blob: b636ab03a949c7f6818d48dd4c27203cf6c96219 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
// Symbol is an element in the package API. A symbol can be a constant,
// variable, function, type, field or method.
type Symbol struct {
// Name is name of the symbol. At a given package version, name must be
// unique.
Name string
// Synopsis is the one line description of the symbol that is displayed.
Synopsis string
// Section is the section that a symbol appears in.
Section internal.SymbolSection
// Kind is the type of a symbol, which is either a constant, variable,
// function, type, field or method.
Kind internal.SymbolKind
// Link is the link to the symbol name on
Link string
// Children contain the child symbols for this symbol. This will
// only be populated when the SymbolType is "Type". For example, the
// children of net/http.Handler are FileServer, NotFoundHandler,
// RedirectHandler, StripPrefix, and TimeoutHandler. Each child
// symbol will have ParentName set to the Name of this type.
Children []*Symbol
// Builds lists all of the build contexts supported by the symbol, it is
// only available for limited set of builds. If the symbol supports all
// build contexts, Builds will be nil.
Builds []string
// builds keeps track of build contexts used to generate Builds.
builds map[internal.BuildContext]bool
// New indicates that the symbol is new as of the version where it is
// present. For example, if type Client was introduced in v1.0.0 and
// Client.Timeout was introduced in v1.1.0, New will be false for Client
// and true for Client.Timeout if this Symbol corresponds to v1.1.0.
New bool
func (s *Symbol) addBuilds(builds []internal.BuildContext) {
if s.builds == nil {
s.builds = map[internal.BuildContext]bool{}
for _, b := range builds {
s.builds[b] = true
// symbolsForVersions returns an array of symbols for use in the VersionSummary
// of the specified version.
func symbolsForVersion(pkgURLPath string, symbolsAtVersion map[string]map[internal.SymbolMeta]*internal.UnitSymbol) [][]*Symbol {
nameToMetaToSymbol := map[string]map[internal.SymbolMeta]*Symbol{}
children := map[internal.SymbolMeta]*internal.UnitSymbol{}
for _, smToUs := range symbolsAtVersion {
for sm, us := range smToUs {
if sm.ParentName != sm.Name {
// For the children, keep track of them for later.
children[sm] = us
metaToSym, ok := nameToMetaToSymbol[us.Name]
if !ok {
metaToSym = map[internal.SymbolMeta]*Symbol{}
nameToMetaToSymbol[us.Name] = metaToSym
s, ok := metaToSym[sm]
if !ok {
s = &Symbol{
Name: sm.Name,
Synopsis: sm.Synopsis,
Section: sm.Section,
Kind: sm.Kind,
Link: symbolLink(pkgURLPath, sm.Name, us.BuildContexts()),
New: true,
nameToMetaToSymbol[us.Name][sm] = s
for cm, cus := range children {
// Option 1: no parent exists
// - make one, add to map
// - append to parent
// Option 2: parent exists and supports child bc
// - append to parent
// Option 3 parent exists and does not support child bc
// - append to parent
cs := &Symbol{
Name: cm.Name,
Synopsis: cm.Synopsis,
Section: cm.Section,
Kind: cm.Kind,
Link: symbolLink(pkgURLPath, cm.Name, cus.BuildContexts()),
New: true,
parents, ok := nameToMetaToSymbol[cm.ParentName]
var found bool
if ok {
for _, ps := range parents {
for build := range ps.builds {
if cus.SupportsBuild(build) {
ps.Children = append(ps.Children, cs)
found = true
if found {
// We did not find a parent, so create one.
ps := createParent(cus, pkgURLPath)
ps.Children = append(ps.Children, cs)
pm := internal.SymbolMeta{
Name: ps.Name,
ParentName: ps.Name,
Synopsis: ps.Synopsis,
Section: ps.Section,
Kind: ps.Kind,
nameToMetaToSymbol[pm.Name] = map[internal.SymbolMeta]*Symbol{
pm: ps,
var symbols []*Symbol
for _, mts := range nameToMetaToSymbol {
for _, s := range mts {
if len(s.builds) != len(internal.BuildContexts) {
for b := range s.builds {
s.Builds = append(s.Builds, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", b.GOOS, b.GOARCH))
symbols = append(symbols, s)
return sortSymbols(symbols)
func symbolLink(pkgURLPath, name string, builds []internal.BuildContext) string {
if len(builds) == len(internal.BuildContexts) {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s", pkgURLPath, name)
// When a symbol is introduced for a specific GOOS/GOARCH at a version,
// linking to an unspecified GOOS/GOARCH page might not take the user to
// the symbol. Instead, link to one of the supported build contexts.
return fmt.Sprintf("%s?GOOS=%s#%s", pkgURLPath, builds[0].GOOS, name)
// createParent creates a parent symbol for the provided unit symbol. This is
// used when us is a child of a symbol that may have been introduced at a
// different version. The symbol created will have New set to false, since this
// function is only used when a parent symbol is not found for the unit symbol,
// which means it was not introduced at the same version.
func createParent(us *internal.UnitSymbol, pkgURLPath string) *Symbol {
s := &Symbol{
Name: us.ParentName,
Synopsis: fmt.Sprintf("type %s", us.ParentName),
Section: internal.SymbolSectionTypes,
Kind: internal.SymbolKindType,
Link: symbolLink(pkgURLPath, us.ParentName, us.BuildContexts()),
return s
// sortSymbols returns an array of symbols in order of
// (1) Constants (2) Variables (3) Functions and (4) Types.
// Within each section, symbols are sorted alphabetically by name.
// In the types sections, aside from interfaces, child symbols are sorted in
// order of (1) Fields (2) Constants (3) Variables (4) Functions and (5)
// Methods. For interfaces, child symbols are sorted in order of
// (1) Methods (2) Constants (3) Variables and (4) Functions.
func sortSymbols(symbols []*Symbol) [][]*Symbol {
sm := map[internal.SymbolSection][]*Symbol{}
for _, parent := range symbols {
sm[parent.Section] = append(sm[parent.Section], parent)
cm := map[internal.SymbolKind][]*Symbol{}
parent.Synopsis = strings.TrimSuffix(parent.Synopsis, "{ ... }")
for _, c := range parent.Children {
cm[c.Kind] = append(cm[c.Kind], c)
for _, syms := range cm {
symbols := append(append(append(
if strings.Contains(parent.Synopsis, "interface") {
parent.Children = append(cm[internal.SymbolKindMethod], symbols...)
} else {
parent.Children = append(symbols, cm[internal.SymbolKindMethod]...)
for _, syms := range sm {
var out [][]*Symbol
for _, section := range []internal.SymbolSection{
internal.SymbolSectionTypes} {
if sm[section] != nil {
out = append(out, sm[section])
return out
func sortSymbolsGroup(syms []*Symbol) {
sort.Slice(syms, func(i, j int) bool {
return syms[i].Synopsis < syms[j].Synopsis
// ParseVersionsDetails returns a map of versionToNameToUnitSymbol based on
// data from the proovided VersionDetails.
func ParseVersionsDetails(vd VersionsDetails) (map[string]map[string]*internal.UnitSymbol, error) {
versionToNameToSymbol := map[string]map[string]*internal.UnitSymbol{}
for _, vl := range vd.ThisModule {
for _, vs := range vl.Versions {
v := vs.Version
versionToNameToSymbol[v] = map[string]*internal.UnitSymbol{}
for _, syms := range vs.Symbols {
for _, s := range syms {
if s.New {
versionToNameToSymbol[v][s.Name] = unitSymbol(s)
for _, c := range s.Children {
versionToNameToSymbol[v][c.Name] = unitSymbol(c)
return versionToNameToSymbol, nil
// unitSymbol returns an *internal.unitSymbol from the provided *Symbol.
func unitSymbol(s *Symbol) *internal.UnitSymbol {
us := &internal.UnitSymbol{
SymbolMeta: internal.SymbolMeta{
Name: s.Name,
if len(s.Builds) == 0 {
for _, b := range s.Builds {
parts := strings.SplitN(b, "/", 2)
var build internal.BuildContext
switch parts[0] {
case "linux":
build = internal.BuildContextLinux
case "darwin":
build = internal.BuildContextDarwin
case "windows":
build = internal.BuildContextWindows
case "js":
build = internal.BuildContextJS
if us.SupportsBuild(build) {
fmt.Printf("duplicate build context for %q: %v\n", s.Name, build)
return us