blob: 0e1411a80540faa2350aaa6491b1a043d81b27f2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(andybons): add logging
// TODO(andybons): restrict memory use
package main
import (
const (
// Time for 'go build' to download 3rd-party modules and compile.
maxBuildTime = 10 * time.Second
maxRunTime = 5 * time.Second
// progName is the implicit program name written to the temp
// dir and used in compiler and vet errors.
progName = "prog.go"
progTestName = "prog_test.go"
const (
goBuildTimeoutError = "timeout running go build"
runTimeoutError = "timeout running program"
// internalErrors are strings found in responses that will not be cached
// due to their non-deterministic nature.
var internalErrors = []string{
"out of memory",
"cannot allocate memory",
type request struct {
Body string
WithVet bool // whether client supports vet response in a /compile request (Issue 31970)
type response struct {
Errors string
Events []Event
Status int
IsTest bool
TestsFailed int
// VetErrors, if non-empty, contains any vet errors. It is
// only populated if request.WithVet was true.
VetErrors string `json:",omitempty"`
// VetOK reports whether vet ran & passed. It is only
// populated if request.WithVet was true. Only one of
// VetErrors or VetOK can be non-zero.
VetOK bool `json:",omitempty"`
// commandHandler returns an http.HandlerFunc.
// This handler creates a *request, assigning the "Body" field a value
// from the "body" form parameter or from the HTTP request body.
// If there is no cached *response for the combination of cachePrefix and request.Body,
// handler calls cmdFunc and in case of a nil error, stores the value of *response in the cache.
// The handler returned supports Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) from any domain.
func (s *server) commandHandler(cachePrefix string, cmdFunc func(context.Context, *request) (*response, error)) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
cachePrefix := cachePrefix // so we can modify it below
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
if r.Method == "OPTIONS" {
// This is likely a pre-flight CORS request.
var req request
// Until programs that depend on
// are updated to always send JSON, this check is in place.
if b := r.FormValue("body"); b != "" {
req.Body = b
req.WithVet, _ = strconv.ParseBool(r.FormValue("withVet"))
} else if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&req); err != nil {
s.log.Errorf("error decoding request: %v", err)
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusBadRequest), http.StatusBadRequest)
if req.WithVet {
cachePrefix += "_vet" // "prog" -> "prog_vet"
resp := &response{}
key := cacheKey(cachePrefix, req.Body)
if err := s.cache.Get(key, resp); err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, memcache.ErrCacheMiss) {
s.log.Errorf("s.cache.Get(%q, &response): %v", key, err)
resp, err = cmdFunc(r.Context(), &req)
if err != nil {
s.log.Errorf("cmdFunc error: %v", err)
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError), http.StatusInternalServerError)
if strings.Contains(resp.Errors, goBuildTimeoutError) || strings.Contains(resp.Errors, runTimeoutError) {
// TODO( - This should be a http.StatusBadRequest,
// but the UI requires a 200 to parse the response. It's difficult to know
// if we've timed out because of an error in the code snippet, or instability
// on the playground itself. Either way, we should try to show the user the
// partial output of their program.
s.writeJSONResponse(w, resp, http.StatusOK)
for _, e := range internalErrors {
if strings.Contains(resp.Errors, e) {
s.log.Errorf("cmdFunc compilation error: %q", resp.Errors)
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError), http.StatusInternalServerError)
for _, el := range resp.Events {
if el.Kind != "stderr" {
for _, e := range internalErrors {
if strings.Contains(el.Message, e) {
s.log.Errorf("cmdFunc runtime error: %q", el.Message)
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError), http.StatusInternalServerError)
if err := s.cache.Set(key, resp); err != nil {
s.log.Errorf("cache.Set(%q, resp): %v", key, err)
s.writeJSONResponse(w, resp, http.StatusOK)
func cacheKey(prefix, body string) string {
h := sha256.New()
io.WriteString(h, body)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%x", prefix, runtime.Version(), h.Sum(nil))
// experiments returns the experiments listed in // GOEXPERIMENT=xxx comments
// at the top of src.
func experiments(src string) []string {
var exp []string
for src != "" {
line := src
src = ""
if i := strings.Index(line, "\n"); i >= 0 {
line, src = line[:i], line[i+1:]
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
if line == "" {
if !strings.HasPrefix(line, "//") {
line = strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(line, "//"))
if !strings.HasPrefix(line, "GOEXPERIMENT") {
line = strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(line, "GOEXPERIMENT"))
if !strings.HasPrefix(line, "=") {
line = strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(line, "="))
if line != "" {
exp = append(exp, line)
return exp
// isTestFunc tells whether fn has the type of a testing, or fuzz function, or a TestMain func.
func isTestFunc(fn *ast.FuncDecl) bool {
if fn.Type.Results != nil && len(fn.Type.Results.List) > 0 ||
fn.Type.Params.List == nil ||
len(fn.Type.Params.List) != 1 ||
len(fn.Type.Params.List[0].Names) > 1 {
return false
ptr, ok := fn.Type.Params.List[0].Type.(*ast.StarExpr)
if !ok {
return false
// We can't easily check that the type is *testing.T or *testing.F
// because we don't know how testing has been imported,
// but at least check that it's *T (or *F) or *something.T (or *something.F).
if name, ok := ptr.X.(*ast.Ident); ok && (name.Name == "T" || name.Name == "F" || name.Name == "M") {
return true
if sel, ok := ptr.X.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok && (sel.Sel.Name == "T" || sel.Sel.Name == "F" || sel.Sel.Name == "M") {
return true
return false
// isTest tells whether name looks like a test (or benchmark, or fuzz, according to prefix).
// It is a Test (say) if there is a character after Test that is not a lower-case letter.
// We don't want mistaken Testimony or erroneous Benchmarking.
func isTest(name, prefix string) bool {
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, prefix) {
return false
if len(name) == len(prefix) { // "Test" is ok
return true
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name[len(prefix):])
return !unicode.IsLower(r)
// isTestProg returns source code that executes all valid tests and examples in src.
// If the main function is present or there are no tests or examples, it returns nil.
// getTestProg emulates the "go test" command as closely as possible.
// Benchmarks are not supported because of sandboxing.
func isTestProg(src []byte) bool {
fset := token.NewFileSet()
// Early bail for most cases.
f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, progName, src, parser.ImportsOnly)
if err != nil || f.Name.Name != "main" {
return false
// Parse everything and extract test names.
f, err = parser.ParseFile(fset, progName, src, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
return false
var hasTest bool
var hasFuzz bool
for _, d := range f.Decls {
n, ok := d.(*ast.FuncDecl)
if !ok {
name := n.Name.Name
switch {
case name == "main":
// main declared as a method will not obstruct creation of our main function.
if n.Recv == nil {
return false
case name == "TestMain" && isTestFunc(n):
hasTest = true
case isTest(name, "Test") && isTestFunc(n):
hasTest = true
case isTest(name, "Fuzz") && isTestFunc(n):
hasFuzz = true
if hasTest || hasFuzz {
return true
return len(doc.Examples(f)) > 0
var failedTestPattern = "--- FAIL"
// compileAndRun tries to build and run a user program.
// The output of successfully ran program is returned in *response.Events.
// If a program cannot be built or has timed out,
// *response.Errors contains an explanation for a user.
func compileAndRun(ctx context.Context, req *request) (*response, error) {
// TODO(andybons): Add semaphore to limit number of running programs at once.
tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "sandbox")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating temp directory: %v", err)
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
br, err := sandboxBuild(ctx, tmpDir, []byte(req.Body), req.WithVet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if br.errorMessage != "" {
return &response{Errors: removeBanner(br.errorMessage)}, nil
execRes, err := sandboxRun(ctx, br.exePath, br.testParam)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if execRes.Error != "" {
return &response{Errors: execRes.Error}, nil
rec := new(Recorder)
events, err := rec.Events()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error decoding events: %v", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error decoding events: %v", err)
var fails int
if br.testParam != "" {
// In case of testing the TestsFailed field contains how many tests have failed.
for _, e := range events {
fails += strings.Count(e.Message, failedTestPattern)
return &response{
Events: events,
Status: execRes.ExitCode,
IsTest: br.testParam != "",
TestsFailed: fails,
VetErrors: br.vetOut,
VetOK: req.WithVet && br.vetOut == "",
}, nil
// buildResult is the output of a sandbox build attempt.
type buildResult struct {
// goPath is a temporary directory if the binary was built with module support.
// TODO( - Why is the module mode built so differently?
goPath string
// exePath is the path to the built binary.
exePath string
// testParam is set if tests should be run when running the binary.
testParam string
// errorMessage is an error message string to be returned to the user.
errorMessage string
// vetOut is the output of go vet, if requested.
vetOut string
// cleanup cleans up the temporary goPath created when building with module support.
func (b *buildResult) cleanup() error {
if b.goPath != "" {
return os.RemoveAll(b.goPath)
return nil
// sandboxBuild builds a Go program and returns a build result that includes the build context.
// An error is returned if a non-user-correctable error has occurred.
func sandboxBuild(ctx context.Context, tmpDir string, in []byte, vet bool) (br *buildResult, err error) {
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
status := "success"
if err != nil {
status = "error"
// Ignore error. The only error can be invalid tag key or value
// length, which we know are safe.
stats.RecordWithTags(ctx, []tag.Mutator{tag.Upsert(kGoBuildSuccess, status)},
files, err := splitFiles(in)
if err != nil {
return &buildResult{errorMessage: err.Error()}, nil
br = new(buildResult)
defer br.cleanup()
var buildPkgArg = "."
if len(files.Data(progName)) > 0 {
src := files.Data(progName)
if isTestProg(src) {
br.testParam = "-test.v"
files.MvFile(progName, progTestName)
if !files.Contains("go.mod") {
files.AddFile("go.mod", []byte("module play\n"))
var exp []string
for f, src := range files.m {
// Before multi-file support we required that the
// program be in package main, so continue to do that
// for now. But permit anything in subdirectories to have other
// packages.
if !strings.Contains(f, "/") {
fset := token.NewFileSet()
f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, f, src, parser.PackageClauseOnly)
if err == nil && f.Name.Name != "main" {
return &buildResult{errorMessage: "package name must be main"}, nil
exp = append(exp, experiments(string(src))...)
in := filepath.Join(tmpDir, f)
if strings.Contains(f, "/") {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(in), 0755); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := os.WriteFile(in, src, 0644); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating temp file %q: %v", in, err)
br.exePath = filepath.Join(tmpDir, "a.out")
goCache := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "gocache")
// Copy the gocache directory containing .a files for std, so that we can
// avoid recompiling std during this build. Using -al (hard linking) is
// faster than actually copying the bytes.
// This is necessary as .a files are no longer included in GOROOT following
if err := exec.Command("cp", "-al", "/gocache", goCache).Run(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error copying GOCACHE: %v", err)
var goArgs []string
if br.testParam != "" {
goArgs = append(goArgs, "test", "-c")
} else {
goArgs = append(goArgs, "build")
goArgs = append(goArgs, "-o", br.exePath, "-tags=faketime")
cmd := exec.Command("/usr/local/go-faketime/bin/go", goArgs...)
cmd.Dir = tmpDir
cmd.Env = []string{"GOOS=linux", "GOARCH=amd64", "GOROOT=/usr/local/go-faketime"}
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GOCACHE="+goCache)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "CGO_ENABLED=0")
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GOEXPERIMENT="+strings.Join(exp, ","))
// Create a GOPATH just for modules to be downloaded
// into GOPATH/pkg/mod.
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-modcacherw")
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-mod=mod")
br.goPath, err = os.MkdirTemp("", "gopath")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error creating temp directory: %v", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating temp directory: %v", err)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GO111MODULE=on", "GOPROXY="+playgroundGoproxy())
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, buildPkgArg)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GOPATH="+br.goPath)
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
cmd.Stderr, cmd.Stdout = out, out
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error starting go build: %v", err)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, maxBuildTime)
defer cancel()
if err := internal.WaitOrStop(ctx, cmd, os.Interrupt, 250*time.Millisecond); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
br.errorMessage = fmt.Sprintln(goBuildTimeoutError)
} else if ee := (*exec.ExitError)(nil); !errors.As(err, &ee) {
log.Printf("error building program: %v", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error building go source: %v", err)
// Return compile errors to the user.
// Rewrite compiler errors to strip the tmpDir name.
br.errorMessage = br.errorMessage + strings.Replace(string(out.Bytes()), tmpDir+"/", "", -1)
// "go build", invoked with a file name, puts this odd
// message before any compile errors; strip it.
br.errorMessage = strings.Replace(br.errorMessage, "# command-line-arguments\n", "", 1)
return br, nil
const maxBinarySize = 100 << 20 // copied from sandbox backend; TODO: unify?
if fi, err := os.Stat(br.exePath); err != nil || fi.Size() == 0 || fi.Size() > maxBinarySize {
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to stat binary: %v", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid binary size %d", fi.Size())
if vet {
// TODO: do this concurrently with the execution to reduce latency.
br.vetOut, err = vetCheckInDir(ctx, tmpDir, br.goPath, exp)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("running vet: %v", err)
return br, nil
// sandboxRun runs a Go binary in a sandbox environment.
func sandboxRun(ctx context.Context, exePath, testParam string) (execRes sandboxtypes.Response, err error) {
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
status := "success"
if err != nil {
status = "error"
// Ignore error. The only error can be invalid tag key or value
// length, which we know are safe.
stats.RecordWithTags(ctx, []tag.Mutator{tag.Upsert(kGoBuildSuccess, status)},
exeBytes, err := os.ReadFile(exePath)
if err != nil {
return execRes, err
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, maxRunTime)
defer cancel()
sreq, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "POST", sandboxBackendURL(), bytes.NewReader(exeBytes))
if err != nil {
return execRes, fmt.Errorf("NewRequestWithContext %q: %w", sandboxBackendURL(), err)
sreq.Header.Add("Idempotency-Key", "1") // lets Transport do retries with a POST
if testParam != "" {
sreq.Header.Add("X-Argument", testParam)
sreq.GetBody = func() (io.ReadCloser, error) { return io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(exeBytes)), nil }
res, err := sandboxBackendClient().Do(sreq)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(ctx.Err(), context.DeadlineExceeded) {
execRes.Error = runTimeoutError
return execRes, nil
return execRes, fmt.Errorf("POST %q: %w", sandboxBackendURL(), err)
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
log.Printf("unexpected response from backend: %v", res.Status)
return execRes, fmt.Errorf("unexpected response from backend: %v", res.Status)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&execRes); err != nil {
log.Printf("JSON decode error from backend: %v", err)
return execRes, errors.New("error parsing JSON from backend")
return execRes, nil
// playgroundGoproxy returns the GOPROXY environment config the playground should use.
// It is fetched from the environment variable PLAY_GOPROXY. A missing or empty
// value for PLAY_GOPROXY returns the default value of
func playgroundGoproxy() string {
proxypath := os.Getenv("PLAY_GOPROXY")
if proxypath != "" {
return proxypath
return ""
// healthCheck attempts to build a binary from the source in healthProg.
// It returns any error returned from sandboxBuild, or nil if none is returned.
func (s *server) healthCheck(ctx context.Context) error {
tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "sandbox")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating temp directory: %v", err)
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
br, err := sandboxBuild(ctx, tmpDir, []byte(healthProg), false)
if err != nil {
return err
if br.errorMessage != "" {
return errors.New(br.errorMessage)
return nil
// sandboxBackendURL returns the URL of the sandbox backend that
// executes binaries. This backend is required for Go 1.14+ (where it
// executes using gvisor, since Native Client support is removed).
// This function either returns a non-empty string or it panics.
func sandboxBackendURL() string {
if v := os.Getenv("SANDBOX_BACKEND_URL"); v != "" {
return v
id, _ := metadata.ProjectID()
switch id {
case "golang-org":
return ""
panic(fmt.Sprintf("no SANDBOX_BACKEND_URL environment and no default defined for project %q", id))
var sandboxBackendOnce struct {
c *http.Client
func sandboxBackendClient() *http.Client {
return sandboxBackendOnce.c
// initSandboxBackendClient runs from a sync.Once and initializes
// sandboxBackendOnce.c with the *http.Client we'll use to contact the
// sandbox execution backend.
func initSandboxBackendClient() {
id, _ := metadata.ProjectID()
switch id {
case "golang-org":
// For production, use a funky Transport dialer that
// contacts backend directly, without going through an
// internal load balancer, due to internal GCP
// reasons, which we might resolve later. This might
// be a temporary hack.
tr := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone()
rigd := gcpdial.NewRegionInstanceGroupDialer("golang-org", "us-central1", "play-sandbox-rigm")
tr.DialContext = func(ctx context.Context, netw, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
if addr == "" {
ip, err := rigd.PickIP(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addr = net.JoinHostPort(ip, "80") // and fallthrough
var d net.Dialer
return d.DialContext(ctx, netw, addr)
sandboxBackendOnce.c = &http.Client{Transport: tr}
sandboxBackendOnce.c = http.DefaultClient
// removeBanner remove package name banner
func removeBanner(output string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(output, "#") {
if nl := strings.Index(output, "\n"); nl != -1 {
output = output[nl+1:]
return output
const healthProg = `
package main
import "fmt"
func main() { fmt.Print("ok") }