Error Handling — Draft Design

Marcel van Lohuizen
August 27, 2018


We present a draft design to extend the Go language with dedicated error handling constructs. These constructs are in the spirit of “errors are values” but aim to reduce the verbosity of handling errors.

For more context, see the error handling problem overview.


There have been many proposals over time to improve error handling in Go. For instance, see:

Related, but not addressed by this proposal:

We have also consulted the experience reports about error handling.

Many of the proposals focus on verbosity. both the verbosity of having to check error values and the verbosity of zeroing out non-error return values. Other proposals address issues related to correctness, like error variable shadowing or the relative ease with which one can forget to check an error value.

This draft design incorporates many of the suggestions made in these issues.


This draft design builds upon the convention in Go programs that a function that can fail returns an error value as its final result.

This draft design introduces the keywords check and handle, which we will introduce first by example.

Today, errors are commonly handled in Go using the following pattern:

func printSum(a, b string) error {
	x, err := strconv.Atoi(a)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	y, err := strconv.Atoi(b)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Println("result:", x + y)
	return nil

With the check/handle construct, we can instead write:

func printSum(a, b string) error {
	handle err { return err }
	x := check strconv.Atoi(a)
	y := check strconv.Atoi(b)
	fmt.Println("result:", x + y)
	return nil

For each check, there is an implicit handler chain function, explained in more detail below. Here, the handler chain is the same for each check and is defined by the single handle statement to be:

func handleChain(err error) error {
	return err

The handler chain is only presented here as a function to define its semantics; it is likely to be implemented differently inside the Go compiler.


A check applies to an expression of type error or a function call returning a list of values ending in a value of type error. If the error is non-nil. A check returns from the enclosing function by returning the result of invoking the handler chain with the error value. A check expression applied to a function call returning multiple results evaluates to the result of that call with the final error result removed. A check expression applied to a plain expression or to a function call returning only an error value cannot itself be used as a value; it can only appear as an expression statement.

Given new variables v1, v2, ..., vN, vErr,

v1, ..., vN := check <expr>

is equivalent to:

v1, ..., vN, vErr := <expr>
if vErr != nil {
	<error result> = handlerChain(vn)

where vErr must have type error and <error result> denotes the (possibly unnamed) error result from the enclosing function. Similarly,

foo(check <expr>)

is equivalent to:

v1, ..., vN, vErr := <expr>
if vErr != nil {
	<error result> = handlerChain(vn)
foo(v1, ..., vN)

If the enclosing function has no final error result, a failing check calls handlerChain followed by a return.

Since a check is an expression, we could write the printSum example above as:

func printSum(a, b string) error {
	handle err { return err }
	fmt.Println("result:", check strconv.Atoi(x) + check strconv.Atoi(y))
	return nil

For purposes of order of evaluation, check expressions are treated as equivalent to function calls.

In general, the syntax of check is:

UnaryExpr  = PrimaryExpr | unary_op UnaryExpr | CheckExpr .
CheckExpr  = "check" UnaryExpr .

It is common for idiomatic Go code to wrap the error with context information. Suppose our original example wrapped the error with the name of the function:

func printSum(a, b string) error {
	x, err := strconv.Atoi(a)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("printSum(%q + %q): %v", a, b, err)
	y, err := strconv.Atoi(b)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("printSum(%q + %q): %v", a, b, err)
	fmt.Println("result:", x+y)
	return nil

Using a handler allows writing the wrapping just once:

func printSum(a, b string) error {
	handle err {
		return fmt.Errorf("printSum(%q + %q): %v", a, b, err)
	x := check strconv.Atoi(a)
	y := check strconv.Atoi(b)
	fmt.Println("result:", x + y)
	return nil

It is not necessary to vary the wrapping code to determine where in printSum the error occurred: The error returned by strconv.Atoi will include its argument. This design encourages writing more idiomatic and cleaner error messages and is in keeping with existing Go practice, at least in the standard library.


The handle statement defines a block, called a handler, to handle an error detected by a check. A return statement in a handler causes the enclosing function to return immediately with the given return values. A return without values is only allowed if the enclosing function has no results or uses named results. In the latter case, the function returns with the current values of those results.

The syntax for a handle statement is:

Statement   = Declaration | … | DeferStmt | HandleStmt .
HandleStmt  = "handle" identifier Block .

A handler chain function takes an argument of type error and has the same result signature as the function for which it is defined. It executes all handlers in lexical scope in reverse order of declaration until one of them executes a return statement. The identifier used in each handle statement maps to the argument of the handler chain function.

Each check may have a different handler chain function depending on the scope in which it is defined. For example, consider this function:

func process(user string, files chan string) (n int, err error) {
    handle err { return 0, fmt.Errorf("process: %v", err)  }      // handler A
    for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
        handle err { err = fmt.Errorf("attempt %d: %v", i, err) } // handler B
        handle err { err = moreWrapping(err) }                    // handler C

        check do(something())  // check 1: handler chain C, B, A
    check do(somethingElse())  // check 2: handler chain A

Check 1, inside the loop, runs handlers C, B, and A, in that order. Note that because handle is lexically scoped, the handlers defined in the loop body do not accumulate on each new iteration, in contrast to defer.

Check 2, at the end of the function, runs only handler A, no matter how many times the loop executed.

It is a compile-time error for a handler chain function body to be empty: there must be at least one handler, which may be a default handler.

As a consequence of what we have introduced so far:

  • There is no way to resume control in the enclosing function after check detects an error.
  • Any handler always executes before any deferred functions are executed.
  • If the enclosing function has result parameters, it is a compile-time error if the handler chain for any check is not guaranteed to execute a return statement.

A panic in a handler executes as if it occurred in the enclosing function.

Default handler

All functions whose last result is of type error begin with an implicit default handler. The default handler assigns the error argument to the last result and then returns, using the other results unchanged. In functions without named results, this means using zero values for the leading results. In functions with named results, this means using the current values of those results.

Relying on the default handler, printSum can be rewritten as

func printSum(a, b string) error {
	x := check strconv.Atoi(a)
	y := check strconv.Atoi(b)
	fmt.Println("result:", x + y)
	return nil

The default handler eliminates one of the motivations for (using _ to mean a zero value, to make explicit error returns shorter).

In case of named return values, the default handler does not guarantee the non-error return values will be zeroed: the user may have assigned values to them earlier. In this case it will still be necessary to specify the zero values explicitly, but at least it will only have to be done once.

Stack frame preservation

Some error handling packages, like, decorate errors with stack traces. To preserve the ability to provide this information, a handler chain appears to the runtime as if it were called by the enclosing function, in its own stack frame. The check expression appears in the stack as the caller of the handler chain.

There should be some helper-like mechanism to allow skipping over handler stack frames. This will allow code like

func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		x, err := Foo(tc.a)
		if err != nil {
		y, err := Foo(tc.b)
		if err != nil {
		if x != y {
			t.Errorf("Foo(%v) != Foo(%v)", tc.a, tc.b)

to be rewritten as:

func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
	handle err { t.Fatal(err) }
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		x := check Foo(tc.a)
		y := check Foo(tc.b)
		if x != y {
			t.Errorf("Foo(%v) != Foo(%v)", tc.a, tc.b)

while keeping the error line information useful. Perhaps it would be enough to allow:

handle err {

Variable shadowing

The use of check avoids repeated declaration of variables named err, which was the main motivation for allowing a mix of new and predeclared variables in short variable declarations (:= assignments). Once check statements are available, there would be so little valid redeclaration remaining that we might be able to forbid shadowing and close issue 377.


A good error message includes relevant context, such as the function or method name and its arguments. Allowing handlers to chain allows adding new information as the function progresses. For example, consider this function:

func SortContents(w io.Writer, files []string) error {
    handle err {
        return fmt.Errorf("process: %v", err)             // handler A

    lines := []strings{}
    for _, file := range files {
        handle err {
            return fmt.Errorf("read %s: %v ", file, err)  // handler B
        scan := bufio.NewScanner(check os.Open(file))     // check runs B on error
        for scan.Scan() {
            lines = append(lines, scan.Text())
        check scan.Err()                                  // check runs B on error
    for _, line := range lines {
        check io.WriteString(w, line)                     // check runs A on error

The comments show which handlers are invoked for each of the check expressions if these were to detect an error. Here, only one handler is called in each case. If handler B did not execute in a return statement, it would transfer control to handler A.

If a handle body does not execute an explicit return statement, the next earlier handler in lexical order runs:

type Error struct {
	Func string
	User string
	Path string
	Err  error

func (e *Error) Error() string

func ProcessFiles(user string, files chan string) error {
	e := Error{ Func: "ProcessFile", User: user}
	handle err { e.Err = err; return &e } // handler A
	u := check OpenUserInfo(user)         // check 1
	defer u.Close()
	for file := range files {
		handle err { e.Path = file }       // handler B
		check process(check os.Open(file)) // check 2

Here, if check 2 catches an error, it will execute handler B and, since handler B does not execute a return statement, then handler A. All handlers will be run before the defer. Another key difference between defer and handle: the second handler will be executed exactly once only when the second check fails. A defer in that same position would cause a new function call to be deferred until function return for every iteration.

Draft spec

The syntax for a handle statement is:

HandleStmt  = "handle" identifier Block .

It declares a handler, which is a block of code with access to a new identifier bound to a variable of type error. A return statement in a handler returns from the enclosing function, with the same semantics and restrictions as for return statements in the enclosing function itself.

A default handler is defined at the top of functions whose last return parameter is of type error. It returns the current values of all leading results (zero values for unnamed results), and the error value as its final result.

A handler chain call for a statement and error value executes all handlers in scope of that statement in reverse order in a new stack frame, binding their identifier to the error value. At least one handler must be in scope and, if the enclosing function has result parameters, at least one of those (possibly the default handler) must end with a terminating statement.

The syntax of the check expression is:

CheckExpr    = "check" UnaryExpr .

It checks whether a plain expression or a function call’s last result, which must be of type error, is non-nil. If the error result is nil, the check evaluates to all but the last value. If the error result is nil, the check calls its handler chain for that value in a new stack frame and returns the result from the enclosing function.

The same rules that apply for the order of evaluation of calls in expressions apply to the order of evaluation of multiple checks appearing in a single expression. The check expression cannot be used inside handlers.


  • A handler chain is a function, defined within the context of an enclosing function, which:
    • takes a single argument of type error,
    • has the same return parameters as the enclosing function, and
    • executes one or more blocks, called handlers.
  • A handle statement declares a handler for a handler chain and declares an identifier that refers to the error argument of that handler chain.
    • A return statement in a handler causes the handler chain to stop executing and the enclosing function to return using the specified return values.
    • If the enclosing function has named result parameters, a return statement with an empty expression list causes the handler chain to return with the current values of those arguments.
  • The check expression tests whether a plain expression or a function’s last result, which must be of type error, is non-nil.
    • For multi-valued expressions, check yields all but the last value as its result.
    • If check is applied to a single error value, check consumes that value and doesn’t produce any result. Consequently it cannot be used in an expression.
    • The handler chain of a check is defined to execute all the handlers in scope within the enclosing function in reverse order until one of them returns.
    • For non-nil values, check calls the handler chain with this value, sets the return values, if any, with the results, and returns from the enclosing function.
    • The same rules that apply for the order of evaluation of calls in expressions apply to the order of evaluation of multiple checks appearing in a single expression.
  • A check expression cannot be used inside handlers.
  • A default handler is defined implicitly at the top of a function with a final result parameter of type error.
    • For functions with unnamed results, the default handler returns zero values for all leading results and the error value for the final result.
    • For functions with named results, the default handler returns the current values of all leading results and the error value for the final result.
    • Because the default handler is declared at the top of a function, it is always last in the handler chain.

As a corollary of these rules:

  • Because the handler chain is called like a function, the location where the check caught an error is preserved as the handler’s caller’s frame.
  • If the enclosing function has result parameters, it is a compile-time error if at the point of any check expression none of the handlers in scope is a terminating statement. Note that the default handler ends in a terminating statement.
  • After a check detects an error, one cannot resume control of an enclosing function.
  • If a handler executes, it is always before any defer defined within the same enclosing function.


One drawback of the presented design is that it introduces a context-dependent control-flow jump, like break and continue. The semantics of handle are similar to but the same as defer, adding another thing for developers to learn. We believe that the reduction in verbosity, coupled with the increased ease to wrap error messages as well as doing so idiomatically is worth this cost.

Another drawback is that this design might appear to add exceptions to Go. The two biggest problems with exceptions are that checks are not explicitly marked and that the invoked handler is difficult to determine and may depend on the call stack. Check/handle has neither problem: checks are marked and only execute lexically scoped handlers in the enclosing function.

Other considerations

This section discusses aspects of the design that we have discussed in the past.

Keyword: try versus check

Swift and Rust define a try keyword which is similar to the check discussed in this design. Unlike try in Swift and Rust, check allows checking of any expression that is assignable to error, not just calls, making the use of try somewhat contrived. We could consider try for the sake of consistency with other languages, but Rust is moving away from try to the new ? operator, and Swift has not just try but also try!, try?, catch, and throw.

Keyword: handle versus catch

The keyword handle was chosen instead of catch to avoid confusion with the exception semantics conventionally associated with catch. Most notably, catch permits the surrounding function to continue, while a handler cannot: the function will always exit after the handler chain completes. All the handler chain can do is clean up and set the function results.

Checking error returns from deferred calls

The presented design does not provide a mechanism for checking errors returned by deferred calls. We were unable to find a way to unify them cleanly.

This code does not compile:

func Greet(w io.WriteCloser) error {
	defer func() {
		check w.Close()
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "hello, world\n")
	return nil

What the code likely intends is for the check to cause Greet to return the error, but the check is not in Greet. Instead, the check appears in a function literal returning no results. The function therefore has no default handler, so there is no handler chain for the check to call, which causes a compilation failure.

Even with new syntax to write a deferred checked function call, such as defer check w.Close(), there is an ordering problem: deferred calls run after the function executes its return statement; in the case of an error, the handlers have already run. It would be surprising to run any of them a second time as a result of a deferred check.

A check-else statement

A check <expr> else <block> statement could allow a block attached to a check to be executed if an error is detected. This would allow, for instance, setting an HTTP error code that a handler can pick up to wrap an error.

Joe Duffy proposed a similar construct in his Error Model blog post.

However, this is generally not needed for error wrapping, so it seems that this will not be needed much in practice. Nesting check expressions with else blocks could make code unwieldy.

Analysis of a large code corpus shows that adding a check-else construct usually does not help much. Either way, the design does not preclude adding such a construct later if all else fails.

Note that a check-else can already be spelled out explicitly:

x, err := <expr>
if err != nil {
	<any custom handling, possibly including "check err">

We can also write helpers like:

func e(err, code int, msg string) *appError {
	if err == nil {
		return nil
	return &appError{err, msg, code}

check e(doX(), 404, "record not found")

instead of:

if err := doX(); err != nil {
	return &appError{err, "record not found", 404}

Many wrapper functions, including's Wrap, start with a nil check. We could rely on the compiler to optimize this particular case.

Considered Ideas

Using a ? operator instead of check

Rust is moving to a syntax of the form <expr>? instead of try! <expr>. The rationale is that the ? allows for better chaining, as in f()?.g()?.h(). In Go, control flow transfers are as a general rule accompanied by keywords (the exception being the boolean operators || and &&). We believe that deviating from this would be too inconsistent.

Also, although the ? approach may read better for chaining, it reads worse for passing the result of a check to a function. Compare, for instance

check io.Copy(w, check newReader(foo))


io.Copy(w, newReader(foo)?)?

Finally, handlers and check expressions go hand-in-hand. Handlers are more naturally defined with a keyword. It would be somewhat inconsistent to have the accompanying check construct not also use a keyword.



Joe Duffy offers many valuable insights in the use of exceptions versus error codes in his Error Model blog post.

C++ proposal

Herb Sutter’s proposal for C++ seems to come close to the what is presented here. Although syntax varies in several places, the basic approach of propagating errors as values with try and allowing handlers to deal with errors is similar. The catch handlers, however, discard the error by default unless they are rethrown in the catch block. There is no way to continue after an error in our design. The article offers interesting insights about the advantages of this approach.


Rust originally defined try! as shorthand for checking an error and returning it from the enclosing function if found. For more complex handling, instead of handlers, Rust uses pattern matching on unwrapped return types.


Swift defines a try keyword with somewhat similar semantics to the check keyword introduced here. A try in Swift may be accompanied by a catch block. However, unlike with check-handle, the catch block will prevent the function from returning unless the block explicitly rethrows the error. In the presented design, there is no way to stop exiting the function.

Swift also has a try!, which panics if an error is detected, and a try?-else, which allows two blocks to be associated that respectively will be run if the try? checks succeeds or fails.