test.bash: more test script improvements

Changes made:
* create a /bin directory for symlinks and prepend it to the PATH
* include the "go" prefix in the Go toolchain versions
* move setting up GOPATH before calling "go mod vendor" since modules dump their
results inside a special directory within the GOPATH
* setup a per-version Go cache to 1) work around a bug in the toolchain and
2) to allow Travis to also cache this state
* factor out common logic into a check function that ensures stdout is empty

Change-Id: I9400452b85a66f019cb616aaded33610f2c1eb2f
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/129402
Reviewed-by: Herbie Ong <herbie@google.com>
1 file changed
tree: 0e3ed7f16c2d4e4e86d70b680b6d3d85075e8167
  1. internal/
  2. reflect/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .travis.yml
  8. go.mod
  9. go.sum
  12. README.md
  13. test.bash

Next Generation Go Protocol Buffers

WARNING: This repository is in active development. There are no guarantees about API stability. Breaking changes will occur until a stable release is made and announced.

This repository is for the development of the next major Go implementation of protocol buffers. This library makes breaking API changes relative to the existing Go protobuf library. Of particular note, this API aims to make protobuf reflection a first-class feature of the API and implements the protobuf ecosystem in terms of reflection.

Design Documents

List of relevant design documents:


We appreciate community contributions. See CONTRIBUTING.md.

Reporting Issues

Issues regarding the new API can be filed at github.com/golang/protobuf. Please use a APIv2: prefix in the title to make it clear that the issue is regarding the new API work.