design/57001-gotoolchain: add new doc

Change-Id: I8d4a807dbdcee0587b059b306215bfc4a97c8a8a
Run-TryBot: Russ Cox <>
Reviewed-by: Russ Cox <>
diff --git a/design/ b/design/
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+# Proposal: Extended forwards compatibility in Go
+Russ Cox \
+December 2022
+Earlier discussion at
+Proposal at
+## Abstract
+Many people believe the `go` line in the `go.mod` file specifies which Go toolchain to use.
+This proposal would correct this widely held misunderstanding by making it reality.
+At the same time, the proposal would improve forward compatibility by making sure
+that old Go toolchains never try to build newer Go programs.
+Define the “work module” as the one containing the directory
+where the go command is run. We sometimes call this the “main module”,
+but I am using “work module” in this document for clarity.
+Updating the `go` line in the `go.mod` of the work module,
+or the `` file in the current workspace,
+would change the minimum Go toolchain used to run go commands.
+A new `toolchain` line would provide finer-grained control over Go toolchain selection.
+An environment variable `GOTOOLCHAIN` would control this new behavior.
+The default, `GOTOOLCHAIN=auto`, would use the information in `go.mod`.
+Setting GOTOOLCHAIN to something else would override the `go.mod`.
+For example, to test the package in the current directory with Go 1.17.2:
+	GOTOOLCHAIN=go1.17.2 go test
+## Background
+The meaning of the current `go` line in the `go.mod` file is underdocumented
+and widely misunderstood.
+- Some people believe it sets the minimum version of Go that can be used to build the code.
+  This is not true: any version of Go will try to build the code, but an older one will
+  add a note after any compile failure pointing out that perhaps a newer version of Go is needed.
+- Some people believe it sets the exact version of Go to use. This is also not true.
+  The installed version of go is always what runs today.
+These are reasonable beliefs. They are just not true.
+Today, the only purpose of the `go` line is to determine the Go language version
+that the compiler uses when compiling a particular source file.
+If a module's `go.mod` says `go 1.16`, then the compiler makes sure to
+provide the Go 1.16 language semantics when compiling source files
+inside that module.
+For example, Go 1.13 added `0o777` syntax for octal literals.
+If `go.mod` says `go 1.12`, then the compiler rejects code containing `0o777`.
+If `go.mod` says `go 1.13`, then the compiler accepts `0o777`.
+Of course, a `go.mod` that says `go 1.13` might still only use Go 1.12 features.
+To improve compatibility and avoid ecosystem fragmentation, Go 1.12 will still
+try to compile code marked `go 1.13`. If it succeeds, the `go` command
+assumes everything went well.
+If it fails
+(for example, because the code says `0o777` and the compiler
+does not know what that means), then the `go` command prints
+a notice about the `go 1.13` line after the actual failure,
+in case what the user needs to know is to update to Go 1.13 or later.
+These version failures are often mysterious, since the compiler errors
+betray the older Go's complete and utter confusion
+at the new program,
+which in turn confuse the developers running the build.
+Printing the version mismatch note at the end is better than not printing it,
+but it's still not a great experience.
+We can improve this experience by having the older Go version
+download and re-exec a newer Go version
+when the go.mod file needs one.
+In this hypothetical world, the Go 1.12 `go` command would
+see that it is too old and then download and use Go 1.13 for the build instead.
+To be clear, Go 1.12 didn't work this way and never will.
+But I propose that some future version of Go should.
+Automatic downloading and use of the version of the Go toolchain
+listed in the `go.mod` file
+would match the automatic download and use
+of the versions of required modules listed in the `go.mod` file.
+It would also give code a simple way to declare that it needs a newer Go toolchain,
+for example because it depends on a bug fix issued in that toolchain.
+[Cloud Native Buildpacks]( are an example of the
+bad effects of misunderstanding the meaning of the `go` line.
+Today they actually _do_ use the line to select the Go toolchain:
+if you have a module that says `go 1.12`, whether you are
+trying to keep compatibility with the Go 1.12 language
+or you just started out using Go 1.12 and have not needed
+to update the line to access any new language features,
+Cloud Native Buildpacks will always _build_ your code with Go 1.12,
+even if much newer releases of Go exist.
+Specifically, they will use the latest point release of Go 1.12.
+This choice is unfortunate for two reasons.
+First, people are using older releases of Go than they realize.
+Second, this leads to non-repeatable builds.
+Despite our being very careful, it can of course happen
+that code that worked with Go 1.12.8 does not work with Go 1.12.9:
+perhaps the code depended on the bug being fixed.
+With Cloud Native Buildpacks, a deployment that works today
+may break tomorrow if Go 1.12.9 has been released in the interim,
+because the chosen release of Go changes based on details not controlled by
+the `go.mod`.
+If we accidentally issued a Go 1.12.9 that broke all Go programs running in containers,
+then every Cloud Native Buildpack user with a `go 1.12` line
+would have get broken builds on their next redeploy
+without ever asking to update to Go 1.12.9.
+This is a perfect example of a [low-fidelity build](
+The GitHub Action `setup-go` does something similar
+with its [`go-version-file` directive](
+It has the same problems that Cloud Native Buildpacks do.
+On the other hand, we can also take Cloud Native Buildpacks and the `setup-go` GitHub Action as
+evidence that people expect that line to select the Go toolchain,
+at least in the work module.
+After all, when a module says `require v0.0.1`,
+we all understand that means any build of the module uses that version or later.
+Why does `go 1.12` _not_ mean that?
+I propose that it should.
+For more fine-grained control, I also propose a new `toolchain` line in `go.mod`.
+One final feature of treating the `go` version this way is that
+it would provide a way to fix for loop scoping,
+as discussed in [discussion #56010](
+If we make that change, older Go toolchains must not assume
+that they can compile newer Go code successfully just because
+there are no compiler errors. So this proposal is a prerequisite
+for any proposal to do the loop change.
+See also my [talk on this topic at GopherCon](
+## Proposal
+The proposal has five parts:
+ - the GOTOOLCHAIN environment and configuration variable,
+ - a change to the way the `go` line is interpreted in the work module along with a new `toolchain` line,
+ - changes to `go get` to allow updating the `go` toolchain,
+ - a special case to allow Go distributions to be downloaded like modules,
+ - and changing the `go` command startup procedure.
+### The GOTOOLCHAIN environment and configuration variable
+The GOTOOLCHAIN environment variable,
+configurable as usual with `go env -w`,
+will control which toolchain of Go runs when you run `go`.
+Specifically, a new enough installed Go toolchain
+will know to consult GOTOOLCHAIN and potentially download
+and re-exec a different toolchain before proceeding.
+This will allow invocations like
+	GOTOOLCHAIN=go1.17.2 go test
+to test a package with Go 1.17.2. Similarly, to try a release candidate:
+	GOTOOLCHAIN=go1.18rc1 go build -o myprog.exe
+Setting `GOTOOLCHAIN=local` will mean to use the locally installed Go toolchain,
+never downloading a different one; this is the behavior we have today.
+Setting `GOTOOLCHAIN=auto` will mean to use the release named in the
+in the work module's `go.mod` when it is newer than the locally installed Go toolchain.
+The default setting of GOTOOLCHAIN will depend on the Go toolchain.
+Standard Go releases will default to `GOTOOLCHAIN=auto`,
+delegating control to the `go.mod` file.
+This is the behavior essentially all Go user would see as the default.
+Development toolchains—what you get by checking out the Go repository
+and running `make.bash`—will default to `GOTOOLCHAIN=local`.
+This is necessary for developers of Go itself, so that when working on Go
+you actually use the copy you're working on and not a different copy of Go.
+Once the toolchain is selected, it would still look at the `go` version:
+if the `go` version is newer than the toolchain being run,
+the toolchain will refuse to build the program:
+Go 1.29 would refuse to attempt to build code that declares `go 1.30`.
+### The `go` and `toolchain` lines in `go.mod` in the work module
+The `go` line in the `go.mod` in the work module selects the Go semantics.
+When the locally installed Go toolchain is newer than the `go` line,
+it provides the requested older semantics directly, instead of invoking a stale toolchain.
+([Proposal #56986]( addresses making the older semantics more accurate.)
+But if the `go` line names a newer Go toolchain, then the locally installed
+Go toolchain downloads and runs the newer toolchain.
+For example, if we are running Go 1.30 and have a `go.mod` that says
+	go 1.30.1
+then Go 1.30 would download and invoke Go 1.30.1 to complete the command.
+On the other hand, if the `go.mod` says
+	go 1.20rc1
+then Go 1.30 will provide the Go 1.20rc1 semantics itself instead of running the
+Go 1.20 rc1 toolchain.
+Developers may want to run a newer toolchain but with older language semantics.
+To enable this, the `go.mod` file would also support a new `toolchain` line.
+If present, the `toolchain` line would specify the toolchain to use,
+and the `go` line would only specify the Go version for language semantics.
+For example:
+	go 1.18
+	toolchain go1.20rc1
+would select the Go 1.18 semantics for this module but use Go 1.20 rc1 to build
+(all still assuming `GOTOOLCHAIN=auto`; the environment variable
+overrides the `go.mod` file).
+In contrast to the older/newer distinction with the `go` line,
+the `toolchain` line always applies: if Go 1.30 sees a `go.mod`
+that says `toolchain go1.20rc1`, then it downloads Go 1.20 rc1.
+The syntax `toolchain local` would be like setting `GOTOOLCHAIN=local`,
+indicating to always use the locally installed toolchain.
+### Updating the Go toolchain with `go get`
+As part of this proposal, the `go get` command would change
+to maintain the `go` and `toolchain` lines.
+When updating module requirements during `go get`,
+the `go` command would determine the minimum toolchain
+required by taking the minimum of all the `go` lines in the
+modules in the build graph; call that Go 1.M.
+Then the `go` command would make sure the work module's `go.mod`
+specifies a toolchain of Go 1.M beta 1 or later.
+If so, no change is needed and the `go` and `toolchain` lines
+are left as they are.
+On the other hand, if a change is needed, the `go` command would edit the `toolchain` line
+or add a new one, set to the latest Go 1.M patch release Go 1.M.P.
+If Go 1.M is no longer supported, the `go` command
+would use the minimum supported major version instead.
+The command `go get go@1.20.1` would modify the `go` line to say `go 1.20.1`.
+If the `toolchain` line is too old, then the update process just described would apply,
+except that since the result would be matching `go` and `toolchain` lines,
+the `toolchain` line would just be removed instead.
+For direct control of the toolchain, `go get toolchain@go1.20.1` would
+update the `toolchain` line. If too old a toolchain is specified, the command fails.
+(It does not downgrade module dependencies to find a way to use an older toolchain.)
+Updates like `go get go@latest` (or just `go get go`), `go get -p go`, and `go get toolchain@latest`
+would work too.
+### Downloading distributions
+We have a mechanism for downloading verified software archives today:
+the Go module system, including the checksum database.
+This design would reuse that mechanism for Go distributions.
+Each Go release would be treated as a set of module versions,
+downloaded like any module, and checked against the checksum database
+before being used.
+In addition to this mapping, the `go` command would need to
+set the execute bit on downloaded binaries.
+This would be the first time we set the execute bit in the module cache,
+at least on file systems with execute bits.
+(On Windows, whether a file is executable depends only on its extension.)
+The execute bit would only be set for the specific case of downloading
+Go release modules, and only for the tool binaries.
+A version like `go 1.18beta2` would map into the module download
+machinery as `` version ``
+on a Windows/AMD64 system.
+The version list (the `/@v/list` file) for the module would only list supported releases,
+for use by the `go` command in toolchain updates.
+Older releases would still be available when fetched directly,
+just not listed in the default version list.
+### Go command startup
+At startup, before doing anything else, the `go` command would
+find the `GOTOOLCHAIN` environment or configuration variable
+and the `go` and `toolchain` lines from the work module's `go.mod` file
+(or the workspace's `` file)
+and check whether it needs to use a different toolchain.
+If not (for example, if `GOTOOLCHAIN=local` or if `GOTOOLCHAIN=auto`
+and `go.mod` says `go 1.28` and the `go` command knows it is
+already the Go 1.28 distribution), then the `go` command continues executing.
+Otherwise, it looks for the requested Go release in the module cache,
+downloading and unpacking it if needed,
+and then re-execs the `go` command from that release.
+### Effect in Dependencies
+In a dependency module, the `go` line will continue to have
+its “language semantics selection” effect,
+as described earlier.
+The Go toolchain will refuse to build a dependency that needs
+newer Go semantics than the current toolchain.
+For example if the work module says `go 1.27`
+but a dependency says `go 1.28` and the toolchain
+selection ends up using Go 1.27, Go 1.27 will see the
+`go 1.28` line and refuse to build.
+This should normally not happen:
+the `go get` command that added the dependency
+would have noticed the `go 1.28` line and
+updated the work module's `toolchain` line to at least go1.28.
+## Rationale
+The rationale for the overall change was discussed in the background section.
+People initially believe that every version listed a module's
+`go.mod` is the minimum version used in any build of that module.
+This is true except for the `go` line.
+Systems such as Cloud Native Buildpacks have made the
+`go` line select the Go toolchain, confusing matters further.
+Making the `go` line specify a minimum toolchain version
+better aligns with user expectations.
+It would also align better with systems like Cloud Native Buildpacks,
+although they should be updated to match the new semantics exactly.
+The easiest way to do that would be for them to run a Go toolchain
+that implements the new rules and let it do its default toolchain selection.
+There is a potential downside for CI systems without local download caches:
+they might download the Go release modules over and over again.
+Of course, such systems already download ordinary modules over and over again,
+but ordinary modules tend to be smaller.
+Go 1.20 removes all `pkg/**.a` files from the Go distribution,
+which cuts the distribution size by about a factor of three.
+We may be able to cut the size further in Go 1.21.
+The best solution is for CI systems to run local caching proxies,
+which would speed up their ordinary module downloads too.
+Of course, given the choice between
+(1) having to wait for a CI system (or a Linux distribution, or a cloud provider)
+to update the available version of Go and
+(2) being able to use any Go version at the cost of slightly slower builds, I'd definitely choose (2).
+And CI systems that insist on never downloading could force GOTOOLCHAIN=local in the environment,
+and then the build will break if a newer `go` line slips into `go.mod`.
+Some people have raised a concern about pressure on the build cache
+because builds using different toolchains cannot share object files.
+If this turns out to be a problem in practice, we can definitely adjust
+the build cache maintenance algorithms. [Issue #29561]( tracks that.
+## Compatibility
+This proposal does not violate any existing compatibility requirements.
+It can improve compatibility, for example by making sure that code written for Go 1.30
+is never built with Go 1.29, even if the build appears to succeed.
+## Implementation
+Overall the implementation is fairly short and straightforward.
+Documentation probably outweighs new code.
+Russ Cox, Michael Matloob, and Bryan Millls will do the work.
+There is no working sketch of the current design at the moment.