blob: 77bb78eb5633fe5645e601d52c78d9ed52b26c7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ggstat
import (
// A FunctionDomainer computes the domain over which to evaluate a
// statistical function.
type FunctionDomainer interface {
// FunctionDomain computes the domain of a particular column
// within a table. It takes a Grouping and a column in that
// Grouping to compute the domain of and returns a function
// that computes the domain for a specific group in the
// Grouping. This makes it possible for FunctionDomain to
// easily compute either Grouping-wide domains, or per-Table
// domains.
// The returned domain may be (NaN, NaN) to indicate that
// there is no data and the domain is vacuous.
FunctionDomain(g table.Grouping, col string) func(gid table.GroupID) (min, max float64)
// DomainFixed is a FunctionDomainer that returns a fixed domain.
type DomainFixed struct {
Min, Max float64
var _ FunctionDomainer = DomainFixed{}
func (r DomainFixed) FunctionDomain(g table.Grouping, col string) func(gid table.GroupID) (min, max float64) {
return func(table.GroupID) (min, max float64) {
return r.Min, r.Max
// DomainData is a FunctionDomainer that computes domains based on the
// bounds of the data.
type DomainData struct {
// Widen expands the domain by Widen times the span of the
// data.
// A value of 1.0 means to use exactly the bounds of the data.
// If Widen is 0, it is treated as 1.1 (that is, widen the
// domain by 10%, or 5% on the left and 5% on the right).
Widen float64
// SplitGroups indicates that each group in the table should
// have a separate domain based on the data in that group
// alone. The default, false, indicates that the domain should
// be based on all of the data in the table combined. This
// makes it possible to stack functions and easier to compare
// them across groups.
SplitGroups bool
var _ FunctionDomainer = DomainData{}
const defaultWiden = 1.1
func (r DomainData) FunctionDomain(g table.Grouping, col string) func(gid table.GroupID) (min, max float64) {
widen := r.Widen
if widen <= 0 {
widen = defaultWiden
var xs []float64
if !r.SplitGroups {
// Compute combined bounds.
gmin, gmax := math.NaN(), math.NaN()
for _, gid := range g.Tables() {
t := g.Table(gid)
slice.Convert(&xs, t.MustColumn(col))
xmin, xmax := stats.Bounds(xs)
if xmin < gmin || math.IsNaN(gmin) {
gmin = xmin
if xmax > gmax || math.IsNaN(gmax) {
gmax = xmax
// Widen bounds.
span := gmax - gmin
gmin, gmax = gmin-span*(widen-1)/2, gmax+span*(widen-1)/2
return func(table.GroupID) (min, max float64) {
return gmin, gmax
return func(gid table.GroupID) (min, max float64) {
// Compute bounds.
slice.Convert(&xs, g.Table(gid).MustColumn(col))
min, max = stats.Bounds(xs)
// Widen bounds.
span := max - min
min, max = min-span*(widen-1)/2, max+span*(widen-1)/2