blob: 65a5f11c6e9422789c8837e652e35a1ecc0e2840 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package benchfmt provides a high-performance reader and writer for
// the Go benchmark format.
// This implements the format documented at
// The reader and writer are structured as streaming operations to
// allow incremental processing and avoid dictating a data model. This
// allows consumers of these APIs to provide their own data model best
// suited to its needs. The reader also performs in-place updates to
// reduce allocation, enabling it to parse millions of benchmark
// results per second on a typical laptop.
// This package is designed to be used with the higher-level packages
// benchunit, benchmath, and benchproc.
package benchfmt
import "bytes"
// A Result is a single benchmark result and all of its measurements.
// Results are designed to be mutated in place and reused to reduce
// allocation.
type Result struct {
// Config is the set of key/value configuration pairs for this result,
// including file and internal configuration. This does not include
// sub-name configuration.
// This slice is mutable, as are the values in the slice.
// Result internally maintains an index of the keys of this slice,
// so callers must use SetConfig to add or delete keys,
// but may modify values in place. There is one exception to this:
// for convenience, new Results can be initialized directly,
// e.g., using a struct literal.
// SetConfig appends new keys to this slice and updates existing ones
// in place. To delete a key, it swaps the deleted key with
// the final slice element. This way, the order of these keys is
// deterministic.
Config []Config
// Name is the full name of this benchmark, including all
// sub-benchmark configuration.
Name Name
// Iters is the number of iterations this benchmark's results
// were averaged over.
Iters int
// Values is this benchmark's measurements and their units.
Values []Value
// configPos maps from Config.Key to index in Config. This
// may be nil, which indicates the index needs to be
// constructed.
configPos map[string]int
// fileName and line record where this Record was read from.
fileName string
line int
// A Config is a single key/value configuration pair.
// This can be a file configuration, which was read directly from
// a benchmark results file; or an "internal" configuration that was
// supplied by tooling.
type Config struct {
Key string
Value []byte
File bool // Set if this is a file configuration key, otherwise internal
// Note: I tried many approaches to Config. Using two strings is nice
// for the API, but forces a lot of allocation in extractors (since
// they either need to convert strings to []byte or vice-versa). Using
// a []byte for Value makes it slightly harder to use, but is good for
// reusing space efficiently (Value is likely to have more distinct
// values than Key) and lets all extractors work in terms of []byte
// views. Making Key a []byte is basically all downside.
// A Value is a single value/unit measurement from a benchmark result.
// Values should be tidied to use base units like "sec" and "B" when
// constructed. Reader ensures this.
type Value struct {
Value float64
Unit string
// OrigValue and OrigUnit, if non-zero, give the original,
// untidied value and unit, typically as read from the
// original input. OrigUnit may be "", indicating that the
// value wasn't transformed.
OrigValue float64
OrigUnit string
// Pos returns the file name and line number of a Result that was read
// by a Reader. For Results that were not read from a file, it returns
// "", 0.
func (r *Result) Pos() (fileName string, line int) {
return r.fileName, r.line
// Clone makes a copy of Result that shares no state with r.
func (r *Result) Clone() *Result {
r2 := &Result{
Config: make([]Config, len(r.Config)),
Name: append([]byte(nil), r.Name...),
Iters: r.Iters,
Values: append([]Value(nil), r.Values...),
fileName: r.fileName,
line: r.line,
for i, cfg := range r.Config {
r2.Config[i].Key = cfg.Key
r2.Config[i].Value = append([]byte(nil), cfg.Value...)
r2.Config[i].File = cfg.File
return r2
// SetConfig sets configuration key to value, overriding or
// adding the configuration as necessary, and marks it internal.
// If value is "", SetConfig deletes key.
func (r *Result) SetConfig(key, value string) {
if value == "" {
} else {
cfg := r.ensureConfig(key, false)
cfg.Value = append(cfg.Value[:0], value...)
// ensureConfig returns the Config for key, creating it if necessary.
// This sets Key and File of the returned Config, but it's up to the caller to
// set Value. We take this approach because some callers have strings and others
// have []byte, so leaving this to the caller avoids allocation in one of these
// cases.
func (r *Result) ensureConfig(key string, file bool) *Config {
pos, ok := r.ConfigIndex(key)
if ok {
cfg := &r.Config[pos]
cfg.File = file
return cfg
// Add key. Reuse old space if possible.
r.configPos[key] = len(r.Config)
if len(r.Config) < cap(r.Config) {
r.Config = r.Config[:len(r.Config)+1]
cfg := &r.Config[len(r.Config)-1]
cfg.Key = key
cfg.File = file
return cfg
r.Config = append(r.Config, Config{key, nil, file})
return &r.Config[len(r.Config)-1]
func (r *Result) deleteConfig(key string) {
pos, ok := r.ConfigIndex(key)
if !ok {
// Delete key.
cfg := &r.Config[pos]
cfg2 := &r.Config[len(r.Config)-1]
*cfg, *cfg2 = *cfg2, *cfg
r.configPos[cfg.Key] = pos
r.Config = r.Config[:len(r.Config)-1]
delete(r.configPos, key)
// GetConfig returns the value of a configuration key,
// or "" if not present.
func (r *Result) GetConfig(key string) string {
pos, ok := r.ConfigIndex(key)
if !ok {
return ""
return string(r.Config[pos].Value)
// ConfigIndex returns the index in r.Config of key.
func (r *Result) ConfigIndex(key string) (pos int, ok bool) {
if r.configPos == nil {
// This is a fresh Result. Construct the index.
r.configPos = make(map[string]int)
for i, cfg := range r.Config {
r.configPos[cfg.Key] = i
pos, ok = r.configPos[key]
// Value returns the measurement for the given unit.
func (r *Result) Value(unit string) (float64, bool) {
for _, v := range r.Values {
if v.Unit == unit {
return v.Value, true
return 0, false
// A Name is a full benchmark name, including all sub-benchmark
// configuration.
type Name []byte
// String returns the full benchmark name as a string.
func (n Name) String() string {
return string(n)
// Full returns the full benchmark name as a []byte. This is simply
// the value of n, but helps with code readability.
func (n Name) Full() []byte {
return n
// Base returns the base part of a full benchmark name, without any
// configuration keys or GOMAXPROCS.
func (n Name) Base() []byte {
slash := bytes.IndexByte(n.Full(), '/')
if slash >= 0 {
return n[:slash]
base, _ := n.splitGomaxprocs()
return base
// Parts splits a benchmark name into the base name and sub-benchmark
// configuration parts. Each sub-benchmark configuration part is one
// of three forms:
// 1. "/<key>=<value>" indicates a key/value configuration pair.
// 2. "/<string>" indicates a positional configuration pair.
// 3. "-<gomaxprocs>" indicates the GOMAXPROCS of this benchmark. This
// component can only appear last.
// Concatenating the base name and the configuration parts
// reconstructs the full name.
func (n Name) Parts() (baseName []byte, parts [][]byte) {
// First pull off any GOMAXPROCS.
buf, gomaxprocs := n.splitGomaxprocs()
// Split the remaining parts.
var nameParts [][]byte
prev := 0
for i, c := range buf {
if c == '/' {
nameParts = append(nameParts, buf[prev:i])
prev = i
nameParts = append(nameParts, buf[prev:])
if gomaxprocs != nil {
nameParts = append(nameParts, gomaxprocs)
return nameParts[0], nameParts[1:]
func (n Name) splitGomaxprocs() (prefix, gomaxprocs []byte) {
for i := len(n) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if n[i] == '-' && i < len(n)-1 {
return n[:i], n[i:]
if !('0' <= n[i] && n[i] <= '9') {
// Not a digit.
return n, nil