testing/protocmp: remove format.go

This is dead code as the logic has been moved to internal/msgfmt.

Change-Id: If65f443c9672f5fdfbb91c7cc64fb6f12a93c374
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/protobuf/+/224658
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <dneil@google.com>
diff --git a/testing/protocmp/format.go b/testing/protocmp/format.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 2be6903..0000000
--- a/testing/protocmp/format.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package protocmp
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"fmt"
-	"reflect"
-	"sort"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"
-	"google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/detrand"
-	"google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"
-// This implements a custom text marshaler similar to the prototext format.
-// We don't use the prototext marshaler so that we can:
-//	• have finer grain control over the ordering of fields
-//	• marshal maps with a more aesthetically pleasant output
-// TODO: If the prototext format gains a map-specific syntax, consider just
-// using the prototext marshaler instead.
-func appendValue(b []byte, v interface{}) []byte {
-	switch v := v.(type) {
-	case bool, int32, int64, uint32, uint64, float32, float64:
-		return append(b, fmt.Sprint(v)...)
-	case string:
-		return append(b, strconv.Quote(string(v))...)
-	case []byte:
-		return append(b, strconv.Quote(string(v))...)
-	case Enum:
-		return append(b, v.String()...)
-	case Message:
-		return appendMessage(b, v)
-	case protoreflect.RawFields:
-		return appendValue(b, transformRawFields(v))
-	default:
-		switch v := reflect.ValueOf(v); v.Kind() {
-		case reflect.Slice:
-			return appendList(b, v)
-		case reflect.Map:
-			return appendMap(b, v)
-		default:
-			panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: %v", v.Type()))
-		}
-	}
-func appendMessage(b []byte, m Message) []byte {
-	var knownKeys, extensionKeys, unknownKeys []string
-	for k := range m {
-		switch {
-		case protoreflect.Name(k).IsValid():
-			knownKeys = append(knownKeys, k)
-		case strings.HasPrefix(k, "[") && strings.HasSuffix(k, "]"):
-			extensionKeys = append(extensionKeys, k)
-		case len(strings.Trim(k, "0123456789")) == 0:
-			unknownKeys = append(unknownKeys, k)
-		}
-	}
-	sort.Slice(knownKeys, func(i, j int) bool {
-		fdi := m.Descriptor().Fields().ByName(protoreflect.Name(knownKeys[i]))
-		fdj := m.Descriptor().Fields().ByName(protoreflect.Name(knownKeys[j]))
-		return fdi.Index() < fdj.Index()
-	})
-	sort.Slice(extensionKeys, func(i, j int) bool {
-		return extensionKeys[i] < extensionKeys[j]
-	})
-	sort.Slice(unknownKeys, func(i, j int) bool {
-		ni, _ := strconv.Atoi(unknownKeys[i])
-		nj, _ := strconv.Atoi(unknownKeys[j])
-		return ni < nj
-	})
-	ks := append(append(append([]string(nil), knownKeys...), extensionKeys...), unknownKeys...)
-	b = append(b, '{')
-	for _, k := range ks {
-		b = append(b, k...)
-		b = append(b, ':')
-		b = appendValue(b, m[k])
-		b = append(b, delim()...)
-	}
-	b = bytes.TrimRight(b, delim())
-	b = append(b, '}')
-	return b
-func appendList(b []byte, v reflect.Value) []byte {
-	b = append(b, '[')
-	for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
-		b = appendValue(b, v.Index(i).Interface())
-		b = append(b, delim()...)
-	}
-	b = bytes.TrimRight(b, delim())
-	b = append(b, ']')
-	return b
-func appendMap(b []byte, v reflect.Value) []byte {
-	ks := v.MapKeys()
-	sort.Slice(ks, func(i, j int) bool {
-		ki, kj := ks[i], ks[j]
-		switch ki.Kind() {
-		case reflect.Bool:
-			return !ki.Bool() && kj.Bool()
-		case reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
-			return ki.Int() < kj.Int()
-		case reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
-			return ki.Uint() < kj.Uint()
-		case reflect.String:
-			return ki.String() < kj.String()
-		default:
-			panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid kind: %v", ki.Kind()))
-		}
-	})
-	b = append(b, '{')
-	for _, k := range ks {
-		b = appendValue(b, k.Interface())
-		b = append(b, ':')
-		b = appendValue(b, v.MapIndex(k).Interface())
-		b = append(b, delim()...)
-	}
-	b = bytes.TrimRight(b, delim())
-	b = append(b, '}')
-	return b
-func transformRawFields(b protoreflect.RawFields) interface{} {
-	var vs []interface{}
-	for len(b) > 0 {
-		num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b)
-		m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b[n:])
-		vs = append(vs, transformRawField(typ, b[n:][:m]))
-		b = b[n+m:]
-	}
-	if len(vs) == 1 {
-		return vs[0]
-	}
-	return vs
-func transformRawField(typ protowire.Type, b protoreflect.RawFields) interface{} {
-	switch typ {
-	case protowire.VarintType:
-		v, _ := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b)
-		return v
-	case protowire.Fixed32Type:
-		v, _ := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b)
-		return v
-	case protowire.Fixed64Type:
-		v, _ := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b)
-		return v
-	case protowire.BytesType:
-		v, _ := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b)
-		return v
-	case protowire.StartGroupType:
-		v := Message{}
-		for {
-			num2, typ2, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b)
-			if typ2 == protowire.EndGroupType {
-				return v
-			}
-			m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num2, typ2, b[n:])
-			s := strconv.Itoa(int(num2))
-			b2, _ := v[s].(protoreflect.RawFields)
-			v[s] = append(b2, b[:n+m]...)
-			b = b[n+m:]
-		}
-	default:
-		panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: %v", typ))
-	}
-func delim() string {
-	// Deliberately introduce instability into the message string to
-	// discourage users from depending on it.
-	if detrand.Bool() {
-		return "  "
-	}
-	return ", "