blob: 14a8f4f03359ef9d45491502da6fff9acd93efb3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package table
import (
// Concat returns the concatenation of the rows in each matching group
// across gs. All Groupings in gs must have the same set of columns
// (though they need not be in the same order; the column order from
// gs[0] will be used). The GroupIDs in the returned Grouping will be
// the union of the GroupIDs in gs.
func Concat(gs ...Grouping) Grouping {
if len(gs) == 0 {
return new(Table)
// Check that all Groupings have the same set of columns. They
// can be in different orders.
colSet := map[string]bool{}
for _, col := range gs[0].Columns() {
colSet[col] = true
for i, g2 := range gs[1:] {
diff := len(g2.Columns()) != len(colSet)
if !diff {
for _, col := range g2.Columns() {
if !colSet[col] {
diff = true
if diff {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("columns in Groupings 0 and %d differ: %q vs %q", i+1, gs[0].Columns(), g2.Columns()))
// Collect group IDs.
haveGID := map[GroupID]bool{}
gids := []GroupID{}
for _, g := range gs {
for _, gid := range g.Tables() {
if haveGID[gid] {
haveGID[gid] = true
gids = append(gids, gid)
// Build output groups.
var ng GroupingBuilder
for _, gid := range gids {
// Build output table.
var nt Builder
var cols []slice.T
for _, col := range gs[0].Columns() {
// Is it constant?
isConst := false
var cv interface{}
for _, g := range gs {
t := g.Table(gid)
if t == nil {
if cv1, ok := t.Const(col); ok {
if !isConst {
isConst = true
cv = cv1
} else if cv != cv1 {
isConst = false
} else {
isConst = false
if isConst {
nt.AddConst(col, cv)
// Not a constant. Collect slices.
for _, g := range gs {
t := g.Table(gid)
if t == nil {
cols = append(cols, t.Column(col))
nt.Add(col, slice.Concat(cols...))
cols = cols[:0]
ng.Add(gid, nt.Done())
return ng.Done()