design/25530-sumdb: change /sumdb/supported to /sumdb/<sumdb-name>/supported

Telling the proxy explicitly which checksum database we are asking about
will make it possible, if there are ever multiple checksum databases,
to access one database through one proxy and another through another proxy.
As written before, that would be imposible.

The old rationale for a single /sumdb/supported was to make it
possible for corp proxies to say "I support all databases" and thereby
intercept all possible database traffic. Those proxies can still do that
by responding 200 to /sumdb/.*/supported.

Change-Id: I8ce1a75d03e0d9dec8907fd3869cc8a83f82f831
Run-TryBot: Russ Cox <>
Reviewed-by: Russ Cox <>
diff --git a/design/ b/design/
index 98f10cc..d21bf78 100644
--- a/design/
+++ b/design/
@@ -211,12 +211,12 @@
 such as ``.
 Before accessing any checksum database URL using a proxy,
-the proxy client should first fetch `<proxyURL>/sumdb/supported`.
+the proxy client should first fetch `<proxyURL>/sumdb/<sumdb-name>/supported`.
 If that request returns a successful (HTTP 200) response,
 then the proxy supports proxying checksum database requests.
 In that case, the client should use the proxied access method only,
 never falling back to a direct connection to the database.
-If the `/sumdb/supported` check fails with a “not found” (HTTP 404)
+If the `/sumdb/<sumdb-name>/supported` check fails with a “not found” (HTTP 404)
 or “gone” (HTTP 410) response,
 the proxy is unwilling to proxy the checksum database,
 and the client should connect directly to the database.