Proposal: Go 2 Error Inspection

Jonathan Amsterdam
Russ Cox
Marcel van Lohuizen
Damien Neil

Last updated: January 25, 2019

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Past discussion at:


We propose several additions and changes to the standard library’s errors and fmt packages, with the goal of making errors more informative for both programs and people. We codify the common practice of wrapping one error in another, and provide two convenience functions, Is and As, for traversing the chain of wrapped errors.

We enrich error formatting by making it easy for error types to display additional information when detailed output is requested with the %+v formatting directive.

We add function, file and line information to the errors returned by errors.New and fmt.Errorf, and provide a Frame type to simplify adding location information to any error type.

We add support for detail formatting and wrapping to fmt.Errorf.


We provided background and a rationale in our draft designs for error inspection and printing. Here we provide a brief summary.

While Go 1’s definition of errors is open-ended, its actual support for errors is minimal, providing only string messages. Many Go programmers want to provide additional information with errors, and of course nothing has stopped them from doing so. But one pattern has become so pervasive that we feel it is worth enshrining in the standard library: the idea of wrapping one error in another that provides additional information. Several packages provide wrapping support, including the popular

Others have pointed out that indiscriminate wrapping can expose implementation details, introducing undesired coupling between packages. As an example, the errgo package lets users control wrapping to hide details.

Another popular request is for location information in the form of stack frames. Some advocate for complete stack traces, while others prefer to add location information only at certain points.


We add a standard way to wrap errors to the standard library, to encourage the practice and to make it easy to use. We separate error wrapping, designed for programs, from error formatting, designed for people. This makes it possible to hide implementation details from programs while displaying them for diagnosis. We also add location (stack frame) information to standard errors and make it easy for developers to include location information in their own errors.

All of the API changes are in the errors package. We also change the behavior of parts of the fmt package.


An error that wraps another error should implement Wrapper by defining an Unwrap method.

type Wrapper interface {
        // Unwrap returns the next error in the error chain.
        // If there is no next error, Unwrap returns nil.
        Unwrap() error

The Unwrap function is a convenience for calling the Unwrap method if one exists.

// Unwrap returns the result of calling the Unwrap method on err, if err implements Unwrap.
// Otherwise, Unwrap returns nil.
func Unwrap(err error) error

The Is function follows the chain of errors by calling Unwrap, searching for one that matches a target. It is intended to be used instead of equality for matching sentinel errors (unique error values). An error type can implement an Is method to override the default behavior.

// Is reports whether any error in err's chain matches target.
// An error is considered to match a target if it is equal to that target or if
// it implements a method Is(error) bool such that Is(target) returns true.
func Is(err, target error) bool

The As function searches the wrapping chain for an error whose type matches that of a target. An error type can implement As to override the default behavior.

// As finds the first error in err's chain that matches the type to which target
// points, and if so, sets the target to its value and returns true. An error
// matches a type if it is assignable to the target type, or if it has a method
// As(interface{}) bool such that As(target) returns true. As will panic if target
// is nil or not a pointer.
// The As method should set the target to its value and return true if err
// matches the type to which target points.
func As(err error, target interface{}) bool

The Opaque function hides a wrapped error from programmatic inspection.

// Opaque returns an error with the same error formatting as err
// but that does not match err and cannot be unwrapped.
func Opaque(err error) error

Stack Frames

The Frame type holds location information: the function name, file and line of a single stack frame.

type Frame struct {
	// unexported fields

The Caller function returns a Frame at a given distance from the call site. It is a convenience wrapper around runtime.Callers.

func Caller(skip int) Frame

To display itself, Frame implements a Format method that takes a Printer. See Formatting below for the definition of Printer.

// Format prints the stack as error detail.
// It should be called from an error's FormatError implementation,
// before printing any other error detail.
func (f Frame) Format(p Printer)

The errors returned from errors.New and fmt.Errorf include a Frame which will be displayed when the error is formatted with additional detail (see below).


We introduce two interfaces for error formatting into the errors package and change the behavior of formatted output (the Print, Println and Printf functions of the fmt package and their S and F variants) to recognize them.

The errors.Formatter interface adds the FormatError method to the error interface.

type Formatter interface {

	// FormatError prints the receiver's first error and returns the next error to
	// be formatted, if any.
	FormatError(p Printer) (next error)

An error type that wants to control its formatted output should implement Formatter. During formatted output, FormatError will be called if it is implemented, in preference to both the Error and Format methods.

FormatError returns an error, which will also be output if it is not nil. If an error type implements Wrapper, then it would likely return the result of Unwrap from FormatError, but it is not required to do so. An error that does not implement Wrapper may still return a non-nil value from FormatError, hiding implementation detail from programs while still displaying it to users.

The Printer passed to FormatError provides Print and Printf methods to generate output, as well as a Detail method that reports whether the printing is happening in “detail mode” (triggered by %+v). Implementations should first call Printer.Detail, and if it returns true should then print detailed information like the location of the error.

type Printer interface {
	// Print appends args to the message output.
	Print(args ...interface{})

	// Printf writes a formatted string.
	Printf(format string, args ...interface{})

	// Detail reports whether error detail is requested.
	// After the first call to Detail, all text written to the Printer
	// is formatted as additional detail, or ignored when
	// detail has not been requested.
	// If Detail returns false, the caller can avoid printing the detail at all.
	Detail() bool

When not in detail mode (%v, or in Print and Println functions and their variants), errors print on a single line. In detail mode, errors print over multiple lines, as shown here:

write users database:
    more detail here
  - call myserver.Method:
  - dial myserver:3333:
  - open /etc/resolv.conf:
  - permission denied

Changes to fmt.Errorf

We modify the behavior of fmt.Errorf in the following case: if the last argument is an error err and the format string ends with : %s, : %v, or : %w, then the returned error will implement FormatError to return err. In the case of the new verb %w, the returned error will also implement errors.Wrapper with an Unwrap method returning err.


If we add this functionality to the standard library in Go 1.13, code that needs to keep building with previous versions of Go will not be able to depend on the new standard library. While every such package could use build tags and multiple source files, that seems like too much work for a smooth transition.

To help the transition, we will publish a new package, which will work with both Go 1.13 and earlier versions and will provide the following:

  • The Wrapper, Frame, Formatter and Printer types described above.
  • The Unwrap, Is, As, Opaque and Caller functions described above.
  • A New function that is a drop-in replacement for errors.New, but returns an error that behaves as described above.
  • An Errorf function that is a drop-in replacement for fmt.Errorf, except that it behaves as described above.
  • A FormatError function that adapts the Format method to use the new formatting implementation. An error implementation can make sure earlier Go versions call its FormatError method by adding this Format method:
    type MyError ...
    func (m *MyError) Format(f fmt.State, c rune) { // implements fmt.Formatter
        xerrors.FormatError(m, f, c) // will call m.FormatError
    func (m *MyError) Error() string { ... }
    func (m *MyError) FormatError(p xerrors.Printer) error { ... } 


We provided a rationale for most of these changes in the draft designs (linked above). Here we justify the parts of the design that have changed or been added since those documents were written.

  • The original draft design proposed that the As function use generics, and suggested an AsValue function as a temporary alternative until generics were available. We find that the As function in the form we describe here is just as concise and readable as a generic version would be, if not more so.

  • We added the ability for error types to modify the default behavior of the Is and As functions by implementing Is and As methods, respectively. We felt that the extra power these give to error implementers was worth the slight additional complexity.

  • We included a Frame in the errors returned by errors.New and fmt.Errorf so that existing Go programs could reap the benefits of location information. We benchmarked the slowdown from fetching stack information and felt that it was tolerable.

  • We changed the behavior of fmt.Errorf for the same reason: so existing Go programs could enjoy the new formatting behavior without modification. We decided against wrapping errors passed to fmt.Errorf by default, since doing so would effectively change the exposed surface of a package by revealing the types of the wrapped errors. Instead, we require that programmers opt in to wrapping by using the new formatting verb %w.

  • Lastly, we want to acknowledge the several comments on the feedback wiki that suggested that we go further by incorporating a way to represent multiple errors as a single error value. We understand that this is a popular request, but at this point we feel we have introduced enough new features for one proposal, and we’d like to see how these work out before adding more. We can always add a multi-error type in a later proposal, and meanwhile it remains easy to write your own.


None of the proposed changes violates the Go 1 compatibility guidelines. Gathering frame information may slow down errors.New slightly, but this is unlikely to affect practical programs. Errors constructed with errors.New and fmt.Errorf will display differently with %+v.


The implementation requires changes to the standard library.

The package contains a proposed implementation by Marcel van Lohuizen. We intend to make the changes to the main tree at the start of the Go 1.13 cycle, around February 1.

As noted in our blog post “Go 2, here we come!”, the development cycle will serve as a way to collect experience about these new features and feedback from (very) early adopters.

As noted above, the package, also by Marcel, will provide code that can be used with earlier Go versions.