
The frontend presents user-facing web pages on

For additional information on functionality of the frontend, see the design document.


The main program lives in cmd/frontend. The bulk of the code lives in internal/frontend.

See for instructions how to enable experiments.


You can run the frontend locally like so:

go run ./cmd/frontend [-dev] [-direct_proxy] [-local .]
  • The -dev flag reloads templates on each page load.

The frontend can use one of three datasources:

  • Postgres database
  • Proxy service
  • Local filesystem

The Datasource interface implementation is available at internal/datasource.go.

You can use the -direct_proxy flag to run the frontend with its datasource as the proxy service. This allows you to run the frontend without setting up a postgres database.

Alternatively, you can run with a local database. See instructions on how to set up and populate your local database with packages of your choice.

You can then run the frontend with: go run ./cmd/frontend

You can also use -local flag to run the frontend with an in-memory datasource populated with modules loaded from your local filesystem. This allows you to run the frontend without setting up a database and to view documentation of local modules without requiring a proxy. -local accepts a GOPATH-like string containing paths of modules to load into memory.

If you add, change or remove any inline scripts in templates, run devtools/cmd/csphash to update the hashes. Running all.bash will do that as well.


Pages on have accessibility tree and image snapshot tests. These tests will create diffs for inspection on failure. Timeouts and diff thresholds are configurable for image snapshots if adjustments are needed to prevent test flake. See the API for jest image snapshots for more information.

To run the tests locally, start the pkgsite server and then run ./devtools/ run test-e2e

Compiling JS sources

The frontend serves compiled and minified JS. If you're modifying any JS code, make sure to run devtools/ for the changes to take effect. This script will require Docker to be installed.