blob: afabba2a0fd074eec9ecb96a15bbf80e19617427 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package table
import (
// GroupID identifies a group. GroupIDs form a tree, rooted at
// RootGroupID (which is also the zero GroupID).
type GroupID struct {
// RootGroupID is the root of the GroupID tree.
var RootGroupID = GroupID{}
type groupNode struct {
parent GroupID
label interface{}
// String returns the path to GroupID g in the form "/l1/l2/l3". If g
// is RootGroupID, it returns "/". Each level in the group is formed
// by formatting the label using fmt's "%v" verb. Note that this is
// purely diagnostic; this string may not uniquely identify g.
func (g GroupID) String() string {
if g == RootGroupID {
return "/"
parts := []string{}
for p := g; p != RootGroupID; p = p.parent {
part := fmt.Sprintf("/%v", p.label)
parts = append(parts, part)
for i, j := 0, len(parts)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
parts[i], parts[j] = parts[j], parts[i]
return strings.Join(parts, "")
// Extend returns a new GroupID that is a child of GroupID g. The
// returned GroupID will not be equal to any existing GroupID (even if
// label is not unique among g's children). The label is primarily
// diagnostic; the table package uses it only when printing tables,
// but callers may store semantic information in group labels.
func (g GroupID) Extend(label interface{}) GroupID {
return GroupID{&groupNode{g, label}}
// Parent returns the parent of g. The parent of RootGroupID is
// RootGroupID.
func (g GroupID) Parent() GroupID {
if g == RootGroupID {
return RootGroupID
return g.parent
// Label returns the label of g.
func (g GroupID) Label() interface{} {
return g.label
// GroupBy sub-divides all groups such that all of the rows in each
// group have equal values for all of the named columns. The relative
// order of rows with equal values for the named columns is
// maintained. Grouped-by columns become constant columns within each
// group.
func GroupBy(g Grouping, cols ...string) Grouping {
// TODO: This would generate much less garbage if we grouped
// all of cols in one pass.
// TODO: This constructs one slice per column per input group,
// but it would be even better if it constructed just one
// slice per column.
if len(cols) == 0 {
return g
var out GroupingBuilder
for _, gid := range g.Tables() {
t := g.Table(gid)
if cv, ok := t.Const(cols[0]); ok {
// Grouping by a constant is trivial.
subgid := gid.Extend(cv)
out.Add(subgid, t)
c := t.MustColumn(cols[0])
// Create an index on c.
type subgroupInfo struct {
key interface{}
rows []int
subgroups := []subgroupInfo{}
keys := make(map[interface{}]int)
seq := reflect.ValueOf(c)
for i := 0; i < seq.Len(); i++ {
x := seq.Index(i).Interface()
sg, ok := keys[x]
if !ok {
sg = len(subgroups)
subgroups = append(subgroups, subgroupInfo{x, []int{}})
keys[x] = sg
subgroup := &subgroups[sg]
subgroup.rows = append(subgroup.rows, i)
// Count rows in each subgroup.
offsets := make([]int, 1+len(subgroups))
for i := range subgroups {
offsets[i+1] = offsets[i] + len(subgroups[i].rows)
// Split each column.
builders := make([]Builder, len(subgroups))
for _, name := range t.Columns() {
if name == cols[0] {
// Promote the group-by column to a
// constant.
for i := range subgroups {
builders[i].AddConst(name, subgroups[i].key)
if cv, ok := t.Const(name); ok {
// Keep constants constant.
for i := range builders {
builders[i].AddConst(name, cv)
// Create a slice for all of the values.
col := t.Column(name)
ncol := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.TypeOf(col), t.Len(), t.Len())
// Shuffle each subgroup into ncol.
for i := range subgroups {
subcol := ncol.Slice(offsets[i], offsets[i+1]).Interface()
slice.SelectInto(subcol, col, subgroups[i].rows)
builders[i].Add(name, subcol)
// Add tables to output Grouping.
for i := range builders {
subgid := gid.Extend(subgroups[i].key)
out.Add(subgid, builders[i].Done())
return GroupBy(out.Done(), cols[1:]...)
// Ungroup concatenates adjacent Tables in g that share a group parent
// into a Table identified by the parent, undoing the effects of the
// most recent GroupBy operation.
func Ungroup(g Grouping) Grouping {
groups := g.Tables()
if len(groups) == 0 || len(groups) == 1 && groups[0] == RootGroupID {
return g
var out GroupingBuilder
runGid := groups[0].Parent()
runTabs := []*Table{}
for _, gid := range groups {
if gid.Parent() != runGid {
// Flush the run.
out.Add(runGid, concatRows(runTabs...))
runGid = gid.Parent()
runTabs = runTabs[:0]
runTabs = append(runTabs, g.Table(gid))
// Flush the last run.
out.Add(runGid, concatRows(runTabs...))
return out.Done()
// Flatten concatenates all of the groups in g into a single Table.
// This is equivalent to repeatedly Ungrouping g.
func Flatten(g Grouping) *Table {
groups := g.Tables()
switch len(groups) {
case 0:
return new(Table)
case 1:
return g.Table(groups[0])
tabs := make([]*Table, len(groups))
for i, gid := range groups {
tabs[i] = g.Table(gid)
return concatRows(tabs...)
// concatRows concatenates the rows of tabs into a single Table. All
// Tables in tabs must all have the same column set.
func concatRows(tabs ...*Table) *Table {
// TODO: Consider making this public. It would have to check
// the columns, and we would probably also want a concatCols.
switch len(tabs) {
case 0:
return new(Table)
case 1:
return tabs[0]
// Construct each column.
var out Builder
seqs := make([]slice.T, len(tabs))
for _, col := range tabs[0].Columns() {
seqs = seqs[:0]
for _, tab := range tabs {
seqs = append(seqs, tab.Column(col))
out.Add(col, slice.Concat(seqs...))
return out.Done()