blob: c608137efd1f13909f020af50ab506af7aa83123 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
type testUnitPage struct {
unit *internal.UnitMeta
name string
wantTitle string
wantType string
wantLabels []string
func TestPageTitlePageTypePageLabels(t *testing.T) {
var tests []*testUnitPage
m := sample.Module("", "v1.0.0", "go/packages", "cmd/godoc")
for _, u := range m.Units {
um := &u.UnitMeta
switch um.Path {
case "":
tests = append(tests, &testUnitPage{um, "module", "tools", pageTypeModule, []string{pageTypeModule}})
case "":
tests = append(tests, &testUnitPage{um, "package", "packages", pageTypePackage, []string{pageTypePackage}})
case "":
tests = append(tests, &testUnitPage{um, "directory", "go/", pageTypeDirectory, []string{pageTypeDirectory}})
case "":
um.Name = "main"
tests = append(tests, &testUnitPage{um, "package", "godoc", pageTypeCommand, []string{pageTypeCommand}})
case "":
tests = append(tests, &testUnitPage{um, "directory", "cmd/", pageTypeDirectory, []string{pageTypeDirectory}})
t.Fatalf("Unexpected path: %q", um.Path)
m2 := sample.Module("", "v1.0.0", "")
m2.Units[0].Name = "main"
tests = append(tests, &testUnitPage{&m2.Units[0].UnitMeta, "module", "gopls", pageTypeCommand, []string{pageTypeCommand, pageTypeModule}})
m3 := sample.Module("", "v3.0.0")
tests = append(tests, &testUnitPage{&m3.Units[0].UnitMeta, "module", "sh", pageTypeModule, []string{pageTypeModule}})
std := sample.Module(stdlib.ModulePath, "v1.0.0", "cmd/go")
for _, u := range std.Units {
um := &u.UnitMeta
switch um.Path {
case stdlib.ModulePath:
tests = append(tests, &testUnitPage{um, "module std", "Standard library", pageTypeModuleStd, nil})
case "cmd":
tests = append(tests, &testUnitPage{um, "directory cmd", "cmd/", pageTypeDirectory, []string{pageTypeDirectory, pageTypeStdlib}})
case "cmd/go":
um.Name = "main"
tests = append(tests, &testUnitPage{um, "command go", "go", pageTypeCommand, []string{pageTypeCommand, pageTypeStdlib}})
t.Fatalf("Unexpected path: %q", um.Path)
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
gotTitle := pageTitle(test.unit)
if gotTitle != test.wantTitle {
t.Errorf("pageTitle(%q): %q; want = %q", test.unit.Path, gotTitle, test.wantTitle)
gotType := pageType(test.unit)
if gotType != test.wantType {
t.Errorf("pageType(%q): %q; want = %q", test.unit.Path, gotType, test.wantType)
gotLabels := pageLabels(test.unit)
if diff := cmp.Diff(test.wantLabels, gotLabels); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatch on pageLabels (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
func TestAbsoluteTime(t *testing.T) {
now := sample.NowTruncated()
testCases := []struct {
name string
date time.Time
absoluteTime string
name: "today",
date: now.Add(time.Hour),
absoluteTime: now.Add(time.Hour).Format("Jan _2, 2006"),
name: "a_week_ago",
date: now.Add(time.Hour * 24 * -5),
absoluteTime: now.Add(time.Hour * 24 * -5).Format("Jan _2, 2006"),
name: "zero time",
date: time.Time{},
absoluteTime: "unknown",
for _, test := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
absoluteTime := absoluteTime(
if absoluteTime != test.absoluteTime {
t.Errorf("absoluteTime(%q) = %s, want %s",, absoluteTime, test.absoluteTime)