing.T) {
// Check that gofmt prints relative paths for files in or below the current directory.
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
mkdir(t, gt.client+"/dir1")
mkdir(t, gt.client+"/longnamedir2")
write(t, gt.client+"/dir1/bad1.go", badGo)
write(t, gt.client+"/longnamedir2/bad2.go", badGo)
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "add", ".") // make files tracked
chdir(t, gt.client)
testMain(t, "gofmt", "-l")
testPrintedStdout(t, fromSlash("dir1/bad1.go"), fromSlash("longnamedir2/bad2.go"))
chdir(t, gt.client+"/dir1")
testMain(t, "gofmt", "-l")
testPrintedStdout(t, "bad1.go", fromSlash("!/bad1.go"), fromSlash("longnamedir2/bad2.go"))
chdir(t, gt.client+"/longnamedir2")
testMain(t, "gofmt", "-l")
testPrintedStdout(t, "bad2.go", fromSlash("!/bad2.go"), fromSlash("dir1/bad1.go"))
mkdir(t, gt.client+"/z")
chdir(t, gt.client+"/z")
testMain(t, "gofmt", "-l")
testPrintedStdout(t, fromSlash("longnamedir2/bad2.go"), fromSlash("dir1/bad1.go"))
func TestGofmtSubdirIndexCheckout(t *testing.T) {
// Like TestGofmtSubdir but bad Go files are only in index, not working copy.
// Check also that prints a correct path (relative or absolute) for files outside the
// current directory, even when running with Git before 2.3.0 which doesn't
// handle those right in git checkout-index --temp.
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
mkdir(t, gt.client+"/dir1")
mkdir(t, gt.client+"/longnamedir2")
write(t, gt.client+"/dir1/bad1.go", badGo)
write(t, gt.client+"/longnamedir2/bad2.go", badGo)
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "add", ".") // put files in index
write(t, gt.client+"/dir1/bad1.go", goodGo)
write(t, gt.client+"/longnamedir2/bad2.go", goodGo)
chdir(t, gt.client)
testMain(t, "gofmt", "-l")
testPrintedStdout(t, fromSlash("dir1/bad1.go (staged)"), fromSlash("longnamedir2/bad2.go (staged)"))
chdir(t, gt.client+"/dir1")
testMain(t, "gofmt", "-l")
testPrintedStdout(t, "bad1.go (staged)", fromSlash("!/bad1.go"), fromSlash("longnamedir2/bad2.go (staged)"))
chdir(t, gt.client+"/longnamedir2")
testMain(t, "gofmt", "-l")
testPrintedStdout(t, "bad2.go (staged)", fromSlash("!/bad2.go"), fromSlash("dir1/bad1.go (staged)"))
mkdir(t, gt.client+"/z")
chdir(t, gt.client+"/z")
testMain(t, "gofmt", "-l")
testPrintedStdout(t, fromSlash("longnamedir2/bad2.go (staged)"), fromSlash("dir1/bad1.go (staged)"))
func TestGofmtUnstaged(t *testing.T) {
// Test when unstaged files are different from staged ones.
// See TestHookPreCommitUnstaged for an explanation.
// In this test we use two different kinds of bad files, so that
// we can test having a bad file in the index and a different
// bad file in the working directory.
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
name := []string{"good", "bad", "bad2", "broken"}
orig := []string{goodGo, badGo, bad2Go, brokenGo}
fixed := []string{goodGo, badGoFixed, bad2GoFixed, brokenGo}
const N = 4
var allFiles, wantOut, wantErr []string
writeFiles := func(n int) {
allFiles = nil
wantOut = nil
wantErr = nil
for i := 0; i < N*N*N; i++ {
// determine n'th digit of 3-digit base-N value i
j := i
for k := 0; k < (3 - 1 - n); k++ {
j /= N
text := orig[j%N]
file := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s.go", name[i/N/N], name[(i/N)%N], name[i%N])
allFiles = append(allFiles, file)
write(t, gt.client+"/"+file, text)
if (i/N)%N != i%N {
staged := file + " (staged)"
switch {
case strings.Contains(file, "-bad-"), strings.Contains(file, "-bad2-"):
wantOut = append(wantOut, staged)
wantErr = append(wantErr, "!"+staged)
case strings.Contains(file, "-broken-"):
wantOut = append(wantOut, "!"+staged)
wantErr = append(wantErr, staged)
wantOut = append(wantOut, "!"+staged)
wantErr = append(wantErr, "!"+staged)
switch {
case strings.Contains(file, "-bad.go"), strings.Contains(file, "-bad2.go"):
if (i/N)%N != i%N {
file += " (unstaged)"
wantOut = append(wantOut, file+"\n")
wantErr = append(wantErr, "!"+file+":", "!"+file+" (unstaged)")
case strings.Contains(file, "-broken.go"):
wantOut = append(wantOut, "!"+file+"\n", "!"+file+" (unstaged)")
wantErr = append(wantErr, file+":")
wantOut = append(wantOut, "!"+file+"\n", "!"+file+":", "!"+file+" (unstaged)")
wantErr = append(wantErr, "!"+file+"\n", "!"+file+":", "!"+file+" (unstaged)")
// committed files
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "add", ".")
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "commit", "-m", "msg")
// staged files
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "add", ".")
// unstaged files
// Check that gofmt -l shows the right output and errors.
testMainDied(t, "gofmt", "-l")
testPrintedStdout(t, wantOut...)
testPrintedStderr(t, wantErr...)
// Again (last command should not have written anything).
testMainDied(t, "gofmt", "-l")
testPrintedStdout(t, wantOut...)
testPrintedStderr(t, wantErr...)
// Reformat in place.
testMainDied(t, "gofmt")
testPrintedStderr(t, wantErr...)
// Read files to make sure unstaged did not bleed into staged.
for i, file := range allFiles {
if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(gt.client + "/" + file); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v", err)
} else if want := fixed[i%N]; string(data) != want {
t.Errorf("%s: working tree = %q, want %q", file, string(data), want)
if data, want := trun(t, gt.client, "git", "show", ":"+file), fixed[i/N%N]; data != want {
t.Errorf("%s: index = %q, want %q", file, data, want)
if data, want := trun(t, gt.client, "git", "show", "HEAD:"+file), orig[i/N/N]; data != want {
t.Errorf("%s: commit = %q, want %q", file, data, want)
// Check that gofmt -l still shows the errors.
testMainDied(t, "gofmt", "-l")
testPrintedStderr(t, wantErr...)
func TestGofmtAmbiguousRevision(t *testing.T) {
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
t.Logf("creating file that conflicts with revision parameter")
write(t, gt.client+"/HEAD", "foo")
testMain(t, "gofmt")
func TestGofmtFastForwardMerge(t *testing.T) {
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
// merge dev.branch into master
write(t, gt.server+"/file", "more work")
trun(t, gt.server, "git", "commit", "-m", "work", "file")
trun(t, gt.server, "git", "merge", "-m", "merge", "dev.branch")
// add bad go file on master
write(t, gt.server+"/bad.go", "package {\n")
trun(t, gt.server, "git", "add", "bad.go")
trun(t, gt.server, "git", "commit", "-m", "bad go")
// update client
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "checkout", "master")
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "pull")
testMain(t, "change", "dev.branch")
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "pull")
// merge master into dev.branch, fast forward merge
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "merge", "--ff-only", "master")
// verify that now client is in a state where just the tag is changing; there's no new commit.
masterHash := strings.TrimSpace(trun(t, gt.server, "git", "rev-parse", "master"))
devHash := strings.TrimSpace(trun(t, gt.client, "git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"))
if masterHash != devHash {
t.Logf("branches:\n%s", trun(t, gt.client, "git", "branch", "-a", "-v"))
t.Logf("log:\n%s", trun(t, gt.client, "git", "log", "--graph", "--decorate"))
t.Fatalf("setup wrong - got different commit hashes on master and dev branch")
// check that gofmt finds nothing to do, ignoring the bad (but committed) file1.go.
testMain(t, "gofmt")