blob: 0b0e2371fadf90ed0f702ee90b7e4fbbb8ae3632 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// package slicebench implements tests to support the analysis in proposal 6282.
// It compares the performance of multi-dimensional slices implemented using a
// single slice and using a struct type.
package slicebench
import (
var (
m = 300
n = 400
k = 200
lda = k
ldb = k
ldc = n
var a, b, c []float64
var A, B, C Dense
var aStore, bStore, cStore []float64 // data storage for the variables above
func init() {
// Initialize the matrices to random data.
aStore = make([]float64, m*lda)
for i := range a {
aStore[i] = rand.Float64()
bStore = make([]float64, n*ldb)
for i := range b {
bStore[i] = rand.Float64()
cStore = make([]float64, n*ldc)
for i := range c {
cStore[i] = rand.Float64()
a = make([]float64, len(aStore))
copy(a, aStore)
b = make([]float64, len(bStore))
copy(b, bStore)
c = make([]float64, len(cStore))
copy(c, cStore)
// The struct types use the single slices as underlying data.
A = Dense{lda, m, k, a}
B = Dense{lda, n, k, b}
C = Dense{lda, m, n, c}
// resetSlices resets the data to their original (randomly generated) values.
// The Dense values share the same undelying data as the single slices, so this
// works for both single slice and struct representations.
func resetSlices(be *testing.B) {
copy(a, aStore)
copy(b, bStore)
copy(c, cStore)
// BenchmarkNaiveSlices measures a naive implementation of C += A * B^T using
// the single slice representation.
func BenchmarkNaiveSlices(be *testing.B) {
for t := 0; t < be.N; t++ {
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
var t float64
for l := 0; l < k; l++ {
t += a[i*lda+l] * b[j*lda+l]
c[i*ldc+j] += t
// Dense represents a two-dimensional slice with the specified sizes.
type Dense struct {
stride int
rows int
cols int
data []float64
// At returns the element at row i and column j.
func (d *Dense) At(i, j int) float64 {
if uint(i) >= uint(d.rows) {
panic("rows out of bounds")
if uint(j) >= uint(d.cols) {
panic("cols out of bounds")
// AddSet adds v to the current value at row i and column j.
func (d *Dense) AddSet(i, j int, v float64) {
if uint(i) >= uint(d.rows) {
panic("rows out of bounds")
if uint(j) >= uint(d.cols) {
panic("cols out of bounds")
}[i*d.stride+j] += v
// BenchmarkAddSet measures a naive implementation of C += A * B^T using
// the Dense representation.
func BenchmarkAddSet(be *testing.B) {
for t := 0; t < be.N; t++ {
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
var t float64
for l := 0; l < k; l++ {
t += A.At(i, l) * B.At(j, l)
C.AddSet(i, j, t)
// AtNP gets the value at row i and column j without panicking if a bounds check
// fails.
func (d *Dense) AtNP(i, j int) float64 {
if uint(i) >= uint(d.rows) {
// Corrupt a value in data so the bounds check still has an effect if it
// fails. This way, the method can be in-lined but the bounds checks are
// not trivially removable.[0] = math.NaN()
if uint(j) >= uint(d.cols) {[0] = math.NaN()
// AddSetNP adds v to the current value at row i and column j without panicking if
// a bounds check fails.
func (d *Dense) AddSetNP(i, j int, v float64) {
if uint(i) >= uint(d.rows) {
// See comment in AtNP.[0] = math.NaN()
if uint(j) >= uint(d.cols) {[0] = math.NaN()
}[i*d.stride+j] += v
// BenchmarkAddSetNP measures C += A * B^T using the Dense representation with
// calls to methods that do not panic. This simulates a compiler that can inline
// the normal At and Set methods.
func BenchmarkAddSetNP(be *testing.B) {
for t := 0; t < be.N; t++ {
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
var t float64
for l := 0; l < k; l++ {
t += A.AtNP(i, l) * B.AtNP(j, l)
C.AddSetNP(i, j, t)
// AtNB gets the value at row i and column j without performing any bounds checking.
func (d *Dense) AtNB(i, j int) float64 {
// AddSetNB adds v to the current value at row i and column j without performing
// any bounds checking.
func (d *Dense) AddSetNB(i, j int, v float64) {[i*d.stride+j] += v
// BenchmarkAddSetNB measures C += A * B^T using the Dense representation with
// calls to methods that do not check bounds. This simulates a compiler that can
// prove the bounds checks redundant and eliminate them.
func BenchmarkAddSetNB(be *testing.B) {
for t := 0; t < be.N; t++ {
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
var t float64
for l := 0; l < k; l++ {
t += A.AtNB(i, l) * B.AtNB(j, l)
C.AddSetNB(i, j, t)
// BenchmarkSliceOpt measures an optimized implementation of C += A * B^T using
// the single slice representation.
func BenchmarkSliceOpt(be *testing.B) {
for t := 0; t < be.N; t++ {
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
as := a[i*lda : i*lda+k]
cs := c[i*ldc : i*ldc+n]
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
bs := b[j*lda : j*lda+k]
var t float64
for l, v := range as {
t += v * bs[l]
cs[j] += t
// RowViewNB gets the specified row of the Dense without checking bounds.
func (d *Dense) RowViewNB(i int) []float64 {
return[i*d.stride : i*d.stride+d.cols]
// BenchmarkDenseOpt measures an optimized implementation of C += A * B^T using
// the Dense representation.
func BenchmarkDenseOpt(be *testing.B) {
for t := 0; t < be.N; t++ {
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
as := A.RowViewNB(i)
cs := C.RowViewNB(i)
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
bs := b[j*lda:]
var t float64
for l, v := range as {
t += v * bs[l]
cs[j] += t