blob: 198639804a852892887ba40826da3beaa880c50c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
// A Section represents a collection of lines with a common prefix. The
// collection is itself divided into sections by prefix, forming a tree.
type Section struct {
Prefix string // prefix for this section, or if Subs==nil, a single line
Subs []*Section // subsections
NumLines int // total number of lines in subsections
func newSection(prefix string) *Section {
return &Section{Prefix: prefix, NumLines: 0}
func (s *Section) add(sub *Section) {
s.Subs = append(s.Subs, sub)
if sub.Subs == nil {
} else {
s.NumLines += sub.NumLines
// A prefixFunc returns the next prefix of s, given the current prefix.
// It should return the empty string if there are no more prefixes.
type prefixFunc func(s, prefix string) string
// Sections transforms a list of lines, which must be sorted, into a list
// of Sections. Each Section in the result contains all the contiguous lines
// with the same prefix.
// The nextPrefix function is responsible for extracting prefixes from lines.
func Sections(lines []string, nextPrefix prefixFunc) []*Section {
s, _ := section("", lines, nextPrefix)
return s.Subs
// section collects all lines with the same prefix into a section. It assumes
// that lines is sorted. It returns the section along with the remaining lines.
func section(prefix string, lines []string, nextPrefix prefixFunc) (*Section, []string) {
s := newSection(prefix)
for len(lines) > 0 {
l := lines[0]
if !strings.HasPrefix(l, prefix) {
np := nextPrefix(l, prefix)
var sub *Section
if np == "" {
sub = newSection(l)
lines = lines[1:]
} else {
sub, lines = section(np, lines, nextPrefix)
// Collapse a section with a single subsection, except at top level.
if len(s.Subs) == 1 && prefix != "" {
s = s.Subs[0]
return s, lines
// nextPrefixAccount is a prefixFunc (see above). Its first argument
// is an import path, and its second is the previous prefix that it returned
// for that path, or "" if this is the first prefix.
// nextPrefixAccount tries to return an initial prefix for path
// that consists of the "account": the entity controlling the
// remainder of the path. In the most common case, paths beginning
// with "", the account is the second path element, the GitHub user or org.
// So for example, the first prefix of "" is
// "".
// nextPrefixAccount returns a second prefix that is one path element past the
// account. For paths, this is the repo. Continuing the above example,
// the second prefix is "".
// nextPrefixAccount does not return any prefixes beyond those two.
func nextPrefixAccount(path, pre string) string {
// If the last prefix consisted of the entire path, then
// there is no next prefix.
if path == pre {
return ""
parts := strings.Split(path, "/")
prefix1, acctParts := accountPrefix(parts)
if pre == "" {
return prefix1
if pre == prefix1 {
// Second prefix: one element past the first.
// The +1 is safe because we know that pre is shorter than path from
// the first test of the function.
prefix2 := strings.Join(parts[:len(acctParts)+1], "/")
if prefix2 != path {
prefix2 += "/"
return prefix2
// No more prefixes after the first two.
return ""
// accountPrefix guesses the prefix of the path (split into parts at "/")
// that corresponds to the account.
func accountPrefix(parts []string) (string, []string) {
// TODO(jba): handle repo import paths like "".
var n int // index of account in parts
// The first two cases below handle the special cases that the go command does.
// See "go help importpath".
switch {
case internal.VCSHostWithThreeElementRepoName(parts[0]):
n = 1
case parts[0] == "":
n = 2
// For custom import paths, use the host as the first prefix.
n = 0
if n >= len(parts)-1 {
return strings.Join(parts, "/"), parts
return strings.Join(parts[:n+1], "/") + "/", parts[:n+1]