test.bash: download dependencies

Use module support in Go1.11 to download the exact version of dependencies
as specified in the go.mod file, this is contrary to "go get -u", which grabs
the latest version, making reproducible builds and tests difficult.

In order for Go1.9 and Go1.10 to work, we also emit a vendor directory for
pre-module support.

Lastly, check whether the go.mod or go.sum files changed
(by shelling to "git diff"). This provides protection in case
a new dependency was added and the go.mod file was not updated.

Change-Id: Iac4e9b224ca9188dc9e63be720f188bfb5ee56ef
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/127916
Reviewed-by: Bryan C. Mills <bcmills@google.com>
3 files changed
tree: 3d18e41b10c82dd6ce311ab5bc88854133dc44c1
  1. internal/
  2. .gitignore
  3. .travis.yml
  5. go.mod
  6. go.sum
  7. README.md
  8. test.bash

Next Generation Go Protocol Buffers

WARNING: This repository is in active development. There are no guarantees about API stability. Breaking changes will occur until a stable release is made and announced.

This repository is for the development of the next major Go implementation of protocol buffers. This library makes breaking API changes relative to the existing Go protobuf library. Of particular note, this API aims to make protobuf reflection a first-class feature of the API and implements the protobuf ecosystem in terms of reflection.

Design Documents

List of relevant design documents:


We appreciate community contributions. See CONTRIBUTING.md.

Reporting Issues

Issues regarding the new API can be filed at github.com/golang/protobuf. Please use a APIv2: prefix in the title to make it clear that the issue is regarding the new API work.