design: add 19308-number-literals

Change-Id: I777585cbb1abc6fa451fa62865fb0be3d958a43f
Run-TryBot: Russ Cox <>
Reviewed-by: Russ Cox <>
diff --git a/design/ b/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..585c498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/design/
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+# Proposal: Go 2 Number Literal Changes
+Russ Cox\
+Robert Griesemer
+Last updated: January 16, 2019
+Discussion at:
+   - []( (binary integer literals) 
+   - []( (octal integer literals) 
+   - [](https://golang.orgissue/28493) (digit separator)
+   - []( (hexadecimal floating point)
+## Abstract
+We propose four related changes to number literals in Go:
+  1. Add binary integer literals, as in 0b101.
+  2. Add alternate octal integer literals, as in 0o377.
+  3. Add hexadecimal floating-point literals, as in 0x1p-1021.
+  4. Allow _ as a digit separator in number literals.
+## Background
+Go adopted C’s number literal syntax and in so doing
+joined a large group of widely-used languages
+that all broadly agree about how numbers are written.
+The group of such “C-numbered languages” includes at least
+C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust, and Swift. 
+In the decade since Go’s initial design,
+nearly all the C-numbered languages have extended
+their number literals to add one or more of the four changes in this proposal.
+Extending Go in the same way makes it easier for developers
+to move between these languages, eliminating an unnecessary rough edge
+without adding significant complexity to the language.
+### Binary Integer Literals
+The idea of writing a program’s integer literals in binary is quite old,
+dating back at least to 
+[PL/I (1964)](, which used `'01111000'B`.
+In C’s lineage,
+[CPL (1966)](
+supported decimal, binary, and octal integers.
+Binary and octal were introduced by an underlined 2 or 8 prefix.
+[BCPL (1967)]( removed binary but retained octal,
+still introduced by an 8 (it’s unclear whether the 8 was underlined or followed by a space).
+[B (1972)](
+introduced the leading zero syntax for octal, as in `0377`.
+[C as of 1974]( had only decimal and octal.
+Hexadecimal `0x12ab` had been added by the time
+[K&R (1978)](
+was published.
+Possibly the earliest use of the exact `0b01111000` syntax was in
+[Caml Light 0.5 (1992)](,
+which was written in C and borrowed `0x12ab` for hexadecimal.
+Binary integer literals using the `0b01111000` syntax were added in
+[C++14 (2014)](,
+[C# 7.0 (2017)](,
+[Java 7 (2011)](,
+[JavaScript ES6 (2015)](,
+[Perl 5.005\_55 (1998)](,
+[PHP 5.4.0 (2012)](,
+[Python 2.6 (2008)](,
+[Ruby 1.4.0 (1999)](,
+[Rust 0.1 or earlier (2012)](,
+[Swift 1.0 or earlier (2014)](
+The syntax is a leading `0b` prefix followed by some number of 0s and 1s.
+There is no corresponding character escape sequence
+(that is, no `'\b01111000'` for `'x'`, since `'\b'` is already used for backspace, U+0008).
+Most languages also updated their integer parsing and formatting routines to support binary forms as well.
+Although C++14 added binary integer literals, C itself has not, [as of C18](
+### Octal Integer Literals
+As noted earlier, octal was the
+most widely-used form for writing bit patterns 
+in the early days of computing
+(after binary itself).
+Even though octal today is far less common,
+B’s introduction of `0377` as syntax for octal carried forward into
+C, C++, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python, Perl, PHP, and Ruby.
+But because programmers don't see octal much,
+it sometimes comes as a surprise that
+`01234` is not 1234 decimal or that `08` is a syntax error.
+[Caml Light 0.5 (1992)](,
+mentioned above
+as possibly the earliest language with `0b01111000` for binary,
+may also have been the first to use the analogous notation `0o377` for octal.
+[JavaScript ES3 (1999)](,%203rd%20edition,%20December%201999.pdf)
+technically removed support for `0377` as octal,
+but of course allowed implementations to continue recognizing them.
+[ES5 (2009)](
+added “strict mode,” in which, among other restrictions, octal literals are disallowed entirely
+(`0377` is an error, not decimal).
+[ES6 (2015)](
+introduced the `0o377` syntax, allowed even in strict mode.
+[Python’s initial release (1991)](
+used `0377` syntax for octal.
+[Python 3 (2008)](
+changed the syntax to `0o377`,
+removing the `0377` syntax (`0377` is an error, not decimal).
+[Python 2.7 (2010)](
+backported `0o377` as an alternate octal syntax (`0377` is still supported).
+[Rust (2012)](
+initially had no octal syntax but added `0o377` in 
+[Rust 0.9 (2014)](
+[Swift’s initial release (2014)]( used `0o377` for octal.
+Both Rust and Swift allow decimals to have leading zeros (`0377` is decimal 377),
+creating a potential point of confusion for programmers coming from
+other C-numbered languages.
+### Hexadecimal Floating-Point
+The exact decimal floating-point literal syntax of C and its successors (`1.23e4`)
+appears to have originated at IBM in
+[Fortran (1956)](,
+some time after the 
+[1954 draft](
+The syntax was not used in
+[Algol 60 (1960)](
+but was adopted by [PL/I (1964)](
+[Algol 68 (1968)](,
+and it spread from those into many other languages.
+Hexadecimal floating-point literals appear to have originated in
+[C99 (1999)](,
+spreading to
+[C++17 (2017)](,
+[Java 5 (2004)](
+[Perl 5.22 (2015)](,
+[Swift's initial release (2014)](
+[IEEE 754-2008](
+also added hexadecimal floating-point literals, citing C99.
+All these languages use the syntax `0x123.fffp5`,
+where the “`pN`” specifies a decimal number interpreted as a power of two:
+`0x123.fffp5` is (0x123 + 0xfff/0x1000) x 2^5.
+In all languages, the exponent is required: `0x123.fff` is not a valid hexadecimal floating-point literal.
+The fraction may be omitted, as in `0x1p-1000`.
+C, C++, Java, Perl, and the IEEE 754-2008 standard
+allow omitting the digits before or after the hexadecimal point:
+`0x1.p0` and `0x.fp0` are valid hexadecimal floating-point literals
+just as `1.` and `.9` are valid decimal literals.
+Swift requires digits on both sides of a decimal or hexadecimal point;
+that is, in Swift, `0x1.p0`, `0x.fp0`, `1.`, and `.9` are all invalid.
+Adding hexadecimal floating-point literals also requires adding library support.
+C99 added the `%a` and `%A` `printf` formats for formatting and `%a` for scanning.
+It also redefined `strtod` to accept hexadecimal floating-point values.
+The other languages made similar changes.
+C# (as of C# 7.3, which has [no published language specification](,
+JavaScript (as of [ES8](,
+PHP (as of [PHP 7.3.0](,
+Python (as of [Python 3.7.2](,
+Ruby (as of [Ruby 2.6.0](,
+Rust (as of [Rust 1.31.1](
+do not support hexadecimal floating-point literals.
+### Digit Separators
+Allowing the use of an underscore to separate digits in a number literal into groups dates back at least to
+[Ada 83](, possibly earlier.
+A digit-separating underscore was added to
+[C# 7.0 (2017)](,
+[Java 7 (2011)](,
+[Perl 2.0 (1988)](,
+[Python 3.6 (2016)](,
+[Ruby 1.0 or earlier (1998)](,
+[Rust 0.1 or earlier (2012)](,
+[Swift 1.0 or earlier (2014)](
+C has not yet added digit separators as of C18.
+C++14 uses
+[single-quote as a digit separator](
+to avoid an ambiguity with C++11 user-defined integer suffixes
+that might begin with underscore.
+JavaScript is
+[considering adding underscore as a digit separator](
+but ran into a similar problem with user-defined suffixes.
+PHP [considered but decided against]( adding digit separators.
+The design space for a digit separator feature reduces to four questions:
+(1) whether to accept a separator immediately after the single-digit octal `0` base prefix, as in `0_1`;
+(2) whether to accept a separator immediately after non-digit base prefixes like `0b`, `0o`, and `0x`, as in `0x_1`;
+(3) whether to accept multiple separators in a row, as in `1__2`; and
+(4) whether to accept trailing separators, as in `1_`.
+(Note that a “leading separator” would create a variable name, as in _1.)
+These four questions produce sixteen possible approaches.
+Case 0b0001:
+If the name “digit separator” is understood literally,
+so that each underscore must separate (appear between) digits,
+then the answers should be that `0_1` is allowed but `0x_1`, `1__2`, and `1_` are all disallowed.
+This is the approach taken by
+[Ada 83](
+(using `8#123#` for octal and so avoiding question 1),
+[Java 7](,
+(using only `0o` for octal and thereby also avoiding question 1).
+Case 0b0011: 
+If we harmonize the treatment of the `0` octal base prefix
+with the `0b`, `0o`, and `0x` base prefixes by allowing a digit separator
+between a base prefix and leading digit,
+then the answers are that `0_1` and `0x_1` are allowed but `1__2` and `1_` are disallowed.
+This is the approach taken in
+[Python 3.6]( and
+[Ruby 1.8.0](
+Case 0b0111:
+If we allow runs of multiple separators as well, that allows `0_1`, `0x_1`,
+and `1__2`, but not `1_`.
+This is the approach taken in
+[C# 7.2](
+[Ruby 1.6.2](
+Case 0b1111:
+If we then also accept trailing digit separators,
+the implementation becomes trivial: ignore digit separators wherever they appear.
+takes this approach,
+as does [Rust](
+Other combinations have been tried:
+[C# 7.0](
+used 0b0101 (`0x_1` and `1_` disallowed)
+before moving to case 0b1110 in
+[C# 7.2](
+[Ruby 1.0](
+used 0b1110 (only `0_1` disallowed)
+[Ruby 1.3.1](
+used 0b1101 (only `0x_1` disallowed),
+before Ruby 1.6.2 tried 0b0111 and Ruby 1.8.0 settled on 0b0011.
+A similar question arises for whether to allow underscore between
+a decimal point and a decimal digit in a floating-point number,
+or between the literal `e` and the exponent.
+We won’t enumerate the cases here, but again languages
+make surprising choices.
+For example, in Rust, `1_.2` is valid but `1._2` is not.
+## Proposal
+We propose to add binary integer literals,
+to add octal `0o377` as an alternate octal literal syntax,
+to add hexadecimal floating-point literals,
+and to add underscore as a base-prefix-or-digit separator
+(case 0b0011 above; see rationale below),
+along with appropriate library support.
+### Language Changes
+The definitions in add:
+>     binary_digit = "0" | "1" .
+The section would be amended to read:
+> An integer literal is a sequence of digits representing an integer constant. 
+> An optional prefix sets a non-decimal base:
+> 0, 0o, or 0O for octal, 0b or 0B for binary, 0x or 0X for hexadecimal.
+> In hexadecimal literals, letters a-f and A-F represent values 10 through 15.
+> For readability, an underscore may appear after a base prefix or
+> between successive digits; such underscores do not change the literal value.
+>     int_lit     = decimal_lit | octal_lit | binary_lit | hex_lit .
+>     decimal_lit = ( "1" … "9" ) { [ "_" ] decimal_digit } .
+>     octal_lit   = "0" [ "o" | "O" ] { [ "_" ] octal_digit } .
+>     binary_lit  = "0" ( "b" | "B" ) [ "_" ] binary_digit { [ "_" ] binary_digit } .
+>     hex_lit     = "0" ( "x" | "X" ) [ "_" ] hex_digit { [ "_" ] hex_digit } .
+>     42
+>     4_2
+>     _42 // an identifier, not a number
+>     42_ // illegal: _ must separate digits
+>     4__2 // illegal: only one _ at a time
+>     0600
+>     0_660
+>     0o600
+>     0O600 // second character is capital letter O
+>     0b01111000
+>     0b0111_1000
+>     0xBadFace
+>     0xBad_Face
+>     0x_67_7a_2f_cc_40_c6
+>     0_xBadFace // illegal: _ must separate digits
+>     170141183460469231731687303715884105727
+>     170_141183_460469_231731_687303_715884_105727
+The section would be amended to read:
+> A floating-point literal is a decimal or hexadecimal representation 
+> of a floating-point constant.
+> A decimal floating-point literal consists of
+> an integer part (decimal digits),
+> a decimal point,
+> a fractional part (decimal digits)
+> and an exponent part (e or E followed by an optional sign and decimal digits).
+> One of the integer part or the fractional part may be elided;
+> one of the decimal point or the exponent part may be elided.
+> A hexadecimal floating-point literal consists of
+> a 0x or 0X prefix,
+> an integer part (hexadecimal digits),
+> a decimal point,
+> a fractional part (hexadecimal digits),
+> and an exponent part (p or P followed by an optional sign and decimal digits).
+> One of the integer part or the fractional part may be elided;
+> the decimal point may be elided as well, but the exponent part is required.
+> (This syntax matches the one given in
+> [IEEE 754-2008]( §5.12.3.)
+> For readability, an underscore may appear after a base prefix or
+> between successive digits; such underscores do not change the literal value.
+>     float_lit = decimal_float_lit | hexadecimal_float_lit .
+>     decimal_float_lit = decimals "." [ decimals ] [ exponent ] |
+>                         decimals exponent |
+>                         "." decimals [ exponent ] .
+>     decimals  = decimal_digit { [ "_" ] decimal_digit } .
+>     exponent  = ( "e" | "E" ) [ "+" | "-" ] decimals .
+>     hex_float_lit = hex_prefix hex_digits "." [ hex_digits ] hex_exponent |
+>                     hex_prefix hex_digits hex_exponent |
+>                     hex_prefix "." hex_digits hex_exponent .
+>     hex_prefix = "0" ( "x" | "X" ) .
+>     hex_digits  = hex_digit { [ "_" ] hex_digit } .
+>     hex_exponent  = ( "p" | "P" ) [ "+" | "-" ] decimals .
+>     0.
+>     72.40
+>     072.40        // == 72.40
+>     2.71828
+>     1.e+0
+>     6.67428e-11
+>     1E6
+>     .25
+>     .12345E+5
+>     0x1p-2        // == 0.25
+>     0x2.p10       // == 2048.0
+>     0x1.Fp+0      // == 1.9375
+>     0X.8p-0       // == 0.5
+>     0x.p1         // illegal: must have hex digit
+>     1p-2          // illegal: p exponent requires hexadecimal mantissa
+>     0x1.5e-2      // illegal: hexadecimal mantissa requires p exponent
+>     0x15e-2       // == 0x15e - 2 (integer subtraction)
+>     1_5.          // == 15.0
+>     0.15e+0_2     // == 15.0
+>     1_.5          // illegal: _ must separate digits
+>     1._5          // illegal: _ must separate digits
+>     1.5_e1        // illegal: _ must separate digits
+>     1.5e_1        // illegal: _ must separate digits
+>     1.5e1_        // illegal: _ must separate digits
+### Library Changes
+In [`fmt`](,
+[`Printf`]( with `%#b`
+will format an integer argument in binary with a leading `0b` prefix.
+Today, [`%b` already formats an integer in binary](
+with no prefix;
+[`%#b` does the same](
+but is rejected by `go` `vet`, including during `go` `test`,
+so redefining `%#b` will not break vetted, tested programs.
+`Printf` with `%#o` is already defined to format an
+integer argument in octal with a leading `0` (not `0o`) prefix,
+and all the other available format flags have defined effects too.
+It appears no change is possible here.
+Clients can use `0o%o`, at least for non-negative arguments.
+`Printf` with `%x`
+will format a floating-point argument in hexadecimal floating-point syntax.
+(Today, `%x` on a floating-point argument formats as a `%!x` error 
+and also provokes a vet error.)
+[`Scanf`]( will accept
+both decimal and hexadecimal floating-point forms
+where it currently accepts decimal.
+In [`go/scanner`](,
+the implementation must change to understand the
+new syntax, but the public API needs no changes.
+Because [`text/scanner`](
+recognizes Go’s number syntax as well,
+it will be updated to add the new numbers too.
+In [`math/big`](,
+with `base` set to zero accepts binary integer literals already;
+it will change to recognize the new octal prefix and the underscore digit separator.
+[`ParseFloat`]( and
+[`Float.Parse`]( with `base` set to zero,
+and [`Rat.SetString`]( each
+accept binary integer literals and hexadecimal floating-point literals already;
+they will change to recognize the new octal prefix and the underscore digit separator.
+Calls using non-zero bases will continue to reject inputs with underscores.
+In [`strconv`](,
+will change behavior.
+When the `base` argument is zero,
+they will recognize binary literals like `0b0111`
+and also allow underscore as a digit separator.
+Calls using non-zero bases will continue to reject inputs with underscores.
+will change to accept hexadecimal floating-point literals and
+the underscore digit separator.
+will add a new format `x` to generate hexadecimal floating-point.
+In [`text/template/parse`](,
+`(*lex).scanNumber` will need to recognize the three new syntaxes.
+This will provide the new literals to both
+## Rationale
+As discussed in the background section,
+the choices being made in this proposal
+match those already made in Go's broader language family.
+Making these same changes to Go is useful on its own
+and avoids unnecessary lexical differences with the
+other languages.
+This is the primary rationale for all four changes.
+### Octal Literals
+We considered using `0o377` in the initial design of Go,
+but we decided that even if Go used `0o377`
+for octal, it would have to reject `0377` as invalid syntax
+(that is, Go could not accept `0377` as decimal 377),
+to avoid an unpleasant surprise for programmers coming
+from C, C++, Java, Python 2, Perl, PHP, Ruby, and so on.
+Given that `0377` cannot be decimal,
+it seemed at the time unnecessary
+and gratuitously different to avoid it for octal.
+It still seemed that way in 2015, when the issue
+was raised as [](
+Today, however, it seems clear that there is agreement
+among at least the newer C-numbered languages
+for `0o377` as octal (either alone or in addition to `0377`).
+Harmonizing Go’s octal integer syntax with these languages
+makes sense for the same reasons as harmonizing
+the binary integer and hexadecimal floating-point syntax.
+For backwards compatibility,
+we must keep the existing `0377` syntax in Go 1,
+so Go will have two octal integer syntaxes,
+like Python 2.7 and non-strict JavaScript.
+After a few years, once there are no supported Go releases
+missing the `0o377` syntax,
+we could consider changing
+`gofmt` to at least reformat `0377` to `0o377` for clarity.
+### Arbitrary Bases
+Another obvious change is to consider
+arbitrary-radix numbers, like Algol 68’s `2r101`.
+Perhaps the form most in keeping with Go’s history
+would be to allow `BxDIGITS` where `B` is the base,
+as in `2x0101`, `8x377`, and `16x12ab`,
+where `0x` becomes an alias for `16x`.
+We considered this in the initial design of Go,
+but it seemed gratuitously
+different from the common C-numbered languages,
+and it would still not let us interpret `0377` as decimal.
+It also seemed that very few programs would be
+aided by being able to write numbers in, say,
+base 3 or base 36.
+That logic still holds today,
+reinforced by the weight of existing Go usage.
+Better to add only the syntaxes that other languages use.
+For discussion, see [](
+### Library Changes
+In the library changes, the various number parsers
+are changed to accept underscores only in the base-detecting case.
+For example:
+    strconv.ParseInt("12_34",   0, 0)   // decimal with underscores
+    strconv.ParseInt("0b11_00", 0, 0)   // binary with underscores
+    strconv.ParseInt("012_34",  0, 0)   // 01234 (octal)
+    strconv.ParseInt("0o12_34", 0, 0)   // 0o1234 (octal)
+    strconv.ParseInt("0x12_34", 0, 0)   // 0x1234 (hexadecimal)
+    strconv.ParseInt("12_34",  10, 0)   // error: fixed base cannot use underscores
+    strconv.ParseInt("11_00",   2, 0)   // error: fixed base cannot use underscores
+    strconv.ParseInt("12_34",   8, 0)   // error: fixed base cannot use underscores
+    strconv.ParseInt("12_34",  16, 0)   // error: fixed base cannot use underscores
+Note that the fixed-base case also rejects base prefixes (and always has):
+    strconv.ParseInt("0b1100",  2, 0)   // error: fixed base cannot use base prefix
+    strconv.ParseInt("0o1100",  8, 0)   // error: fixed base cannot use base prefix
+    strconv.ParseInt("0x1234", 16, 0)   // error: fixed base cannot use base prefix
+The rationale for rejecting underscores when the base is known
+is the same as the rationale for rejecting base prefixes:
+the caller is likely to be parsing a substring of a larger
+input and would not appreciate the “flexibility.”
+For example, parsing hex bytes two digits at a time
+might use `strconv.ParseInt(input[i:i+2], 16, 8)`,
+and parsers for various text formats
+use `strconv.ParseInt(field, 10, 64)` 
+to parse a plain decimal number.
+These use cases should not be required to guard
+against underscores in the inputs themselves.
+On the other hand,
+uses of `strconv.ParseInt` and `strconv.ParseUint` with `base` argument zero
+already accept decimal, octal `0377`, and hexadecimal literals,
+so they will start accepting the new binary and octal literals
+and digit-separating underscores.
+For example, command line flags defined with `flag.Int` will start
+accepting these inputs.
+Similarly, uses of `strconv.ParseFloat`, like `flag.Float64`
+or the conversion of string-typed database entries to `float64` 
+in [`database/sql`](,
+will start accepting hexadecimal floating-point literals
+and digit-separating underscores.
+### Digit Separators
+The main bike shed to paint is the detail about
+where exactly digit separators are allowed.
+Following discussion on [](,
+and matching the latest versions of Python and Ruby,
+this proposal adopts the rule
+that each digit separator must separate
+a digit from the base prefix or another digit:
+`0_1`, `0x_1`, and `1_2` are all allowed, while `1__2` and `1_` are not.
+## Compatibility
+The syntaxes being introduced here were all previously invalid,
+either syntactically or semantically.
+For an example of the latter,
+`0x1.fffp-2` parses in current versions of Go
+as the value `0x1`’s `fffp` field minus two.
+Of course, integers have no fields, so while this program
+is syntactically valid, it is still semantically invalid.
+The changes to numeric parsing functions like
+`strconv.ParseInt` and `strconv.ParseFloat`
+mean that programs that might have failed before
+on inputs like `0x1.fffp-2` or `1_2_3` will now succeed.
+Some users may be surprised.
+Part of the rationale with limiting the changes
+to calls using `base` zero is to limit the potential surprise
+to those cases that already accepted multiple syntaxes.
+## Implementation
+The implementation requires:
+  - Language specification changes, detailed above.
+  - Library changes, detailed above.
+  - Compiler changes, in gofrontend and cmd/compile/internal/syntax.
+  - Testing of compiler changes, library changes, and gofmt.
+Robert Griesemer and Russ Cox plan to split the work
+and aim to have all the changes ready at the start of the Go 1.13 cycle,
+around February 1.
+As noted in our blog post
+[“Go 2, here we come!”](,
+the development cycle will serve as a way to collect experience about
+these new features and feedback from (very) early adopters.
+At the release freeze, May 1, we will revisit the proposed features
+and decide whether to include them in Go 1.13.