blob: 46442464c2266d1cd79498c02308aa746824a9ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ggstat
import (
// Normalize normalizes each group such that some data point is 1.
// Either X or Index is required (though 0 is a reasonable value of
// Index).
// The result of Normalize is the same as the input table, plus
// additional columns for each normalized column. These columns will
// be named "normalized <col>" where <col> is the name of the original
// column and will have type []float64.
type Normalize struct {
// X is the name of the column to use to find the denominator
// row. If X is "", Index is used instead.
X string
// Index is the row index of the denominator row if X is ""
// (otherwise it is ignored). Index may be negative, in which
// case it is added to the number of rows (e.g., -1 is the
// last row).
Index int
// By is a function func([]T) int that returns the index of
// the denominator row given column X. By may be nil, in which
// case it defaults to generic.ArgMin.
By interface{}
// Cols is a slice of the names of columns to normalize
// relative to the corresponding DenomCols value in the
// denominator row. Cols may be nil, in which case it defaults
// to all integral and floating point columns.
Cols []string
// DenomCols is a slice of the names of columns used as the
// demoninator. DenomCols may be nil, in which case it
// defaults to Cols (i.e. each column will be normalized to
// the value from that column in the denominator row.)
// Otherwise, DenomCols must be the same length as Cols.
DenomCols []string
func (s Normalize) F(g table.Grouping) table.Grouping {
// Find the columns to normalize.
if s.Cols == nil {
cols := []string{}
for i, ct := range colTypes(g) {
if canNormalize(ct.Elem().Kind()) {
cols = append(cols, g.Columns()[i])
s.Cols = cols
if len(s.Cols) == 0 {
return g
// Construct new column names.
newcols := make([]string, len(s.Cols))
for i, col := range s.Cols {
newcols[i] = "normalized " + col
// Get "by" function.
var byv reflect.Value
byargs := make([]reflect.Value, 1)
if s.By != nil {
byv = reflect.ValueOf(s.By)
// TODO: Type check byv better.
return table.MapTables(g, func(_ table.GroupID, t *table.Table) *table.Table {
if t.Len() == 0 {
return t
// Find the denominator row.
var drow int
if s.X == "" {
drow = s.Index
if drow < 0 {
drow += t.Len()
} else {
xs := t.MustColumn(s.X)
if s.By == nil {
drow = slice.ArgMin(xs)
} else {
byargs[0] = reflect.ValueOf(xs)
byout := byv.Call(byargs)
drow = int(byout[0].Int())
// Normalize columns.
newt := table.NewBuilder(t)
denomCols := s.DenomCols
if denomCols == nil {
denomCols = s.Cols
for coli, col := range s.Cols {
denom := denomValue(t.MustColumn(denomCols[coli]), drow)
out := normalizeTo(t.MustColumn(col), denom)
newt.Add(newcols[coli], out)
return newt.Done()
func colTypes(g table.Grouping) []reflect.Type {
cts := make([]reflect.Type, len(g.Columns()))
for i, col := range g.Columns() {
cts[i] = table.ColType(g, col)
return cts
var canNormalizeKinds = map[reflect.Kind]bool{
reflect.Float32: true,
reflect.Float64: true,
reflect.Int: true,
reflect.Int8: true,
reflect.Int16: true,
reflect.Int32: true,
reflect.Int64: true,
reflect.Uint: true,
reflect.Uintptr: true,
reflect.Uint8: true,
reflect.Uint16: true,
reflect.Uint32: true,
reflect.Uint64: true,
func canNormalize(k reflect.Kind) bool {
return canNormalizeKinds[k]
func denomValue(s interface{}, index int) float64 {
switch s := s.(type) {
case []float64:
return s[index]
return reflect.ValueOf(s).Index(index).Convert(float64Type).Float()
func normalizeTo(s interface{}, denom float64) interface{} {
switch s := s.(type) {
case []float64:
out := make([]float64, len(s))
for i, numer := range s {
out[i] = numer / denom
return out
sv := reflect.ValueOf(s)
out := reflect.MakeSlice(float64SliceType, sv.Len(), sv.Len())
for i, len := 0, sv.Len(); i < len; i++ {
numer := sv.Index(i).Convert(float64Type).Float()
out.Index(i).SetFloat(numer / denom)
return out.Interface()