blob: 072d621dd6953e7e03c2abe018c830a164eb528f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ggstat
import (
// TODO: AggFirst, AggTukey. StdDev?
// Agg constructs an Aggregate transform from a grouping column and a
// set of Aggregators.
// TODO: Does this belong in ggstat? The specific aggregator functions
// probably do, but the concept could go in package table.
func Agg(xs ...string) func(aggs ...Aggregator) Aggregate {
return func(aggs ...Aggregator) Aggregate {
return Aggregate{xs, aggs}
// Aggregate computes aggregate functions of a table grouped by
// distinct values of a column or set of columns.
// Aggregate first groups the table by the Xs columns. Each of these
// groups produces a single row in the output table, where the unique
// value of each of the Xs columns appears in the output row, along
// with constant columns from the input, as well as any columns that
// have a unique value within every group (they're "effectively"
// constant). Additional columns in the output row are produced by
// applying the Aggregator functions to the group.
type Aggregate struct {
// Xs is the list column names to group values by before
// computing aggregate functions.
Xs []string
// Aggregators is the set of Aggregator functions to apply to
// each group of values.
Aggregators []Aggregator
// An Aggregator is a function that aggregates each group of input
// into one row and adds it to output. It may be based on multiple
// columns from input and may add multiple columns to output.
type Aggregator func(input table.Grouping, output *table.Builder)
func (s Aggregate) F(g table.Grouping) table.Grouping {
isConst := make([]bool, len(g.Columns()))
for i := range isConst {
isConst[i] = true
subgroups := map[table.GroupID]table.Grouping{}
for _, gid := range g.Tables() {
g := table.GroupBy(g.Table(gid), s.Xs...)
subgroups[gid] = g
for i, col := range g.Columns() {
if !isConst[i] {
// Can this column be promoted to constant?
for _, gid2 := range g.Tables() {
t := g.Table(gid2)
isConst[i] = isConst[i] && checkConst(t, col)
return table.MapTables(g, func(_ table.GroupID, t *table.Table) *table.Table {
g := table.GroupBy(t, s.Xs...)
var nt table.Builder
// Construct X columns.
rows := len(g.Tables())
for colidx, xcol := range s.Xs {
xs := reflect.MakeSlice(table.ColType(t, xcol), rows, rows)
for i, gid := range g.Tables() {
for j := 0; j < len(s.Xs)-colidx-1; j++ {
gid = gid.Parent()
nt.Add(xcol, xs.Interface())
// Apply Aggregators.
for _, agg := range s.Aggregators {
agg(g, &nt)
// Keep constant and effectively constant columns.
for i := range isConst {
col := t.Columns()[i]
if !isConst[i] || nt.Has(col) {
if cv, ok := t.Const(col); ok {
nt.AddConst(col, cv)
ncol := reflect.MakeSlice(table.ColType(t, col), len(g.Tables()), len(g.Tables()))
for i, gid := range g.Tables() {
v := reflect.ValueOf(g.Table(gid).Column(col))
nt.Add(col, ncol.Interface())
return nt.Done()
func checkConst(t *table.Table, col string) bool {
if _, ok := t.Const(col); ok {
return true
v := reflect.ValueOf(t.Column(col))
if v.Len() <= 1 {
return true
if !v.Type().Elem().Comparable() {
return false
elem := v.Index(0).Interface()
for i, l := 1, v.Len(); i < l; i++ {
if elem != v.Index(i).Interface() {
return false
return true
// AggCount returns an aggregate function that computes the number of
// rows in each group. The resulting column will be named label, or
// "count" if label is "".
func AggCount(label string) Aggregator {
if label == "" {
label = "count"
return func(input table.Grouping, b *table.Builder) {
counts := make([]int, 0, len(input.Tables()))
for _, gid := range input.Tables() {
counts = append(counts, input.Table(gid).Len())
b.Add(label, counts)
// AggMean returns an aggregate function that computes the mean of
// each of cols. The resulting columns will be named "mean <col>" and
// will have the same type as <col>.
func AggMean(cols ...string) Aggregator {
return aggFn(stats.Mean, "mean ", cols...)
// AggGeoMean returns an aggregate function that computes the
// geometric mean of each of cols. The resulting columns will be named
// "geomean <col>" and will have the same type as <col>.
func AggGeoMean(cols ...string) Aggregator {
return aggFn(stats.GeoMean, "geomean ", cols...)
// AggMin returns an aggregate function that computes the minimum of
// each of cols. The resulting columns will be named "min <col>" and
// will have the same type as <col>.
func AggMin(cols ...string) Aggregator {
min := func(xs []float64) float64 {
x, _ := stats.Bounds(xs)
return x
return aggFn(min, "min ", cols...)
// AggMax returns an aggregate function that computes the maximum of
// each of cols. The resulting columns will be named "max <col>" and
// will have the same type as <col>.
func AggMax(cols ...string) Aggregator {
max := func(xs []float64) float64 {
_, x := stats.Bounds(xs)
return x
return aggFn(max, "max ", cols...)
// AggSum returns an aggregate function that computes the sum of each
// of cols. The resulting columns will be named "sum <col>" and will
// have the same type as <col>.
func AggSum(cols ...string) Aggregator {
return aggFn(vec.Sum, "sum ", cols...)
// AggQuantile returns an aggregate function that computes a quantile
// of each of cols. quantile has a range of [0,1]. The resulting
// columns will be named "<prefix> <col>" and will have the same type
// as <col>.
func AggQuantile(prefix string, quantile float64, cols ...string) Aggregator {
// "prefix" could be autogenerated (e.g. fmt.Sprintf("p%g ",
// quantile * 100)), but then the caller would need to do the
// same fmt.Sprintf to compute the column name they had just
// created. Perhaps Aggregator should provide a way to find
// the generated column names.
return aggFn(func(data []float64) float64 {
return stats.Sample{Xs: data}.Quantile(quantile)
}, prefix+" ", cols...)
func aggFn(f func([]float64) float64, prefix string, cols ...string) Aggregator {
ocols := make([]string, len(cols))
for i, col := range cols {
ocols[i] = prefix + col
return func(input table.Grouping, b *table.Builder) {
for coli, col := range cols {
means := make([]float64, 0, len(input.Tables()))
var xs []float64
var ct reflect.Type
for i, gid := range input.Tables() {
v := input.Table(gid).MustColumn(col)
if i == 0 {
ct = reflect.TypeOf(v)
slice.Convert(&xs, v)
means = append(means, f(xs))
if ct == float64SliceType {
b.Add(ocols[coli], means)
} else {
// Convert means back to the type of col.
outptr := reflect.New(ct)
slice.Convert(outptr.Interface(), means)
b.Add(ocols[coli], outptr.Elem().Interface())
// AggUnique returns an aggregate function retains the unique value of
// each of cols within each aggregate group, or panics if some group
// contains more than one value for one of these columns.
// Note that Aggregate will automatically retain columns that happen
// to be unique. AggUnique can be used to enforce at aggregation time
// that certain columns *must* be unique (and get a nice error if they
// are not).
func AggUnique(cols ...string) Aggregator {
return func(input table.Grouping, b *table.Builder) {
if len(cols) == 0 {
if len(input.Tables()) == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown column: %q", cols[0]))
for _, col := range cols {
ctype := table.ColType(input, col)
rows := len(input.Tables())
vs := reflect.MakeSlice(ctype, rows, rows)
for i, gid := range input.Tables() {
// Get values in this column.
xs := reflect.ValueOf(input.Table(gid).MustColumn(col))
// Check for uniqueness.
if xs.Len() == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot AggUnique empty column %q", col))
uniquev := xs.Index(0)
unique := uniquev.Interface()
for i, len := 1, xs.Len(); i < len; i++ {
other := xs.Index(i).Interface()
if unique != other {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("column %q is not unique; contains at least %v and %v", col, unique, other))
// Store unique value.
// Add unique values slice to output table.
b.Add(col, vs.Interface())