blob: 46364a81033c9f309939d512dc314571de093752 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ggstat
import (
// ECDF constructs an empirical CDF from a set of samples.
// X is the only required field. All other fields have reasonable
// default zero values.
// The result of ECDF has three columns in addition to constant
// columns from the input. The names of the columns depend on whether
// Label is "".
// - Column X is the points at which the CDF changes (a subset of the
// samples).
// - Column "cumulative density" or "cumulative density of <label>" is
// the cumulative density estimate.
// - Column "cumulative count" (if W and Label are ""), "cumulative
// weight" (if W is not "", but Label is "") or "cumulative <label>"
// (if Label is not "") is the cumulative count or weight of samples.
// That is, cumulative density times the total weight of the samples.
type ECDF struct {
// X is the name of the column to use for samples.
X string
// W is the optional name of the column to use for sample
// weights. It may be "" to uniformly weight samples.
W string
// Label, if not "", gives a label for the samples. It is used
// to construct more specific names for the output columns. It
// should be a plural noun.
Label string
// Domain specifies the domain of the returned ECDF. If the
// domain is wider than the bounds of the data in a group,
// ECDF will add a point below the smallest sample and above
// the largest sample to make the 0 and 1 levels clear. If
// Domain is nil, it defaults to DomainData{}.
Domain FunctionDomainer
func (s ECDF) F(g table.Grouping) table.Grouping {
// Set defaults.
if s.Domain == nil {
s.Domain = DomainData{}
// Construct output column names.
dname, cname := "cumulative density", "cumulative count"
if s.Label != "" {
dname += " of " + s.Label
cname = "cumulative " + s.Label
} else if s.W != "" {
cname = "cumulative weight"
g = table.SortBy(g, s.X)
domain := s.Domain.FunctionDomain(g, s.X)
return table.MapTables(g, func(gid table.GroupID, t *table.Table) *table.Table {
// Get input columns.
var xs, ws []float64
slice.Convert(&xs, t.MustColumn(s.X))
if s.W != "" {
slice.Convert(&ws, t.MustColumn(s.W))
// Ignore empty tables.
if len(xs) == 0 {
nt := new(table.Builder).Add(s.X, []float64{}).Add(cname, []float64{}).Add(dname, []float64{})
preserveConsts(nt, t)
return nt.Done()
// Get domain.
min, max := domain(gid)
// Create output columns.
xo, do, co := make([]float64, 0), make([]float64, 0), make([]float64, 0)
if min < xs[0] {
// Extend to the left.
xo = append(xo, min)
do = append(do, 0)
co = append(co, 0)
// Compute total weight.
var total float64
if ws == nil {
total = float64(t.Len())
} else {
total = vec.Sum(ws)
// Create ECDF.
cum := 0.0
for i := 0; i < len(xs); {
j := i
for j < len(xs) && xs[i] == xs[j] {
if ws == nil {
cum += 1
} else {
cum += ws[j]
xo = append(xo, xs[i])
do = append(do, cum/total)
co = append(co, cum)
i = j
if xs[len(xs)-1] < max {
// Extend to the right.
xo = append(xo, max)
do = append(do, 1)
co = append(co, cum)
// Construct results table.
nt := new(table.Builder).Add(s.X, xo).Add(dname, do).Add(cname, co)
preserveConsts(nt, t)
return nt.Done()