proto: replace CachedSize fast-path method with UseCachedSize option

Using an option instead of a separate method has several useful properties:

It makes it explicit whether the fast-path AppendMarshal is expected to use
cached sizes or not.

It properly plumbs the decision to use cached sizes through the call stack.
Consider the case where message A includes B includes C: If A and C support
cached sizes but B does not, we would like to use the size cache in all
messages which support it. Placing this decision in the options allows this
to work properly with no additional effort.

Placing this option in MarshalOptions permits users to request use of
existing cached sizes. This is a two-edged sword: There are places where
this ability can permit substantial efficiencies, but this is also an
exceedingly sharp-edged API. I believe that on balance the benefits
outweigh the risks, especially since the prerequisites for using
cached sizes are intuitively obvious. (You must have called Size, and
you must not have changed the message.)

This CL adds a Size method to MarshalOptions, rather than adding a SizeOptions
type. Future additions to MarshalOptions may affect the size of the encoded
output (e.g., an option to skip encoding unknown fields) and using the same
options for both Marshal and Size makes it easier to use a consistent
configuration for each.

Change-Id: I6adbb55b717dd03d39f067e1d0b7381945000976
Reviewed-by: Joe Tsai <>
3 files changed
tree: cfbed00416167eedfd13d960395c5ae857d0cb3f
  1. cmd/
  2. encoding/
  3. internal/
  4. proto/
  5. protogen/
  6. reflect/
  7. runtime/
  8. types/
  9. .gitignore
  10. .travis.yml
  14. go.mod
  15. go.sum
  16. integration_test.go
  20. regenerate.bash
  21. test.bash

Next Generation Go Protocol Buffers

WARNING: This repository is in active development. There are no guarantees about API stability. Breaking changes will occur until a stable release is made and announced.

This repository is for the development of the next major Go implementation of protocol buffers. This library makes breaking API changes relative to the existing Go protobuf library. Of particular note, this API aims to make protobuf reflection a first-class feature of the API and implements the protobuf ecosystem in terms of reflection.

Design Documents

List of relevant design documents:


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Reporting Issues

Issues regarding the new API can be filed at Please use a APIv2: prefix in the title to make it clear that the issue is regarding the new API work.