design: add DWARF inline info generation design doc

Updates golang/go#22080

Change-Id: I9a60d1751397e944b7a80e067e4dadf4ec405bce
Reviewed-by: Than McIntosh <>
diff --git a/design/ b/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26efeb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+# Proposal: emit DWARF inlining info in the Go compiler
+Author(s): Than McIntosh
+Last updated: 2017-09-27
+Discussion at:
+# Abstract
+In Go 1.9, the inliner was enhanced to support mid-stack inlining, including
+tracking of inlines in the PC-value table to enable accurate tracebacks (see
+The mid-stack inlining proposal included plans to enhance DWARF generation to
+emit inlining records, however the DWARF support has yet to be implemented.
+This document outlines a proposal for completing this work.
+# Background
+This section discusses previous work done on the compiler related to inlining
+and related to debug info generation, and outlines the what we want to see in
+terms of generated DWARF.
+### Source position tracking
+As part of the mid-stack inlining work, the Go compiler's source position
+tracking was enhanced, giving it the ability to capture the inlined call stack
+for an instruction created during an inlining operation.
+This additional source position information is then used to create an
+inline-aware PC-value table (readable by the runtime) to provide accurate
+tracebacks, but is not yet being used to emit DWARF inlining records.
+### Lexical scopes
+The Go compiler also incorporates support for emitting DWARF lexical scope
+records, so as to provide information to the debugger on which instance of a
+given variable name is in scope at a given program point.
+This feature is currently only operational when the user is compiling with "-l
+-N" passed via -gcflags; these options disable inlining and turn off most
+The scoping implementation currently relies on disabling the inliner; to enable
+scope generation in combination with inlining would require a separate effort.
+### Enhanced variable location tracking
+There is also work being done to enable more accurate DWARF location lists for
+function parameters and local variables.
+This better value tracking is currently checked in but not enabled by default,
+however the hope is to make this the default behavior for all compilations.
+### Compressed source positions, updates during inlining
+The compiler currently uses a compressed representation for source position
+AST nodes and SSA names incorporate a compact
+object of the form
+type XPos struct {
+	index int32    // index into table of PosBase objects
+	lico
+contains source file info and a line base:
+type PosBase struct {
+	pos         Pos
+	filename    string // file name used to open source file, for error messages
+	absFilename string // absolute file name, for PC-Line tables
+	symFilename string // cached symbol file name
+	line        uint   // relative line number at pos
+	inl         int    // inlining index (see cmd/internal/obj/inl.go)
+In the struct above, `inl` is an index into the global inlining
+tree (maintained as a global slice of
+// InlinedCall is a node in an InlTree.
+type InlinedCall struct {
+	Parent int      // index of parent in InlTree or -1 if outermost call
+	Pos    src.XPos // position of the inlined call
+	Func   *LSym    // function that was inlined
+When the inliner replaces a call with the body of an inlinable procedure, it
+creates a new `inl.InlinedCall` object based on the call, then a new
+`src.PosBase` referring to the InlinedCall's index in the global tree.
+It then rewrites/updates the src.XPos objects in the inlined blob to refer to
+the new `src.PosBase` (this process is described in more detail in the
+[mid-stack inlining design
+### Overall existing framework for debug generation
+DWARF generation is split between the Go compiler and Go linker; the top-level
+driver routine for debug generation is
+This routine makes a call back into
+(via context pointer), which collects information on variables and scopes for a
+function, then invokes
+to create what amounts to an abstract version of the DWARF DIE chain for the
+function itself and its children (formals, variables, scopes).
+The linker starts with the skeleton DIE tree emitted by the compiler, then uses
+it as a guide to emit the actual DWARF .debug_info section.
+Other DWARF sections (`.debug_line`, `.debug_frame`) are emitted as well
+based on non-DWARF-specific data structures (for example, the PCLN table).
+### Mechanisms provided by the DWARF standard for representing inlining info
+The DWARF specification provides details on how compilers can capture and
+encapsulate information about inlining.
+See section 3.3.8 of the DWARF V4 standard for a start.
+If a routine X winds up being inlined, the information that would ordinarily get
+placed into the subprogram DIE is divided into two partitions: the abstract
+attributes such as name, type (which will be the same regardless of whether
+we're talking about an inlined function body or an out-of-line function body),
+and concrete attributes such as the location for a variable, hi/lo PC or PC
+ranges for a function body.
+The abstract items are placed into an "abstract" subprogram instance, then each
+actual instance of a function body is given a "concrete" instance, which refers
+back to its parent abstract instance.
+This can be seen in more detail in the "how the generated DWARF should look"
+section below.
+# Example
+    package s
+    func Leaf(lx, ly int) int {
+        return (lx << 7) ^ (ly >> uint32(lx&7))
+    }
+    func Mid(mx, my int) int {
+        var mv [10]int
+        mv[mx&3] += 2
+        return mv[my&3] + Leaf(mx+my, my-mx)
+    }
+    func Top(tq int) int {
+        var tv [10]int
+        tr := Leaf(tq-13, tq+13)
+        tv[tq&3] = Mid(tq, tq*tq)
+        return tr + tq + tv[tr&3]
+    }
+If the code above is compiled with the existing compiler and the resulting DWARF
+inspected, there is a single DW_TAG_subprogram DIE for 'Top', with variable DIEs
+reflecting params and (selected) locals for that routine.
+Two of the stack-allocated locals from the inlined routines (Mid and Leaf)
+survive in the DWARF, but other inlined variables do not:
+  DW_TAG_subprogram {
+     DW_AT_name:           s.Top
+     ...
+     DW_TAG_variable {
+       DW_AT_name:         tv
+       ...
+     }
+     DW_TAG_variable {
+       DW_AT_name:         mv
+       ...
+     }
+     DW_TAG_formal_parameter {
+       DW_AT_name:         tq
+       ...
+     }
+     DW_TAG_formal_parameter {
+       DW_AT_name:         ~r1
+       ...
+     }
+There are also subprogram DIE's for the out-of-line copies of 'Leaf' and 'Mid',
+which look similar (variable DIEs for locals and params with stack locations).
+When enhanced DWARF location tracking is turned on, in addition to more accurate
+variable location expressions within 'Top', there are additional DW_TAG_variable
+entries for variable such as "lx" and "ly" corresponding those values within the
+inlined body of 'Leaf'.
+Since these vars are directly parented by 'Top' there is no way to disambiguate
+the various instances of a var such as "lx".
+# How the generated DWARF should look
+As mentioned above, emitting DWARF records that capture inlining decisions
+involves splitting the subprogram DIE for a given function into two pieces, a
+single "abstract instance" (containing location-independent info) and then a set
+of "concrete instances", one for each instantiation of the function.
+Here is a representation of how the generated DWARF should look for the example
+First, the abstract subprogram instance for 'Leaf'.
+No high/lo PC, no locations, for variables etc (these are provided in concrete
+   DW_TAG_subprogram {   // offset: D1
+      DW_AT_name:            s.Leaf
+      DW_AT_inline : DW_INL_inlined (not declared as inline but inlined)
+      ...
+      DW_TAG_formal_parameter {   // offset: D2
+         DW_AT_name:         lx
+         DW_AT_type:         ...
+      }
+      DW_TAG_formal_parameter {    // offset: D3
+         DW_AT_name:         ly
+         DW_AT_type:         ...
+      }
+      ...
+   }
+Next we would expect to see a concrete subprogram instance for 's.Leaf', corresponding to the out-of-line copy of the function (which may wind up being eliminated by the linker if all calls are inlined).
+This DIE refers back to its abstract parent via the DW_AT_abstract_origin
+attribute, then fills in location details (such as hi/lo PC, variable locations,
+   DW_TAG_subprogram {
+      DW_AT_abstract_origin:  // reference to D1 above
+      DW_AT_low_pc         : ...
+      DW_AT_high_pc        : ...
+      ...
+      DW_TAG_formal_parameter {
+         DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D2 above
+         DW_AT_location:        ...
+      }
+      DW_TAG_formal_parameter {
+         DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D3 above
+         DW_AT_location:        ...
+      }
+      ...
+   }
+Similarly for 'Mid', there would be an abstract subprogram instance:
+   DW_TAG_subprogram {   // offset: D4
+      DW_AT_name:            s.Mid
+      DW_AT_inline : DW_INL_inlined (not declared as inline but inlined)
+      ...
+      DW_TAG_formal_parameter {    // offset: D5
+         DW_AT_name:         mx
+         DW_AT_type:         ...
+      }
+      DW_TAG_formal_parameter {    // offset: D6
+         DW_AT_name:         my
+         DW_AT_type:         ...
+      }
+      DW_TAG_variable {         // offset: D7
+         DW_AT_name:         mv
+         DW_AT_type:         ...
+      }
+   }
+Then a concrete subprogram instance for out-of-line copy of 'Mid'.
+Note that incorporated into the concrete instance for 'Mid' we also see an
+inlined instance for 'Leaf':
+   DW_TAG_subprogram {
+      DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D4 above
+      DW_AT_low_pc         : ...
+      DW_AT_high_pc        : ...
+      DW_TAG_formal_parameter {
+         DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D5 above
+         DW_AT_location:        ...
+      }
+      DW_TAG_formal_parameter {
+         DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D6 above
+         DW_AT_location:        ...
+      }
+      DW_TAG_variable {
+         DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D7 above
+         DW_AT_location:        ...
+      }
+      // inlined body of 'Leaf'
+      DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine {
+         DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D1 above
+         DW_AT_ranges         : ...
+         DW_TAG_formal_parameter {
+            DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D2 above
+            DW_AT_location:        ...
+         }
+         DW_TAG_formal_parameter {
+            DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D3 above
+            DW_AT_location:        ...
+         }
+        ...
+      }
+   }
+Finally we would expect to see a subprogram instance for 's.Top'.
+Note that since 's.Top' is not inlined, we would have a single subprogram DIE
+(as opposed to an abstract instance DIE and a concrete instance DIE):
+   DW_TAG_subprogram {
+      DW_AT_name:            s.Top
+      DW_TAG_formal_parameter {
+         DW_AT_name:         tq
+         DW_AT_type:         ...
+      }
+      ...
+      // inlined body of 'Leaf'
+      DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine {
+         DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D1 above
+         DW_AT_ranges         : ...
+         DW_TAG_formal_parameter {
+            DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D2 above
+            DW_AT_location:        ...
+         }
+         DW_TAG_formal_parameter {
+            DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D3 above
+            DW_AT_location:        ...
+         }
+         ...
+      }
+      DW_TAG_variable {
+         DW_AT_name:         tr
+         DW_AT_type:         ...
+      }
+      DW_TAG_variable {
+         DW_AT_name:      tv
+         DW_AT_type:      ...
+      }
+      // inlined body of 'Mid'
+      DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine {
+         DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D4 above
+         DW_AT_low_pc         : ...
+         DW_AT_high_pc        : ...
+         DW_TAG_formal_parameter {
+            DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D5 above
+            DW_AT_location:        ...
+         }
+         DW_TAG_formal_parameter {
+            DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D6 above
+            DW_AT_location:        ...
+         }
+         DW_TAG_variable {
+            DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D7 above
+            DW_AT_location:        ...
+         }
+         // inlined body of 'Leaf'
+         DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine {
+            DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D1 above
+            DW_AT_ranges         : ...
+            DW_TAG_formal_parameter {
+               DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D2 above
+               DW_AT_location:        ...
+            }
+            DW_TAG_formal_parameter {
+               DW_AT_abstract_origin: // reference to D3 above
+               DW_AT_location:        ...
+            }
+            ...
+         }
+      }
+   }
+# Outline of proposed changes
+### Changes to the inliner
+The inliner manufactures new temporaries for each of the inlined functions
+formal parameters; it then creates code to assign the correct "actual"
+expression to each temp, and finally walks the inlined body to replace formal
+references with temp references.
+For proper DWARF generation, we need to have a way to associate each of these
+temps with the formal from which it was derived.
+It should be possible to create such an association by making sure the temp has
+the correct src pos (which refers to the callsite) and by giving the temp the
+same name as the formal.
+### Changes to debug generation
+For the abbreviation table
+array), we will need to add abstract and concrete versions of the
+DW_TAG_subprogram abbrev entry used for functions to the abbrev list.
+For a given function,
+will need to emit either an ordinary subprogram DIE (if the function was never
+inlined) or an abstract subprogram instance followed by a concrete subprogram
+instance, corresponding to the out-of-line version of the function.
+It probably makes sense to define a new `dwarf.InlinedCall` type; this will be a
+struct holding information on the result of an inlined call in a function:
+type InlinedCall struct {
+    Children []*InlinedCall
+    InlIndex int // index into ctx.InlTree
+Code can be added (presumably in `gc.debuginfo`) that collects a tree of
+`dwarf.InlinedCall` objects corresponding to the functions inlined into the
+current function being emitted.
+This tree can then be used to drive creation of concrete inline instances as
+children of the subprogram DIE of the function being emitted.
+There will need to be code written that assigns variables and instructions
+(progs/PCs) to specific concrete inlined routine instances, similar to what is
+being done currently with scopes in
+One wrinkle in that the existing machinery for creating intra-DWARF references
+(attributes with form DW_FORM_ref_addr) assumes that the target of the reference
+is a top-level DIE with an associated symbol (type, function, etc).
+This assumption no longer holds for DW_AT_abstract_origin references to formal
+parameters (where the param is a sub-attribute of a top-level DIE).
+Some new mechanism will need to be invented to capture this flavor of reference.
+### Changes to the linker
+There will probably need to be a few changes to the linker to accommodate
+abstract origin references, but for the most part I think the bulk of the work
+will be done in the compiler.
+# Compatibility
+The DWARF constructs proposed here require DWARF version 4, however the compiler
+is already emitting DWARF V4 as of 1.9.
+# Implementation
+Plan is for thanm@ to implement this in go 1.10 timeframe.
+# Prerequisite Changes
+# Preliminary Results
+No data available yet.
+Expectation is that this will increase the load module size due to the
+additional DWARF records, but not clear to what degree.
+# Open issues
+Once lexical scope tracking is enhanced to work for regular (not '-l -N')
+compilation, we'll want to integrate inlined instance records with scopes (e.g.
+if the topmost callsite in question is nested within a scope, then the top-level
+inlined instance DIE should be parented by the appropriate scope DIE).