blob: a850d42231b35bfdbaac52d1548e1f84e1313e46 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
edition = "2023";
package goproto.proto.testeditions;
option go_package = "";
message TestAllTypes {
message NestedMessage {
int32 a = 1;
TestAllTypes corecursive = 2;
enum NestedEnum {
FOO = 0;
BAR = 1;
BAZ = 2;
NEG = -1; // Intentionally negative.
int32 singular_int32 = 124 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
int64 singular_int64 = 125 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
uint32 singular_uint32 = 126 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
uint64 singular_uint64 = 127 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
sint32 singular_sint32 = 128 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
sint64 singular_sint64 = 129 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
fixed32 singular_fixed32 = 130 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
fixed64 singular_fixed64 = 131 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
sfixed32 singular_sfixed32 = 132 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
sfixed64 singular_sfixed64 = 133 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
float singular_float = 134 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
double singular_double = 135 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
bool singular_bool = 136 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
string singular_string = 137 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
bytes singular_bytes = 138 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];
int32 optional_int32 = 1;
int64 optional_int64 = 2;
uint32 optional_uint32 = 3;
uint64 optional_uint64 = 4;
sint32 optional_sint32 = 5;
sint64 optional_sint64 = 6;
fixed32 optional_fixed32 = 7;
fixed64 optional_fixed64 = 8;
sfixed32 optional_sfixed32 = 9;
sfixed64 optional_sfixed64 = 10;
float optional_float = 11;
double optional_double = 12;
bool optional_bool = 13;
string optional_string = 14;
bytes optional_bytes = 15;
message OptionalGroup {
int32 a = 17;
NestedMessage optional_nested_message = 1000;
int32 same_field_number = 16;
OptionalGroup optionalgroup = 16 [features.message_encoding = DELIMITED];
OptionalGroup not_group_like_delimited = 17
[features.message_encoding = DELIMITED];
NestedMessage optional_nested_message = 18;
ForeignMessage optional_foreign_message = 19;
NestedEnum optional_nested_enum = 21;
ForeignEnum optional_foreign_enum = 22;
repeated int32 repeated_int32 = 31;
repeated int64 repeated_int64 = 32;
repeated uint32 repeated_uint32 = 33;
repeated uint64 repeated_uint64 = 34;
repeated sint32 repeated_sint32 = 35;
repeated sint64 repeated_sint64 = 36;
repeated fixed32 repeated_fixed32 = 37;
repeated fixed64 repeated_fixed64 = 38;
repeated sfixed32 repeated_sfixed32 = 39;
repeated sfixed64 repeated_sfixed64 = 40;
repeated float repeated_float = 41;
repeated double repeated_double = 42;
repeated bool repeated_bool = 43;
repeated string repeated_string = 44;
repeated bytes repeated_bytes = 45;
message RepeatedGroup {
int32 a = 47;
NestedMessage optional_nested_message = 1001;
repeated RepeatedGroup repeatedgroup = 46 [
features.message_encoding = DELIMITED,
features.repeated_field_encoding = EXPANDED
repeated NestedMessage repeated_nested_message = 48;
repeated ForeignMessage repeated_foreign_message = 49;
repeated NestedEnum repeated_nested_enum = 51;
repeated ForeignEnum repeated_foreign_enum = 52;
map<int32, int32> map_int32_int32 = 56;
map<int64, int64> map_int64_int64 = 57;
map<uint32, uint32> map_uint32_uint32 = 58;
map<uint64, uint64> map_uint64_uint64 = 59;
map<sint32, sint32> map_sint32_sint32 = 60;
map<sint64, sint64> map_sint64_sint64 = 61;
map<fixed32, fixed32> map_fixed32_fixed32 = 62;
map<fixed64, fixed64> map_fixed64_fixed64 = 63;
map<sfixed32, sfixed32> map_sfixed32_sfixed32 = 64;
map<sfixed64, sfixed64> map_sfixed64_sfixed64 = 65;
map<int32, float> map_int32_float = 66;
map<int32, double> map_int32_double = 67;
map<bool, bool> map_bool_bool = 68;
map<string, string> map_string_string = 69;
map<string, bytes> map_string_bytes = 70;
map<string, NestedMessage> map_string_nested_message = 71;
map<string, NestedEnum> map_string_nested_enum = 73;
// Singular with defaults
int32 default_int32 = 81 [default = 81];
int64 default_int64 = 82 [default = 82];
uint32 default_uint32 = 83 [default = 83];
uint64 default_uint64 = 84 [default = 84];
sint32 default_sint32 = 85 [default = -85];
sint64 default_sint64 = 86 [default = 86];
fixed32 default_fixed32 = 87 [default = 87];
fixed64 default_fixed64 = 88 [default = 88];
sfixed32 default_sfixed32 = 89 [default = 89];
sfixed64 default_sfixed64 = 80 [default = -90];
float default_float = 91 [default = 91.5];
double default_double = 92 [default = 92e3];
bool default_bool = 93 [default = true];
string default_string = 94 [default = "hello"];
bytes default_bytes = 95 [default = "world"];
NestedEnum default_nested_enum = 96 [default = BAR];
ForeignEnum default_foreign_enum = 97 [default = FOREIGN_BAR];
message OneofGroup {
int32 a = 1;
int32 b = 2;
oneof oneof_field {
uint32 oneof_uint32 = 111;
NestedMessage oneof_nested_message = 112;
string oneof_string = 113;
bytes oneof_bytes = 114;
bool oneof_bool = 115;
uint64 oneof_uint64 = 116;
float oneof_float = 117;
double oneof_double = 118;
NestedEnum oneof_enum = 119;
OneofGroup oneofgroup = 121 [features.message_encoding = DELIMITED];
// A oneof with exactly one field.
oneof oneof_optional {
uint32 oneof_optional_uint32 = 120;
message ForeignMessage {
int32 c = 1;
int32 d = 2;
enum ForeignEnum {
message TestRequired {
int32 required_field = 1 [features.field_presence = LEGACY_REQUIRED];
message TestRequiredForeign {
TestRequired optional_message = 1;
repeated TestRequired repeated_message = 2;
map<int32, TestRequired> map_message = 3;
oneof oneof_field {
TestRequired oneof_message = 4;
message TestRequiredGroupFields {
message OptionalGroup {
int32 a = 2 [features.field_presence = LEGACY_REQUIRED];
OptionalGroup optionalgroup = 1 [features.message_encoding = DELIMITED];
message RepeatedGroup {
int32 a = 4 [features.field_presence = LEGACY_REQUIRED];
repeated RepeatedGroup repeatedgroup = 3
[features.message_encoding = DELIMITED];
message TestPackedTypes {
repeated int32 packed_int32 = 90 [features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated int64 packed_int64 = 91 [features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated uint32 packed_uint32 = 92
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated uint64 packed_uint64 = 93
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated sint32 packed_sint32 = 94
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated sint64 packed_sint64 = 95
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated fixed32 packed_fixed32 = 96
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated fixed64 packed_fixed64 = 97
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated sfixed32 packed_sfixed32 = 98
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated sfixed64 packed_sfixed64 = 99
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated float packed_float = 100 [features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated double packed_double = 101
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated bool packed_bool = 102 [features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated ForeignEnum packed_enum = 103
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
message TestPackedExtensions {
extensions 1 to max;
extend TestPackedExtensions {
repeated int32 packed_int32 = 90 [features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated int64 packed_int64 = 91 [features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated uint32 packed_uint32 = 92
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated uint64 packed_uint64 = 93
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated sint32 packed_sint32 = 94
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated sint64 packed_sint64 = 95
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated fixed32 packed_fixed32 = 96
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated fixed64 packed_fixed64 = 97
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated sfixed32 packed_sfixed32 = 98
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated sfixed64 packed_sfixed64 = 99
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated float packed_float = 100 [features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated double packed_double = 101
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated bool packed_bool = 102 [features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];
repeated ForeignEnum packed_enum = 103
[features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED];